es la unidad organizativa administrativa responsable de dar cumplimiento a los lineamientos emana... more es la unidad organizativa administrativa responsable de dar cumplimiento a los lineamientos emanados del Consejo Universitario, el cual realiza funciones de naturaleza Directiva-Ejecutiva en materia de dirección de las actividades académicas de docencia, investigación, postgrado, desarrollo curricular, control y seguimiento de recursos humanos docentes y de investigación, y de biblioteca, así como, vela por el cumplimiento de las políticas, objetivos, leyes, reglamentos, normas y procedimientos inherente a la función académica universitaria.
es la unidad organizativa administrativa responsable de dar cumplimiento a los lineamientos emana... more es la unidad organizativa administrativa responsable de dar cumplimiento a los lineamientos emanados del Consejo Universitario, el cual realiza funciones de naturaleza Directiva-Ejecutiva en materia de dirección de las actividades académicas de docencia, investigación, postgrado, desarrollo curricular, control y seguimiento de recursos humanos docentes y de investigación, y de biblioteca, así como, vela por el cumplimiento de las políticas, objetivos, leyes, reglamentos, normas y procedimientos inherente a la función académica universitaria.
En la actualidad los estudios de potabilizacion buscan obtener metodos que permitan suministrar a... more En la actualidad los estudios de potabilizacion buscan obtener metodos que permitan suministrar agua que cumpla con las concentraciones permisibles establecidas por la Gaceta Oficial de Venezuela No 36.395. Es debido a esto que es necesario agotar recursos tecnicos, economicos y humanos, con el objeto de ofrecer agua de optima calidad. A esto se debe la preocupacion en la eliminacion del hierro (Fe) y manganeso (Mn) en el agua proveniente de pozo profundo en el sector “Las Monjas” de Ocumare de la Costa, ya que los mismos, en concentraciones elevadas producen precipitados coloreados y manchas perjudiciales, ademas estimula la presencia de “Bacterias del Hierro” que causan un desagradable olor y sabor, sumandosele a esto el inconveniente que causan en las redes de distribucion al aumentar el grado de corrosion. Frente a esto se implemento un sistema en linea en las aguas de pozo profundo del sector. Dicho sistema consta de tres unidades fundamentales: aireacion, cloracion y filtracio...
The removal of water from materials in textile industry and pulp and paper industries requires a ... more The removal of water from materials in textile industry and pulp and paper industries requires a high-energy consumption, increasing significantly the operating costs. Nevertheless, electromagnetic induction heating is an alternative with considerable potential for the thermal treatment of materials. Specifically, heating the surface of a metallic cylinder by electromagnetic induction has opened up a range of applications for continuos heating, pre-drying and drying of fibrous web. Otherwise, these news electrotechnologies with industrial applications have to be used under controlled operational conditions. The past few years witnessed a rapid growth in the use of fuzzy logic controllers for the control of processes, which are complex and ill defined. These control systems are inspired by the approximate reasoning capabilities of the process operator. The purpose of this paper is to improve and apply an digital control structure on the basis of fuzzy logic technique for the textile ...
In this work, the calculation modules for the desulfurizers of the hydrodesulfurization section o... more In this work, the calculation modules for the desulfurizers of the hydrodesulfurization section of the ammonia plant of the Moron Petrochemical Complex, Carabobo, Venezuela, are developed. For the development of the calculation modules, the analysis of the various technologies used in the natural gas hydrodesulfurization stage was carried out, the mathematical models corresponding to the desulfurizers were established, these modules were developed in the Java programming language, they were designed a graphical interface of interaction between the user and the simulator, in the same language as the modules and finally the validation of the calculation modules developed for the simulator was carried out comparing the results obtained with those generated by the commercial simulator SUPER PRO DESIGNER 4.7 . Based on the results, it can be concluded that the Dubinin-Radushkevic mathematical model used to represent the physical adsorption of H2 S and in the development of the calculatio...
