Papers by Zlatko Videski

The Flow, 2025
A new picture of the Late Bronze Age of the Ulanci group has been obtained through
the excavation... more A new picture of the Late Bronze Age of the Ulanci group has been obtained through
the excavations of the cemeteries Dimov Grob v. Ulanci-Gradsko, Vodovratski Pat v. Vodovrati-
Gradsko, Mali Dol v. Tremnik-Negotino and Manastir – Chashka-Veles. These excavations provided
a wealth of archaeological material, which in turn allowed for initial more detailed studies
of the development, distribution and function of individual groups of archaeological objects. Here
we will focus on the large number of newly discovered pins, which represent an important corpus
of finds, and which were mostly discovered at the Dimov Grob cemetery in closed archaeological
complexes-graves. So far, over forty pins have been discovered, the main feature of most of
them is that they are part of a large group of pins with a perforated neck. All discovered pins are
dated to the Late Bronze Age, and as forms are widely distributed in Central Europe. But there
are variants of pins which, despite being typically Central European, no longer have their classical
characteristics and form their own local features. It is also important to emphasize that the pins of
the Ulanci group represent a border zone, since they correspond to the southernmost borderline of
the distribution of the corresponding pin types of northern origin, and temporally correspond to
the last phase of their use further north.

Perspectives on Balkan Archaeology 2-THE MECHANISM OF POWER, 2024
This paper represents an attempt to reconstruct the social structure of the Late Bronze Age socie... more This paper represents an attempt to reconstruct the social structure of the Late Bronze Age society of the Ulanci
cultural group. During the ten-year research of the cemetery at the archaeological site of Dimov Grob, a total
number of 135 graves were discovered. This is the final number of burials at the cemetery, which provides a
unique opportunity to examine a fully explored prehistoric cemetery. The systematic approach in the excavations
made it possible to obtain evidence on the burial method, burial customs, the role of the archaeological
object in the burial custom, and initial evidence for the social structure of the Late Bronze Age society. The characteristics
of the cemetery Dimov Grob, such as the organization of graves in rows with identical orientation,
the standardization of the burial type through the dominant use of the cist grave and the clearly defined burial
customs, create an image of egalitarianism and homogenization. On the other hand, in the “idealizing” world of
the cemetery, these characteristics showed the social structuring of the individual towards the community, with
a symbolic emphasis of the collective identity and cohesion of the community. However, during a deeper analysis
of the discovered burials at the cemetery, differences that reflect the social organization of society in everyday
life are noticed, pointing towards more complex social situations. Gender and age identities are distinguished,
which reflect certain interpersonal antagonisms in the social structure within the community. How these antagonisms
were resolved is still unknown. Still, it can be assumed that the traditional values of the society were the
connective tissue that held the society and in which those antagonisms remained muted, hidden, and put in the
background. According to the burial finds of the cemetery, a small specialized social group can be distinguished,
probably composed of individuals and not of family members. This group consists of the three female burials in
graves 54, 73, and 80, which at the same time are the richest burials in the cemetery. They may represent a traditional
religious-civilian group of leaders who maintained the nurturing of traditional social values with applied
rules and did not allow inequalities to escalate in the community. Their civil and ritual power restrained excessive
ambition that would lead to the formation of power structures concentrated in one group, family, or individual.
Thus, the conclusion can be drawn that the Late Bronze Age society of the Ulanci cultural group does not contain
complex forms of social organization. The absence of power is a consequence of the non-differentiation of the
economic organization of the community, whereby the role of women is emphasized in the religious life and the
civil sphere as a leader, where the nurturing of traditional values in society and the welfare of the community are
the main premises.
