Papers by Zeynep Baktemur Kayaduman

Din ve Felsefe Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2019
Søren Kierkegaard is one of the founders of existentialism and an important advocate of fideism t... more Søren Kierkegaard is one of the founders of existentialism and an important advocate of fideism that interprets faith and reason in favor of faith. Kierkegaard, a devout Christian, supports his stance on faith with both his conception of truth and ethics. He put forward subjective rather than objective, singular rather than universal, individual rather than social. Kierkegaard suggests an understanding of subjective ethics that is closely related to his notion of faith and truth, against the idea of Hegelian universal ethics. According to this, one establishes a direct relationship with God through faith and this relationship allows the person to suspend universal ethical rules for a higher
purpose. Kierkegaard's understanding of ethic, which he combined with existentialism and fideism is based on the idea that the subjective is superior to that of the universal. So a subjective and existential relationship that is built directly with God outdoes universal ethical rules. Kierkegaard's understanding of ethic has caused considerable debates in the philosophical circles. In this article, Kierkegaard’s thought of subjective ethic based on the story of Abraham is examined and evaluated in terms of its justifications and conclusions, and it is argued that his thoughts about ethic is the result of his existentialism and oppositon of Hegel.

Kadın Araştırmaları Dergisi, 1/18, 1-12, 2019
Aydınlanma ya da 18. yüzyıl felsefesinin en karakteristik özellikleri, insan aklına beslenen sars... more Aydınlanma ya da 18. yüzyıl felsefesinin en karakteristik özellikleri, insan aklına beslenen sarsılmaz bir güven ile insanın geleceğinin bilim yoluyla inşa edileceğine dair koşulsuz bir inançtır. Aydınlanma filozofları irrasyonel olana karşı savaş açmışlar; batıl inanç, eşitsizlik, bağnazlık, hoşgörüsüzlük, sansür kavramlarıyla mücadele edip düşünce özgürlüğünü öne çıkarmışlardır. Tarih boyunca Aydınlanma Çağı filozofları üzerine birçok çalışma yapılmış olmakla birlikte onların, kadının "aydınlanan" dünyadaki yerinin ne olduğu sorusuna verdikleri farklı cevapları bir araya getiren herhangi bir çalışmaya rastlanmamaktadır. Söz konusu boşluğu doldurmayı hedefleyen bu çalışmanın amacı, Aydınlanma Çağı atmosferini soluyan üç önemli filozof olan Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Immanuel Kant ve Arthur Schopenhauer'ın; eleştiri, adalet, hoşgörü, özgürlük ve eşitlik gibi kavramların damgasını vurduğu bu dönemde geliştirdikleri felsefi sistemlerine kadını ne kadar ve nasıl dahil ettiklerini göstermek, yüzyıllardır tartışılan "kadının erkeğe göre konumu ile toplumdaki yerinin ne olduğu" sorusuna verdikleri cevapları hem Aydınlanma Çağı'nın atmosferi hem de kendi felsefi sistemleri içinde irdelemek, böylece Aydınlanma'nın aslında "erkeklerin aydınlanması" olduğunu ortaya koymaktır.
The most characteristic features of the Enlightenment or 18th century philosophy are an unshakable confidence nourished in the human mind and an unconditional belief in the future of human beings will be produced through science. Enlightenment philosophers have waged war against the irrational; they fight the concepts of superstition, inequality, bigotry, intolerance, censorship and emphasized freedom of thought.Although there have been many studies on the philosophers of the Enlightenment throughout history, no study has been found which brings together the different answers to the question of what is the place of women in the "enlightened" world.The aims of this study, which targets to fill this gap, are to demonstrate how much and how did the three important philosophers who breath the atmosphere of the Enlightenment Age, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Immanuel Kant and Arthur Schopenhauer include women in the philosophical systems they developed in this century marked by criticism, justice, tolerance, freedom and equality and to examine their answers to the question"what isthe position of women compared to men and their place insociety"in the atmosphere of the Enlightenment Age and their philosophical systems, thus to reveal that Enlightenment is actually the “enlightenment of men”.
VI. Türkiye Lisansüstü Çalışmalar Kongresi, Muş, Türkiye, cilt: 1, 233-244, 2017
Uluslararası Din ve Felsefe Araştırmaları Dergisi, 1/1, 88-90, 2018