The objective of the research was to evaluate in a pilot plant, the behavior of bauxite as a deco... more The objective of the research was to evaluate in a pilot plant, the behavior of bauxite as a decolorizer of alkylates and to do the industrial scaling of the adsorption process. The absorbance ratio was determined by UV-visible spectroscopy, interfacial tension, Karl Fisher moisture, rupture tension and power factor, using Covenin and Fondonorma standards, for bauxite regeneration times (GRT) of 4 and 8 hours, for a total of 9 regenerations. The industrial scaling was performed with the data obtained in a pilot plant, following the geometric similarity method. The industrial design of the adsorption column showed that it must have a total height of 12.5330 meters. The variables used for the evaluation of bauxite, indicated the effectiveness in the removal of the elements that provide color in the alkylate, being the 8-hour GRT the most convenient.
According to the World Health Organization, cardiovascular diseases, obesity, diabetes, hypertens... more According to the World Health Organization, cardiovascular diseases, obesity, diabetes, hypertension, osteoporosis and some types of cancer have reached epidemic status worldwide, which has brought greater awareness for a healthy diet. Special attention has been given to fats, both in their quantitative and qualitative content. Meat and derivatives are to a large extent the center of attention, due to the growing evidence of a negative influence of their saturated fat on health, as well as the use of nitrites in meat products and the possible risk of toxicity and carcinogenesis. This growing demand for healthier foods, make edible mushrooms such as Pleurotus ostreatus gain space in the industry, positioning itself as an alternative for food security, thanks to its nutritional composition and bioactive principles that are being widely studied; among these compounds β-glucans are of special interest. In Ecuador, meat products such as sausages have a high consumption preference, howeve...
In this paper it was developed and implemented an algorithm, based on the Particle Swarm Optimiza... more In this paper it was developed and implemented an algorithm, based on the Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm, for the numeric computation of approaches to the solutions of nonlinear systems of equations without restrictions where each one of function in the systems are continuous real functions. This problem is restated as nonlinear optimization problem.
The objective of this study was to evaluate fermentation parameters and the chemical composition ... more The objective of this study was to evaluate fermentation parameters and the chemical composition of silages stored in bales covered with plastic obtained by different products and according to the silo layer (lower and upper). The evaluated products were: corn (MSA); corn (99.3%) + urea (0.7%) + microbial additive (MCA); wheat yeast (40%) + brewer's yeast (60%), and wheat straw (40.0%) + brewer's yeast (59.3%) + urea (0.7%) + microbial additive (PCA). The silages were produced by a commercial company. The design was completely randomized, in a 4 x 2 factorial arrangement (Products and Layers), with three replications. The chemical composition was evaluated when the silages were 90 days old, corresponding to January 2009. Sensory characteristics of the silages, odor, temperature and texture, showed that the fermentation process occurred in a normal way in all the silages tested. In the variables temperature and pH at the time of opening of the silos, a significant effect (P 0...
Se realizó un estudio conceptual de los riesgos ambientales que involucran los procesos de Refina... more Se realizó un estudio conceptual de los riesgos ambientales que involucran los procesos de Refinación en la Refinería el Palito-Venezuela, estimándose el impacto de los contaminantes generados por fuentes de emisiones atmosféricas debido a la operación, bajo condiciones normales y transitorias,
Revista Tecnica De La Facultad De Ingenieria Universidad Del Zulia, Nov 1, 2007
The excessive growing of microorganisms, surpassing the established levels; in the cooling water ... more The excessive growing of microorganisms, surpassing the established levels; in the cooling water of piping machine (entubadoras) in a rubber company diminish the adhesiveness of band tires during its manufacturing, affecting the quality of the final product. This investigation has as purpose the evaluation of alternatives to control the content of microorganisms in the cooling water. For this, was necessary: determine the pollution focus; the adequate doses of biocides used to control growing of microorganisms, and to analyze the effect produced by biocides studied over adhesiveness of band tires. From this research the fact that the development of bacterium is found on the tank and cooling train, because the path that the water follows was found microorganisms free. In the evaluation to ideal conditions, the biocide proved showed a high level usefulness in relation to the one used nowadays; in the evaluation in situ the efficiency of the biocides was considerable reduced, the biocide used nowadays reduced half of its usefulness while the studied one reduced only in 33% in comparison with the evaluation done out of the equipment.
