Papers by abid siddiqui

Nature Communications, 2020
Leishmaniasis is a neglected tropical disease caused by Leishmania protozoa transmitted by infect... more Leishmaniasis is a neglected tropical disease caused by Leishmania protozoa transmitted by infected sand flies. Vaccination through leishmanization with live Leishmania major has been used successfully but is no longer practiced because it resulted in occasional skin lesions. A second generation leishmanization is described here using a CRISPR genome edited L. major strain (LmCen−/−). Notably, LmCen−/− is a genetically engineered centrin gene knock-out mutant strain that is antibiotic resistant marker free and does not have detectable off-target mutations. Mice immunized with LmCen−/− have no visible lesions following challenge with L. major-infected sand flies, while non-immunized animals develop large and progressive lesions with a 2-log fold higher parasite burden. LmCen−/− immunization results in protection and an immune response comparable to leishmanization. LmCen−/− is safe since it is unable to cause disease in immunocompromised mice, induces robust host protection against v...
Frontiers in Immunology, 2019
Role of miR-21 in vaccine induced immunity.
Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities, 2017

Interdisciplinary Journal of Environmental and Science Education
In India a multitude of scientific attitude scales are available through various channels. The sc... more In India a multitude of scientific attitude scales are available through various channels. The scales are standardized under local settings and most of the Indian researchers utilize these national level scales for the assessment of scientific attitudes. In this work 23 such Indian scales are reviewed over their psychometric properties. The study showed that most of the scales lack theoretical foundations and psychometric evidences. A scale by Bajwa & Mahajan (2012) is selected over its appropriate theoretical background. But many of the items are inappropriate, they failed in the validity checkup through 11-experts and 218-student tryout. Thus, a new scale is developed by retaining some of the items of the scale. The developed scale is standardized and validated through 200, 312 and 641 student tryouts. All statements in the developed scale show high item to scale correlation values. Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) confirms the five sub-scales namely rationality, curiosity, open-mindedness, aversion to superstition and confidence in scientific method. The Cronbach's alpha coefficient value of the scale is high i.e. 0.79. The scale establishes its content, construct, concurrent and discriminant validities. This study results in to a valid scientific attitude scale that can be utilized in further researches.
Indian Journal of Applied Research, Mar 1, 2015
International Journal of Scientific Research, Mar 1, 2015
International Journal of Science Education

The major thrust of this paper was to study the primary school drop-outs and stay-ins in regard t... more The major thrust of this paper was to study the primary school drop-outs and stay-ins in regard to caste, occupation and educational background of their parents. The Present study was carried-out on the sample of 200 students comprising of 100 drop-outs and 100 stay-ins selected through stratified random sampling method from 80 primary schools of Poonch district. In order to measure the caste, occupation and educational background of drop-outs and stay-ins a standardized Socio-Economic status scale (SES) was used to collect the required information. The collected data was tabulated by using percentage method. The study revealed that majority of students who dropped-out from the schools before completing their elementary education belonged to low caste, occupation and educational background as compared to their stay-ins counterpart. In the end of this paper, some suggestive measures have been put forward by the authors.

The global documented aim of secondary science teac hing is to develop and augment rationality, o... more The global documented aim of secondary science teac hing is to develop and augment rationality, objecti vity, open-mindedness, curiosity, scientific temperament , etc. The development of such qualities helps in th e development of a major quality as scientific attitudes (SAs). And a te cher plays vital roles in not only cognitive but noncognitive developments among the students as well. The presen t work was aimed at finding the impact of teaching effectiveness (TE) and SAs over physics achievement (PA) of senior sec ndary students. The study utilized 309 senior seco ndary students in Shahjahanpur district of Uttar Pradesh, India. The results show good significant correlations among TE & SA and TE & PA, but a weak correlation between SA & PA. And no gendered responses were reported among students SAs and experienced physics TE. While the multiple stepwise regression analysis does not est abli h SAs as a predictive variable of PA and only TE was found to have 18.3% of the total varia...

International Journal of Physical and Social Sciences, 2016
In Indian education system for senior secondary students of any board i.e., central, any universi... more In Indian education system for senior secondary students of any board i.e., central, any university or any state board physics is a core subject. But besides being one of the most important subjects it remains one of the most difficult subjects at school curriculum. The difficulty of a subject may be due to several institutional, psychological, personal, familial, environmental or teacher related factors which effects a student's achievement in any subject. Among these factors, personal factors such as study habits and self-concept play a vital role and are great predicators of a student's achievement in any subject. As study habits include the habitual manners a student plans his study and self-concept is one's own perception about him-self, both could be good predictors of a student's achievement in subject physics as well. The present study is an attempt to study the relation of physics achievement with study habits and self-concept of senior secondary school stud...

