Pakistani men, with a twofold higher incidence in men than in women. OSCC originates from the mal... more Pakistani men, with a twofold higher incidence in men than in women. OSCC originates from the malignant transformation squamous epithelial lining of the oral cavity, including the lip, tongue, and cheeks. 2 The main culprits in Keywords ► OX40 ► OX40L ► immunotherapy ► oral squamous cell carcinoma ► costimulatory molecules
This critical research periodical is mainly based on critical review of research article titled ‘... more This critical research periodical is mainly based on critical review of research article titled ‘Modulated Expression of Specific tRNAs Drives Gene Expression and Cancer Progression published in Cell by Goodarzi et al1. According to Globocan, 2008 report2, breast is among the leading site of new cancer cases and deaths (691,300/268,900) in females of developing countries and second leading site in USA (Globocan, 2012)3. The extensive research is in progress on different aspects of molecular mechanism of driving forces and different treatment modalities to ease this burden. The above mentioned research article is also part of this effort.
Background: Zinc transporter 8 autoantibody (ZnT8A), discovered through bioinformatics, is identi... more Background: Zinc transporter 8 autoantibody (ZnT8A), discovered through bioinformatics, is identified as another major biomarker for type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM), expanding the panel of diagnostic autoantibodies. The absence of standard autoantibodies in T1DM patients and the presence of ZnT8A in individuals before disease development has led the researchers to evaluate ZnT8A to gather information about the frequency and its association. Therefore, we aim to find out the concentration of ZnT8A and its association with T1DM. Methods: A case-control study with 25 type 1 diabetes mellitus patients and 25 first-degree relatives of cases as controls was conducted at Ziauddin University in collaboration with the Baqai Institute of Diabetology and Endocrinology (BIDE), Karachi. Demographic data were collected from patients on a standard questionnaire. Blood samples were collected, after approval from Ziauddin Ethics Review Committee, from subjects and serum was separated to estimate ZnT8A by using sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Results: The mean age at diagnosis of T1DM patients was 13.40±5.05 years, and the duration of diabetes was 7.74±5.85 years. The frequency of ZnT8A was found higher in cases (19 (76%)) compared to controls (6 (24%)). ZnT8A concentrations were significantly higher in cases (13.82 ng/ml) compared to the controls (8.78 ng/ml; p= 0.024). The cutoff value of 9 ng/ml was selected for measuring sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy, which were determined as 76%, 76%, and 76%, respectively. Conclusions: ZnT8A was found significantly associated with T1DM. Subjects with ZnT8A values ≥ 9 ng/ml are 10 times more at risk to develop T1DM (p = 0.000).
Background On account of the COVID-19 pandemic, many changes have been implicated in university m... more Background On account of the COVID-19 pandemic, many changes have been implicated in university medical students. We are cognizant that pandemic can be controlled with dedicated contributions from all involved in the healthcare profession. Therefore, it is important to know the pandemic and application of knowledge by the medical students to formulate a further line of management in Pakistan. Objective We aimed toinvestigate the knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP) regarding COVID-19 and its impact on medical students of Pakistan. Methods A cross-sectional survey was conducted in June 2020 by a validated self—administered questionnaire. The survey instrument was tailored from a published questionnaire comprised of questions on demographics (6), knowledge (14), attitudes (4), and practices (6). Results Of the 1474 medical students in the study, 576(39.1%) were males, and 898(60.1%) were females. Two-thirds of the participants 1057(71.7%) had adequate knowledge, and almost all th...
Objective The aim of the current study was to explore the gene enrichment and dysregulated pathwa... more Objective The aim of the current study was to explore the gene enrichment and dysregulated pathways on the basis of interaction network analysis of SLC30A8 in type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM). SLC30A8 polymorphism could be characterized as a beneficial tool to identify the interacting gene in developing T1DM. Materials and methods SLC30A8 interacting protein interaction network was obtained by String Interaction network Version 11.0. Ten proteins were identified interacting with SLC30A8 and were analysed by protein-protein interaction and enrichment network analysis along with Functional Enrichment analysis tool (FunRich 3.1.3) to map the gene data sets. In entire analysis, FunRich database was used as background against all annotated gene/protein list. Protein-protein interaction (PPI) and enrichment network analysis of the selected protein: SLC30A8 gene along with gene mapping and pathway enrichment were performed using FunRich 3.1.3 and String Interaction network Version 11.0. Res...
