Papers by Zorana Antonijevic
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Sep 28, 2021

Genero, 2013
From the Industrial Revolution to the present day, technological development affects the general ... more From the Industrial Revolution to the present day, technological development affects the general social development, the conditions in which women and men live, and social theory and practice. Starting from the significant pharmaceutical breakthroughs, via the regular household appliances, to the emergence of new means of communication and transportation, technological advances are changing the ways in which people think, what they do, how and with whom they are interact, when and how to conduct business, friends, and even sex. Dissemination of knowledge and information, thanks to technology, has also become faster, more accessible, but also more dangerous (for example, when it comes to cyber crime and other types of misuse of information or public and private data). New technology, especially the emergence of the World Wide Web, and then social networks such as Facebook and Twitter, have had a dramatic impact on social theory, and in particular the practice of feminisms. This paper will deal with the definition, theoretical framework and practice of cyberfeminsm, its influence on contemporary feminist theory and practice, as well as the relationship of feminism and modern technology. Also, this article will briefly touch on cyberfeminist practice in Serbia, especially those that contribute to the spread of feminist ideas to a wider audience and users. .
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Jun 20, 2023
With just two weeks left before the end of the season, we were informed that we would be laid off... more With just two weeks left before the end of the season, we were informed that we would be laid off because the hotel would not be operating." Kristina, 25 years old, Lithuania ...

Rodna ravnopravnost – od jednakih prava do jednakih mogućnosti. Marijana Pajvančić (ed.), 2020
The first part of this article deals with the gender asymmetry in power
distribution, that result... more The first part of this article deals with the gender asymmetry in power
distribution, that results from the structural characteristics of society and equally
determines political practice and discourse. There are two key deficiencies related
to the institutional participation of women in Serbia and the region. The first one is
the inadequate selection and nomination of women running for office, governmental
bodies, leadership and positions for administering gender equality mechanisms,
and the second is the closed social networks, informal sources of power, which
prevent many women from accessing resources, knowledge and participation in
public policies. Increasing the number of women of feminist provinces in political
institutions is the most important precondition for the feminization of political
space and gendering public policies.
In the second part of the text the key disadvantages related to the gendering
of public policies in Serbia are discussed. The first is about the institutionalization
of feminism in the context of facade democracies, and weak and underdeveloped
institutions and institutional procedures, and the second reason is the resistance
to gender equality policies within the institutions themselves. For the successful
implementation of gender mainstreaming, the gender equality issues have to be at
the top of political priorities and a high degree of transparency and orderliness in
the decision-making processes in public policies is required. In their concluding
remarks, the authors point out that the gender mainstreaming in institutions and
public policies have to be conducted through the constant open dialogue between
politicians, experts from women’s organizations and academia.
Универзитет у Новом Саду, Студије при универзитету, Sep 16, 2018

Journal of Regional Security
The Resolution "Women, Peace and Security" unanimously adopted by the United Nations Se... more The Resolution "Women, Peace and Security" unanimously adopted by the United Nations Security Council in 2000 fundamentally transformed discursive practices of gender equality into the fields of security, post-conflict reconstruction and peace. The twentieth anniversary was an opportunity to critically examine its impact on the gender mainstreaming of conflict, security and peace. This special issue contributes to the feminist security studies by discussing the shortcomings in the implementation of UNSCR 1325 from several research fields, including intersectionality and masculinity perspectives. After presenting the rationale and scope of the special issue, this article discusses the gender and security policy framing of the WPS Agenda, intending to conceptualise gender equality through three perspectives: the perspective of equal treatment, the women's perspective, and the gender perspective. In conclusion , the article summarises the key contributions of this special...
Reader Collective Memory-Work , 2021

