Papers by Zarko Kostovski
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Sep 1, 2012
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Jul 1, 2013
Research in Physical Education, Sport and Health, 2014

Sportske Nauke i Zdravlje, Jan 3, 2017
The aim of the paper was to asses changes in body composition using bioelectrical impedance analy... more The aim of the paper was to asses changes in body composition using bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) methodology in members of national karate team after teen week preparatory training period. The investigation was carried out on 11 male karate contestants, aged 18 to 28 years mean age (21.82 3.58). The body composition was analyzed with In Body 720. The BIA outcomes were divided in 3 group of variables: body fl uid and body composition variables, obesity diagnose variables and segmental analysis variables. All BIA variables were insignifi cantly higher at second measuring (p>005). Only Body mass index (BMI=24.1 vs 24.55); mineral (4.69 kg vs 4.77 kg) and osseous (3.85 kg vs 3.92 kg), were significantly higher (p≤0.05) after preparatory period. Body fat mass (BFM=10.34 kg vs 10.75 kg, p=0.329) and body fat percent (BF%= 12.73 vs13.22%) insignificantly increased after preparatory period. The skeletal mass has changed from 40.03kg to 40.55kg (p=0.276). Body composition analysis, changes in weight, BMI and body fl uids are essential for weight categories dependent sports such as karate. Positive changes in body components and in body fl uids suggest that the training process during the preparatory period did not show negative effects on body components and the hydration of the karate athletes.

Sportske Nauke i Zdravlje, Feb 2, 2016
It was conducted functional and anthropological tests on a sample of ten male karate athletes age... more It was conducted functional and anthropological tests on a sample of ten male karate athletes aged between 15-18 years, with long training experience, and who are candidates for the National Team of the Republic of Macedonia. The research was conducted so that the dynamics and changes in the heart rate and blood lactate levels of the karate athletes can be determined during training and during offi cial competition. The differences in the values of blood lactates and the heart rate which emerged during training and offi cial competition are determined by using the T-test. The resulting values for the blood lactate level show a statistically signifi cant difference during training and offi cial competition in all measurements at the level p <0.00. The same conclusion applies to the heart rate values, where we can also register a statistically signifi cant difference in the values gathered during training and during offi cial competition (p <0.00) as well as after warm up and after the measurements in all three fi ghts.
Antropološki aspekti sporta, fizičkog vaspitanja i rekreacije. Zbornik radova, Nov 1, 2014

Sportske nauke i zdravlje, Mar 3, 2022
Cilj istraživanja bio je da se utvrde razlike u kardiorespiratornoj kondiciji, indeksu telesne ma... more Cilj istraživanja bio je da se utvrde razlike u kardiorespiratornoj kondiciji, indeksu telesne mase roditelja i rođenoj težini, između grupe dece sa normalnom i prekomernom telesnom težinom/gojaznošću i da se utvrdi koliko proučavane varijable utiču na rizik od prekomerne težine njihovog biološkog potomstva. Istraživanje je sprovedeno na uzorku od 1096 ispitanika, uzrasta od 6 do 11 godina, izabranih po slučajnom izboru iz nekoliko osnovnih škola u regionu Skoplja. Uzorak je podeljen u dva poduzorka prema polu, 496 ispitanika muškog pola i 600 ispitanica. Kardiorespiratorna kondicija je procenjena testom trčanja na 20 metara u skladu sa procedurama opisanim u FITNESSGRAM-u. Deca su klasifikovana u dve grupe, na osnovu procenta indeksa telesne mase, prema IOTF standardu. Rođena težina dece je procenjena iz pedijatrijske dokumentacije svakog deteta pri rođenju. Stanje težina/gojaznih roditelja definisano je prema klasifikaciji Svetske zdravstvene organizacije. Podaci o obrazovanju roditelja (posebno majke i oca) prikupljeni su anketnim upitnikom. Prevalencija prekomerne težine i gojaznosti u ovoj studiji iznosila je 22,6% i 14,9%, za ceo uzorak ispitanika bez statistički značajnih polnih razlika. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju na vezu između gojaznosti roditelja i njihove dece. Štaviše, rezultati sugerišu da su niska kardiorespiratorna sposobnost i visoka porođajna težina prediktori OV/OB (prekomerne težine/gojaznosti) u detinjstvu.

