Papers by Zeynep TEKKUŞ SET

Türkiye'de Cinsel Azınlıklar,Danışmanlık ve Terapi uygulamaları, 2024
we discussed sexual minorities living in Turkish culture and the prejudice and discrimination the... more we discussed sexual minorities living in Turkish culture and the prejudice and discrimination they can experience. We also discussed the training of Turkish mental health practitioners and how some of the psychodynamic, behavioral, and learning theories they may have been exposed to could lead them to believe that being a sexual minority is not a biological phenomenon but one that stems from early childhood experiences or is based on learned behavior.
After reading this chapter, we hope that all Turkish mental health practitioners will agree and operate based on the fact that one’s sexual orientation is not a personal choice but inherent at birth. We also hope that these practitioners will understand the dangers of conversion therapy and speak up against its use.
In Türkiye, despite the principle of equality in the Constitution, there are no protective provisions regarding sexual orientation and gender identity. Sexual minority individuals face numerous challenges in their daily lives due to societal discrimination and homophobia. Given these challenges, psychological support becomes critically important. Mental health practitioners should also evaluate their biases, be open to continuous education and development, and pay close attention to the latest literature when working with sexual minority individuals.

Disiplinlerarası Eğitim Araştırmaları Dergisi
Bu çalışma; bağlanma stilleri, karanlık dörtlü, benlik saygısı ve çocukluk çağı travmaları arasın... more Bu çalışma; bağlanma stilleri, karanlık dörtlü, benlik saygısı ve çocukluk çağı travmaları arasındaki ilişkileri teorik bağlamda incelemektedir. Bağlanma stilleri, karanlık dörtlü, benlik saygısı ve çocukluk çağı travmaları anahtar kelimeler Yök tezde, Pubmed ve Google akademikte yazılarak literatüre ulaşılmıştır. Bağlanma; bebek ve bakım veren arasında kurulan duygusal bağ olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Bu bağ, bireyin sosyal ve duygusal gelişiminde önemli bir role sahiptir. Bağlanma stilleri ve kişilik arasındaki ilişki pek çok araştırmada incelenmiştir. Karanlık dörtlü olarak adlandırılan makyavelizm, narsisizm, psikopati ve sadizm gibi kişilik özelliklerinin güvensiz bağlanma sonucu ortaya çıkabileceği düşünülmektedir. Benlik saygısı da kişinin kendini değerlendirmesi açısından önemli bir faktördür ve hem olumsuz deneyimler hem de çocuğun bağlanma tarzı ile ilişkilendirilmiştir. 18 yaşından küçük çocukların yaşadığı olumsuz deneyimler çocukluk çağı travmaları olarak adlandırılmaktadır...

DergiPark (Istanbul University), Mar 1, 2017
Bu çalışmanın amacı Türkiye'de yapılmış ebeveyn çatışmasının algılanmasına ilişkin yayınlanmış ça... more Bu çalışmanın amacı Türkiye'de yapılmış ebeveyn çatışmasının algılanmasına ilişkin yayınlanmış çalışmaları derlemek ve algılanan ebeveyn çatışmasının çocuklar, ergenler ve genç yetişkinler üzerindeki gözlenen etkilerini genel olarak incelemektir. Bu tarama çalışmasına algılanan ebeveyn çatışmasının bağımsız değişken veya aracı değişken olarak ele alındığı ve bir sonuç değişken üzerindeki etkisinin incelendiği, örneklem grubu Türkiye'den olan, 1990 ile 2013 yılları arasında herhangi bir ulusal ya da uluslararası bilimsel bir dergide yayınlanan 15 yayın seçilmiş ve sistematik olarak bir tabloda listelenmiştir. Türkiye'de yapılmış olan ebeveyn çatışmasının algılanması çalışmalarında en yaygın olarak Çocukların Anne-Baba Çatışmalarını Algılaması Ölçeği (Children's Perception of Interparental Conflict Scale)-(CPIC) kullanılmıştır. İncelenen çalışmalarda en yaygın kullanılan bağımlı değişkenlerin ise, karşı cinsle ilişkilere olan etki, kişisel uyum, kaygı düzeyleri, öz denetim ve sosyal başarı, şiddet davranışı olduğu görülmüştür. Ele alınan araştırmalarda genel olarak, doğrudan Türkiye'de geliştirilen ölçeklerden çok, çeviri ya da uyarlanmış ölçekler kullanılmıştır. Çalışmaların çoğunluğu kesitsel yöntemle yapılmış ve veriler genellikle birkaç kaynaktan (çocuk, anne ve/veya öğretmen) toplanmıştır. Erken ve orta çocukluk döneminde yürütülen çalışmalar görece daha fazla genç yetişkin örnekleminde yapılan çalışmalar ise oldukça sınırlıdır. Bulgular uluslararası literatürle karşılaştırılarak tartışılmıştır.
Iğdır üniversitesi sosyal bilimler dergisi, 2019
Bilişsel Davranışçı Psikoterapi ve Araştırmalar Dergisi, 2016