Memory work is a well-known method in literature and arts, particularly as (auto)bio-graphical ac... more Memory work is a well-known method in literature and arts, particularly as (auto)bio-graphical accounts of eminent people. However, in the last few decades, it is becoming a more prominent tool in social sciences giving an additional (intimate) perspective on local and global societal developments. In feminist theory, methodology and pedagogy, memory work has a significant place as it enables hidden and unheard voices and the experiences and lives of ordinary women to be taken into account as sources of scientific knowledge. In the feminist approach to memory work, it is not only that women's experiences become visible and valuable, but also valid as means of providing insights into the private sphere and intimate life that goes beyond traditional and mainstream historical and social science perspectives. The book by Ann-Dorte Christensen and Marit Benthe Norheim, A Shipload of Women's Memories: Narratives across Borders, explores and further develops memory work by combining visual art and sociological and literary methods in collecting and recording the stories of women. The book comprises 18 real-life stories of women over the age of 70 who have lived and worked in a total of 27 different countries and across four continents, all of whom have migrated to, and live in, Denmark. The inspiration for collecting life stories came from the art project 'Life-boats' of the Norwegian visual artist Marit Benthe Norheim (who lives in Denmark). The project presents 'a three-part portrait of women in different universal stages and conditions, which sail with captains and crew and are constructed as canal boats' (p. 113). The three parts/ships of women's life cycles are: 'My ship is loaded with Longing-the young women', 'My ship is loaded with Life-the pregnant women' and 'My ship is loaded with Memories-the ageing women'. The book presents the collection of life stories from the third ship loaded with memories of ageing women. Each life story is comprised of a narrative (as described by Ann-Dorte Christensen), a sketch (visualization of the woman's life) and a boat figurehead (materialization of the woman's account)-the last two made by the visual artist, Marit Benthe Norheim. All three interpretations represent comprehensive sociological and artistic materializations of the interviewed women's life trajectories. As in all memory work, the interaction between researchers and researched brings challenges in maintaining intimacy, openness and empathy in situations in which many experiences (migration, war and violence) are not usually shared. However, the life stories collected in the book aim to present not only the present situation of some of the women, such as 79-year-old asylum seeker Basma from Syria (pp. 64-66), but also to build understanding and open-mindedness between cultures in order to prevent future
Feministicka teorija je za sve, 2018

APSTRAKT: U radu se analizira proces proizvodnje znanja u oblasti politika rodne ravnopravnosti u... more APSTRAKT: U radu se analizira proces proizvodnje znanja u oblasti politika rodne ravnopravnosti u Srbiji posle 2000. godine u akademskom i neakademskom kontekstu. Tekst problematizuje interakcije i veze između proizvodnje praktičnog i akademskog znanja o rodnosti na primeru konceptualizacije urodnjavanja (gender mainstreaming). Jedno od osnovnih pitanja koje autorka postavlja je na koji način se urodnjavanje percipira, primenjuje i vrednuje u akademskom kontekstu, a na koji u domenu praktičnih politika. U tekstu se preispituju načini na koji se koncept urodnjavanja uključuje u akademska znanja o rodnosti u Srbiji, ali i na evropskom nivou. Autorka polazi od teze da praktično znanje o rodnim politikama nije na zadovoljavajući način integrisano u formalnu akademsku praksu u Srbiji, iako predstavlja jedan od ključnih uslova za dalji razvoj akademskih znanja o aktuelnim društveno–političkim procesima. Autorka takođe problematizira odnos između koncepata koji su značajni za proizvodnju feminističkih znanja i praksi: akademsko/teorijsko znanje i praktično znanje/javne politike, aktivizam i profesionalizam, lokalni i transnacionalni feminizam, kao i strategija osnaživanja i urodnjavanja. Na primeru međunarodne debate za i protiv urodnjavanja autorka razvija potencijalna pitanja za pokretanje slične debate i u okviru feminističke akademske i neakademske zajednice u Srbiji. KLJUČNE REČI: politike rodne ravnopravnosti; proizvodnja znanja; proizvodnja praktičnih politika; urodnjavanje; osnaživanje. ABSTRACT: The paper analyzes the knowledge production of gender equality policies in Serbia after 2000 in the academic and non-academic context. The text problematizes the interactions and links between gendered knowledge productionin academia and policymaking taking as an example conceptualization of gender mainstreaming. The key issues addressed in the paper concern perception,