Greener Journal of Educational Research, 2018
An increasing pool of research findings in the field of mathematics education indicate the impact... more An increasing pool of research findings in the field of mathematics education indicate the impact of various factors like demographic, individual, instructional, classroom management and evaluation factors on mathematics achievement of the students. The present study aims to study the significant predictors in mathematics achievements among adolescents. Descriptive survey method was used as a research design for the study. The target population of the study was the students studying in senior secondary schools of Moradabad city in Uttar Pradesh (India). A sample of 123 students was randomly selected out of 5 senior secondary C.B.S.E. schools out of which 66 were males and 57 females. The study revealed that Intelligence emerged as the most significant predictor in mathematics achievement among adolescents. This is in consistent to previous researches conducted by Das (1986), Patel (1997), Kasat (1991), Abdulmajeed (1992) and Fernandez (2011), who reported positive relationship between the intelligence and mathematics achievement.
IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 2016

Global Journal For Research Analysis, Feb 1, 2015
An important fact of environment and ecosystem is that everything is related to each other in one... more An important fact of environment and ecosystem is that everything is related to each other in one way or other. Fast urbanization, rapid industrialisation and advancement in technology have lead to the heavy depletion of natural resources deteriorating man's physical, mental and social health. In order to bring back same balance, environmental awareness regarding environmental issues and its sensitivity among population is necessary. Education is a powerful medium for attending the environmental problems, as it reaches to large parts of population & the perception and attitude that a child forms towards environment is likely to be carried out throughout his life. In present empirical work the comparative analysis of gender (male and female), place of residence (urban and rural) and subject background (science and non science) have been made with regard to the environmental awareness level on a sample of 106 undergraduate students of Aligarh. Analysis of the results showed significant differences between all the compared groups ie male & female, Science & non science and urban & rural. Results are discussed in the light of previous researches and suggestions have also been put forward to sensitize the students towards achieving an ecologically sustainable society.

Asian Education Studies, 2016
Background: Indian society constitutes minorities, schedule castes, schedule tribes, and other ba... more Background: Indian society constitutes minorities, schedule castes, schedule tribes, and other backward communities. In order to uplift them through different policies and plans Government of India in consultation with Jammu and Kashmir Government had kept them in reserved (SC, ST, OBC, RBA, ALC) & non-reserved (General/Open) category. Does students belonging to reserved & non-reserved category differ in terms of their academic anxiety has motivated the researcher to approach this problem. Aim: The main objectives of the study were to find out the relationship between academic anxiety, intelligence and study habits of total sample groups and subgroups. To explore category (reserved & non-reserved) and gender (male & female) differences in academic anxiety, intelligence and study habits of total sample groups and subgroups and to find out significance of difference in the mean scores of academic anxiety among all comparative groups under study. Method: A sample of 537 students including 329 reserved categories and 208 non-reserved category students aged between 14-18 years were selected through stratified random sampling technique. Data was collected by administering self-constructed Academic Anxiety Scale bearing dependable validity and reliability, Standardised Group Test of Intelligence by Ahuja (2009) and Study Habits Inventory by Lajwanti, Chandel, & Paliwal. (2013). Results: Academic anxiety was correlated with intelligence and study habits of total sample groups and subgroups under study. On an average students belonging to non-reserved category were higher in academic anxiety scores but were possessing better study habits than reserved categories students. In terms of academic anxiety's mean score differences among all comparative groups under study, only reserved categories females were suffering more from academic anxiety than reserved categories males sample. Conclusion: More research on psychological health of reserved & non-reserved categories students especially in their socio-cultural and political context is needed so as to evolve effective and practical preventive measures. Keywords: academic anxiety, government of india, government of jammu & kashmir, reserved backward area (RBA), actual line of control (ALC)

Paripex - Indian Journal Of Research, 2012
Academic achievement can be described as a successful accomplishment in a particular subject area... more Academic achievement can be described as a successful accomplishment in a particular subject area usually by reasons of skills, hard work, scores or descriptive commentary. The purpose of all academic and non academic activities of the schools is basically to enhance the academic achievement of students. It is influenced by a number of personal, institutional factors and social and economic factors. Personal factors are very important in influencing the academic achievement. Therefore, the present study has analyzed two personal factors i.e study habit and achievement motivation to see its influence on academic achievement. The study has also taken into consideration community (Muslims and non Muslims) and gender variables. The present study was carried out on sample of 278 adolescents studying in class X of Aligarh schools. The study has revealed mixed results which have been presented and interpreted along with some suggestive measures.
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development, 2014

IMPACT-Journals, 2018
The global documented aim of secondary science teaching is to develop and augment rationality, ob... more The global documented aim of secondary science teaching is to develop and augment rationality, objectivity, open-mindedness, curiosity, scientific temperament, etc. The development of such qualities helps in the development of a major quality as scientific attitudes (SAs). And a teacher plays vital roles in not only cognitive but non-cognitive developments among the students as well. The present work was aimed at finding the impact of teaching effectiveness (TE) and SAs over physics achievement (PA) of senior secondary students. The study utilized 309 senior secondary students in Shahjahanpur district of Uttar Pradesh, India. The results show good significant correlations among TE & SA and TE & PA, but a weak correlation between SA & PA. And no gendered responses were reported among students SAs and experienced physics TE. While the multiple stepwise regression analysis does not establish SAs as a predictive variable of PA and only TE was found to have 18.3% of the total variance in students' PA scores.
Conference Presentations by abid siddiqui
The global higher secondary physics teaching has ultimate goal to inculcate & augment higher orde... more The global higher secondary physics teaching has ultimate goal to inculcate & augment higher order thinking (HOT) ubiquitously. The present study concerns analysis of Indian state board higher secondary physics examination questions, for HOT skills. The researchers utilized content analysis followed by peer review methods to analyze & categorize 12 Indian state board physics examination questions in to taxonomy table and questions weighted into different cognitive processes utilizing Krathwohls’ revised Blooms taxonomy. The analysis revealed domination of lower knowledge domains and lower order thinking (LOT) skills and negligence of HOT skills in assessment questions among almost all state board physics examination papers.
Papers by abid siddiqui
Conference Presentations by abid siddiqui