Certain somatic mutations are capable to confer a selective benefit to blood stem cells become mu... more Certain somatic mutations are capable to confer a selective benefit to blood stem cells become much more common with aging1. This state was entitled “clonal hematopoiesis of indeterminate potential,” (CHIP), and found that it upsurges the risk of developing a blood cancer more than 10-fold and it seemed to escalate mortality from heart attacks or stroke. But looking at the current understanding of Coronary heart disease CHD is that CHD in the world is the solitary empire where death rules,dictated by tobacco smoking and metabolic syndrome. Worldwide the anticipated rise in CHD is twice in the next 20 years in South Asia compared to any where else..
Journal of the College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan, 2018
In Pakistan, extensive use of several precarious chewable tobacco formulations has made oral canc... more In Pakistan, extensive use of several precarious chewable tobacco formulations has made oral cancer the second leading malignancy. Selection of literature was done by a survey of studies published from 1990 to 2017 mainly, from PUBMED and few from other search engines, on naswar, gutka, areca nut and betel quid, which included published reviews, original articles and other data sources on chewable tobacco, its epidemiology, pathological implications, and psychological effects. These studies have revealed that the chemicals in these formulations bind and mutate DNA of oral mucosa through down regulating cellular repair pathways and upregulating genetic networks associated with pathogenesis. Areca nut, having aercoline (the major alkaloid) causes carcinogenicity, mutagenicity, and genotoxicity of oral mucosa through increased production of growth factors and corticotrophin-releasing hormone, and genetic alteration in expression of CASP8, APAF-1, BAX, BAD, and upregulation of caspas-3. Gutka addiction leads to precancerous lesions resulting in characteristic facial abnormalities, following trismus. Naswar, in addition to oral cancer, causes adverse cardiovascular events by reducing glutathione per oxidase (GPx) and super-oxide dismutase (SOD), serum levels of HDL, whereas, increasing the ratio of cholesterol, LDL, triglycerides and LDL-C/HDL-C. Betel quid (Paan), causes psychoactivity affecting central and autonomic nervous systems leading to dependence with decreased cognition, euphoria, sweating, salivation, palpitation, heightened alertness and zest to work. Metabolically, cardio-acceleration, cortical desynchronisation of EEG, elevated plasma noradrenaline and adrenaline were found. This review highlights the corrosive effects of various most popular chewable tobacco formulations; and damage done by their cocktail of carcinogenic substances and added ingredients, leading to oropharangeal cancer.
This survey was carried out from November 2008 till Dec 2011 to establish problem based learning ... more This survey was carried out from November 2008 till Dec 2011 to establish problem based learning (PBL) as part of hybrid modular curriculum at Bahria University Medical & Dental College, Karachi. It describes all steps undertaken to facilitate implementation of PBL system of education at BUMDC. During this period faculty was exposed to training workshops after which they were sequenced to prepare and present PBL in structured meetings and conduct them as facilitators. Faculty was exposed to 5 training workshops after which a total of 12, 27, 29 and 28 PBLs in 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011 were prepared, presented and facilitated respectively. PBL system of education was imple-mented at BUMDC by stepwise measures which facilitated faculty members to prepare and apply this strategy for learning of medical students.
