Papers by Zoran Stojanovic

Proceedings of the ninth international conference on Information and knowledge management - CIKM '00, 2000
Geographic Information Systems (GISs) have become an essential tool for efficient handling of our... more Geographic Information Systems (GISs) have become an essential tool for efficient handling of our natural and artificial environment. The most important activities in a GIS are querying and spatial analysis of georeferenced data providing decision making and problem solving support. Traditional database query languages and tools are inappropriate for GIS purpose, because of their inability to address spatial properties of the real world entities. This paper presents a spatial query and analysis tool with the strong visual context, called GeoQA. It has been developed as an integral component of the GinisNT, object-oriented GIS framework for GIS applications development. GeoQA provides effective, interactive but user-friendly and ease-of-use mechanisms for performing spatial and non-spatial queries, as well as, spatial, thematic and statistic analysis in specific GIS applications developed on the top of GinisNT. 2. GINISNT: A GIS FRAMEWORK GeoQA spatial query and analysis tool is implemented as an integral part of the GinisNT system [7]. GinisNT is an objectoriented GIS framework for the development of scaleable enduser GIS applications. It is based on an object-oriented (OO) data model and OO application development methodology, supported by the specific software components and tools and extensible class library. The GinisNT data model and OO environment defined by GinisNT framework are used at the application level, while the underlying spatial database is actually stored, organised and maintained by the RDBMS. The relational implementation level is completely transparent to the user by existence of GinisNT
2004 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (IEEE Cat. No.04CH37583)
and Web Services (WS) have been proposed as ways of building high quality and flexible enterprise... more and Web Services (WS) have been proposed as ways of building high quality and flexible enterprisescale e-business solutions that fulfill business goals within a short time-tomarket. However, current achievements in these areas at the level of modeling and design are much behind the technology ones. This paper presents how component-based modeling and design principles can be used as a basis for modeling a Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA). Proposed design approach is basically model-driven, but incorporates several agile development principles and practices that provide its flexibility and agility in today's ever-changing business and IT environments.
Although component-based platforms and technologies such as CORBA, COM+/.NET and Enterprise Java ... more Although component-based platforms and technologies such as CORBA, COM+/.NET and Enterprise Java Beans (EJB) are now widely used for implementation and deployment of complex systems, the component way of thinking is still immature. Current CBD best practices, concepts, approaches and methods do not provide a full and consistent support for various component concepts, and therefore are not able to provide a full benefit of the CBD paradigm. This paper defines a new approach to components through an Integrated Component- Oriented Framework that provides a comprehensive component-oriented support for enterprise systems development. The framework enables that the same component way of thinking and the same consistent set of technology- independent component concepts can be applied in different aspects of enterprise systems development, from business services to distributed components.
A Service-Oriented Component Modeling Approach
… modeling methods and …, 2005
300 Stojanovic, Dahanayake, & Sol Chapter XV A Service-Oriented Component Modeling Approach Zoran... more 300 Stojanovic, Dahanayake, & Sol Chapter XV A Service-Oriented Component Modeling Approach Zoran Stojanovic, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands Ajantha Dahanayake, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands Henk Sol, Delft University of Technology, The ...
Practicing software engineering in …, 2003
230 Stojanovic & Dahanayake Chapter XVI A Service-Based Approach to Components for Effective Busi... more 230 Stojanovic & Dahanayake Chapter XVI A Service-Based Approach to Components for Effective Business-IT Alignment Zoran Stojanovic Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands Ajantha Dahanayake Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands ABSTRACT Although ...
Encyclopedia of Information Science and …, 2005
Papers by Zoran Stojanovic