In the area of philosophy of religion, the approaches concerning the relationship between faith a... more In the area of philosophy of religion, the approaches concerning the relationship between faith and reason generally examined under three titles which are strong rationalism, critical rationalism and fideism. Strong rationalism is based on the idea that religious teachings do not contrast with reason and religious beliefs comply with the rational criteria. Subsequent to criticism against strong rationalism and weakening of it, critical rationalism was developed which refers to the reflection of criticism of science in contemporary religious epistemology by Karl Popper. According to the approach of critical rationalism, the area of subjective reality can be generated only after criticizing religious teachings and determining the most reasonable, consistent and explanatory teachings between them.
Fideism which is especially identified with Søren Kierkegaard and Blaise Pascal, reflected in the area of philosophy of religion as an attitude which completely excludes reason. But, in fact, it is an approach that has radical and moderate forms like rationalism. Radical fideism which is the dogmatic form of fideism is based on the idea that faith and reason are incompatible with each other. It refers to a kind of fanaticism about religious teachings. Moderate fideism argues that in the universe religious teaching cannot provide an objective reality. Thus, it is necessary to create an area of subjective reality by means of “leap of faith”.
The purpose of this thesis is to explain the epistemological backgrounds of these two forms of fideism in their general framework, to give information about their supporters, thereby, to contribute the place of moderate fideism as an alternative for the triple distinction in the philosophy of religion regarding the approaches concerning the relationship between faith and reason. Besides, another aim of this thesis is to argue the idea that Kierkegaard who is generally presented as a radical fideist in the sources of
philosophy of religion, in fact, can be seen as a moderate fideist.
Dinbilimleri Akademik Araştırma Dergisi, 18/3, 229-233, 2018
Papers by Zeynep Baktemur Kayaduman
purpose. Kierkegaard's understanding of ethic, which he combined with existentialism and fideism is based on the idea that the subjective is superior to that of the universal. So a subjective and existential relationship that is built directly with God outdoes universal ethical rules. Kierkegaard's understanding of ethic has caused considerable debates in the philosophical circles. In this article, Kierkegaard’s thought of subjective ethic based on the story of Abraham is examined and evaluated in terms of its justifications and conclusions, and it is argued that his thoughts about ethic is the result of his existentialism and oppositon of Hegel.
The most characteristic features of the Enlightenment or 18th century philosophy are an unshakable confidence nourished in the human mind and an unconditional belief in the future of human beings will be produced through science. Enlightenment philosophers have waged war against the irrational; they fight the concepts of superstition, inequality, bigotry, intolerance, censorship and emphasized freedom of thought.Although there have been many studies on the philosophers of the Enlightenment throughout history, no study has been found which brings together the different answers to the question of what is the place of women in the "enlightened" world.The aims of this study, which targets to fill this gap, are to demonstrate how much and how did the three important philosophers who breath the atmosphere of the Enlightenment Age, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Immanuel Kant and Arthur Schopenhauer include women in the philosophical systems they developed in this century marked by criticism, justice, tolerance, freedom and equality and to examine their answers to the question"what isthe position of women compared to men and their place insociety"in the atmosphere of the Enlightenment Age and their philosophical systems, thus to reveal that Enlightenment is actually the “enlightenment of men”.
Fideism which is especially identified with Søren Kierkegaard and Blaise Pascal, reflected in the area of philosophy of religion as an attitude which completely excludes reason. But, in fact, it is an approach that has radical and moderate forms like rationalism. Radical fideism which is the dogmatic form of fideism is based on the idea that faith and reason are incompatible with each other. It refers to a kind of fanaticism about religious teachings. Moderate fideism argues that in the universe religious teaching cannot provide an objective reality. Thus, it is necessary to create an area of subjective reality by means of “leap of faith”.
The purpose of this thesis is to explain the epistemological backgrounds of these two forms of fideism in their general framework, to give information about their supporters, thereby, to contribute the place of moderate fideism as an alternative for the triple distinction in the philosophy of religion regarding the approaches concerning the relationship between faith and reason. Besides, another aim of this thesis is to argue the idea that Kierkegaard who is generally presented as a radical fideist in the sources of
philosophy of religion, in fact, can be seen as a moderate fideist.
purpose. Kierkegaard's understanding of ethic, which he combined with existentialism and fideism is based on the idea that the subjective is superior to that of the universal. So a subjective and existential relationship that is built directly with God outdoes universal ethical rules. Kierkegaard's understanding of ethic has caused considerable debates in the philosophical circles. In this article, Kierkegaard’s thought of subjective ethic based on the story of Abraham is examined and evaluated in terms of its justifications and conclusions, and it is argued that his thoughts about ethic is the result of his existentialism and oppositon of Hegel.
The most characteristic features of the Enlightenment or 18th century philosophy are an unshakable confidence nourished in the human mind and an unconditional belief in the future of human beings will be produced through science. Enlightenment philosophers have waged war against the irrational; they fight the concepts of superstition, inequality, bigotry, intolerance, censorship and emphasized freedom of thought.Although there have been many studies on the philosophers of the Enlightenment throughout history, no study has been found which brings together the different answers to the question of what is the place of women in the "enlightened" world.The aims of this study, which targets to fill this gap, are to demonstrate how much and how did the three important philosophers who breath the atmosphere of the Enlightenment Age, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Immanuel Kant and Arthur Schopenhauer include women in the philosophical systems they developed in this century marked by criticism, justice, tolerance, freedom and equality and to examine their answers to the question"what isthe position of women compared to men and their place insociety"in the atmosphere of the Enlightenment Age and their philosophical systems, thus to reveal that Enlightenment is actually the “enlightenment of men”.
Fideism which is especially identified with Søren Kierkegaard and Blaise Pascal, reflected in the area of philosophy of religion as an attitude which completely excludes reason. But, in fact, it is an approach that has radical and moderate forms like rationalism. Radical fideism which is the dogmatic form of fideism is based on the idea that faith and reason are incompatible with each other. It refers to a kind of fanaticism about religious teachings. Moderate fideism argues that in the universe religious teaching cannot provide an objective reality. Thus, it is necessary to create an area of subjective reality by means of “leap of faith”.
The purpose of this thesis is to explain the epistemological backgrounds of these two forms of fideism in their general framework, to give information about their supporters, thereby, to contribute the place of moderate fideism as an alternative for the triple distinction in the philosophy of religion regarding the approaches concerning the relationship between faith and reason. Besides, another aim of this thesis is to argue the idea that Kierkegaard who is generally presented as a radical fideist in the sources of
philosophy of religion, in fact, can be seen as a moderate fideist.