Papers by abubakar yahaya

Aacl Bioflux, 2013
Gamete from Heterobranchus bidorsalis (Hb), Heterobranchus longifilis (Hl) and Exotic Dutch Clari... more Gamete from Heterobranchus bidorsalis (Hb), Heterobranchus longifilis (Hl) and Exotic Dutch Clarias (EC) were used to fertilize eggs from female Exotic Dutch Clarias to produce pure Exotic Dutch Clarias and its paternal hybrids in other to assess their induced spawning, survival and growth potentials in the hatchery. The female and males were induced with Ovatide at 0.2 mL kg and 0.1 mL kg body weight respectively and fertilized in triplicate. Hatchlings of each cross were stocked at 500 hatchlings per plastic bowls in a completely randomized design and reared on decapsulated Artemia for four weeks. The percent fertilization was highest (92.67±1.76) in cross EC♂ x EC♀ and was statistically not significant from other crosses (p > 0.05). Highest (42.25±3.82) percent hatchability was obtained in cross Hb♂ x EC♀ but significantly not different (p > 0.05) from other crosses. Cross (Hl♂ x EC♀) showed significantly (p < 0.05) poor survival (35.93±4.23) compared to crosses EC♂ x EC...

Eight 40% crude protein diets with approximately 3000KCal/Kg metabolizable energy were formulated... more Eight 40% crude protein diets with approximately 3000KCal/Kg metabolizable energy were formulated for juvenile catfish. Four test ingredients (Rice milling, Millet Offal, Wheat offal and Brewer's Dry Grain) were used as binders, such that Diets 1, 3, 5 and 7 contained each of the binders respectively, while Diets 2, 4, 6 and 8 contained each of the binders with baker's yeast as a water stability enhancer. The influence of these binders and the inclusion of yeast was tested on the physical characteristics, floatation and water stability of each compounded diet. Diet 6 (Wheat offal + Yeast) had the best expansion (50.00±0.00) as well as floatation (16.67±5.77 after 20minutes in water), this was followed by Diet 2 (Rice Bran + Yeast) with expansion (33.33±14.43) and floatation (13.33±5.77 within 10 minutes). Diet 1 however recorded the least water absorption (39.77±1.74) and thus the best water stability (90.92±1.89) among the test ingredients. Diets with yeast generally had significantly higher expansion but less water stability. Diet with wheat offal supports floatation best among the test ingredients while Rice Bran facilitates water stability. Also, the inclusion of yeast enhanced floatation. It was therefore recommended that wheat offal and rice bran can be added in fish feed to enhance floatation and water stability of pellets.

Eight 40% crude protein diets with approximately 3000KCal/Kg metabolizable energy were formulated... more Eight 40% crude protein diets with approximately 3000KCal/Kg metabolizable energy were formulated for juvenile catfish. Four test ingredients (Rice milling, Millet Offal, Wheat offal and Brewer's Dry Grain) were used as binders, such that Diets 1, 3, 5 and 7 contained each of the binders respectively, while Diets 2, 4, 6 and 8 contained each of the binders with baker's yeast as a water stability enhancer. The influence of these binders and the inclusion of yeast was tested on the physical characteristics, floatation and water stability of each compounded diet. Diet 6 (Wheat offal + Yeast) had the best expansion (50.00±0.00) as well as floatation (16.67±5.77 after 20minutes in water), this was followed by Diet 2 (Rice Bran + Yeast) with expansion (33.33±14.43) and floatation (13.33±5.77 within 10 minutes). Diet 1 however recorded the least water absorption (39.77±1.74) and thus the best water stability (90.92±1.89) among the test ingredients. Diets with yeast generally had significantly higher expansion but less water stability. Diet with wheat offal supports floatation best among the test ingredients while Rice Bran facilitates water stability. Also, the inclusion of yeast enhanced floatation. It was therefore recommended that wheat offal and rice bran can be added in fish feed to enhance floatation and water stability of pellets.
The study examined the challenges of fisheries information to fish farmers in Hadejia, Jigawa Sta... more The study examined the challenges of fisheries information to fish farmers in Hadejia, Jigawa State, Nigeria. Structured questionnaires were administered to a sample size of ninety (90) fish farmers but only data from sixty (60) respondents were analyzed using frequency count and percentage. The analyses of the data revealed availability of the information which is however, not readily accessible because of impeding variables among which are; insufficient agricultural extension officers, lack of use of media, language barrier and the unreliable nature of electricity in Nigeria. It is recommended that fisheries information be packaged to suit the end users (fish farmers) in this geographical region.

