Papers by Zayed Al-hamamre
Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, And Environmental Effects, Oct 17, 2016
In this study, generalized equations for predicting temperature-dependent viscosities of jojoba o... more In this study, generalized equations for predicting temperature-dependent viscosities of jojoba oil/biodiesel (JO-BD) and jojoba oil/diesel blends are given and a Buddenbrerg-Wilke mixing equation for predicting the viscosities of the blends is used. For JO-BD blends, the maximum overall absolute average deviation obtained using the proposed models is 1.85% and it is comparable with that obtained using Tat and Van Gerpen (1.96%) model and at the same time lower than those obtained using Walther model (4.61%) and Wang-Briggs model (4.68%). The results obtained using Buddenbrerg-Wilke mixing equation are in agreement with those obtained using Arrhenius and Cragoe mixing models.
Fuel, May 1, 2014
Physical properties of jojoba oil and its blends with diesel and biodiesel are measured. Generali... more Physical properties of jojoba oil and its blends with diesel and biodiesel are measured. Generalized equations for predicting blends properties are obtained. Different mixing models are used to predict the viscosities and densities of the blends.
Potential of utilizing solar cooling in The University of Jordan
Energy Conversion and Management, 2013
Abstract In this paper, the potential of utilizing a solar cooling system to improve the indoor a... more Abstract In this paper, the potential of utilizing a solar cooling system to improve the indoor air quality is investigated. The analysis is performed for a 41 m 2 with a 3.65 m height laboratory located at Mango Center for Scientific Research–University of Jordan in Amman. The hourly ambient temperatures and the monthly solar radiation in Amman are recorded. The calculations of the cooling demand were done using two methods, ie manual calculations and block load software. For the analysis, the internal loads of lightning, ...

Fuel, Jun 1, 2012
The effect of different extraction solvents (polar and non-polar) on yield, chemical and physical... more The effect of different extraction solvents (polar and non-polar) on yield, chemical and physical properties, including free fatty acid content (FFA) or acid value (AV), saponification value (SV), density, viscosity, elemental composition and heating values of oil extracted from spent coffee grounds (SCG) is investigated. The Soxhlet extraction method is utilized for the extraction of oil from spent coffee grounds. Iso-propanol, ethanol, and acetone as polar solvents and toluene, chloroform, hexane and n-pentane as nonpolar solvents are used. For each solvent, the oil yield is recorded for different time spans. The results show that the highest oil yield (15.3%) is achieved using hexane as an extraction solvent after 30 min of extraction time. The AV and SV of the extracted oils vary depending on the extraction solvent. The results indicate that AV of SCG oil extracted with hexane is 3.65% (7.3 mg KOH /g). This value is lower than the values for spent coffee oil extracted with the other solvents (ethanol 3.85%, isopropanol 6.4%, chloroform 4.55%, and toluene 4.15%). Free fatty acids (FFA) of the extracted oil are converted into fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) by basecatalyzed esterification. Effects of temperature, the ratio of FFA to the methanol-KOH solution and the reaction time are investigated. With one step alkali-catalyzed transesterification, oil conversion to methyl ester can be enhanced from approx. 55-85% by increasing the reaction time, the reaction temperature and the MeOH-KOH/FFA ratio. However, a complete oil conversion could only be achieved by utilizing a two-steps transesterification process.

Renewable Energy
This research paper deals with the synthesis of a heterogeneous catalyst (KBr/CaO) from commercia... more This research paper deals with the synthesis of a heterogeneous catalyst (KBr/CaO) from commercial calcium oxide and potassium bromide by wet impregnation method. This solid catalyst was tested for transesterification of waste cooking oil (WCO). The synthesized catalyst was characterized by Fourier Transform Infrared spectrometry (FTIR), X-ray Diffraction (XRD) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) techniques. Transesterification reaction parameters were varied to obtain the maximum yield of biodiesel. Response Surface Methodology (RSM) using Central Composite Design (CCD) was employed to study the effect of the process variables like methanol to oil ratio, catalyst loading and reaction time. The optimum conditions obtained using regression models were found to be 12:1 methanol: oil ratio, 3 wt% catalyst loading and 1.8 h reaction time. The composition of FAME was determined using Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS). The performance and emission characteristics for various blends of biodiesel (B10, B20, B50 and B100) were investigated in a four stroke direct injection diesel engine. The results indicated that the brake thermal efficiency, particulate matter, unburned hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide emissions reduced with increased concentration of biodiesel in the fuel blends, whereas the specific fuel consumption, NO x emissions and exhaust gas temperature increased.

