Papers by abdullah taufik

Realita : Jurnal Penelitian dan Kebudayaan Islam
The provision of legal services in the form of a court Posbakum program for PA Kediri is a new pr... more The provision of legal services in the form of a court Posbakum program for PA Kediri is a new program that has never existed before, although it has been mandated by the Act. No. 50 in 2009 on the Religious Courts. For STAIN Kediri, an institutional cooperation program with the PA Kediri is a new program that has never been done before. Therefore, it is important to conduct a research on the cooperation between the LKBH STAIN Kediri and PA Kediri in Posbakum program 2015. This article attempts to explain the implementation of Perma No. 1 in 2014 based on PA Kediri, particularly in Posbakum program, the background of Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the LKBH STAIN Kediri and PA Kediri, and the constraints faced in the institutional cooperation. By using descriptive qualitative approach, the study concluded that the implementation of Posbakum in cooperation between the PA Kediri  and LKBH STAIN run in accordance with the rules of per-law's and adapted to local peculia...

Mahakim: Journal of Islamic Family Law, 2019
Verstek's decision is a decision handed down by the judge without the presence of the defenda... more Verstek's decision is a decision handed down by the judge without the presence of the defendant or respondent at the trial, the principle that the judge is authorized to make a decision or not without the presence of the defendant at the trial so that the judge has facultative rights, in this case referring to article 126 HIR (about verstek) as a reference: 1. The absence of the defendant at the first hearing that authorized the judgeimmediately to decide on the verstek 2. Delay the session and call the defendant once again. In such legal cases / events, the position of the defendant / defendant in the divorce case is always in a weak position, especially if the respondent is a woman, with all her limitations she will always be passive and difficult to provide resistance is most likely caused by the following factors: a. Unclear address; b. The call (relas) for the trial does not arrive; c. Lack of understanding procedures in court proceedings and reluctance to consult; d. More ...

Qawãnïn Journal of Economic Syaria Law, 2019
Cidera janji atau wanprestasi kaitannya dengan tidak memenuhi atau lalai melaksanakan kewajiban s... more Cidera janji atau wanprestasi kaitannya dengan tidak memenuhi atau lalai melaksanakan kewajiban sebagaimana yang ditentukan dalam perjanjian yang dibuat antara kreditur dan debitur, antara hutang-hutangnya sesuai dengan perjanjian yang telah disepakati. Untuk menghindari adanya nasabah cidera janji maka pihak BMT melakukan beberapa strategi seperti halnya pemberian jaminan kredit maka akan memberikan perlindungan keamanan dan kepastian hukum kreditur, dengan cara mengeksekusi benda yang menjadi objek jaminan kredit bank yang bersangkutan. Apabila kemudian hari terjadi wanprestasi dari debiturnya, bank telah mempunyai alat bukti yang lengkap untuk melaksanakan tindakan hukum. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan: a) Mengetahui penyelesaian cidera janji oleh BMT UGT Sidogiri cabang Mojo Kediri, b) Menganalisis penyelesaian cidera janji oleh BMT UGT Sidogiri cabang Mojo Kediri ditinjau dari hukum ekonomi syari’ah. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis ...

Justicia Islamica, 2021
Mediation of divorce is expected to be able to suppress the settlement of the case peacefully. In... more Mediation of divorce is expected to be able to suppress the settlement of the case peacefully. In principle, based on the Elucidation of Law Number 1 of 19 74 concerning Marriage, the purpose of marriage is to form a happy and eternal family. Therefore it is urgent to find mediation pillars in settlement of divorce cases. To find the idea in response to these problems, three approaches: 1) laws and regulations, by examining them that relate with divorce settlement through mediation in religious courts; Supreme Court Regulation Numb. 1 of 2016, Civil Procedure Code. 2) Conceptual approach, from the view of experts/scholars, is used to find ideas by building concepts and arguments according to the issues to be examined to find the efficiency in the implementation of mediation. 3) Philosophy, studying literacy related to the theme of the study to capture philosophical content in finding the pillars of mediation in the study of Islamic civil law. The findings in this study are the pilla...

