Papers by Zulfia Alfi Syahr
Jurnal studi komunikasi, Jul 28, 2023
International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology/International journal of advanced science, engineering and information technology, Jun 20, 2024
Jurnal Presipitasi/Jurnal presipitasi, Oct 28, 2023

Al-Manahij: Jurnal Kajian Hukum Islam
The juvenile justice system as a legal efforcement to guarantee the rights of children who confli... more The juvenile justice system as a legal efforcement to guarantee the rights of children who conflict with the law. The mechanism for the criminal justice system against children is carried out through diversion involving judicial officials. However, problems arise in enforcing the criminal justice system for children engaged in Jinayah cases. It is because the Jinayah case must obey the qanun implemented in Aceh. The punishment given to the perpetrators of Jinayah can be in the form of flogging or imprisonment. For a child, that punishment can be traumatic for the child’s mental health. Therefore, this research will examine various efforts to minimize the impact of this punishment on the psychological development of children who become perpetrators of Jinayah. The problem of this study is how a child can maintain his psychological health after becoming a perpetrator of Jinayah. This research is essential to protect children’s psychological development as perpetrators of Jinayah. The ...

Jurnal Almanahij, 2023
The juvenile justice system as a legal efforcement to guarantee the rights of children who confli... more The juvenile justice system as a legal efforcement to guarantee the rights of children who conflict with the law. The mechanism for the criminal justice system against children is carried out through diversion involving judicial officials. However, problems arise in enforcing the criminal justice system for children engaged in Jinayah cases. It is because the Jinayah case must obey the qanun implemented in Aceh. The punishment given to the perpetrators of Jinayah can be in the form of flogging or imprisonment. For a child, that punishment can be traumatic for the child's mental health. Therefore, this research will examine various efforts to minimize the impact of this punishment on the psychological development of children who become perpetrators of Jinayah. The problem of this study is how a child can maintain his psychological health after becoming a perpetrator of Jinayah. This research is essential to protect children's psychological development as perpetrators of Jinayah. The purpose of this study is to find various efforts to maintain the mental development of children as perpetrators of Jinayah. Thus, the research method used to answer these problems is qualitative with a normative approach and literature study. The normative research will analyze various legal regulations regarding criminal and Jinayah acts. Then, it will support a literature study to gain a comprehensive and depth understanding of the topic of study. The results are that children as perpetrators of Jinayah have a risk of psychological trauma, and juvenile criminal law needs to be strengthened. Strengthening this law can be in the form of harmonizing the diversion of children with the Jinayah law. The cooperation of various parties, namely, law enforcement officials, social workers, and indigenous peoples, can minimize the risk of child psychological trauma.
Telematics and Informatics

Jurnal Hukum dan Peradilan
Access to justice for the community is a mandate from the Constitution Article 28 Paragraph 1, wh... more Access to justice for the community is a mandate from the Constitution Article 28 Paragraph 1, which states that everyone has the right to recognition, guarantees, protection, fair legal certainty, and equal treatment before the law. The development of access to posbakum is a form of fulfilling social justice for the community following the mandate of the fifth principle of Pancasila. It is also stated in Law Number 48 of 2009 concerning Judicial Power, which requires the court to assist justice seekers, try to overcome all obstacles, and achieve a simple trial, fast and low cost. Therefore, a legal aid post (Posbakum) is established at every court to help the underprivileged gain access to justice and equality before the law. So far, posbakum can only be accessed by going to court directly, so during the Covid-19 pandemic, people were hampered from getting these services. Especially for people who live in villages far from the courts, it is tough for them to access and obtain legal...
Puslitbang Hukum dan Peradian Mahmah Agung RI, 2018

Atlantis Press, Nov 23, 2021
As a means of access to justice for the poor, the existence of the Posbakum can make it easier to... more As a means of access to justice for the poor, the existence of the Posbakum can make it easier to obtain information, consultations, legal advice, and produce legal documents. In a pandemic situation like now, many people need legal aid, such as debtors who are unable to repay their debts, employees who are unilaterally laid off, or cases of domestic violence. However, the emergence of the Covid-19 outbreak made it difficult for the public to access the Posbakum because they had to go to it directly. This paper aims to analyze the implementation of the Posbakum procedures in the new normal era that apply social restrictions and physical contact. Even though since 2018, the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia has implemented an E-Court system in court and since the Covid-19 pandemic started has held virtual trials. However, the Posbakum service has not been integrated with the current E-Court system. The method used is a qualitative method with data collection techniques through literature study and coupled with normative studies of the regulations related to the Posbakum service. The results showed that it is necessary to integrate the Posbakum service into the E-Court system of the Supreme Court of The Republic of Indonesia and the legal aid information database system (Sidbankum), which is managed by The Agency of National Legal Development (BPHN) of Ministry of Law and Human Rights as the mandate holder for legal aid administrators according to Law No. 16 of 2011 on Legal Aid.