Potential of Utilizing Olive Cake Oil for Biodiesel Manufacturing
Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 2015
In this article, the potential of utilizing olive cake oil for biodiesel manufacturing was invest... more In this article, the potential of utilizing olive cake oil for biodiesel manufacturing was investigated. Olive cake oil was extracted from olive cake samples using hexane as an extraction solvent. Physical properties of the extracted oil were measured. The extracted oil was converted to methyl ester in a two-step process: Acid-catalyzed esterification followed by alkali-catalyzed transesterification. The results showed that the extracted oil, which represented 13.75% of olive cake, had a very high acidity value of 27.91 mg KOH g–1 oil and a peroxide value of 205.36 mEq O2 kg–1 oil. The maximum methyl ester yield was 74.29% obtained at 30% of methanol to oil ratio, 60°C temperature with 1.0% by weight KOH catalyst. The produced biodiesel could contribute only to about 0.057% of the total primary energy consumption in Jordan. Furthermore, cost analysis was performed and correlation was obtained to estimate the biodiesel production cost depending on the plant capacity.
Characterisation of the emissions behaviour and combustion stability in porous media burner by using low and medium calorific value gases [Charakterisierung des Emissionsverhaltens und der Verbrennungsstabilität von Schwach-und Mittelgasen in Porenbrennern]
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2010
The present review paper examines the production of hydrogen in inert porous media based reformer... more The present review paper examines the production of hydrogen in inert porous media based reformer by thermal partial oxidation. Here we consider, specifically, the rich combustion of hydrocarbon fuels and the conversion of H 2 S to hydrogen. The different technologies to produce hydrogen beside the experimental and numerical work done in this field are presented. The effect of different operating conditions, such as the equivalence ratio, the mass flow rate and the reactant feed temperature are explained. Additionally, design parameters, including the reactor geometry and porous material specifications, are discussed.

International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2008
Solid-oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) are particularly attractive since they offer clean and efficient d... more Solid-oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) are particularly attractive since they offer clean and efficient decentralized electricity generation and can be incorporated into hybrid systems with CHP capabilities. However, small scale SOFC systems operated with hydrocarbon fuels require external reforming. A very promising reforming technology involves partial oxidation (POX) in an inert porous material (T-POX reformer). The present work provides extensive numerical simulation of a prototype T-POX reformer operating with methane. Computations are performed using a reactor network approach incorporating full detailed chemistry and results are successfully compared against experimentally determined hydrocarbon species data. Computational results are further used to identify the elementary kinetic pathways for hydrocarbon fuel partial oxidation, molecular growth and pollutant formation as well as to identify optimum reformer operating conditions.

Thermodynamic and kinetic analysis of the thermal partial oxidation of n-heptane for the production of hydrogen rich gas mixtures
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2013
ABSTRACT The consumption of fossil fuel is continuously growing and fuel prices are sharply fluct... more ABSTRACT The consumption of fossil fuel is continuously growing and fuel prices are sharply fluctuating. In addition, because of the exhaust gases associated with the use of such fuels, which threaten the environment and health of people, and due to the limited resources which may approach their end, new alternatives in the field of power supply are needed that make less use of the world's fossil energy resources and convert energy in a cleaner way. Ethanol, as a biofuel, is a clear, colorless alcohol fuel produced from sugars found in grains, such as corn, sorghum, and wheat, as well as potato skins, rice, and yard clippings. The use of ethanol as a source for syngas can not only reduce the emissions to the atmosphere and the dependency on fossil fuels, but also increase the efficiency of the energy utilization process In this work thermodynamic and kinetic analysis of the Thermal partial oxidation of ethanol with the aim of producing syngas ( a CO - H2 rich mixtures) is performed. Equilibrium and kinetic calculations are performed in order to find the limiting parameters for the thermal partial oxidation. The reaction temperature, the reformat composition and the reforming efficiency are estimated for different ethanol-air mixture temperatures and compositions (different air ratio () values. Additionally, the reaction progress with time, the equilibrium time and the laminar flame speed is also predicted in the kinetic analysis part of this work.
Aerogels-Inspired based Photo and Electrocatalyst for Water Splitting to Produce Hydrogen
Applied Materials Today

