Papers by Zvonko Radosavljevic

The Integrated Track Splitting (ITS) filter is a method for automatic target tracking in clutter.... more The Integrated Track Splitting (ITS) filter is a method for automatic target tracking in clutter. The ITS filter models each track as a set of components, where each component is defined with a unique measurement history which consists of zero or one measurement received each scan. Regarding to clutter density and tracking parameters, a component merging is used for the reason of computational complexity reducing. For each component the state estimate and the a-posteriori probability of component existence are computed recursively. The probability of the new component existence is the probability that the parent component exists and that the measurement used to create the new component is the target measurement. The probability of target existence, mean and covariance of the state estimate for the track are then calculated and used for track maintenance and track output. Using an extensive Monte Carlo simulation, the various parameters (probability of track elimination and confirmation, probability of detection) are changed to obtain the optimal depth of component merging history (CMH), numbers of confirmed false track or lost tracks that each produces. The article is having a practical contribution while approve which depth of CMH is needed for the specific tracking situation.
Vojnotehnički Glasnik, 2003
Vojnotehnički Glasnik, 2005
Mr Zvonko Radosavljevi}, dipl. in`. Vojnotehni~ki institut, Beograd Rezime: U radu je analizirana... more Mr Zvonko Radosavljevi}, dipl. in`. Vojnotehni~ki institut, Beograd Rezime: U radu je analizirana primena IMM algoritma sa tri modela Kalmanovih filtara, za pra}enje cilja pomo}u osmatra~kog radara. Prvi Kalmanov filtar pode{en je da prati ciljeve koji se kre}u po pravolinijskoj trajektoriji bez ubrzanja, drugi prati ciljeve koji se kre}u ubrzano i vr{e blag manevar, a tre}i je namenjen za pra}enje ciljeva koji se kre}u ubrzano i vr{e o{tar manevar. Dat je opis algoritma kao i vrednosti odgovaraju}ih parametara i matrica prelaza za Kalmanove filtre, kao i uporedna analiza algoritma u odnosu na standardan Kalmanov filtar {estog reda. Prikazani rezultati srednje kvadratne gre{ke pra}enja po x i y koordinati pokazuju opravdanost izbora predlo`ene metode pra}enja. Klju~ne re~i: pra}enje manevri{u}ih ciljeva, teorija estimacije, Kalmanov filtar.
Vojnotehnički Glasnik, 2006
Vojnotehnicki glasnik, 2003
Vojnotehnicki glasnik, 2006
Izbor podesnog algoritma u skladu sa raspoloživim računarskim resursima važna je karika u lancu o... more Izbor podesnog algoritma u skladu sa raspoloživim računarskim resursima važna je karika u lancu otkrivanja i praćenja pokretnih ciljeva pomoću osmatračkog radara. Efikasnost ovih algoritama zavisi od izbora estimatora stanja, položaja i brzine i metode za asocijaciju podataka. U radu je analizirana greška praćenja 20 ciljeva pomoću algoritma "najbližeg suseda" (GNN). Za estimaciju stanja korišćen je Kalmanov filter i algoritam IMM. Mera kvaliteta praćenja je srednja kvadratna greška po poziciji. Za simulaciju praćenja odabrane su putanje leta četiri grupe po pet ciljeva sa i bez manevra. Ključne reči: praćenje pokretnih ciljeva, Kalmanov filter, algoritmi IMM i GNN.
Vojnotehnicki glasnik, 2005
Mr Zvonko Radosavljevi}, dipl. in`. Vojnotehni~ki institut, Beograd Rezime: U radu je analizirana... more Mr Zvonko Radosavljevi}, dipl. in`. Vojnotehni~ki institut, Beograd Rezime: U radu je analizirana primena IMM algoritma sa tri modela Kalmanovih filtara, za pra}enje cilja pomo}u osmatra~kog radara. Prvi Kalmanov filtar pode{en je da prati ciljeve koji se kre}u po pravolinijskoj trajektoriji bez ubrzanja, drugi prati ciljeve koji se kre}u ubrzano i vr{e blag manevar, a tre}i je namenjen za pra}enje ciljeva koji se kre}u ubrzano i vr{e o{tar manevar. Dat je opis algoritma kao i vrednosti odgovaraju}ih parametara i matrica prelaza za Kalmanove filtre, kao i uporedna analiza algoritma u odnosu na standardan Kalmanov filtar {estog reda. Prikazani rezultati srednje kvadratne gre{ke pra}enja po x i y koordinati pokazuju opravdanost izbora predlo`ene metode pra}enja. Klju~ne re~i: pra}enje manevri{u}ih ciljeva, teorija estimacije, Kalmanov filtar.