Journal of Sharia Economics, 2020
Completion of the Syari'ah Economic case is the authority of the Religious Court as stated in... more Completion of the Syari'ah Economic case is the authority of the Religious Court as stated in Article 49 of Act Number 3 of 2006 concerning Judicial Power. This syari'ah economic case Number 0457 / Pdt.G / 2016 / PA.Kdr was submitted by a Syari'ah Bank customer who felt losing because collateral was auctioned by the Syari'ah Bank through the State Wealth and Auction Service Office (KPKNL). If the auction process is carried out, the customer as the Plaintiff will suffer a large loss. On this basis the plaintiff through his legal counsel filed a lawsuit to the Kediri Religious Court. This study used a qualitative approach with normative juridical analysis of the legal documents of the decision of the Kediri Religious Court. This thesis discusses how the basis of legal considerations, the claim of the plaintiffs was declared not accepted (niet ovankelijke verklaard) and the legal implications of the Decision of the Kediri Religious Court Number 0457 / Pdt.G / 2016 / PA....

Qawãnïn Journal of Economic Syaria Law, 2019
Strategi penjualan atau pemasaran adalah suatu seleksi sasaran yang menentukan posisi persaingan ... more Strategi penjualan atau pemasaran adalah suatu seleksi sasaran yang menentukan posisi persaingan dan bauran dalam transaksi jual beli. Dalam strategi yang diterapkan penjualan atau pemasaran di swalayan dapat dibagi menjadi beberapa bentuk: a) Strategi Produk, b) Strategi Harga, c) Strategi Distribusi, d) Strategi Promosi. Swalayan Surya Gondang memiliki dua strategi yang dapat diterapkan, yaitu strategi harga yang terdapat dalam penetapan harga berupa POP (Point of Price) dan strategi promosi terhadap barang tertentu dengan sistem promo terdapat pada barang komoditas. Penetapan harga yang berupa POP (Point of Price) yang terdapat di etalase rak barang komoditas di mana hal tersebut merupakan kesepakatan harga antara pihak swalayan dengan konsumen (pelanggan). Sedangkan strategi yang terjadi pada promosi diterapkan dalam sistem promo dibagi menjadi 10 macam promo (diskon, murah, 3 hari saja, awal bulan, akhir bulan, home care, beauty fair, kitchen fair, kids and baby fair, dan heboh...

Mahakim, 2018
Verstek’s decision is one of the court legal products that can have permanent legal force if ther... more Verstek’s decision is one of the court legal products that can have permanent legal force if there is no resistance effort (Verzet) from the defendant Verstek’s decision was dropped by a judge because the Tegugat (Respondent) who had been summoned should not come without giving reasons that could be justified by law. The verstek decision is based on article 126 HIR (Herzien Inlandsch Reglement) which states; 1. The absence of the defendant at the first hearing immediately gave the judge the authority to decide on the verstek 2. Resign the session and call the defendant once again Verstek’s decision which is an item of civil procedural law in general is also applied in the civil procedure law of the religious court. Therefore, in dealing with civil divorce cases in religious courts, judges can apply the verstek verdict. negative impact on the wife because in the verstek decision the wife is in a weak position, so that with the verstek verdict she has lost her right to defend herself,...

Proceeding of International Conference on Engineering, Technology, and Social Sciences (ICONETOS)
This paper concerns the principles of mediation in the resolution of disputes in the Religious Co... more This paper concerns the principles of mediation in the resolution of disputes in the Religious Courts. Settlement of divorce in a religious court is a part of the procedural procedure in a religious court because divorce case is part of civil law. The settlement follows civil procedural law in general in addition to other provisions stipulated in the procedural law of religious justice. Mediation in a divorce case will assist the parties in resolving and finding a middle ground for the interests of both sides so as not to harm one party and ended up with a win-win solution (mutually beneficial). For this reason, it is necessary to pay attention to the principles in achieving peace efforts, namely; the principle of deliberation, the principle of mutual forgiveness, the principle of respecting others, and the principle of justice.
Papers by abdullah taufik