Background: Problem based learning (PBL) introduced by Howard Barrows at McMaster University in 1... more Background: Problem based learning (PBL) introduced by Howard Barrows at McMaster University in 1969 is generally regarded as an effective learning strategy with an active process of personal cognitive construction. Many medical colleges have adapted this methodology as partial or complete part of their curriculum. This strategy not only caters to the knowledge domain but also polishes attitude and soft skills in an individual. Objectives: To evaluate efficacy of PBL development program carried out at Bahria University Medical & Dental College (BUMDC) Methods: It was a cross sectional study conducted after completion of PBL development program at BUMDC from November 2008 till Dec 2011. Perception of faculty members about the program was acquired by purposeful sampling technique through a self reported questionnaire. All faculty members involved in PBL program were included. Their response was assessed on a 5-point Likert scale with a score of 1=strongly disagree (SDA), 2-disagree (D...
Objective: Viral hepatitis is associated with high morbidity and mortality. Identification of bio... more Objective: Viral hepatitis is associated with high morbidity and mortality. Identification of biological pathways involved in hepatic fibrosis resulting from chronic hepatitis C are essential for better management of patients. Constructing the HCV-human protein interaction network through bioinformatics may enable us to discover diagnostic biological pathways. We investigated to identify dysregulated pathways and gene enrichment based on actin alpha 2 (ACTA2) and glial fibrillar acidic protein (GFAP) interaction network analysis in hepatic fibrosis. Methods: This is an in-silico study conducted at Ziauddin University from March,2019 to September 2019. Enrichment and protein–protein interaction (PPI) network analysis of the identified proteins: GFAP and ACTA2 along with their mapped gene data sets was performed using FunRich version 3.1.3. Results: Biological pathway grouping showed enrichment of proteins (85.7%) in signalling pathway by epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) and Tu...
International journal of infectious diseases : IJID : official publication of the International Society for Infectious Diseases, 2018
To find out the association between Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) genotypes 16/18 in Pakistani pati... more To find out the association between Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) genotypes 16/18 in Pakistani patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC). DNA from oral rinse of 300 subjects was taken. The subjects included 100 cases with OSCC and 200 controls. Samples were analyzed by both conventional and real time PCR using "HPV consensus Gp5+/Gp6+ and HPV 16, 18 specific primers". Out of 300 persons, 74/300 (25%) were found to be infected with HPV: "46/100(46%) from cases and 74/200(14%) from controls". The distribution was: HPV16, 6/300 (8%): 4/100 (9%) from OSCC group and 2/200 (8%) from controls while HPV 18 was 9/300(12%): 5/100(11%) from cases and 4/200(16%) from controls. Out of 300 subjects, 26(35%) were infected by "both HPV 16/18 (23(50%) from cases and 3(12%) from controls". Persons who were infected with HPV 16&18 had higher chances to develop OSCC as compared to those who didn't have HPV 16/18 (AOR: 21.4, 95% CI: 5.73 - 80.8). The exposure to h...
EDITORIAL Certain somatic mutations are capable to confer a selective benefit to blood stem cells... more EDITORIAL Certain somatic mutations are capable to confer a selective benefit to blood stem cells become much more common with aging 1. This state was entitled "clonal hematopoiesis of indeterminate potential," (CHIP), and found that it upsurges the risk of developing a blood cancer more than 10-fold and it seemed to escalate mortality from heart attacks or stroke. But looking at the current understanding of Coronary heart disease CHD is that CHD in the world is the solitary empire where death rules,dictated by tobacco smoking and metabolic syndrome. Worldwide the anticipated rise in CHD is twice in the next 20 years in South Asia compared to any where else. 2,3 There is scarcity of undeviating evidence about the contributing factors of CHD in South Asia and especially in country like Pakistan. Cardio metaboli cailments are considered main culprit but unswerving causality is not established 4,5 .The possible distinct risk profile of South Asian populations, seemingly earlier inception of MIand greater familial clustering of CHD 6 , highlight the requirementof genetic studies in this region 2,3 .Pakistan is fortunate that a research titled Pakistan Risk of Myocardial Infarction Study (PROMIS:5,000 confirmed MI cases and 5,000 controls in urban Pakistan), age nome wide association study (GWAS) in 2009 was conducted. PROMIS was a large resource of epidemiological pool