Papers by abdullah mustafa
Academic Journal of Social Sciences (AJSS ), 2021
Incubation is being used as a mechanism to promote entrepreneurship across the globe. The Pakista... more Incubation is being used as a mechanism to promote entrepreneurship across the globe. The Pakistani universities have also followed this and are establishing incubation centers. However, the success rate is not very encouraging. The IBA incubation program is a unique form of incubation programs as it emphasizes more on the understanding of the entrepreneurial mindset and the effectuation theory before pursuing entrepreneurial journey. This paper describes the IBA incubation fellowship model and its practical application on new startups. The paper analyses the companies who were incubated and identifies the key success factors of these firms. This paper adds to the literature on incubation in Pakistan.

Anak merupakan dambaan setiap rumah tangga yang dibentuk. Anak kadang menjelma menjadi penyejuk b... more Anak merupakan dambaan setiap rumah tangga yang dibentuk. Anak kadang menjelma menjadi penyejuk bahkan kebanggaan dalam rumah tangga. Tapi pada kondisi tertentu anak menjadi beban yang sangat memberatkan sebuah rumah tangga, apabila rumah tangga tersebut tidak ditopang oleh kemanpuan ekonomi yang memadai. Di antara anak yang terlahir dari rumah tangga yang kurang mampu tersebut adalah H. Ia terlahir diri seorang ayah yang bernama AG dan ibu bernama R. Karena ayahnya miskin sementara ibu sakit-jiwa, maka Yayasan Peduli Anak kemudian mengambil alih kepengasuhan H dari orang-tuanya sejak H berumur 5 tahun. Ketika H beranjak umur delapan tahun, muncullah CJ alias AH , umur 29, seorang warga negara Belanda yang mendirikan Yayasan Peduli Anak. CJ sangat tertarik untuk mengasuh H tanpa mau mengangkatnya sebagai anak angkat. Untuk menformalkan hak pengasuhannya, Chaim mengajukan permohonan Pengasuhan anak ke Pengadilan Agama Giri Menang dan terdaftar dalam perkara no: 04/Pdt.P/2010/PA.GM. J...

Mercury sulfide films were deposited on amorphous glass substrates from aqueous solutions by chem... more Mercury sulfide films were deposited on amorphous glass substrates from aqueous solutions by chemical bath deposition method (CBD) at same temperature and different deposition times. Produced layers were post annealed at 250°C about one hour. X-ray diffraction (XRD) was used to study of film’s crystalline structural. Their optical properties were measured by spectrophotometry in the spectra range of 400-850 nm, Kramers-Kronig method was used for the analysis of reflectivity curves of HgS films to obtain the optical constants of films in order to investigation of relation between deposition time and optical properties. According to X-ray diffraction details, all thin films showed crystalline phase with a preferential growth along the (220) planes. Optical results have been shown photolminisance property for HgS produced thin films. By increasing deposition time, the dielectric property, refractive index and band gap values are increased.
Brain Hemorrhages, 2021
Since January 2020 Elsevier has created a COVID-19 resource centre with free information in Engli... more Since January 2020 Elsevier has created a COVID-19 resource centre with free information in English and Mandarin on the novel coronavirus COVID-19. The COVID-19 resource centre is hosted on Elsevier Connect, the company's public news and information website. Elsevier hereby grants permission to make all its COVID-19-related research that is available on the COVID-19 resource centre -including this research content -immediately available in PubMed Central and other publicly funded repositories, such as the WHO COVID database with rights for unrestricted research re-use and analyses in any form or by any means with acknowledgement of the original source. These permissions are granted for free by Elsevier for as long as the COVID-19 resource centre remains active.

III, 2019
This research applies the indigenous entrepreneurship model developed at the center for entrepren... more This research applies the indigenous entrepreneurship model developed at the center for entrepreneurial development at IBA Karachi. This model is based on the pre-effectuation principles and effectuation theory of entrepreneurship. The model is different from the existing utilitarian models. The model signifies the importance of nation-building and family orientation to pursue an entrepreneurial journey. The efficacy of the model has been tested on a sample of 500 young participants (men and women) during the Entrepreneurship Programs. Effectuation and Pre-effectuation have been tested on a sample of 500 participants (including both men and women), and Nation-building and Family orientation is tested amongst the sample of women only. The paper reveals the impact of entrepreneurial mindset training and coaching in Karachi and Faisalabad. For the efficacy of the indigenous entrepreneurship model, the research paper presents the sample case studies.
The Proceedings of the Symposium on the Motion and Vibration Control, 2019

Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 2019
Ultrasonic motors (USM) have great potential to become the actuators of the next generation. Howe... more Ultrasonic motors (USM) have great potential to become the actuators of the next generation. However, the current control schemes of USM are still suffering from some shortcomings including limitation of output speed and torque range, and excessive heat generation. Driving schemes based solely on frequency control suffer from reduced efficiencies across most of its operation band due to having a single optimum driving frequency around resonance. In this paper, the effect of preload on USM driving characteristics was demonstrated and it was clarified that preload can affect the driving efficiency, resonance frequency, and output power range. Dynamic preload control has, thus, been proposed as a supplementary controller besides frequency control to enhance the USM performance. The results show that compared to static preload, dynamic preload can expand the output power range of USM (up to 5 W) while keeping a maximum driving efficiency (up to 22%).

Hepato-gastroenterology, 2014
To study the safety and survival outcome of surgical management for elderly gastric cancer patien... more To study the safety and survival outcome of surgical management for elderly gastric cancer patients. Methods: Patients proven of gastric cancer who aged ≥80 years during November 2002 to July 2011 were retrospectively analyzed. The detailed information of patients’ characteristics and surgical management was retrieved. Follow-up of overall survival status was performed to analyze the surgical effectiveness. Totally, 92 (48 in surgery and 44 in non-surgery group) out of 187 eligible patients recorded adequate information and analyzed finally. There were 34 patients undergone radical gastrectomy, 6 palliative gastrectomy, 1 gastrojejunostomy and 7 exploratory laparotomy. Median follow-up durations were 25 (9-111) and 28 (8-114) months in surgery and non-surgery groups, respectively (p=0.797). Clinical-pathological T stage and node status were comparable. Clinical-pathological distal metastasis status was 15 and 26 M1 cases for surgery and nonsurgery, respectively (p=0.006). Incidence ...
Papers by abdullah mustafa