Aрхеолошки музеј 1924-2024, 2024
Археолошки истражувања - Aрхеолошки музеј 1924-2024

Зборник на Археолошки музеј 15, стр. 84-97, 2023
Stobi is one of the better explored and presented archaeological sites on the territory of RN Mac... more Stobi is one of the better explored and presented archaeological sites on the territory of RN Macedonia. The reason I am coming back to it, is its beginnings, i.e., the prehistoric horizon present at Stobi. These prehistoric periods are poorly explained and the least explored segments of the site. Different opinions about the location of the prehistoric Stobi have been presented, and here we will try to determine the space that was occupied in the Late Bronze Age. At the same time, we will look at the material and spiritual culture of the late Bronze Age cultural group Ulanci, through the examination of grave 312 from Stobi. Back in 1974, within the framework of the archaeological research of Stobi within the joint American-Yugoslav
project, during the research of the Domus Fulonica building, led by Prof. Ivan Mikulčić, two graves - 312 and 313 were discovered. He published the results of this research in 1985. Prof. Mikulčić determines the graves as burials from the Hellenistic period. What sets grave 312 apart are the discovered grave goods. Seven sea snails - Cowry of the species Luria Lurida and 25 glass beads were discovered in the grave.

Зборник на Археолошки музеј 15 стр.69-83 , 2023
The reason for the re-examination of the anthropomorphic stela from Dimov Grob was its insufficie... more The reason for the re-examination of the anthropomorphic stela from Dimov Grob was its insufficiently clear cultural-historical determination, the wrong chronological definition and the disagreements concerning its interpretation in the past. The anthropomorphic stela is foreign to the
indigenous prehistoric culture from our territory, so its appearance is a novelty and shows the presence of some new elements in the prehistory of R. N. Macedonia.
Anthropomorphic stelae (stelae statues or menhirs), are a phenomenon that occured at the end of the 4th millennium and the beginning of the 3rd millennium BC, and is associated with the social transformations affecting the territory of Southeastern Europe during that period. They are also related to the spreading of the steppe populations from the northeastern Pontus to the west, which, in turn, are characteristic for the spread of the Yamnaya culture.

Зборник на Археолошки Музеј бр. 14 стр. 89-102, 2022
For the time being the Markova Sushica Grave is the earliest expressions of the contacts of Maced... more For the time being the Markova Sushica Grave is the earliest expressions of the contacts of Macedonia with the Aegean Bronze Age, which is evidently very important in chronological terms.
Here, I return to this burial and the sword-pommel, from various aspects, in an attempt to emphasise the importance of this find and its great significance for the chronology and better understanding of the development of the Bronze Age culture at our territory. At the same time,
I elaborate the new information linked with sword-pommels, and provide a further chronological specification of the items, which are identified by the archaeological science as representatives of these contacts and associated to the context of the dispersal of the Mycenaean (Palace) state at our territory, such as the Mycenaean sword from Tetovo, and the boar tusks helmet in the Kljuchka Necropolis near Hipodrom – Skopje.

Зборник на Археолошки музеј бр.14 стр. 71-88, 2022
A Late Bronze Age oval-shaped house was discovered, with dimensions: length 6.20 m., And width 3.... more A Late Bronze Age oval-shaped house was discovered, with dimensions: length 6.20 m., And width 3.80 m., The house with a parapet wall 0.50 m wide. and a length of 2 m., is internally divided into two rooms. The house is preserved almost in its entire size, with the exception of the southwest corner which is damaged by the ravine, as a building material for the
construction of the walls is used mud brick . This construction technique is not unknown in the Late Bronze Age on our territory, and represents its southern benefit. We should also mention the two discovered walls, which are not part of the house, they differ from the walls of the house, both in width close to 0.70 m, and in the technique of building the drywall. The possible explanation of these two walls, especially the one discovered in probe 1, is that it is a periboy - a fenced wall of a closed yard, which was discovered for the first time in our country.