Psikiyatride Guncel Yaklasimlar - Current Approaches in Psychiatry
Öz Kişilerarası şiddet türü olarak ele alınan flört şiddeti, partnerlerin ilişki içerisinde birbi... more Öz Kişilerarası şiddet türü olarak ele alınan flört şiddeti, partnerlerin ilişki içerisinde birbirlerine fiziksel, sözel veya duygusal şiddet uygulamaları ve davranışlarına sosyal kısıtlamalar getirmesi olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Bu makalenin amacı, günümüzde yaygın bir sorun haline gelen flört şiddetini arttıran risk faktörlerinin belirlenmesi, etkilerinin araştırılması ve uygulanan koruma programlarının etkiliklerinin incelenmesidir. Bu amaçla, Google Akademik, PsycArticles ve PsycInfo veritabanları taranmıştır. Araştırmalar, flört şiddetinin alkol kullanımı, geçmişte yaşanılan aile içi şiddet, akran etkileşimleri gibi bir çok farklı risk faktöründen etkilendiğini göstermektedir. Flört şiddeti her iki cinste görülmesine karşın, kadınların flört şiddetinden daha fazla mağdur oldukları görülmektedir. Bu durum kaygı, depresyon, intihar riski, madde ve alkol kullanımı, düşük benlik saygısı gibi negatif fiziksel, psikolojik ve sosyal etkilere sahip olabilmektedir. Flört şiddetini önlemek ve mağdurlarını korumak amaçlı geliştirilen programların etkililikleri incelendiğinde, müdahale uygulanan gruplar ile kontrol grupları arasında anlamlı farklar bulunmuştur.
Psikiyatride Guncel Yaklasimlar - Current Approaches in Psychiatry, 2021
Self-psychology concept, developed by Heinz Kohut, is now seen as one of the most fundamental psy... more Self-psychology concept, developed by Heinz Kohut, is now seen as one of the most fundamental psychoanalytic theories. Kohut's theory of self psychology and Bowlby's attachment theory emphasizes the importance of early care giving relationship and how this has a profound effect on the development of a healthy sense of self and relationship in adulthood. In this study, it is aimed to explain the concept of self-object in self-psychology and attachment theory in detail. In this context, in order to examine the effects of self-object and attachment dimensions, the literature findings related to attachment and self-object with depression, anxiety and subjective well-being and the possible mediator effect of emotion regulation in these relationships were investigated. Suggestions were made for future research.

Bu calismanin amaci Turkiyede yapilmis ebeveyn catismasinin algilanmasina iliskin yayinlanmis cal... more Bu calismanin amaci Turkiyede yapilmis ebeveyn catismasinin algilanmasina iliskin yayinlanmis calismalari derlemek ve algilanan ebeveyn catismasinin cocuklar, ergenler ve genc yetiskinler uzerindeki gozlenen etkilerini genel olarak incelemektir. Bu tarama calismasina algilanan ebeveyn catismasinin bagimsiz degisken veya araci degisken olarak ele alindigi ve bir sonuc degisken uzerindeki etkisinin incelendigi, orneklem grubu Turkiyeden olan, 1990 ile 2013 yillari arasinda herhangi bir ulusal ya da uluslararasi bilimsel bir dergide yayinlanan 15 yayin secilmis ve sistematik olarak bir tabloda listelenmistir. Turkiyede yapilmis olan ebeveyn catismasinin algilanmasi calismalarinda en yaygin olarak Cocuklarin Anne-Baba Catismalarini Algilamasi Olcegi (Childrens Perception of Interparental Conflict Scale)-(CPIC) kullanilmistir. Incelenen calismalarda en yaygin kullanilan bagimli degiskenlerin ise, karsi cinsle iliskilere olan etki, kisisel uyum, kaygi duzeyleri, oz denetim ve sosyal basar...