Jojoba (Jojoba oil and Jojoba rest) As An Alternative Energy Source in Jordan
The objective of this work is to investigate the energy value of Jordanian jojoba seeds. The oil ... more The objective of this work is to investigate the energy value of Jordanian jojoba seeds. The oil content in jojoba seeds obtained from jojoba plants cultivated in Jordan is investigated utilizing solvent extraction. The effects of extraction parameters (solvent and time) were studied. The physicochemical properties of the extracted oil (acid value (AV), saponification value (SP), the iodine value (IV), peroxide value (PV), viscosity, density heating value and ash content) were investigated. These properties are of interest when considering biodiesel manufacturing. The results show that hexane gave the highest oil yield at 58.76% with optimum extraction time of 30 min. The physicochemical properties were measure as AV=0.712 mgKOH/g, SV = 93.65 mgKOH/g, IV= 43.803 g I2/100g, PV = 1.708 mEq/kg, the viscosity = 20 cp at 40oC. Such low values of these properties and the high energy content of the jojoba oil (44.308 MJ/kg) suggest the possibility of single step base catalyzed process tran...
Advanced Materials Research, 2011
In this work, we designed an emulsion method to prepare polydimethylsiloxane microspheres in poly... more In this work, we designed an emulsion method to prepare polydimethylsiloxane microspheres in polyvinyl alcohol aqueous solution. Here, polyvinyl alcohol was utilized as both emulgator/dispersant and raw material, and homogeneous polydimethylsiloxane microsphere/polyvinyl alcohol composite hydrogels were fabricated. This strategy avoided the aggregation/adhesion of polydimethylsiloxane microspheres, and provided new thought for compositing the immiscible phases. The as-obtained composite hydrogels showed relatively high equilibrium water content and swelling ratio, as well as enhanced water retention and compressive modulus.

JJMIE, 2010
The energy consumption in the world is increasing greatly owing to the growing population, and to... more The energy consumption in the world is increasing greatly owing to the growing population, and to increasing energy consumption per capita. This high energy consumption is associated with a high life quality. Due to this fact, and to the energy price and availability and to the potential threat of global climate changes, there is a great motivation to use energy from renewable sources such as solar energy. Jordan is a developing non-oil production country and its energy needs are imported from abroad as oil and petroleum products. On the other hand, Jordan has an abundance amount of solar radiation 300 days a year. Photovoltaic modules provides safe, reliable, maintenance-free, without noise, and environmentally friendly source of power. This paper evaluates the performance of different solar modules in semi arid climate as in Jordanian. An experiment to investigate the performance of two photovoltaic modules is conducted at different times of the year. The measured parameters in this paper are: output open circuit voltage and short circuit current from the PV modules, ambient temperature and solar intensity. The relationship between the performance and the efficiency of monos crystalline PV and multi crystalline PV is measured in this experiment. The performance value of the PV solar module is identified and compared with the output values supplied by the producer of the PV modules and with other PV models.

Jojoba is a Possible Alternative Green Fuel for Jordan
Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning, and Policy, 2013
ABSTRACT Jordan is a developing non-oil production country and its basic energy requirements are ... more ABSTRACT Jordan is a developing non-oil production country and its basic energy requirements are obtained from abroad as imported oil and petroleum products. For long-term security, a requirement for Jordan is to reduce the dependence on imported oil by developing clean, safe, renewable energy systems and energy conservation programs. Biomass cultivation can be an effective renewable energy source to be utilized. However, the use of biomass as an energy source should not prejudice the supply of food. Also, the water shortage in Jordan has become permanent, meeting water demand is a challenge, and managing water resources is imperative. Therefore, much interest should be concentrated on plants that yield hydrocarbons and that, at the same time, do not represent food for humans or animals and is capable of growing on land unsuited for food crops with limited water sources. Jojoba is a plant that can grow in many semi-arid regions of the world, requires little water and maintenance, is free from disease and yields a crop of seeds that have 40–50% oil. Jojoba represents a valuable renewable energy source which can replace fossil fuels in industries and in household appliances. This article aims to show the importance of cultivating jojoba in Jordan in order to reduce the dependency on imported oil and fossil fuels. The advantage of jojoba is shortly described to point out the cultivation requirement for the jojoba tree. A short review that describes the Jordan climate, the average annual rainfall, and soil specifications in Jordan is presented in this article to discuss the possibility of cultivating jojoba in Jordan in order to be utilized as a green renewable energy source.
Energy Conversion and Management, 2010
Up to 1900 MCM/ year sea water will be pumped from Red Sea via pipelines. 2. Length of Conduit: 1... more Up to 1900 MCM/ year sea water will be pumped from Red Sea via pipelines. 2. Length of Conduit: 180km. 3. Desalination of 800 to 850 MCM/year fresh water with 20 to 300 mg/l TDS. 4. 45% of the sea water will be recovered as fresh water 5. Generate hydroelectric power.