... Universidad de Carabobo, Valencia, Venezuela Sergio Pérez Universidad de Carabobo, Valencia, ... more ... Universidad de Carabobo, Valencia, Venezuela Sergio Pérez Universidad de Carabobo, Valencia, Venezuela ... que de estar por debajo de 18 mL/s, los lodos del sedimentador pasan a la sección de cloración, y de ser mayores de 30 mL/s chocan con las paredes frontales del ...
The present work has the objective to develop the conceptual design of an axial cyclonic deliquid... more The present work has the objective to develop the conceptual design of an axial cyclonic deliquidiser prototype of biphasic flows (Gas-Liquid), in which the swirling motion is produced by stationary guide vanes. The main technologies were identified through an intensive research of the literature with the object to define technological tendency of the investigation and therefore proceed to make the selection using a binary multiple decision method. The main geometrical variables that affect the operation of the deliquidiser are: geometry of guide vanes, relationship diameter/separation distance, collection gap size, and geometry of stator. The chosen technology offers guidelines for the design of an axial separator. The experiments in computational dynamics fluids (CFD) explain that any changes in the design variables, that cause flow acceleration, will contribute to an increase in pressure drop. Liquid collection depends of aperture width located downstream of the deliquidiser.
In this paper it was developed and implemented an algorithm, based on the Particle Swarm Optimiza... more In this paper it was developed and implemented an algorithm, based on the Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm, for the numeric computation of approaches to the solutions of nonlinear systems of equations without restrictions where each one of function in the systems are continuous real functions. This problem is restated as nonlinear optimization problem.
Sergio Perez. Ingeniero Quimico de la Universidad Simon Bolivar, Caracas, Venezuela. Master en Ci... more Sergio Perez. Ingeniero Quimico de la Universidad Simon Bolivar, Caracas, Venezuela. Master en Ciencias Aplicadas, Universite de Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada. Doctorado en Ingenieria Quimica, Universite de Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada. Profesor Titular en la Universidad de Carabobo, Coordinador de la Unidad de Investigacion en Ingenieria de Procesos de la Escuela de Ingenieria Quimica. Direccion: Facultad de Ingenieria, Departamento de Ingenieria Quimica, Universidad de Carabobo, Barbula, Carabobo. Tlf. 58-414-4160469, e-mail: [email protected].
El proceso usado en la planta para la producción de H 2 O 2 , mostrado en la Figura 1, es el llam... more El proceso usado en la planta para la producción de H 2 O 2 , mostrado en la Figura 1, es el llamado "Proceso de Antraquinona". El principio de este proceso consiste en hidrogenar y luego oxidar la antraquinona disuelta en solventes orgánicos. La solución en la que se encuentra la antraquinona esta formada por tres
está estructurado bajo un enfoque modular secuencial para la administración y control del flujo d... more está estructurado bajo un enfoque modular secuencial para la administración y control del flujo de la información de emisiones de gases, vapores y /o partículas. A los fines de facilitar la interacción entre el usuario y el programa una intyerfaz gráfica fue creada, y los modulos de cálculo para la simulación de unidades de separación de particulas, tales como ciclón, filtros, precipitador electrstático y lavador de particulas fueron desarrollados y validados comparando sus resultados con los obtenidos con un simulador comercial. El programa permite diseñar y/o simular todos los equipos y en general arroja resultados confiables con un porcentaje de error por debajo del 1% para la mayoría de los parámetros considerados, y menores al 10% para algunas variables
ABSTRACT En este trabajo se presentan mejoras introducidas a un programa de simulación dinámica e... more ABSTRACT En este trabajo se presentan mejoras introducidas a un programa de simulación dinámica existente para disponer de una herramienta eficiente de libre acceso a los usuarios. Para ello se estudió y evaluó la estructura y lógica de ejecución del programa SIMDINUC 1.0 y se analizó la codificación de las mejoras para el desarrollo de la interfaz principal del programa en lenguaje Delphi¿ 6.0. Se revisó la literatura concerniente a bases de datos de propiedades físicas y se desarrolló una interfaz gráfica para su acceso desde el programa principal del simulador. Se evaluó el funcionamiento de los módulos de cálculo disponibles en la librería del programa y el flujo de la información durante una simulación. De la aplicación del programa a diferentes casos y su comparación con resultados analíticos se deduce que los resultados del simulador son confiables
es la unidad organizativa administrativa responsable de dar cumplimiento a los lineamientos emana... more es la unidad organizativa administrativa responsable de dar cumplimiento a los lineamientos emanados del Consejo Universitario, el cual realiza funciones de naturaleza Directiva-Ejecutiva en materia de dirección de las actividades académicas de docencia, investigación, postgrado, desarrollo curricular, control y seguimiento de recursos humanos docentes y de investigación, y de biblioteca, así como, vela por el cumplimiento de las políticas, objetivos, leyes, reglamentos, normas y procedimientos inherente a la función académica universitaria.