for Coronary heart disease in South Asia which laid the basis to ascertain and assess inherent and other risk factors of MI in South Asia along with discovery of new pathways 6. Scientists at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard University 7 explored whole-exome sequencing data from two retrospective case-control studies 6,8 , the Atherosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology Italian Study Group) (ATVB) and the Pakistan Risk of Myocardial Infarction Study (PROMIS). These studies (PROMIS) evalu-atedearly-onset of MI in subjects age less than 50 years(40-50) comparing them with controls from the same medical centers who did not have cardiovascular disease. However ATVB participantswere 45 years of age or younger, and with controls were age matched. A set of genetic mutations was observed in blood cells that are usually seen during aging. These mutation may be a main new risk factor for coronary heart diseases. Contrary to genetic tendencies and outmoded lifestyle risk factors like tobacco smoking and unhealthy dietary habits, the fresh mutations are "somatic mutations" that instigate in stem cells in the bone marrow as age advances.Because the mutations are comparatively communal in elderly people (over 10% of people over the age of 70 encompass at least one of these mutations).The presence of these mutations 6 in CHD opens the wider canvas illustrating the patho genesis in coronary heart disease by supporting the hypothesis that inflammation, in addition to raised cholesterol levels, contributes animperative part in CHD and possibly other diseases of aging as well.
Selection of literature was done by a survey of studies published from 1990 to 2017, mainly from ... more Selection of literature was done by a survey of studies published from 1990 to 2017, mainly from PUBMED and few from other search engines, on naswar, gutka, areca nut and betal quid, which included published reviews, original articles and other data sources on chewable tobacco, its epidemiology and pathological implications, and psychological effects.
This survey was carried out from November 2008 till Dec 2011 to establish problem based learning ... more This survey was carried out from November 2008 till Dec 2011 to establish problem based learning (PBL) as part of hybrid modular curriculum at Bahria University Medical & Dental College, Karachi. It describes all steps undertaken to facilitate implementation of PBL system of education at BUMDC. During this period faculty was exposed to training workshops after which they were sequenced to prepare and present PBL in structured meetings and conduct them as facilitators. Faculty was exposed to 5 training workshops after which a total of 12, 27, 29 and 28 PBLs in 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011 were prepared, presented and facilitated respectively. PBL system of education was imple-mented at BUMDC by stepwise measures which facilitated faculty members to prepare and apply this strategy for learning of medical students.
Oral health disparities have exacerbated since the popularity of chewable tobacco among the gener... more Oral health disparities have exacerbated since the popularity of chewable tobacco among the general population in Pakistan. Karachi South ranks second in the incidence of oral cancer and this frequency is steadily rising. Several molecular studies have shown a link between the use of chewable tobacco products and oral submucosal fibrosis. Oropharyngeal cancer, is being driven by HPV is now well known around the world. Studies in Pakistan on squamous cell carcinoma and precancerous oral lesions, found a high prevalence of Human Papillomavirus (HPV) in patients with male sex showing significant correlation with HPV infection. This paper highlights the causes and risks of the oral epidemic that is threatening our society.
Background: Problem based learning (PBL) introduced by Howard Barrows at McMaster University in 1... more Background: Problem based learning (PBL) introduced by Howard Barrows at McMaster University in 1969 is generally regarded as an effective learning strategy with an active process of personal cognitive construction. Many medical colleges have adapted this methodology as partial or complete part of their curriculum. This strategy not only caters to the knowledge domain but also polishes attitude and soft skills in an individual. Objectives: To evaluate efficacy of PBL development program carried out at Bahria University Medical & Dental College (BUMDC) Methods: It was a cross sectional study conducted after completion of PBL development program at BUMDC from November 2008 till Dec 2011. Perception of faculty members about the program was acquired by purposeful sampling technique through a self reported questionnaire. All faculty members involved in PBL program were included. Their response was assessed on a 5-point Likert scale with a score of 1=strongly disagree (SDA), 2-disagree (D...