Journal of Advances in Social Science and Humanities, 2018
The purpose of this study is to point out the relationship be- tween the consumption habits of LG... more The purpose of this study is to point out the relationship be- tween the consumption habits of LGB individuals and their brand attitudes under the influence of internalized homopho- bia (IH). The sample group consists of 125 LGB individu- als in the age range of 15-49 years. The demographic in- formation form prepared by the researcher as data collec- tion tool, namely Consumption Habits and Brand Preferences Scale (Memmedova, 2015) Internalized Homophobia Scale (Biological Woman and Biological Male Form) (Genc¸o¨z ve Yu¨ksel, 2006) was utilized. As a result of the analyzes conducted, IH, Consumption as a Reluctance Problem, Consumption as a Self-Expression Factor, Consumption as Impression and Prestige as a Means of Relaxation, Consumption as a Means of Integration as a Group, Increase in the subscale as well as increase in IQ have been assessed as significant. Consumption as Imagination, Self-Expression, Consumption as Impression and Prestige as a Means of Consumption...

The dark sides of personality that are encountered in negative and unwanted ways in daily life ar... more The dark sides of personality that are encountered in negative and unwanted ways in daily life are defined by the term Dark Triad, consisting of narcissism, psychopathy and Machiavellianism. Subclinical narcissism is described as high status indulgence, desire to be a leader, exaggerating its own qualities and underestimating others. In Machiavellianism, manipulating other people by hiding one's own negative characteristic and unethical behaviors in order to achieve their aims are important. Psychopathy is a negative subclinical personality trait characterized with high impulsivity and lack of empathy, tendency to be insensitive, not paying attention to human relations and not having remorse. Research shows that these conceptually different but empirically overlapping personality variables have an impact on different areas of a person's life. The aim of the article is to update and evaluate literature discussed the Dark Triad. In addition, it was thought that reviewing the s...

Dating violence, which is considered as a type of interpersonal violence, is defined as the use o... more Dating violence, which is considered as a type of interpersonal violence, is defined as the use of physical, verbal or emotional violence to each other in the relationship and imposing social restrictions on their behavior. The aim of this article is to determine the risk factors that increase the severity of dating violence, which is a common problem nowadays, to investigate its effects and the effectiveness of the protection programs. For this purpose, Google Scholar, PsycArticles and PsycInfo databases were searched. Research shows that dating violence is affected by many different risk factors such as alcohol use, past domestic violence and peer interactions. Although dating violence is seen in both sexes, it is seen that women are more victims than men. This may have negative physical, psychological and social effects such as anxiety, depression, suicide risk, substance and alcohol use, and low self-esteem. When the effectiveness of the programs developed to prevent dating viol...

Journal of Turkish Studies, 2020
Coronavirus pandemic is one of the biggest health threats facing the world. Coronavirus caused un... more Coronavirus pandemic is one of the biggest health threats facing the world. Coronavirus caused unprecedented social distance prevention due to the speed of its spread. With the determination of individuals over the age of 65 as a risky group, curfew was restricted and they were restricted from walking in open spaces such as parks and gardens. These unexpected changes in daily life are thought to have psychological effects. However, although it is inevitable that some people who are exposed to traumatic events develop psychological health problems after the disaster, many people can maintain their functionality and even have positive emotional experiences. The level of psychological resilience, defined as the capacity to adapt and cope with troublesome situations, is effective for individuals and communities to adapt to the new situation on time and effectively. It is seen that mental, social and physical factors are among the basic features of psychological resilience among adults aged 65 and over. The aim of this study is to examine the processes that contribute to the psychological resiliency of individuals aged 65 and over in order to better understand the differences in individual responses in the Coronavirus process. The ethical approval of the study was obtained from the Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Committee of Tekirdağ Namık Kemal University with the date of 14.05.2020 and the decision number T2020-439. Results show that the regular income of the participants predicted the psychological resilience levels positively and the participants' chronic disease and deterioration in sleep and appetite predicted psychological resilience levels negatively. Also, the psychological resilience of men is higher than that of women. Understanding psychological resilience and content providing factors and entering the program for future psychological interventions in this process. Identifying the variables associated with psychological resilience and understanding the factors that contribute to this process are considered important for supportive psychological interventions to be developed during and after the coronavirus.