es la unidad organizativa administrativa responsable de dar cumplimiento a los lineamientos emana... more es la unidad organizativa administrativa responsable de dar cumplimiento a los lineamientos emanados del Consejo Universitario, el cual realiza funciones de naturaleza Directiva-Ejecutiva en materia de dirección de las actividades académicas de docencia, investigación, postgrado, desarrollo curricular, control y seguimiento de recursos humanos docentes y de investigación, y de biblioteca, así como, vela por el cumplimiento de las políticas, objetivos, leyes, reglamentos, normas y procedimientos inherente a la función académica universitaria.
En la actualidad los estudios de potabilizacion buscan obtener metodos que permitan suministrar a... more En la actualidad los estudios de potabilizacion buscan obtener metodos que permitan suministrar agua que cumpla con las concentraciones permisibles establecidas por la Gaceta Oficial de Venezuela No 36.395. Es debido a esto que es necesario agotar recursos tecnicos, economicos y humanos, con el objeto de ofrecer agua de optima calidad. A esto se debe la preocupacion en la eliminacion del hierro (Fe) y manganeso (Mn) en el agua proveniente de pozo profundo en el sector “Las Monjas” de Ocumare de la Costa, ya que los mismos, en concentraciones elevadas producen precipitados coloreados y manchas perjudiciales, ademas estimula la presencia de “Bacterias del Hierro” que causan un desagradable olor y sabor, sumandosele a esto el inconveniente que causan en las redes de distribucion al aumentar el grado de corrosion. Frente a esto se implemento un sistema en linea en las aguas de pozo profundo del sector. Dicho sistema consta de tres unidades fundamentales: aireacion, cloracion y filtracio...
The removal of water from materials in textile industry and pulp and paper industries requires a ... more The removal of water from materials in textile industry and pulp and paper industries requires a high-energy consumption, increasing significantly the operating costs. Nevertheless, electromagnetic induction heating is an alternative with considerable potential for the thermal treatment of materials. Specifically, heating the surface of a metallic cylinder by electromagnetic induction has opened up a range of applications for continuos heating, pre-drying and drying of fibrous web. Otherwise, these news electrotechnologies with industrial applications have to be used under controlled operational conditions. The past few years witnessed a rapid growth in the use of fuzzy logic controllers for the control of processes, which are complex and ill defined. These control systems are inspired by the approximate reasoning capabilities of the process operator. The purpose of this paper is to improve and apply an digital control structure on the basis of fuzzy logic technique for the textile ...
In this work, the calculation modules for the desulfurizers of the hydrodesulfurization section o... more In this work, the calculation modules for the desulfurizers of the hydrodesulfurization section of the ammonia plant of the Moron Petrochemical Complex, Carabobo, Venezuela, are developed. For the development of the calculation modules, the analysis of the various technologies used in the natural gas hydrodesulfurization stage was carried out, the mathematical models corresponding to the desulfurizers were established, these modules were developed in the Java programming language, they were designed a graphical interface of interaction between the user and the simulator, in the same language as the modules and finally the validation of the calculation modules developed for the simulator was carried out comparing the results obtained with those generated by the commercial simulator SUPER PRO DESIGNER 4.7 . Based on the results, it can be concluded that the Dubinin-Radushkevic mathematical model used to represent the physical adsorption of H2 S and in the development of the calculatio...