Energy Conversion and Management, 2014
Waste frying oil (WFO) conversion to Biodiesel (Biodiesel) by Alkali-catalyzed transesterificatio... more Waste frying oil (WFO) conversion to Biodiesel (Biodiesel) by Alkali-catalyzed transesterification was studied. The effect of operating and processing variables e.g. reaction temperature, MeOH/oil ratio, type of catalyst used and its concentration was investigated at different reaction times. Further, the physical and chemical properties of the WFO and the produced methyl ester (Biodiesel) were measured. Results showed that (within the range of variables studied) the optimum conditions for Biodiesel manufacturing were MeOH/oil ratio 0.4 v/v (corresponds to 9.5 M ratio), with 1.0% (% w/v) KOH (corresponds to 0.83% w/ w), temperature of 50°C and reaction time between 20 and 40 min. Under these conditions, the obtained Biodiesel yield was approximately 98%. Results also showed that the viscosity of the obtained Biodiesel was 5.86 mm 2 /s which is close to that of petrodiesel with an average decrease of 69.5% in comparison with WFO. Furthermore, the iodine value (25.36 g I 2 /100 g sample) and the density (0.877 g/cm 3) of the Biodiesel met the values specified by JUS EN14214.
Energies, 2020
Mediterranean countries produce up to 97% of the total global olive production. Besides being a s... more Mediterranean countries produce up to 97% of the total global olive production. Besides being a serious environmental burden, olive mill waste represents a potential resource of useful materials for recovery and valorization. In this work, the adsorption characteristics and potential of bioadsorbent material manufactured by alkali treatment of olive cake was evaluated. The resultant bioadsorbent was able to purify biodiesel to meets both ASTM D6751 and EN 14214 standards. Further, the sorption equilibrium was investigated at 25 °C. Langmuir, Freundlich, and Temkin isotherms fit to the experimental data were evaluated by applying the non-linear Chi-square test. Freundlich and Temkin isotherms were shown to adequately described the adsorption isotherms of the produced bioadsorbent.

It is essential to develop proper emission inventories for the PCDD/PCDFs pollutants in Jordan in... more It is essential to develop proper emission inventories for the PCDD/PCDFs pollutants in Jordan in order to assess the possible effects of these pollutants on the environment. This study presents PCDD/PCDF emission inventory in Aqaba using a standardized toolkit developed by UNEP Chemicals. The total emission rate in Aqaba was estimated as 0.875 g TEQ yr –1 . The year 2012 is the reference date for this inventory. The category with the highest estimated emission is the transport sector (i.e. diesel engines). The latter was ranked the first in contributing to nearly 64.3 % of total emissions to air. Heat and power generation are responsible for nearly 5.6 % of the total emission to air. Disposal and land filling is estimated to be the only source of dioxin emissions to water and the highest estimated source of emission to residues with annual release of 0.007 g TEQ yr –1 for water and 0.112 g TEQ yr –1 for residues. Sewage/sewage treatment contributes to nearly 43 % of the total emiss...

The production of high purity KCl from commercial potassium chloride (96% KCl) produced at the Ar... more The production of high purity KCl from commercial potassium chloride (96% KCl) produced at the Arab Potash Company in Jordan is investigated using Mixed-Suspension Mixed-Product-Removal crystallizer. The effect of both the residence time and the level of supersaturation on the purity of the crystalline product and on the kinetic parameters of crystallization were investigated. It was found that the purity of the produced KCl salt was adversely affected by both parameters. Nucleation rate was found to increase as the level of supersaturation increases while the growth rate was found to decrease. Both nucleation and growth rates were found to decrease as the residence time increases. [Rawajfeh K, Al-Hunaidi T, Saidan M, Al-Hamamre Z. Upgrading of Commercial Potassium Chloride by Crystallization: Study of Parameters Affecting the Process. Life Sci J 2014;11(6s):8-15]. (ISSN:1097-8135). 2
Papers by Zayed Al-hamamre