SITULA 44 Scripta Praehistorica in Honorem Biba Teržan pp. 313-320, 2007
Istražuvanjata na bronzenoto vreme vo R. Makedonija seušte se na svoite početoci, iako odredeni s... more Istražuvanjata na bronzenoto vreme vo R. Makedonija seušte se na svoite početoci, iako odredeni soznanija i rezultati se dobieni za Pelagonija i dolinata na rekata Vardar. Isklučok od vakvata slika za slabata istraženost na bronzenoto vreme pretstavuva docnobronzenodobskata nekropola na
lokalitetot "Dimov Grob" vo s. Ulanci kaj Gradsko, na koja se izvrženi povekegodišni sistematski istražuvanja. Istražuvanjata na nekropolata
"Dimov Grob"ovozmožija dobivanje na podatoci za ušte eden nerasvetlen segment od životot na lugeto vo bronzenoto vreme i nivnite religiozni veruvanja. Svoite religiozni uveruvanja, tie gi pretsavuvale preku kultnite premeti, koi pak pretstatvuvaat materjalna slika na tie

Between the Aegean and Baltic Seas: Prehistory Across Borders , Aegeum 27, pp. 211-214, 2007
The frequent contacts of our region with the developed Aegean south at the beginning of the Late ... more The frequent contacts of our region with the developed Aegean south at the beginning of the Late Bronze Age provoked new manifestations in the material and spiritual culture, that led to a new expression of the Bronze Age and the appropriation of a new culture. These contacts between the Vardar valley and the Mycenaean world were carried out most probably throughout the Mycenaean emporia on the coast of Chalkidike, and perhaps through travelling merchant-craftsmen. These strong influences were to have a permanent impact on further cultural development, especially during the Iron Age. The latest research has revealed that many of the typical forms which are important for the character of the Iron Age originate from this new culture, formed under strong Aegean influences during the Late Bronze Age.

Folia Archaeologica Balcanica V. I pp. 63-74, 2006
The Dimov Grob Necropolis at the village of Ulanci near Gradsko is the best explored site from th... more The Dimov Grob Necropolis at the village of Ulanci near Gradsko is the best explored site from the Late Bronze Age in the Republic of Macedonia due to the systematic archaeological exploration that lasted ten years. The wealth of archaeological material discovered on this site provides, for the first time, an insight into the material and spiritual culture that was characteristic of the Late Bronze Age on our territory.
А characteristic category of finds discovered in this necropolis is the matt-painted ceramics that, at present, comprises the largest collection of such finds. In addition to the new technique applied in its manufacture and decoration with new motifs, new ceramic forms are also characteristic of this collection of earthenware that represent
the local varieties in Late Helladic manufacture of ceramic vessels. On the basis of the analysis of the ceramic forms and the use of decorative motifs in the matt-painted ceramics, it can be divided into two groups: local matt-painted ceramics, which is the expression of the nourishing of the local tradition in the manufacture of the ceramic vessels that now, influenced by the new forms from the South, acquired new features
and which are represented with the form of kantharoi; the second group consists of locally manufactured ceramic vessels with Mycenaean features and is represented with the ceramic forms of alabastron and amphoriskos, locally manufactured copies of Mycenaean pottery.
Зборник Археологија 2 стр. 67-78, 2005
Локакитетот "Врањак" кај е. Варвара
претставува засега втора истражувана
енеолитска населба во Ск... more Локакитетот "Врањак" кај е. Варвара
претставува засега втора истражувана
енеолитска населба во Скопската
котлина,која дава нова слика за Енеолитот во
овој дел на Р. Македонија. Со истражувањата
се покажа дека Скопската котлина во
Енеолитот имала роља на врска помеѓу
населбите од културната група Шуплевец Бакарно
Гумно со оние од североисточна
Македонија и Косово и Метохија.
Vardarski Rid V. I pp. 91-113, 2005
The finds from Kofilak and the northeast
slope of Vardarski Rid show a great degree of
uniformity... more The finds from Kofilak and the northeast
slope of Vardarski Rid show a great degree of
uniformity, which leads to the assumption of
a contemporary timeframe and cultural
homogeneity of the two sites.