The objective of the research was to evaluate in a pilot plant, the behavior of bauxite as a deco... more The objective of the research was to evaluate in a pilot plant, the behavior of bauxite as a decolorizer of alkylates and to do the industrial scaling of the adsorption process. The absorbance ratio was determined by UV-visible spectroscopy, interfacial tension, Karl Fisher moisture, rupture tension and power factor, using Covenin and Fondonorma standards, for bauxite regeneration times (GRT) of 4 and 8 hours, for a total of 9 regenerations. The industrial scaling was performed with the data obtained in a pilot plant, following the geometric similarity method. The industrial design of the adsorption column showed that it must have a total height of 12.5330 meters. The variables used for the evaluation of bauxite, indicated the effectiveness in the removal of the elements that provide color in the alkylate, being the 8-hour GRT the most convenient.
According to the World Health Organization, cardiovascular diseases, obesity, diabetes, hypertens... more According to the World Health Organization, cardiovascular diseases, obesity, diabetes, hypertension, osteoporosis and some types of cancer have reached epidemic status worldwide, which has brought greater awareness for a healthy diet. Special attention has been given to fats, both in their quantitative and qualitative content. Meat and derivatives are to a large extent the center of attention, due to the growing evidence of a negative influence of their saturated fat on health, as well as the use of nitrites in meat products and the possible risk of toxicity and carcinogenesis. This growing demand for healthier foods, make edible mushrooms such as Pleurotus ostreatus gain space in the industry, positioning itself as an alternative for food security, thanks to its nutritional composition and bioactive principles that are being widely studied; among these compounds β-glucans are of special interest. In Ecuador, meat products such as sausages have a high consumption preference, howeve...
In this paper it was developed and implemented an algorithm, based on the Particle Swarm Optimiza... more In this paper it was developed and implemented an algorithm, based on the Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm, for the numeric computation of approaches to the solutions of nonlinear systems of equations without restrictions where each one of function in the systems are continuous real functions. This problem is restated as nonlinear optimization problem.
The objective of this study was to evaluate fermentation parameters and the chemical composition ... more The objective of this study was to evaluate fermentation parameters and the chemical composition of silages stored in bales covered with plastic obtained by different products and according to the silo layer (lower and upper). The evaluated products were: corn (MSA); corn (99.3%) + urea (0.7%) + microbial additive (MCA); wheat yeast (40%) + brewer's yeast (60%), and wheat straw (40.0%) + brewer's yeast (59.3%) + urea (0.7%) + microbial additive (PCA). The silages were produced by a commercial company. The design was completely randomized, in a 4 x 2 factorial arrangement (Products and Layers), with three replications. The chemical composition was evaluated when the silages were 90 days old, corresponding to January 2009. Sensory characteristics of the silages, odor, temperature and texture, showed that the fermentation process occurred in a normal way in all the silages tested. In the variables temperature and pH at the time of opening of the silos, a significant effect (P 0...
Se realizó un estudio conceptual de los riesgos ambientales que involucran los procesos de Refina... more Se realizó un estudio conceptual de los riesgos ambientales que involucran los procesos de Refinación en la Refinería el Palito-Venezuela, estimándose el impacto de los contaminantes generados por fuentes de emisiones atmosféricas debido a la operación, bajo condiciones normales y transitorias,
Revista Tecnica De La Facultad De Ingenieria Universidad Del Zulia, Nov 1, 2007
The excessive growing of microorganisms, surpassing the established levels; in the cooling water ... more The excessive growing of microorganisms, surpassing the established levels; in the cooling water of piping machine (entubadoras) in a rubber company diminish the adhesiveness of band tires during its manufacturing, affecting the quality of the final product. This investigation has as purpose the evaluation of alternatives to control the content of microorganisms in the cooling water. For this, was necessary: determine the pollution focus; the adequate doses of biocides used to control growing of microorganisms, and to analyze the effect produced by biocides studied over adhesiveness of band tires. From this research the fact that the development of bacterium is found on the tank and cooling train, because the path that the water follows was found microorganisms free. In the evaluation to ideal conditions, the biocide proved showed a high level usefulness in relation to the one used nowadays; in the evaluation in situ the efficiency of the biocides was considerable reduced, the biocide used nowadays reduced half of its usefulness while the studied one reduced only in 33% in comparison with the evaluation done out of the equipment.
