Papers by Zeromsky Pineda

lrnettcled b1 Rep$blic Act {RA) },1o. l{}96i. *tl:errr,ise kn* es thc Tax Refil'nr f*r Ac*ele... more lrnettcled b1 Rep$blic Act {RA) },1o. l{}96i. *tl:errr,ise kn* es thc Tax Refil'nr f*r Ac*elerari*rr arrc{ lrtclusiotr {'l'R,AlN}. evury person suh.ject to the tr}erc*ntag* tares imposecl urrder Tirle V uf tir*-lar, f'*ile. as atttertrJe,j. shall ille a quarterlv retuil1 *f tlre arnour:i. rrf the grols ulleE. rec*ipts trr e*rrrings l*d Fa-v thc tar dtrr tltere*rt r.vithin tlr'ent)-five t25) days after the end *{'each t*.xable quftrler, pr*virled. thst i6 the rase r:{" a pt:rsCIil rvh$se VA'l'r*gistratir:n is cancell*tJ and uh* b*r:clrre,s lialric to the tal inlpnsr-"d in $ecrirrrr II{r 6f' th* 'Iax C*tjc" as atnended. th* htx slrall ;tcrrue ti*nr ths rhtt* of'cxncell*tioll irnd stiall be paicl in acc.*relintce l+ irh th* provisir:rrs *l this Section. 1\*tlvitltstiln,Jing the quirrterly tiling of per"centage tu.x r*trtrfis. ta.:tpa1'*rs rvh* *r* rrquircil tir rvithhold $ther Frrf,erltff$le Taxes {{JTf}i arrel Valut-deLJer{ Tax 1VA^I"} under IiR Nn" 2-9fi. as aurerr*i*il. shall c*ritillue tQ ivithlrold and rerrit tsxeli $n I n"rrlnthiy hasis using $lR }:orrn Na. lstlii (Iterrirtence Returir c't'VAT and fither Perc*ntage Tllxes Wichheld). Als*, BIR Fnrrrr N*, lS(l8 shall srill be used f*r VAl" u'ithhe!d uil so!effiffient ,non*y payr$ent$ anct pa1.'rn*n{s f* rran-rcsi,Jen{s. Fu*h*r. in vi*r.v $f thg inereace olthe *xe*lFti{irr frrnr V'AT *n snle or }easr of'guuds *r'prr"rpcr"ti*s ur the pcrl-ormiince cf services n'here tlte grols artltual sale: andr'or rereipts do lot ex*e*{i tlr* arn*urr{ ol' "rhree lr4illiorr Peg*s lPhp 3.00*.00s,s01. classitisd as $ectii:n Itig {Bs} of rhe Tax C*dc. as arnen,,jed^ urr,J*r Sec. i4 rrt the TRAI).1, thrre are existing VAT-registered per$rlns,"r,h* need t* update {lre rcgisrr;ition ct'ttrcil tn,\ t)'pe *tt business frsn"l VA"f t* perctntage. hy accCIlxplishirig BIR F*rn: No. l*fi5 {Applicarion J*r. l{egistrittirlrt l:^rlhrmilti+n Up,Jirte}. e:icept thCIse wh* urpr tc rerrrain ar VA'l-reglsterrd. Srli-ernpl$-1'erl irrdividuals andr'*r pr*l'**sinrrals u,ith giross sales anclitr rer:eipts arrel trtlcr r16r'l-opereting ineome that do tt*t excee<J the ab*ve smount har,* lh* opfiCIn to avnil nlthe eighr p*rcenr ltitirl it'tcorrre lsx nn gross sales nr receipts *nnj otlrer n*n-{)per&ting inc*rne in Iieu *f lhe gro,j;;r*tt inr,,r,** r*, rates arld the p*rcetltsgetax" "l'hese ts"apitverS rtl"lo ivill gvail uf"this aption lral,e t$ rrcconlplish BIR [:*nrr N*. I9t]5 t* eflict tlre snd rJat* fi:r their VAT *r percerrtirge {ar r*gistration" ur:d ss su*h. th*3, rere rrur r*quir'*d to lIIe quarlerll' perc*rrlagc l*x re[un:*" lrl this regard^ all ctncenred texpe!'ers afle here hy adi,ise,J t() strictly rtnrplv l,, itlr tlr* ah*r,em*nti*ned guiclelin*s fbr transaclions s{arting Januor-v l-?{.}18. l{ence" t}'l* filing *l'p*re*nfage ta.x. returns shail hc cn e quarter,tr,l' basis nr, reiterared ier the I'RAIN irtstead of nronthl3" as previ*usl.v prescrihd in Rrvenue RegLllati*rrs tRR) N*. tr-10() l. ;rs enrrnderj. I*sue*,J tlris I qtl* dx.v of F.erhlnugrS, ,2018. Quez*ri City. L{etrrl l\4arriia /X4q,t/Lf-{*-1 * cAEriAR H-rtjLAy e* C*rNluis*ir:r:r*r. r:t Xnl*mal trts,r.elr u* n*f'#t#dfis I-r
Papers by Zeromsky Pineda