Pakistani men, with a twofold higher incidence in men than in women. OSCC originates from the mal... more Pakistani men, with a twofold higher incidence in men than in women. OSCC originates from the malignant transformation squamous epithelial lining of the oral cavity, including the lip, tongue, and cheeks. 2 The main culprits in Keywords ► OX40 ► OX40L ► immunotherapy ► oral squamous cell carcinoma ► costimulatory molecules
This critical research periodical is mainly based on critical review of research article titled ‘... more This critical research periodical is mainly based on critical review of research article titled ‘Modulated Expression of Specific tRNAs Drives Gene Expression and Cancer Progression published in Cell by Goodarzi et al1. According to Globocan, 2008 report2, breast is among the leading site of new cancer cases and deaths (691,300/268,900) in females of developing countries and second leading site in USA (Globocan, 2012)3. The extensive research is in progress on different aspects of molecular mechanism of driving forces and different treatment modalities to ease this burden. The above mentioned research article is also part of this effort.
Background: Zinc transporter 8 autoantibody (ZnT8A), discovered through bioinformatics, is identi... more Background: Zinc transporter 8 autoantibody (ZnT8A), discovered through bioinformatics, is identified as another major biomarker for type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM), expanding the panel of diagnostic autoantibodies. The absence of standard autoantibodies in T1DM patients and the presence of ZnT8A in individuals before disease development has led the researchers to evaluate ZnT8A to gather information about the frequency and its association. Therefore, we aim to find out the concentration of ZnT8A and its association with T1DM. Methods: A case-control study with 25 type 1 diabetes mellitus patients and 25 first-degree relatives of cases as controls was conducted at Ziauddin University in collaboration with the Baqai Institute of Diabetology and Endocrinology (BIDE), Karachi. Demographic data were collected from patients on a standard questionnaire. Blood samples were collected, after approval from Ziauddin Ethics Review Committee, from subjects and serum was separated to estimate ZnT8A by using sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Results: The mean age at diagnosis of T1DM patients was 13.40±5.05 years, and the duration of diabetes was 7.74±5.85 years. The frequency of ZnT8A was found higher in cases (19 (76%)) compared to controls (6 (24%)). ZnT8A concentrations were significantly higher in cases (13.82 ng/ml) compared to the controls (8.78 ng/ml; p= 0.024). The cutoff value of 9 ng/ml was selected for measuring sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy, which were determined as 76%, 76%, and 76%, respectively. Conclusions: ZnT8A was found significantly associated with T1DM. Subjects with ZnT8A values ≥ 9 ng/ml are 10 times more at risk to develop T1DM (p = 0.000).
Background On account of the COVID-19 pandemic, many changes have been implicated in university m... more Background On account of the COVID-19 pandemic, many changes have been implicated in university medical students. We are cognizant that pandemic can be controlled with dedicated contributions from all involved in the healthcare profession. Therefore, it is important to know the pandemic and application of knowledge by the medical students to formulate a further line of management in Pakistan. Objective We aimed toinvestigate the knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP) regarding COVID-19 and its impact on medical students of Pakistan. Methods A cross-sectional survey was conducted in June 2020 by a validated self—administered questionnaire. The survey instrument was tailored from a published questionnaire comprised of questions on demographics (6), knowledge (14), attitudes (4), and practices (6). Results Of the 1474 medical students in the study, 576(39.1%) were males, and 898(60.1%) were females. Two-thirds of the participants 1057(71.7%) had adequate knowledge, and almost all th...
Objective The aim of the current study was to explore the gene enrichment and dysregulated pathwa... more Objective The aim of the current study was to explore the gene enrichment and dysregulated pathways on the basis of interaction network analysis of SLC30A8 in type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM). SLC30A8 polymorphism could be characterized as a beneficial tool to identify the interacting gene in developing T1DM. Materials and methods SLC30A8 interacting protein interaction network was obtained by String Interaction network Version 11.0. Ten proteins were identified interacting with SLC30A8 and were analysed by protein-protein interaction and enrichment network analysis along with Functional Enrichment analysis tool (FunRich 3.1.3) to map the gene data sets. In entire analysis, FunRich database was used as background against all annotated gene/protein list. Protein-protein interaction (PPI) and enrichment network analysis of the selected protein: SLC30A8 gene along with gene mapping and pathway enrichment were performed using FunRich 3.1.3 and String Interaction network Version 11.0. Res...