Family is the first environment that develop each individual to be mature person. Therefore, fami... more Family is the first environment that develop each individual to be mature person. Therefore, family becomes an important factor in every human life. Thus, it is important to maintain the unity and harmony of a family. Do not let a family split because of inheritance matter. Cassation decision of Supreme Court has became jurisprudence for inheritance matter of non moslem heirs. That jurisprudence is used to guide the judges for deciding the inheritance case of non moslem heirs. Wasiat wajibah be one solution for reconciling a family disputing about the division of inheritance. Judges decision to give wasiat wajibah reflecting fairness, usefulness, and legal certainty for those seeking justice. In its development, wasiat wajibah needs for a detailed clarity on how technical and criteria to be granted. Thus, it was could reflect Islam as rahmatan lil'alamin not only for moslems but also for adherents of other religions and beliefs. ABSTRAK Keluarga adalah lingkungan pertama dari se...

Penegakan syariat Islam di Aceh diwujudkan melalui lahirnya qanun-qanun sebagai wujud diterapkann... more Penegakan syariat Islam di Aceh diwujudkan melalui lahirnya qanun-qanun sebagai wujud diterapkannya beberapa hukum Islam di Aceh. Pelaksanaan qanun tersebut memerlukan peran berbagai pihak, diantaranya adalah peran pemerintah daerah, para aparat penegak hukum, dan masyarakat adat. Upaya untuk mengharmonisasikan ketiga lembaga tersebut tidak lepas dari pentingnya peran anggaran. Anggaran menjadi masalah utama untuk memfasilitasi penegakan syariat Islam di Aceh. Khususnya adalah anggaran untuk eksekusi jinayat dan koordinasi antar lembaga. Melalui metode analisis deskriptif, dapat menjelaskan terkait dengan alokasi anggaran pemerintah Aceh untuk mendukung pelaksanaan eksekusi dan pembinaan aparatur. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah masih ada persoalan anggaran yang menyebabkan terhambatnya pelaksanaan eksekusi jinayat. Selain itu, karena kurangnya anggaran pula maka koordinasi berkala dengan aparat terkait untuk pelaksanaan syariat Islam di Aceh masih belum terlaksana dengan baik. Sehingga...

Abstrak<br> Pengadilan sebagai salah satu lembaga publik memiliki tugas memberikan layanan ... more Abstrak<br> Pengadilan sebagai salah satu lembaga publik memiliki tugas memberikan layanan hukum terhadap masyarakat pencari keadilan. Oleh sebab itu, dalam melaksanakan tugasnya pengadilan harus tunduk pada Undang-Undang Nomor 25 Tahun 2009 tentang pelayanan publik. Hal tersebut dikuatkan dengan dikeluarkannya Surat Keputusan Ketua Mahkamah Agung Nomor: 026/KMA/SK/II/2012 tentang Standar Pelayanan Peradilan. Kebijakan tersebut kemudian dikembangkan dengan diterapkannya program Akreditasi Penjamin Mutu (APM) untuk pengadilan. Program tersebut telah berjalan selama 3 tahun dan memerlukan evaluasi sebagai dampak dari penerapan standar layanan pengadilan terhadap kepuasan masyarakat pengguna. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui Indeks Kepuasan Masyarakat (IKM) pengguna layanan pengadilan dengan survei IKM plus. Metode yang digunakan adalah dengan mix method yang menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif untuk mengetahui nilai IKM dan pendekatan kualitatif untuk mengetahui info...