The ceramic material consists largely of
wide-open biconical bowls with two vertical
stripe-handles. They are characteristic
of the late Bronze Age and, in the territory
of the Republic of Macedonia, they were
usually found as burial offerings in the
Macedoniae Acta Archaeologica V. 15 pp.91-112, 1999
For the purpose evaluating аѕ completely аѕ possible the burial ground at
the site of Isar in v. ... more For the purpose evaluating аѕ completely аѕ possible the burial ground at
the site of Isar in v. Marvinci пеаг Valandovo, paгticularly the dispositioп of the ѕс.
South Necгopolis, the Museum of Macedonia carried out researches in July 1997.
Macedoniae Acta Archaeologica V. 14 pp.37-43, 1996
ln June 1994 the Museum of Macedonia was informed about а discovery of human bones and pottery wh... more ln June 1994 the Museum of Macedonia was informed about а discovery of human bones and pottery while digging house foundations in the settlement in the area Goresnica in the village of Markova Susica near Skopje. А deceased inhumed in crouched position was discovered in the grave аѕ well аѕ а clay vessel near the head of the deceased with two stripe-like handles surmounting the rim. Marble pommel of а sword was found near the pelvis...
Books by Zlatko Videski

Monograph Series Book 1, 2022
In the Late Helladic period there is a noticeably strong expansion of Mycenaean civilisation to t... more In the Late Helladic period there is a noticeably strong expansion of Mycenaean civilisation to the north of continental Greece, in the interior of the Balkan Peninsula. The expansion of this primarily economic influence
resulted in expansion of the material and spiritual culture of the Mycenaean civilisation. This influence was felt over a broader area
almost simultaneously at the end of LH III B and the beginning of LH III C. This influence spread on the Balkans at several points, such as the coast of south Albania and the valley of the Devol; within Macedonia it spread through the valleys of the Vardar and the Haliakmon, and, with new knowledge about this situation of Mycenaean influence, we can also include the lower course of the Struma.The choice for these influences was the river valleys because they offered the easiest points for entering the Balkans. This influence caused simultaneous and closely related cultural phenomena, which allowed several new regional Late Bronze Age
cultures to be formed on this broader region of the Balkans, which basically represent an amalgam of cultures with south Mycenaean and autochthonous Balkan characteristics.
The most significaпt раrt of the Irоn Age collection in the Museum of
Macedonia includes the grou... more The most significaпt раrt of the Irоn Age collection in the Museum of
Macedonia includes the group of fiпds called "Macedonian Bronzes". The idea fог displaying them in an exhibition has arisen from the fact that this collection has never so far been presented аѕ а whole but rather fragmentarily within several exhibitions concerning the prehistory in R. Macedonia in general terms.
The exhibition "Macedonian Bronzes" presents over 400 items considered in 305 catalogue units and arranged in eight showcases.
Book Reviews by Zlatko Videski
Зборник на Археолошкиот Музеј бр.14 стр. 193-198, 2022
Papers by Zlatko Videski
the excavations of the cemeteries Dimov Grob v. Ulanci-Gradsko, Vodovratski Pat v. Vodovrati-
Gradsko, Mali Dol v. Tremnik-Negotino and Manastir – Chashka-Veles. These excavations provided
a wealth of archaeological material, which in turn allowed for initial more detailed studies
of the development, distribution and function of individual groups of archaeological objects. Here
we will focus on the large number of newly discovered pins, which represent an important corpus
of finds, and which were mostly discovered at the Dimov Grob cemetery in closed archaeological
complexes-graves. So far, over forty pins have been discovered, the main feature of most of
them is that they are part of a large group of pins with a perforated neck. All discovered pins are
dated to the Late Bronze Age, and as forms are widely distributed in Central Europe. But there
are variants of pins which, despite being typically Central European, no longer have their classical
characteristics and form their own local features. It is also important to emphasize that the pins of
the Ulanci group represent a border zone, since they correspond to the southernmost borderline of
the distribution of the corresponding pin types of northern origin, and temporally correspond to
the last phase of their use further north.