Certain somatic mutations are capable to confer a selective benefit to blood stem cells become mu... more Certain somatic mutations are capable to confer a selective benefit to blood stem cells become much more common with aging1. This state was entitled “clonal hematopoiesis of indeterminate potential,” (CHIP), and found that it upsurges the risk of developing a blood cancer more than 10-fold and it seemed to escalate mortality from heart attacks or stroke. But looking at the current understanding of Coronary heart disease CHD is that CHD in the world is the solitary empire where death rules,dictated by tobacco smoking and metabolic syndrome. Worldwide the anticipated rise in CHD is twice in the next 20 years in South Asia compared to any where else..
Journal of the College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan, 2018
In Pakistan, extensive use of several precarious chewable tobacco formulations has made oral canc... more In Pakistan, extensive use of several precarious chewable tobacco formulations has made oral cancer the second leading malignancy. Selection of literature was done by a survey of studies published from 1990 to 2017 mainly, from PUBMED and few from other search engines, on naswar, gutka, areca nut and betel quid, which included published reviews, original articles and other data sources on chewable tobacco, its epidemiology, pathological implications, and psychological effects. These studies have revealed that the chemicals in these formulations bind and mutate DNA of oral mucosa through down regulating cellular repair pathways and upregulating genetic networks associated with pathogenesis. Areca nut, having aercoline (the major alkaloid) causes carcinogenicity, mutagenicity, and genotoxicity of oral mucosa through increased production of growth factors and corticotrophin-releasing hormone, and genetic alteration in expression of CASP8, APAF-1, BAX, BAD, and upregulation of caspas-3. Gutka addiction leads to precancerous lesions resulting in characteristic facial abnormalities, following trismus. Naswar, in addition to oral cancer, causes adverse cardiovascular events by reducing glutathione per oxidase (GPx) and super-oxide dismutase (SOD), serum levels of HDL, whereas, increasing the ratio of cholesterol, LDL, triglycerides and LDL-C/HDL-C. Betel quid (Paan), causes psychoactivity affecting central and autonomic nervous systems leading to dependence with decreased cognition, euphoria, sweating, salivation, palpitation, heightened alertness and zest to work. Metabolically, cardio-acceleration, cortical desynchronisation of EEG, elevated plasma noradrenaline and adrenaline were found. This review highlights the corrosive effects of various most popular chewable tobacco formulations; and damage done by their cocktail of carcinogenic substances and added ingredients, leading to oropharangeal cancer.
This survey was carried out from November 2008 till Dec 2011 to establish problem based learning ... more This survey was carried out from November 2008 till Dec 2011 to establish problem based learning (PBL) as part of hybrid modular curriculum at Bahria University Medical & Dental College, Karachi. It describes all steps undertaken to facilitate implementation of PBL system of education at BUMDC. During this period faculty was exposed to training workshops after which they were sequenced to prepare and present PBL in structured meetings and conduct them as facilitators. Faculty was exposed to 5 training workshops after which a total of 12, 27, 29 and 28 PBLs in 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011 were prepared, presented and facilitated respectively. PBL system of education was imple-mented at BUMDC by stepwise measures which facilitated faculty members to prepare and apply this strategy for learning of medical students.