Gamete from Heterobranchus bidorsalis (Hb), Heterobranchus longifilis (Hl) and Exotic Dutch Clari... more Gamete from Heterobranchus bidorsalis (Hb), Heterobranchus longifilis (Hl) and Exotic Dutch Clarias (EC) were used to fertilize eggs from female Exotic Dutch Clarias to produce pure Exotic Dutch Clarias and its paternal hybrids in other to assess their induced spawning, survival and growth potentials in the hatchery. The female and males were induced with Ovatide at 0.2 mL kg-1 and 0.1 mL kg-1 body weight respectively and fertilized in triplicate. Hatchlings of each cross were stocked at 500 hatchlings per plastic bowls in a completely randomized design and reared on decapsulated Artemia for four weeks. The percent fertilization was highest (92.67±1.76) in cross EC♂ x EC♀ and was statistically not significant from other crosses (p > 0.05). Highest (42.25±3.82) percent hatchability was obtained in cross Hb♂ x EC♀ but significantly not different (p > 0.05) from other crosses. Cross (Hl♂ x EC♀) showed significantly (p < 0.05) poor survival (35.93±4.23) compared to crosses EC♂ x EC♀ and Hb♂ x EC♀ on decapsulated Artemia. Cross EC♂ x EC♀ had the highest weight gain (0.172±0.003), percent weight gain (17171.0±318.93) and specific growth rate (7.99±0.03) with no significant (p > 0.05) from other crosses. Reproductive performances of the treatments were good while the offspring from cross (EC♂ x EC♀) had the best survival and growth performance.

A B S T R A C T Commercial (Multifeed) diets were fed to Clarias gariepinus fry earlier weaned fr... more A B S T R A C T Commercial (Multifeed) diets were fed to Clarias gariepinus fry earlier weaned from decapsulated Artemia and dried mixed-cultured zooplankton at (3% and 5%) feeding rates each for 21 days, to assess fry survival and growth on the two feeding rate. Dietary treatments were in triplicate, in a completely randomized design. Fry were randomly distributed into 12 aerated, 30litres plastic tanks at a stocking rate of 30 fry per tank. The best percent survival (40.00±31.80) which was not statistically (P>0.05) significant from other treatments was in the fry fed commercial feed at 3% feeding rate, which were weaned on zooplankton. Specific growth rate was not significantly (P>0.05) different but higher (6.37±0.91) in the fry fed commercial feed at 5% feeding rate, earlier fed Artemia at 5% feeding rate. FCR, GFCE, and FE of fry fed commercial feed at 3% feeding rate, which were earlier fed zooplankton, were the best with no significant (P>0.05) differences among the four treatments. The study revealed that the fry earlier fed decapsulated Artemia and those fed dried mixed cultured freshwater zooplankton could be weaned on commercial feed at 3% and 5% feeding rates, with no significant (P<0.05) difference on the fry growth, survival and feed conversion.

A B S T R A C T Artemia and dried zooplankton were fed to four day-old C. gariepinus fry at 3% an... more A B S T R A C T Artemia and dried zooplankton were fed to four day-old C. gariepinus fry at 3% and 5% feeding rates each as first feed. Dietary treatments were in triplicate, in a completely randomized design. Composition of mix-cultured zooplankton showed Rotifera (53.12%) to be dominant. Spawning with ovaprim at 0.5% ml/kg recorded 76% fertilization and 79% hatchability at temperature range of 28 to 30 0 C. The best percentage survival (70.00 ±12.77) was obtained for larvae fed zooplankton at 3% feeding rate. Fry fed Artemia at 5% feeding rate, recorded specific growth rate of 12.68 ±0.64, which was significantly (P <0.05) higher than other three treatments. The condition factors ranged from 3.32 ± 0.09 to 1.73 ± 0.71 and were not significantly different (P > 0.05). Feed conversion ratio was best (0.31 ±0.09) in fry fed zooplankton at 3% feeding rate, and no significant (P >0.05) difference between the treatments. Water temperature ranged from 26.85 0 C to 29.05 0 C pH 7.71 to 7.83. Fry fed dried mixed-freshwater zooplankton diet had highest survival rate and the best growth rate obtained for fry fed Artemia. It was therefore concluded that Clarias gariepinus fry can be fed dried mixed-cultured freshwater zooplankton in event of scarcity and un-affordability of decapsulated Artemia.
Papers by abubakar yahaya