cultural group. During the ten-year research of the cemetery at the archaeological site of Dimov Grob, a total
number of 135 graves were discovered. This is the final number of burials at the cemetery, which provides a
unique opportunity to examine a fully explored prehistoric cemetery. The systematic approach in the excavations
made it possible to obtain evidence on the burial method, burial customs, the role of the archaeological
object in the burial custom, and initial evidence for the social structure of the Late Bronze Age society. The characteristics
of the cemetery Dimov Grob, such as the organization of graves in rows with identical orientation,
the standardization of the burial type through the dominant use of the cist grave and the clearly defined burial
customs, create an image of egalitarianism and homogenization. On the other hand, in the “idealizing” world of
the cemetery, these characteristics showed the social structuring of the individual towards the community, with
a symbolic emphasis of the collective identity and cohesion of the community. However, during a deeper analysis
of the discovered burials at the cemetery, differences that reflect the social organization of society in everyday
life are noticed, pointing towards more complex social situations. Gender and age identities are distinguished,
which reflect certain interpersonal antagonisms in the social structure within the community. How these antagonisms
were resolved is still unknown. Still, it can be assumed that the traditional values of the society were the
connective tissue that held the society and in which those antagonisms remained muted, hidden, and put in the
background. According to the burial finds of the cemetery, a small specialized social group can be distinguished,
probably composed of individuals and not of family members. This group consists of the three female burials in
graves 54, 73, and 80, which at the same time are the richest burials in the cemetery. They may represent a traditional
religious-civilian group of leaders who maintained the nurturing of traditional social values with applied
rules and did not allow inequalities to escalate in the community. Their civil and ritual power restrained excessive
ambition that would lead to the formation of power structures concentrated in one group, family, or individual.
Thus, the conclusion can be drawn that the Late Bronze Age society of the Ulanci cultural group does not contain
complex forms of social organization. The absence of power is a consequence of the non-differentiation of the
economic organization of the community, whereby the role of women is emphasized in the religious life and the
civil sphere as a leader, where the nurturing of traditional values in society and the welfare of the community are
the main premises.
project, during the research of the Domus Fulonica building, led by Prof. Ivan Mikulčić, two graves - 312 and 313 were discovered. He published the results of this research in 1985. Prof. Mikulčić determines the graves as burials from the Hellenistic period. What sets grave 312 apart are the discovered grave goods. Seven sea snails - Cowry of the species Luria Lurida and 25 glass beads were discovered in the grave.
indigenous prehistoric culture from our territory, so its appearance is a novelty and shows the presence of some new elements in the prehistory of R. N. Macedonia.
Anthropomorphic stelae (stelae statues or menhirs), are a phenomenon that occured at the end of the 4th millennium and the beginning of the 3rd millennium BC, and is associated with the social transformations affecting the territory of Southeastern Europe during that period. They are also related to the spreading of the steppe populations from the northeastern Pontus to the west, which, in turn, are characteristic for the spread of the Yamnaya culture.
Here, I return to this burial and the sword-pommel, from various aspects, in an attempt to emphasise the importance of this find and its great significance for the chronology and better understanding of the development of the Bronze Age culture at our territory. At the same time,
I elaborate the new information linked with sword-pommels, and provide a further chronological specification of the items, which are identified by the archaeological science as representatives of these contacts and associated to the context of the dispersal of the Mycenaean (Palace) state at our territory, such as the Mycenaean sword from Tetovo, and the boar tusks helmet in the Kljuchka Necropolis near Hipodrom – Skopje.
construction of the walls is used mud brick . This construction technique is not unknown in the Late Bronze Age on our territory, and represents its southern benefit. We should also mention the two discovered walls, which are not part of the house, they differ from the walls of the house, both in width close to 0.70 m, and in the technique of building the drywall. The possible explanation of these two walls, especially the one discovered in probe 1, is that it is a periboy - a fenced wall of a closed yard, which was discovered for the first time in our country.