Background: Problem based learning (PBL) introduced by Howard Barrows at McMaster University in 1... more Background: Problem based learning (PBL) introduced by Howard Barrows at McMaster University in 1969 is generally regarded as an effective learning strategy with an active process of personal cognitive construction. Many medical colleges have adapted this methodology as partial or complete part of their curriculum. This strategy not only caters to the knowledge domain but also polishes attitude and soft skills in an individual. Objectives: To evaluate efficacy of PBL development program carried out at Bahria University Medical & Dental College (BUMDC) Methods: It was a cross sectional study conducted after completion of PBL development program at BUMDC from November 2008 till Dec 2011. Perception of faculty members about the program was acquired by purposeful sampling technique through a self reported questionnaire. All faculty members involved in PBL program were included. Their response was assessed on a 5-point Likert scale with a score of 1=strongly disagree (SDA), 2-disagree (D...
Objective: Viral hepatitis is associated with high morbidity and mortality. Identification of bio... more Objective: Viral hepatitis is associated with high morbidity and mortality. Identification of biological pathways involved in hepatic fibrosis resulting from chronic hepatitis C are essential for better management of patients. Constructing the HCV-human protein interaction network through bioinformatics may enable us to discover diagnostic biological pathways. We investigated to identify dysregulated pathways and gene enrichment based on actin alpha 2 (ACTA2) and glial fibrillar acidic protein (GFAP) interaction network analysis in hepatic fibrosis. Methods: This is an in-silico study conducted at Ziauddin University from March,2019 to September 2019. Enrichment and protein–protein interaction (PPI) network analysis of the identified proteins: GFAP and ACTA2 along with their mapped gene data sets was performed using FunRich version 3.1.3. Results: Biological pathway grouping showed enrichment of proteins (85.7%) in signalling pathway by epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) and Tu...
International journal of infectious diseases : IJID : official publication of the International Society for Infectious Diseases, 2018
To find out the association between Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) genotypes 16/18 in Pakistani pati... more To find out the association between Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) genotypes 16/18 in Pakistani patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC). DNA from oral rinse of 300 subjects was taken. The subjects included 100 cases with OSCC and 200 controls. Samples were analyzed by both conventional and real time PCR using "HPV consensus Gp5+/Gp6+ and HPV 16, 18 specific primers". Out of 300 persons, 74/300 (25%) were found to be infected with HPV: "46/100(46%) from cases and 74/200(14%) from controls". The distribution was: HPV16, 6/300 (8%): 4/100 (9%) from OSCC group and 2/200 (8%) from controls while HPV 18 was 9/300(12%): 5/100(11%) from cases and 4/200(16%) from controls. Out of 300 subjects, 26(35%) were infected by "both HPV 16/18 (23(50%) from cases and 3(12%) from controls". Persons who were infected with HPV 16&18 had higher chances to develop OSCC as compared to those who didn't have HPV 16/18 (AOR: 21.4, 95% CI: 5.73 - 80.8). The exposure to h...
EDITORIAL Certain somatic mutations are capable to confer a selective benefit to blood stem cells... more EDITORIAL Certain somatic mutations are capable to confer a selective benefit to blood stem cells become much more common with aging 1. This state was entitled "clonal hematopoiesis of indeterminate potential," (CHIP), and found that it upsurges the risk of developing a blood cancer more than 10-fold and it seemed to escalate mortality from heart attacks or stroke. But looking at the current understanding of Coronary heart disease CHD is that CHD in the world is the solitary empire where death rules,dictated by tobacco smoking and metabolic syndrome. Worldwide the anticipated rise in CHD is twice in the next 20 years in South Asia compared to any where else. 2,3 There is scarcity of undeviating evidence about the contributing factors of CHD in South Asia and especially in country like Pakistan. Cardio metaboli cailments are considered main culprit but unswerving causality is not established 4,5 .The possible distinct risk profile of South Asian populations, seemingly earlier inception of MIand greater familial clustering of CHD 6 , highlight the requirementof genetic studies in this region 2,3 .Pakistan is fortunate that a research titled Pakistan Risk of Myocardial Infarction Study (PROMIS:5,000 confirmed MI cases and 5,000 controls in urban Pakistan), age nome wide association study (GWAS) in 2009 was conducted. PROMIS was a large resource of epidemiological pool for Coronary