Sport Scientific And Practical Aspects: International Scientific Journal of Kinesiology, 2021
The research was conducted on 37 senior karate athletes’ seniors, males, at the age of 18 to 30, ... more The research was conducted on 37 senior karate athletes’ seniors, males, at the age of 18 to 30, competitors of international rank. They are potential members of the Kosovo national team. Two test batteries were used on the sample of the respondents: 5 anthropometric variables as a predictor system and 13 basic motor variables as a criterion system. From previous studies it can be concluded that the longitudinal dimensionality of the skeleton and motor abilities, in particular, speed, explosive force, as well as coordination of movement play an important role in karate sport, especially for the competitors who participate in the discipline kumite. The research was conducted in order to determine the impact of the predictor system of variables on the success of the realization of the criterion variables. By applying Linear Regression Analysis, the connection of the predictors with certain motor tests was determined, i.e. their prediction was determined. Key words: Karate, Anthropomet...

The aim of this study is to define partialization as a method for determining and monitoring of m... more The aim of this study is to define partialization as a method for determining and monitoring of measuring muscle force and the development of different forms of force under the influence of the curriculum of Special Physical Education (SPE). In the paper the partialization (corrections) of all variables was made of the measured (raw) data. In this way, the differences among the respondents in the morphological area are neutralized and the results obtained in the performed tests are brought to a level of force. Based on the corrected values it can be concluded that the applied partialisations of the measured dimensions for decontamination of morphological impact on the manifestation of various forms of muscular force indicated the obtaining of a clean structure of motor space and that the applied curriculum of SPE significantly influenced the changes in size of various forms of force. Determination of development tendencies and resizing of forces at the individual level helps optimiz...

The research was conducted on a sample of 200 male entities aged 12. The sample was divided into ... more The research was conducted on a sample of 200 male entities aged 12. The sample was divided into two subsamples. The first sub-sample consisted of 100 karate-athletes and the second sub-sample consisted of 100 pupils from primary school in Skopje. In order to determine and compare their measure characteristics, the entities were tested by three tests of composite character (performed repeatedly for 4 times each): one for estimating the rhythmic structure, and two tests for the explosive power. The data is calculated by the basic statistic parameters, and the measure characteristics are determined by: Pearson’s coefficient of correlation, Hotelling’s factor analysis, Chronbach’s coefficient, Spearman-Brown’s coefficient of reliability and mean correlation. The three applied tests show satisfactory measure characteristics, mainly in validity and reliability, with the karate-athletes and the school-boys. Apart from the other relations, it is determined that with the karate-athletes t...

The research was conducted with the goal to determine the control over muscular force production ... more The research was conducted with the goal to determine the control over muscular force production in various muscle groups (knee extensors, back extensors, and arm extensors) when trying to r each the assigned force levels. Testing was performed under isometric conditions of exertion. The sample of subjects embraced 150 male students of the College of Internal Affairs in Zemun – Belgrade, Serbia. The subjects underwent 5 experimental trials each. In the first trial maximal voluntary contraction, that is maximal muscle force (F maxIZO ) was measured, whereas in the other four trials the attained force level was measured with respect to the assigned percentage of maximal force F max , at the levels of 30%, 50%, 70%, and 90%. The testing procedures were performed by means of hardware-software system usually utilized the Diagnostic-Prognostic Laboratory for Special Physical Education at the College of Internal Affairs. The findings indicated the total variability of the set of all utiliz...

Original scientific paper The objectives of this study were: a) the training, application additio... more Original scientific paper The objectives of this study were: a) the training, application additional inertial burdens caused by changes in the kinematics and dynamic performance running at maximum speed, b) to identify the effects of such training on interrelation kinematics and morphological performance. The sample consisted of respondents were students of the Faculty of Sport and Physical Education in Belgrade sorted into three groups depending on the running speed: 1 (K)-control group without additional burden (N = 7); 2(E-R)-experimental group with the load their hands (N = 7); 3(E-N)-experimental group with the load their legs (N = 7). It is realized with initial and final measurement of morphological variables and kinematics variables when they were running at maximum speed on the track 30 m long to the acceleration phase (0.5-25m). During six weeks training practice was performed 3 times a week, it was progressively more difficult and increasing the scope of work after every ...

Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the differences in the structure of the body ... more Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the differences in the structure of the body (body composition) between women at different chronological ages. Methods: The sample N = 150 was obtained from a population of women who are involved in beginning recreational activities (aerobics) in two fitness clubs and workers at the shoe factory. The sample was divided into six (6) sub-samples of 25 women at the age from 18-46 years. Results: Tracking the trend of development of dimensions of the composite structure of the body, based on the descriptive parameters of the average value of the results, in all applied variables showed progressive linear increase in results with increasing chronological age. The results of all applied variables vary depending on the age of the examinees. Applying multivariate and univariate analyzes of variance statistically significant differences in the seven (7) body structure variables in women of different age from 18-46 years of age were found. C...