lokalitetot "Dimov Grob" vo s. Ulanci kaj Gradsko, na koja se izvrženi povekegodišni sistematski istražuvanja. Istražuvanjata na nekropolata
"Dimov Grob"ovozmožija dobivanje na podatoci za ušte eden nerasvetlen segment od životot na lugeto vo bronzenoto vreme i nivnite religiozni veruvanja. Svoite religiozni uveruvanja, tie gi pretsavuvale preku kultnite premeti, koi pak pretstatvuvaat materjalna slika na tie
А characteristic category of finds discovered in this necropolis is the matt-painted ceramics that, at present, comprises the largest collection of such finds. In addition to the new technique applied in its manufacture and decoration with new motifs, new ceramic forms are also characteristic of this collection of earthenware that represent
the local varieties in Late Helladic manufacture of ceramic vessels. On the basis of the analysis of the ceramic forms and the use of decorative motifs in the matt-painted ceramics, it can be divided into two groups: local matt-painted ceramics, which is the expression of the nourishing of the local tradition in the manufacture of the ceramic vessels that now, influenced by the new forms from the South, acquired new features
and which are represented with the form of kantharoi; the second group consists of locally manufactured ceramic vessels with Mycenaean features and is represented with the ceramic forms of alabastron and amphoriskos, locally manufactured copies of Mycenaean pottery.
претставува засега втора истражувана
енеолитска населба во Скопската
котлина,која дава нова слика за Енеолитот во
овој дел на Р. Македонија. Со истражувањата
се покажа дека Скопската котлина во
Енеолитот имала роља на врска помеѓу
населбите од културната група Шуплевец Бакарно
Гумно со оние од североисточна
Македонија и Косово и Метохија.
slope of Vardarski Rid show a great degree of
uniformity, which leads to the assumption of
a contemporary timeframe and cultural
homogeneity of the two sites.
The ceramic material consists largely of
wide-open biconical bowls with two vertical
stripe-handles. They are characteristic
of the late Bronze Age and, in the territory
of the Republic of Macedonia, they were
usually found as burial offerings in the
the site of Isar in v. Marvinci пеаг Valandovo, paгticularly the dispositioп of the ѕс.
South Necгopolis, the Museum of Macedonia carried out researches in July 1997.
Books by Zlatko Videski
resulted in expansion of the material and spiritual culture of the Mycenaean civilisation. This influence was felt over a broader area
almost simultaneously at the end of LH III B and the beginning of LH III C. This influence spread on the Balkans at several points, such as the coast of south Albania and the valley of the Devol; within Macedonia it spread through the valleys of the Vardar and the Haliakmon, and, with new knowledge about this situation of Mycenaean influence, we can also include the lower course of the Struma.The choice for these influences was the river valleys because they offered the easiest points for entering the Balkans. This influence caused simultaneous and closely related cultural phenomena, which allowed several new regional Late Bronze Age
cultures to be formed on this broader region of the Balkans, which basically represent an amalgam of cultures with south Mycenaean and autochthonous Balkan characteristics.
Macedonia includes the group of fiпds called "Macedonian Bronzes". The idea fог displaying them in an exhibition has arisen from the fact that this collection has never so far been presented аѕ а whole but rather fragmentarily within several exhibitions concerning the prehistory in R. Macedonia in general terms.
The exhibition "Macedonian Bronzes" presents over 400 items considered in 305 catalogue units and arranged in eight showcases.