Anatolian Journal of Psychiatry, 2020
Objective: The aim of this study is to test the mediating effect of narcissism, vulnerable narcis... more Objective: The aim of this study is to test the mediating effect of narcissism, vulnerable narcissism and self-compassion in the relationship between attachment dimensions and psychopathology. Methods: The sample of the study consists of 203 students. 134 (66%) of the individuals in the study group were female and 69 (34%) were male and their ages are between 18-36 years (20.73±2.86). In this study, Inventory of Experiences in Close Relationships, Beck Depression Scale, Beck Anxiety Scale, Narcissistic Personality Inventory, Vulnerable Narcissism Scale, and Self-Compassion Scale was used. Results: Anxious attachment was positively correlated with vulnerable narcissism and narcissistic personality traits, negatively with self-compassion, and positively with depression and anxiety. On the other hand, avoidant attachment was negatively correlated with vulnerable narcissism and narcissistic personality traits. Self-compassion is negatively associated with vulnerable narcissism, depression and anxiety. Also, when the mediating effects were tested, it was found that narcissistic personality traits and vulnerable narcissism had mediating effects both in the relationship between anxious attachment and anxiety, and in the relationship between anxious attachment and depression. Discussion: Since it is known that insecure attachment is associated with the development of many psychopathologies in terms of preventive mental health, it is thought that it will be important to consider the dimensions of self-compassion and narcissism in the prevention programs to be carried out. Considering the mediating effect of self-compassion, targeting the development of the person's non-judgmental attitudes towards himself can prevent possible psychological problems and create a buffering effect.

Archives of Neuropsychiatry, 2020
Introduction: Helicopter parenting is characterised as a parenting style that take too much care ... more Introduction: Helicopter parenting is characterised as a parenting style that take too much care and intervention to their children, take decisions instead of them, solve the problems they face and try to be overprotective. There is a growing interest in the negative aspects of helicopter parenting. This type of parenting attitude is thought to affect psychological problems. The aim of this study is to investigate the mediating effect of impulsivity and inflated self-sense of self in the relationship between helicopter parenting and psychological symptoms. Method: The sample of the study consists of 337 university students. Perceived helicopter parenting was evaluated by Perceived Helicopter Parenting Attitude Scale, psychological symptoms by Brief Symptom Inventory, impulsivity levels by Barratt Impulsivity Scale, and inflated sense of self levels by using the Inflated Sense of Self Scale. Results: As the helicopter parenting level perceived from the mother increased, psychological symptoms, impulsivity and inflated sense of self increased. There was no relationship between helicopter parenting perceived from the father and other variables. In the relationship between mother-perceived helicopter parenting and psychological symptoms, the inflated self-sense of self and impulsivity have a mediating effect; it was also found that impulsivity has a partial mediating effect on the relationship between inflated sense of self and psychological symptoms. In addition, inflated self-sense of self has a full mediating effect in the relationship between impulsivity and mother-perceived helicopter parenting. Conclusion: The results of the study show that there is a difference between perceived helicopter parenting from mother and father. Perceived helicopter parenting is associated with an increase in psychological symptoms. In addition, in this relationship, helicopter parenting can affect psychological symptoms by causing an increase in impulsivity and inflated sense of self.

Psikiyatride Guncel Yaklasimlar - Current Approaches in Psychiatry, 2020
The dark sides of personality that are encountered in negative and unwanted ways in daily life ar... more The dark sides of personality that are encountered in negative and unwanted ways in daily life are defined by the term Dark Triad, consisting of narcissism, psychopathy and Machiavellianism. Subclinical narcissism is described as high status indulgence, desire to be a leader, exaggerating its own qualities and underestimating others. In Machiavellianism, manipulating other people by hiding one's own negative characteristic and unethical behaviors in order to achieve their aims are important. Psychopathy is a negative subclinical personality trait characterized with high impulsivity and lack of empathy, tendency to be insensitive, not paying attention to human relations and not having remorse. Research shows that these conceptually different but empirically overlapping personality variables have an impact on different areas of a person's life. The aim of the article is to update and evaluate literature discussed the Dark Triad. In addition, it was thought that reviewing the scales which are aimed to measure the dark triad and adapted to Turkish might be useful for future studies. In this review article, the personality structures that make up the dark triad, the areas of influence and psychological measurement tools developed for are emphasized.