The quality of wrestling sports results largely depends on the quality of the technique's per... more The quality of wrestling sports results largely depends on the quality of the technique's performance (or techniques) and the psychological characteristics of athletes. For this reason, improving the psychological dimensions and increasing the efficiency of the technique is the basic task in the training process of the wrestlers. The survey was conducted on the sample of the top wrestlers from the Republic of Macedonia, Kosovo and Albania. The wrestlers who conduct a sample of 103 participants are at the age of 18.6 ± 0.6, and with average wrestling experience of 4.88 years of wrestling. In order to determine the relationship between different groups of variables, a canonical correlation analysis was made. From the analysis it was determined that statistically significant impacts in the performance of specific-motor tests have tests of visual specialization, perceptual reasoning and perceptual speed test and visualization.
Sport Scientific And Practical Aspects: International Scientific Journal of Kinesiology, 2021
For the realization of the research, a research procedure was conducted on 250 male students from... more For the realization of the research, a research procedure was conducted on 250 male students from the fourth year in two municipal high schools, aged 17 to 18 years, with a difference in age of + six months. The subject of the research is the basic motor space in students, as a predictor system and their impact on the five athletic disciplines that are an integral part of the program in the competition system of the Federation of School Sports as a criterion system of variables. By applying the Multiple Regression Analysis, the influences of the predictors on each of the criterion variables were determined. Key words: morphology, motor abilities, regression analysis

Journal of physical education and sport, 2017
IntroductionSitting volleyball is sports activity which gives evident positive effects during reh... more IntroductionSitting volleyball is sports activity which gives evident positive effects during rehabilitation and general resocialization of persons with physical disabilities. Motorical abilities (handiness, agility, flexibility, endurance, strength, speed and similar are developed through this game) (Mahmutovic & Turkovic, 1999). Sitting volleyball is extremely dynamic game in which all persons with physical disability give maximum of its possibilities thereby achieving positive transformations from any aspect (physiological, psychological, sociological, motor etc) (Mahmutovic & Turkovic, 1999). The movements of the body in sitting volleyball are specific, unnatural and learned, and differ significantly from natural forms of movement. The movements in sitting volleyball have sports purposes and they are most commonly used for activities on the ball (Mahmutovic & Turkovic, 1999). Specificity of the game is such that players "must" sit on the ground during the game or in th...

Спортске науке и здравље - АПЕИРОН, Jan 10, 2018
Anthropometric characteristics aim to improve the performance in many sports. Morphological statu... more Anthropometric characteristics aim to improve the performance in many sports. Morphological status of top athletes is relatively homogeneous, depending on the sport, and can be defi ned as a pattern for the achievements of athletes (Misigoj-Duraković, Matković, &Medved, 1995). Somatotype refl ects the overall appearance of the human body and gives meaning to the total morphological status of the human body (Ross, Ward, Leahy, & Day 1982). Our research was conducted with the main objective to identify the differences in anthropometric characteristics somatotype and some basic motor skills in karate and non-athletes. The research was conducted on 100 male subjects 17-18 years, karate (50) and non-athletes (50). The purpose of this study is to defi ne the differences in anthropometric characteristics, somatotypes and basic motor skills in karate and non-athletes. The pattern of the anthropometric measures is defi ned by ISAK (International Society for the Advancement of Kinanthropmetry), except the variables: body mass index (BMI), body fat percentage (BF %) and lean body mass (ALBM), which are calculated according to the methodology During Womerslay, while the variable (HWR) derives from the software program somatotype 1.2, the pattern of motor skill is defi ned by battery of Eurofi t testing. For determining the differences between the two groups of respondents, a t-test for independent samples is applied, while the evaluation of the somatotypes was done according to the methodology by Heath-Carter with 10 anthropometric measurements. Based on the obtained results of measurements from both groups respondents, was proved that there are no statistically signifi cant differences in anthropometric measures. Based on our study, while in karate we found balanced mesomorph somatotype 3.07-4.28-2.85 in non-athletes we fi nd endomorphic mesomorph somatotype 3.47-4.96-2.67. Statistically signifi cant differences on the components of somatotypes exist at mesomorph component. Differences in the motor skill were found in favor of karate athletes.
Спортске Науке И Здравље Апеирон, Dec 15, 2011
Papers by Zarko Kostovski