APSTRAKT: Analiza kojom ću se baviti u ovom radu, kretaće se u okviru shvatanja odnosa roda i pol... more APSTRAKT: Analiza kojom ću se baviti u ovom radu, kretaće se u okviru shvatanja odnosa roda i politike kao dinamičnog i promenljivog uticaja ženskog pokreta na kreiranje javnih politika i njihovu institucionalizaciju. Naime, kroz teorijski okvir " državnog feminizma " (state feminism), pokušaću da dam kritički osvrt na uticaj i rezultate rada mehanizama za rodnu ravnopravnost, pre svega u odnosu na politike i prakse feminističkog pokreta u Srbiji. Moja analiza biće, pre svega, zasnovana na teorijskim osnovama koje su proistekle iz istraživanja u okviru tridesetogodišnjeg projekta Doroti Mekbrajd i Ejmi Mazur (Dorothy E.McBride i Amy G. Mazur) Politika državnog feminizma (2010), ali i nekim drugim tekstovima koji se bave državnim feminizmom kako na primeru zemalja iz regiona Zapadnog Balkana ABSTRACT: The analysis that will be addressed in this paper will be in the outline of understanding the relationship between gender and politics as a dynamic and variable impact of the women's movement on public policy and their institutionalization. Within the theoretical framework of " state feminism " , I will try to give a critical review of the impact and results of the gender equality mechanisms (women's policy agencies), especially in relation to the policies and practices of the feminist movement in Serbia. My analysis will be primarily based
Polis Casopis za javnu politiku, Avgust 2013, broj 5
Prevencija kriminala i socijalnih devijacija - evropska i regionalna dobra praksa
Page 7. Učestvovanje žena u sektoru bezbednosti–feministički koncept Zorana Antonijević1 Autorka ... more Page 7. Učestvovanje žena u sektoru bezbednosti–feministički koncept Zorana Antonijević1 Autorka je doktorantkinja Rodnih studija Centra za rodne studije, ACIMSI Univerziteta u Novom Sadu (Asocijacija centara za interdiscipli ...
AND SECURITY, Jan 1, 2011
The author of this paper attempts, through the prism of different feminist approaches to security... more The author of this paper attempts, through the prism of different feminist approaches to security issues, to answer the question of whether gender equality is necessary in the security sector. The paper discusses a shift in the security paradigm from one focused on the security of the state towards one focused on the security of citizens, namely a feminist concept of security and its implications for the increased participation of women and their role in this sector. Moreover, the author tries to explain how important it is to introduce gender issues and gender perspectives into security sector reform and to propose different possibilities for strategic action.
Papers by Zorana Antonijevic
distribution, that results from the structural characteristics of society and equally
determines political practice and discourse. There are two key deficiencies related
to the institutional participation of women in Serbia and the region. The first one is
the inadequate selection and nomination of women running for office, governmental
bodies, leadership and positions for administering gender equality mechanisms,
and the second is the closed social networks, informal sources of power, which
prevent many women from accessing resources, knowledge and participation in
public policies. Increasing the number of women of feminist provinces in political
institutions is the most important precondition for the feminization of political
space and gendering public policies.
In the second part of the text the key disadvantages related to the gendering
of public policies in Serbia are discussed. The first is about the institutionalization
of feminism in the context of facade democracies, and weak and underdeveloped
institutions and institutional procedures, and the second reason is the resistance
to gender equality policies within the institutions themselves. For the successful
implementation of gender mainstreaming, the gender equality issues have to be at
the top of political priorities and a high degree of transparency and orderliness in
the decision-making processes in public policies is required. In their concluding
remarks, the authors point out that the gender mainstreaming in institutions and
public policies have to be conducted through the constant open dialogue between
politicians, experts from women’s organizations and academia.
distribution, that results from the structural characteristics of society and equally
determines political practice and discourse. There are two key deficiencies related
to the institutional participation of women in Serbia and the region. The first one is
the inadequate selection and nomination of women running for office, governmental
bodies, leadership and positions for administering gender equality mechanisms,
and the second is the closed social networks, informal sources of power, which
prevent many women from accessing resources, knowledge and participation in
public policies. Increasing the number of women of feminist provinces in political
institutions is the most important precondition for the feminization of political
space and gendering public policies.
In the second part of the text the key disadvantages related to the gendering
of public policies in Serbia are discussed. The first is about the institutionalization
of feminism in the context of facade democracies, and weak and underdeveloped
institutions and institutional procedures, and the second reason is the resistance
to gender equality policies within the institutions themselves. For the successful
implementation of gender mainstreaming, the gender equality issues have to be at
the top of political priorities and a high degree of transparency and orderliness in
the decision-making processes in public policies is required. In their concluding
remarks, the authors point out that the gender mainstreaming in institutions and
public policies have to be conducted through the constant open dialogue between
politicians, experts from women’s organizations and academia.