Jurnal Organisasi dan Manajemen, Mar 27, 2016
The purpose of this study are describing how the cost of education per month in Madrasah Diniyah ... more The purpose of this study are describing how the cost of education per month in Madrasah Diniyah Al-Burhaniyah with the traditional method and the method of Activity Based Costing System (ABC) and also showing the effectiveness and efficiency of management system in Madrasah Diniyah. In this study, the research object is the cost of education with the traditional method and the method of Activity Based Costing system (ABC) at Madrasah Diniyah Al-Burhaniyah in academic year of 2011/2012 until 2013/2014. The analysis used are quantitative analysis of the cost of education with the traditional method and the method of Activity based Costing System (ABC) and the analysis of the effectiveness and efficiency. Activities at Madrasah Diniyah Al-Burhaniyah can be grouped into two categories, namely, main activity and supporting activities. Costs arising from all of the activities is then calculated by the traditional method and the method of Activity Based Costing system (ABC). The results of the calculation of the cost of education with the traditional method and the method of Activity Based Costing System (ABC) is mostly same. The effectiveness and efficiency management of the Madrasah Diniyah Al-Burhaniyah can be seen from learning service, facilities, costing system, and public participation. The traditional method is more appropriate to use in Madrasah Al-Burhaniyah Diniyah because the calculation steps are much simpler and the result is as same as the method of Activity Based Costing system (ABC).

Jurnal Hukum dan Peradilan
The improvement of court’s quality has been done through various efforts, one of them is an accre... more The improvement of court’s quality has been done through various efforts, one of them is an accreditation program. Before the implementation of internal accreditation policies, the courts under the Supreme Court had used ISO standards to maintain the service quality. Along with the development of judiciary innovations especially the dream toward the great judiciary, the Supreme Court has developed special accreditation standards for each judicial environment. General Court (Badilum) has implemented the Quality Assurance Accreditation (APM) programme in 7 assessment areas. Afterward, the Religious Courts (Badilag) in addition to 7 APM areas as in Badilum also applied 9 other assessment standards. Furthermore, the Military and Administration Agency (Badilmiltun) has 7 different accreditation assessment areas with Badilum and Badilag. The problem that will be examined is how to determine the ideal criteria for assessing court accreditation. Given that the ideal accreditation standard i...

Jurnal Bina Praja
Research and development center (here refers to as Puslitbang) of the Supreme Court has an import... more Research and development center (here refers to as Puslitbang) of the Supreme Court has an important role in the development process of law and justice in Indonesia. Puslitbang must be able to support the Supreme Court's vision to create a great judicial firm. However, activities of Puslitbang of the Supreme Court are still limited to the implementation of research and review of certain topics. Whereas, Puslitbang has so many assignments beside doing research and review, which is described in Chief of the Supreme Court Decree Number: 140/KMA, SK/X/2008 on Guidance for Management and Implementation of Research, Development, Education, and Training. The other assignment of Puslitbang include: feasibility of the policy plan and carry out activities in developing models/legal and judicial products. So, it can be said that Puslitbang has not performed its full functions as described in Chief of the Supreme Court Decree Number: 140/KMA, SK/X/2008. The purpose of this study is to determine the strategy to improve the functions of Puslitbang of Supreme Court. This paper used descriptive-quantitative research with Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM) method. The first step of this method is determining the internal and external factors affecting the management of Puslitbang and then analyzing them using SWOT and QSPM. The results show that the strategy that obtains the highest score is organizing discussion forums with external and internal institutions. On the other hand, the strategy which obtains the lowest score is the leader's role in determining policy by considering the needs of Puslitbang. The conclusion of this research is the QSPM method provides 4 best strategies for enhancing the function of Puslitbang. The strategies are: creating a discussion forum with internal and external institutions, budget flexibility, developing Puslitbang Human Resources, and preparing activities in accordance with the capacity of puslitbang resources.

Intizar, 2016
Madrasah Diniyah sebagai lembaga pendidikan nonformal berbasis keagamaan yang pelaksanaannya dila... more Madrasah Diniyah sebagai lembaga pendidikan nonformal berbasis keagamaan yang pelaksanaannya dilakukan sore hari setelah jam sekolah formal. Kurikulum Madrasah Diniyah yang sederhana dan alokasi waktu belajar yang pendek tidak menjadi hambatan bagi Madrasah Diniyah untuk menghasilkan peserta didik yang berpendidikan dan intelek. Sehingga, keberadaan Madrasah Diniyah mampu berkembang menjadi salah satu sekolah elite muslim yang dapat mengakomodasi kebutuhan pendidikan agama Islam oleh masyarakat menengah ke bawah karena biaya pendidikannya yang murah. Selain itu, Madrasah Diniyah juga mampu bersaing dengan sekolah elite muslim lainnya yang memiliki biaya pendidikan lebih mahal. Oleh sebab itu, di era modernisasi sekarang ini pengelola Madrasah Diniyah harus mampu menghindari godaan materi dan sekuleritas kurikulum dalam penyelenggaraan pendidikannya. Tujuannya adalah untuk mencetak para muslim generasi muda yang cerdas pengetahuan serta iman dan taqwanya.Diniyaa Madrasaa as a non-for...