Archives of Neuropsychiatry, 2019
Introduction: Homophobia is seen all over the world and it may lead to aggressive behavior toward... more Introduction: Homophobia is seen all over the world and it may lead to aggressive behavior towards individuals with different sexual orientations. In this study, it is aimed to examine the mediator effect of sexism and defense style in the relationship between homophobia and aggression. Methods: 281 students from Tekirdağ Namık Kemal and İstanbul Aydın University are included in the study. The participants filled out the Demographic Information Form, Hudson-Ricketts Homophobia Scale, Defense Style Questionnaire, Ambivalent Sexism Inventory and Aggression Questionnaire. Results: It was found that as homophobia level increased, sexism, neurotic and immature defense style increased. In addition, the relationship between homophobia and aggression was mediated by neurotic defenses and hostile sexism. Moreover, it was found that immature defense styles have a significant positive relationship with aggression. Discussion: The findings of the study suggest that homophobia is related to aggression and this relationship coincides with other findings in the literature. However, it is seen that there are findings that coincide with the literature on the mediator effect of sexism and defense styles in the relationship between homophobia and aggression.
Journal of International Scientific Researches, 2019
Although there are two generally accepted sexes in the community, but there are individuals with ... more Although there are two generally accepted sexes in the community, but there are individuals with different sexual preferences. For those individuals transsexual, typical sexual indentity and sexual identity mismatches etc. Terms can be used. However, the individuals with a sexual identity may be subject to sexual abuse. In this article, the characteristics of sexual abuse of children and adolescent young people will be defined through English literature. The focus areas of the article are gender, sexual identity and sexual orientation, sexual victimization, trauma, suicide, peer victimization, sexual intercourse for survival, sexual harassment, sexual violence.

Anatolian Journal of Psychiatry, 2019
One of the most widely used projective test is Rorschach Inblot Test. Apart from the psychoanalyt... more One of the most widely used projective test is Rorschach Inblot Test. Apart from the psychoanalytic interpretation and interpretation of the test based on psychometric scoring there are also interpretations based on different theoretical background. One of these is the interpretation of the Rorschach test from an existential perspective. There are examples of Rorschach Inkblot Test which has interpretation on existential perspective especially with cancer patient. While existential concerns may be experienced in people who are at risk of death due to an illness, interpreting the Rorschach test from an existential perspective provides useful information to examine the mental state of individuals towards this disease. Therefore, this research is about a Rorschach Inkblot Test report from an existential perspective which applied to the young adult who was diagnosed with Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection (HIV).
Papers by Zeynep TEKKUŞ SET
After reading this chapter, we hope that all Turkish mental health practitioners will agree and operate based on the fact that one’s sexual orientation is not a personal choice but inherent at birth. We also hope that these practitioners will understand the dangers of conversion therapy and speak up against its use.
In Türkiye, despite the principle of equality in the Constitution, there are no protective provisions regarding sexual orientation and gender identity. Sexual minority individuals face numerous challenges in their daily lives due to societal discrimination and homophobia. Given these challenges, psychological support becomes critically important. Mental health practitioners should also evaluate their biases, be open to continuous education and development, and pay close attention to the latest literature when working with sexual minority individuals.
After reading this chapter, we hope that all Turkish mental health practitioners will agree and operate based on the fact that one’s sexual orientation is not a personal choice but inherent at birth. We also hope that these practitioners will understand the dangers of conversion therapy and speak up against its use.
In Türkiye, despite the principle of equality in the Constitution, there are no protective provisions regarding sexual orientation and gender identity. Sexual minority individuals face numerous challenges in their daily lives due to societal discrimination and homophobia. Given these challenges, psychological support becomes critically important. Mental health practitioners should also evaluate their biases, be open to continuous education and development, and pay close attention to the latest literature when working with sexual minority individuals.