Scientific Technical Review, 2016
The Integrated Probabilistic Data Association (IPDA) type filters provide estimates of the underl... more The Integrated Probabilistic Data Association (IPDA) type filters provide estimates of the underlying target probability of existence as well as they track state maintenance. For each scan, IPDA recursive calculates the probability of target existence in order to resolve the uncertainty. Likewise, Random Finite Set (RFS) is a method for single target and multi-target tracking. It provides a Bayesian recursion of multi-target distribution through the Finite Set calculus. Practical implementation of multi-target posterior recursion is too difficult. It was analytically proved that IPDA algorithm can be derived from the RFS based filter recursion under the linear Gaussian assumptions. Probability hypothesis density (PHD) filter is an alternative to this problem where only the first order moment of the complete multi-target posterior is propagated in time. In this article, IPDA and Gausian Mixtures PHD (GM PHD) filters in a single target tracking scenario are derived and compared. Simulations have demonstrated the superiority of IPDA filters in heavy clutters.

Scientific-technical Review, 2018
The process of generating and matched filtering of three types of modulated radar signals in base... more The process of generating and matched filtering of three types of modulated radar signals in baseband, using the FPGA Zedboard, is described in this paper. Binary phase sequence, linear frequency modulated (LFM) sequence and Costas sequence was generated using VHDL programming language. In order to perform a comparative analysis of these processes, named sequences had equal values of time-bandwidth product, pulse duration, pulse repetition of frequency and sampling frequency. The process of realization of the matched filtering has been explained using the System Generator program. To confirm efficiency, results of matched filtering of the aforementioned sequences were presented together, from the Matlab program and obtained using the FPGA Zedboard. Percentage values of utilization of resources of the FPGA Zedboard were presented, of the each coding sequence particularly

: The radar multi target tracking (MTT) technique requires prior knowledge of a number of paramet... more : The radar multi target tracking (MTT) technique requires prior knowledge of a number of parameters about the sensor, the target and backgrounds. The Integrated Track Splitting (ITS) is a fully automatic track-while-scan (TWS) target tracking algorithm capable of extracting and tracking a target in a dense clutter environment using quality false track discrimination (FTD) methodology. The computational complexity in ITS algorithm is limited, compared to other algorithms they use statistical methods to discriminate between false and true tracks, such as multiple hypothesis tracking (MHT), mainly due to the FTD performed. The paper provides an analysis of tracking parameters that allows determining the limit of the possibility of successful target tracking. Extensive experiments have confirmed that the recursive determination of the probability of the existence of a track during tracking can confirm a true track and reject a false track. The clutter density, number of random occurred targets, targets load during the maneuver and the target detection probability were varied. The results of experiments, carried out via Monte Carlo simulations, shown over representative confirmed true tracks (CTT) diagrams, root mean square error position and normalized tracking efficiency parametric diagrams allow the user to select optimal multi-target tracking parameters for different scenarios and clutter densities.

Scientific Technical Review
Each radar has the function of surveillance of certain areas of interest. In particular, the rada... more Each radar has the function of surveillance of certain areas of interest. In particular, the radar also has the function of tracking moving targets in that territory with some probability of detection, which depends on the type of detector. Constant false alarm ratio (CFAR) is a very commonly used detector. Changing the probability of target detection can directly affect the quality of tracking the moving targets. The paper presents the theoretical basis of the influence of CFAR detectors on the quality of tracking, as well as an approach to the selection of CFAR detectors, CATM CFAR, which enables better monitoring by the Interacting Multiple Model (IMM) algorithm with two motion models. Comparative analysis of CA and CATM algorithm realized by numerical simulations has shown that CATM CFAR gives less tracking error with proportionally the same computer resources.
2020 19th International Symposium INFOTEH-JAHORINA (INFOTEH)
The interacting multiple model (IMM) and probabilistic data association (PDA) filter (IMMPDAF), i... more The interacting multiple model (IMM) and probabilistic data association (PDA) filter (IMMPDAF), is developed to support the air surveillance of the Track While Scan (TWS) radar systems. Take advantage of both, IMM and PDA algorithms to increase the tracking efficiency of fast maneuvers targets. The known algorithm was implemented in a radar tracking application for the purpose of modernizing the ‘L’ band radar, as a replacement for the conventional NN (Nearest Neighbor) algorithm which proved to be ineffective in situations with airborne targets in the air. In extensive experiments with complex, target maneuver and non-maneuver scenarios has been shown that proposed algorithm to have robust tracking characteristics with small position and velocity error.