Book Reviews by Zlatko Videski
the excavations of the cemeteries Dimov Grob v. Ulanci-Gradsko, Vodovratski Pat v. Vodovrati-
Gradsko, Mali Dol v. Tremnik-Negotino and Manastir – Chashka-Veles. These excavations provided
a wealth of archaeological material, which in turn allowed for initial more detailed studies
of the development, distribution and function of individual groups of archaeological objects. Here
we will focus on the large number of newly discovered pins, which represent an important corpus
of finds, and which were mostly discovered at the Dimov Grob cemetery in closed archaeological
complexes-graves. So far, over forty pins have been discovered, the main feature of most of
them is that they are part of a large group of pins with a perforated neck. All discovered pins are
dated to the Late Bronze Age, and as forms are widely distributed in Central Europe. But there
are variants of pins which, despite being typically Central European, no longer have their classical
characteristics and form their own local features. It is also important to emphasize that the pins of
the Ulanci group represent a border zone, since they correspond to the southernmost borderline of
the distribution of the corresponding pin types of northern origin, and temporally correspond to
the last phase of their use further north.
cultural group. During the ten-year research of the cemetery at the archaeological site of Dimov Grob, a total
number of 135 graves were discovered. This is the final number of burials at the cemetery, which provides a
unique opportunity to examine a fully explored prehistoric cemetery. The systematic approach in the excavations
made it possible to obtain evidence on the burial method, burial customs, the role of the archaeological
object in the burial custom, and initial evidence for the social structure of the Late Bronze Age society. The characteristics
of the cemetery Dimov Grob, such as the organization of graves in rows with identical orientation,
the standardization of the burial type through the dominant use of the cist grave and the clearly defined burial
customs, create an image of egalitarianism and homogenization. On the other hand, in the “idealizing” world of
the cemetery, these characteristics showed the social structuring of the individual towards the community, with
a symbolic emphasis of the collective identity and cohesion of the community. However, during a deeper analysis
of the discovered burials at the cemetery, differences that reflect the social organization of society in everyday
life are noticed, pointing towards more complex social situations. Gender and age identities are distinguished,
which reflect certain interpersonal antagonisms in the social structure within the community. How these antagonisms
were resolved is still unknown. Still, it can be assumed that the traditional values of the society were the
connective tissue that held the society and in which those antagonisms remained muted, hidden, and put in the
background. According to the burial finds of the cemetery, a small specialized social group can be distinguished,
probably composed of individuals and not of family members. This group consists of the three female burials in
graves 54, 73, and 80, which at the same time are the richest burials in the cemetery. They may represent a traditional
religious-civilian group of leaders who maintained the nurturing of traditional social values with applied
rules and did not allow inequalities to escalate in the community. Their civil and ritual power restrained excessive
ambition that would lead to the formation of power structures concentrated in one group, family, or individual.
Thus, the conclusion can be drawn that the Late Bronze Age society of the Ulanci cultural group does not contain
complex forms of social organization. The absence of power is a consequence of the non-differentiation of the
economic organization of the community, whereby the role of women is emphasized in the religious life and the
civil sphere as a leader, where the nurturing of traditional values in society and the welfare of the community are
the main premises.
project, during the research of the Domus Fulonica building, led by Prof. Ivan Mikulčić, two graves - 312 and 313 were discovered. He published the results of this research in 1985. Prof. Mikulčić determines the graves as burials from the Hellenistic period. What sets grave 312 apart are the discovered grave goods. Seven sea snails - Cowry of the species Luria Lurida and 25 glass beads were discovered in the grave.
indigenous prehistoric culture from our territory, so its appearance is a novelty and shows the presence of some new elements in the prehistory of R. N. Macedonia.
Anthropomorphic stelae (stelae statues or menhirs), are a phenomenon that occured at the end of the 4th millennium and the beginning of the 3rd millennium BC, and is associated with the social transformations affecting the territory of Southeastern Europe during that period. They are also related to the spreading of the steppe populations from the northeastern Pontus to the west, which, in turn, are characteristic for the spread of the Yamnaya culture.