... Universidad de Carabobo, Valencia, Venezuela Sergio Pérez Universidad de Carabobo, Valencia, ... more ... Universidad de Carabobo, Valencia, Venezuela Sergio Pérez Universidad de Carabobo, Valencia, Venezuela ... que de estar por debajo de 18 mL/s, los lodos del sedimentador pasan a la sección de cloración, y de ser mayores de 30 mL/s chocan con las paredes frontales del ...
The present work has the objective to develop the conceptual design of an axial cyclonic deliquid... more The present work has the objective to develop the conceptual design of an axial cyclonic deliquidiser prototype of biphasic flows (Gas-Liquid), in which the swirling motion is produced by stationary guide vanes. The main technologies were identified through an intensive research of the literature with the object to define technological tendency of the investigation and therefore proceed to make the selection using a binary multiple decision method. The main geometrical variables that affect the operation of the deliquidiser are: geometry of guide vanes, relationship diameter/separation distance, collection gap size, and geometry of stator. The chosen technology offers guidelines for the design of an axial separator. The experiments in computational dynamics fluids (CFD) explain that any changes in the design variables, that cause flow acceleration, will contribute to an increase in pressure drop. Liquid collection depends of aperture width located downstream of the deliquidiser.
In this paper it was developed and implemented an algorithm, based on the Particle Swarm Optimiza... more In this paper it was developed and implemented an algorithm, based on the Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm, for the numeric computation of approaches to the solutions of nonlinear systems of equations without restrictions where each one of function in the systems are continuous real functions. This problem is restated as nonlinear optimization problem.
Sergio Perez. Ingeniero Quimico de la Universidad Simon Bolivar, Caracas, Venezuela. Master en Ci... more Sergio Perez. Ingeniero Quimico de la Universidad Simon Bolivar, Caracas, Venezuela. Master en Ciencias Aplicadas, Universite de Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada. Doctorado en Ingenieria Quimica, Universite de Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada. Profesor Titular en la Universidad de Carabobo, Coordinador de la Unidad de Investigacion en Ingenieria de Procesos de la Escuela de Ingenieria Quimica. Direccion: Facultad de Ingenieria, Departamento de Ingenieria Quimica, Universidad de Carabobo, Barbula, Carabobo. Tlf. 58-414-4160469, e-mail: [email protected].
El proceso usado en la planta para la producción de H 2 O 2 , mostrado en la Figura 1, es el llam... more El proceso usado en la planta para la producción de H 2 O 2 , mostrado en la Figura 1, es el llamado "Proceso de Antraquinona". El principio de este proceso consiste en hidrogenar y luego oxidar la antraquinona disuelta en solventes orgánicos. La solución en la que se encuentra la antraquinona esta formada por tres
está estructurado bajo un enfoque modular secuencial para la administración y control del flujo d... more está estructurado bajo un enfoque modular secuencial para la administración y control del flujo de la información de emisiones de gases, vapores y /o partículas. A los fines de facilitar la interacción entre el usuario y el programa una intyerfaz gráfica fue creada, y los modulos de cálculo para la simulación de unidades de separación de particulas, tales como ciclón, filtros, precipitador electrstático y lavador de particulas fueron desarrollados y validados comparando sus resultados con los obtenidos con un simulador comercial. El programa permite diseñar y/o simular todos los equipos y en general arroja resultados confiables con un porcentaje de error por debajo del 1% para la mayoría de los parámetros considerados, y menores al 10% para algunas variables
ABSTRACT En este trabajo se presentan mejoras introducidas a un programa de simulación dinámica e... more ABSTRACT En este trabajo se presentan mejoras introducidas a un programa de simulación dinámica existente para disponer de una herramienta eficiente de libre acceso a los usuarios. Para ello se estudió y evaluó la estructura y lógica de ejecución del programa SIMDINUC 1.0 y se analizó la codificación de las mejoras para el desarrollo de la interfaz principal del programa en lenguaje Delphi¿ 6.0. Se revisó la literatura concerniente a bases de datos de propiedades físicas y se desarrolló una interfaz gráfica para su acceso desde el programa principal del simulador. Se evaluó el funcionamiento de los módulos de cálculo disponibles en la librería del programa y el flujo de la información durante una simulación. De la aplicación del programa a diferentes casos y su comparación con resultados analíticos se deduce que los resultados del simulador son confiables
Papers by Zulay Niño