Vojnotehnicki glasnik, 2020
Introduction/purpose: Based on the binomial distribution of the probability density function, a n... more Introduction/purpose: Based on the binomial distribution of the probability density function, a new probabilistic model for aircraft position predicting is presented in this paper. Methods: The proposed algorithm is composed of three different blocks: Data Association, Tracking/Hybrid State Estimation and Calculation of Probability of Conflict. The information about aircraft current positions and flight plans is used to derive an algorithm for detecting possible conflicts between aircraft. The situations where aircraft may come closer than a certain distance to one another are predicted with high probability. The position estimate and indeterminacy refer to target association when two tracks fall in a validation region by using the Probabilistic Data Association Filter. Results: An efficient collision detection algorithm is designed and tested for a lot of multiple target tracking. Conclusion: The simulation results of aircraft conflict prevention in two trajectory scenarios verify the efficiency of the proposed algorithm.

Scientific Technical Review, 2018
Each multi target tracking system must have a track management procedure. It is an integral part ... more Each multi target tracking system must have a track management procedure. It is an integral part of tracking systems and often used together with data association, state estimation and other parts of systems. On the other hand, the family of C-band frequency agile, low to medium altitude pulse Doppler air search radars, are designed to detect low-altitude, low cross-section aircraft targets in conditions of clutter and electronic countermeasures. Within the framework of its modernization, the receiver is conceived on the basis of software defined radar. The implementation of target tracking system within software defined radar, is also suggested. The paper describes the procedure of track management system procedure in the framework of multi target tracking system. It includes complete procedure of initialization, maintenance and deletion of tracks. Part of the numerical experiments is given at the end of the paper, in order to describe a good property functional of the TMS system

Scientific Technical Review, 2016
The radar tracking applications perform single and multiple object detections from noise-corrupte... more The radar tracking applications perform single and multiple object detections from noise-corrupted signal. These detections are used as measurements for target tracking. Tracking in cluttered environments requires false track discrimination and data association. However, data association for tracking closely located multiple targets in heavy clutter is prohibitive due to the excessive computational requirement. This results from exponential growth of mutually exclusive and exhaustive feasible joint events for track-to-measurement assignment. Specifically, our approach treats possible detections of targets followed by other tracks as additional clutter measurements. It starts by approximating the a priori probabilities of measurement origin. These probabilities are then used to modify the clutter spatial density at the location of the measurements. The probability of target existence is used to discriminate the false tracks. The extended simulations showed the effectiveness of this approach in two different multi-target tracking scenarios.
IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation, 2015
In a typical surveillance situation the number and the trajectories of targets are a priori unkno... more In a typical surveillance situation the number and the trajectories of targets are a priori unknown. Each measurement has an unknown source; either clutter, a target being tracked or a new target. The tracks are initialised and updated using measurements, thus both true and false tracks exist at any given time. The authors present a particle filter approach which recursively calculates the probability of target existence, which may be used as a track quality measure for the false track discrimination. Single target, joint multitarget and linear multitarget versions are presented. The algorithms assume manoeuvring (multiple trajectory propagation models) targets and state dependent probability of target detection.
IET Radar Sonar & Navigation, 2012
Multi-target tracking in clutter, assuming linear target trajectory propagation and linear target... more Multi-target tracking in clutter, assuming linear target trajectory propagation and linear target measurement equation, naturally leads to a Gaussian mixture (GM) target tracking solution. This study examines and compares two prominent methods that use the GMs: the probability hypothesis density and the integrated track splitting. Both are recursive Bayes methods and both incorporate the false track discrimination capabilities. They are represented in the form of GM target density filters. The modelling assumptions are translated in the algorithmic requirements. The authors compare the algorithms on the basis of these requirements with the future work indicated to reconcile algorithms and requirements.
2014 International Conference on Electronics, Information and Communications (ICEIC), 2014
Tracking in cluttered environments requires false track discrimination and data association. We e... more Tracking in cluttered environments requires false track discrimination and data association. We extend the particle filter approach to include the data association probabilities and recursively calculate the probability of target existence. The probability of target existence may be used to discriminate false tracks.
Vojnotehnicki glasnik, 2001
Papers by Zvonko Radosavljevic