Here, I return to this burial and the sword-pommel, from various aspects, in an attempt to emphasise the importance of this find and its great significance for the chronology and better understanding of the development of the Bronze Age culture at our territory. At the same time,
I elaborate the new information linked with sword-pommels, and provide a further chronological specification of the items, which are identified by the archaeological science as representatives of these contacts and associated to the context of the dispersal of the Mycenaean (Palace) state at our territory, such as the Mycenaean sword from Tetovo, and the boar tusks helmet in the Kljuchka Necropolis near Hipodrom – Skopje.
construction of the walls is used mud brick . This construction technique is not unknown in the Late Bronze Age on our territory, and represents its southern benefit. We should also mention the two discovered walls, which are not part of the house, they differ from the walls of the house, both in width close to 0.70 m, and in the technique of building the drywall. The possible explanation of these two walls, especially the one discovered in probe 1, is that it is a periboy - a fenced wall of a closed yard, which was discovered for the first time in our country.
lokalitetot "Dimov Grob" vo s. Ulanci kaj Gradsko, na koja se izvrženi povekegodišni sistematski istražuvanja. Istražuvanjata na nekropolata
"Dimov Grob"ovozmožija dobivanje na podatoci za ušte eden nerasvetlen segment od životot na lugeto vo bronzenoto vreme i nivnite religiozni veruvanja. Svoite religiozni uveruvanja, tie gi pretsavuvale preku kultnite premeti, koi pak pretstatvuvaat materjalna slika na tie
А characteristic category of finds discovered in this necropolis is the matt-painted ceramics that, at present, comprises the largest collection of such finds. In addition to the new technique applied in its manufacture and decoration with new motifs, new ceramic forms are also characteristic of this collection of earthenware that represent
the local varieties in Late Helladic manufacture of ceramic vessels. On the basis of the analysis of the ceramic forms and the use of decorative motifs in the matt-painted ceramics, it can be divided into two groups: local matt-painted ceramics, which is the expression of the nourishing of the local tradition in the manufacture of the ceramic vessels that now, influenced by the new forms from the South, acquired new features
and which are represented with the form of kantharoi; the second group consists of locally manufactured ceramic vessels with Mycenaean features and is represented with the ceramic forms of alabastron and amphoriskos, locally manufactured copies of Mycenaean pottery.
претставува засега втора истражувана
енеолитска населба во Скопската
котлина,која дава нова слика за Енеолитот во
овој дел на Р. Македонија. Со истражувањата
се покажа дека Скопската котлина во
Енеолитот имала роља на врска помеѓу
населбите од културната група Шуплевец Бакарно
Гумно со оние од североисточна
Македонија и Косово и Метохија.
slope of Vardarski Rid show a great degree of
uniformity, which leads to the assumption of
a contemporary timeframe and cultural
homogeneity of the two sites.
The ceramic material consists largely of
wide-open biconical bowls with two vertical
stripe-handles. They are characteristic
of the late Bronze Age and, in the territory
of the Republic of Macedonia, they were
usually found as burial offerings in the
the site of Isar in v. Marvinci пеаг Valandovo, paгticularly the dispositioп of the ѕс.
South Necгopolis, the Museum of Macedonia carried out researches in July 1997.
resulted in expansion of the material and spiritual culture of the Mycenaean civilisation. This influence was felt over a broader area
almost simultaneously at the end of LH III B and the beginning of LH III C. This influence spread on the Balkans at several points, such as the coast of south Albania and the valley of the Devol; within Macedonia it spread through the valleys of the Vardar and the Haliakmon, and, with new knowledge about this situation of Mycenaean influence, we can also include the lower course of the Struma.The choice for these influences was the river valleys because they offered the easiest points for entering the Balkans. This influence caused simultaneous and closely related cultural phenomena, which allowed several new regional Late Bronze Age
cultures to be formed on this broader region of the Balkans, which basically represent an amalgam of cultures with south Mycenaean and autochthonous Balkan characteristics.
Macedonia includes the group of fiпds called "Macedonian Bronzes". The idea fог displaying them in an exhibition has arisen from the fact that this collection has never so far been presented аѕ а whole but rather fragmentarily within several exhibitions concerning the prehistory in R. Macedonia in general terms.
The exhibition "Macedonian Bronzes" presents over 400 items considered in 305 catalogue units and arranged in eight showcases.