Proceedings from the 1st International Conference on Law and Human Rights, ICLHR 2021, 14-15 April 2021, Jakarta, Indonesia, 2021
The Electronic judiciary is a policy issued by e-court launching. This was to address global chal... more The Electronic judiciary is a policy issued by e-court launching. This was to address global challenges as well as to realize the acceleration of case management. During the pandemic, litigation becomes hampered because it has to reduce physical contact in implementing health protocols. Therefore, the problems of case management that were previously done offline should begin to be diverted by optimizing the function of the e-court. Thus, the implementation of technology information is very important to ensure the court running process. The development of electronic judiciary is carried out by comparing with several countries to become evaluation and reference material. The goal is to make the electronic judiciary more accessible and easier to use by the public. The method used is a qualitative approach with policy conceptual comparison. The result is that the e-court must be able to facilitate up to the administrative process, the trial, until the verdict.

Pengadilan merupakan salah satu lembaga pemerintah yang memiliki tugas memberikan pelayanan publi... more Pengadilan merupakan salah satu lembaga pemerintah yang memiliki tugas memberikan pelayanan publik kepada masyarakat dalam bidang hukum dan peradilan. Terdapat empat lingkungan peradilan di Indonesia yaitu: peradilan umum, agama, militer dan tata usaha negara yang semuanya ada di bawah Mahkamah Agung RI. Upaya optimalisasi pelayanan pengadilan senantiasa dilakukan oleh Mahkamah Agung dengan berbagai kebijakan yang mengacu pada Cetak Biru Pembaruan Peradilan 2010-2035. Kebijakan yang sangat berdampak pada perubahan kualitas layanan pengadilan menjadi lebih informatif, transparan dan akuntabel adalah dengan dimulainya penerapan Sistem Informasi Penelusuran Perkara (SIPP). Program SIPP menjadi langkah awal transisi layanan peradilan secara konvensional menuju era digital. Kebijakan digitalisasi dalam peradilan berkembang secara bertahap hingga diterapkannya e-court dan e-litigasi sebagai wadah utama terwujudnya peradilan elektronik di Indonesia. Tujuan dari tulisan ini adalah melihat p...
Papers by Zulfia Alfi Syahr
daya manusianya. Sumber daya manusia yang dibahas adalah Pegawai Negeri Sipil (PNS) jabatan
pelaksana pada Kepaniteraan Mahkamah Agung yang dikenal dengan sebutan operator. Tugas operator
adalah melakukan penanganan perkara di Mahkamah Agung dalam hal administrasi sampai dengan
minutasi. Peran operator sangat penting, mengingat banyaknya jumlah perkara yang membutuhkan
penanganan secara cepat dan tepat agar dapat segera diperoleh hasil putusannya. Selama ini, operator
Kepaniteraan memiliki beban kerja yang lebih berat jika dibandingkan dengan PNS untuk jabatan
pelaksana lainnya. Beratnya beban kerja operator tidak sebanding dengan jenjang karier yang selama ini
hanya mengikuti aturan kenaikan pangkat reguler setiap empat tahun sekali. Oleh sebab itu, perlu upaya
untuk mengoptimalkan jenjang karier para operator dengan membentuk suatu jabatan fungsional.
Penelitian ini menggunakan mix method dengan pengambilan data dilakukan dengan focus group
discussion (FGD) dilanjutkan dengan pembobotan dan uji beban kerja kepada para operator. Hasil yang
diperoleh adalah beban kerja terbanyak sejumlah 3600 dokumen perkara dalam satu tahun yang
membutuhkan waktu penyelesaian 10800 jam. Pembobotan kegiatan juga menunjukkan bahwa operator
yang selama ini sebagai jabatan pelaksana dapat diusulkan menjadi jabatan fungsional ahli yang terbagi
dalam tiga jenjang yaitu: ahli pertama, muda dan madya.