heart disease in South Asia which laid the basis to ascertain and assess inherent and other risk factors of MI in South Asia along with discovery of new pathways 6. Scientists at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard University 7 explored whole-exome sequencing data from two retrospective case-control studies 6,8 , the Atherosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology Italian Study Group) (ATVB) and the Pakistan Risk of Myocardial Infarction Study (PROMIS). These studies (PROMIS) evalu-atedearly-onset of MI in subjects age less than 50 years(40-50) comparing them with controls from the same medical centers who did not have cardiovascular disease. However ATVB participantswere 45 years of age or younger, and with controls were age matched. A set of genetic mutations was observed in blood cells that are usually seen during aging. These mutation may be a main new risk factor for coronary heart diseases. Contrary to genetic tendencies and outmoded lifestyle risk factors like tobacco smoking and unhealthy dietary habits, the fresh mutations are "somatic mutations" that instigate in stem cells in the bone marrow as age advances.Because the mutations are comparatively communal in elderly people (over 10% of people over the age of 70 encompass at least one of these mutations).The presence of these mutations 6 in CHD opens the wider canvas illustrating the patho genesis in coronary heart disease by supporting the hypothesis that inflammation, in addition to raised cholesterol levels, contributes animperative part in CHD and possibly other diseases of aging as well.
Selection of literature was done by a survey of studies published from 1990 to 2017, mainly from ... more Selection of literature was done by a survey of studies published from 1990 to 2017, mainly from PUBMED and few from other search engines, on naswar, gutka, areca nut and betal quid, which included published reviews, original articles and other data sources on chewable tobacco, its epidemiology and pathological implications, and psychological effects.
This survey was carried out from November 2008 till Dec 2011 to establish problem based learning ... more This survey was carried out from November 2008 till Dec 2011 to establish problem based learning (PBL) as part of hybrid modular curriculum at Bahria University Medical & Dental College, Karachi. It describes all steps undertaken to facilitate implementation of PBL system of education at BUMDC. During this period faculty was exposed to training workshops after which they were sequenced to prepare and present PBL in structured meetings and conduct them as facilitators. Faculty was exposed to 5 training workshops after which a total of 12, 27, 29 and 28 PBLs in 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011 were prepared, presented and facilitated respectively. PBL system of education was imple-mented at BUMDC by stepwise measures which facilitated faculty members to prepare and apply this strategy for learning of medical students.
Oral health disparities have exacerbated since the popularity of chewable tobacco among the gener... more Oral health disparities have exacerbated since the popularity of chewable tobacco among the general population in Pakistan. Karachi South ranks second in the incidence of oral cancer and this frequency is steadily rising. Several molecular studies have shown a link between the use of chewable tobacco products and oral submucosal fibrosis. Oropharyngeal cancer, is being driven by HPV is now well known around the world. Studies in Pakistan on squamous cell carcinoma and precancerous oral lesions, found a high prevalence of Human Papillomavirus (HPV) in patients with male sex showing significant correlation with HPV infection. This paper highlights the causes and risks of the oral epidemic that is threatening our society.
Background: Problem based learning (PBL) introduced by Howard Barrows at McMaster University in 1... more Background: Problem based learning (PBL) introduced by Howard Barrows at McMaster University in 1969 is generally regarded as an effective learning strategy with an active process of personal cognitive construction. Many medical colleges have adapted this methodology as partial or complete part of their curriculum. This strategy not only caters to the knowledge domain but also polishes attitude and soft skills in an individual. Objectives: To evaluate efficacy of PBL development program carried out at Bahria University Medical & Dental College (BUMDC) Methods: It was a cross sectional study conducted after completion of PBL development program at BUMDC from November 2008 till Dec 2011. Perception of faculty members about the program was acquired by purposeful sampling technique through a self reported questionnaire. All faculty members involved in PBL program were included. Their response was assessed on a 5-point Likert scale with a score of 1=strongly disagree (SDA), 2-disagree (D...
Papers by Zile Bukhari