This study aims to determine the effect of discipline and compensation on employee performance at... more This study aims to determine the effect of discipline and compensation on employee performance at the Kota Juang Village Office. This type of research is associative research. Data collection in this study was carried out through a survey approach with a quantitative descriptive type of research by distributing questionnaires to 30 respondents. Data collection techniques were carried out by interviews, questionnaires and documentation studies. The data analysis tool used in this study uses SPSS (Statistical Product Software Solution). Data analysis techniques in this study were descriptive analysis, multiple linear regression analysis, hypothesis testing using the partial significant test (t test), simultaneous significant test (F test), and testing the coefficient of determination (R2). The results of this study indicate that discipline and compensation have a positive and significant effect on employee performance
This study aims to determine the factors that influence teacher performance in terms of aspects o... more This study aims to determine the factors that influence teacher performance in terms of aspects of school organizational climate, work environment and teacher satisfaction factors. This research is a survey using quantitative and associative descriptive methods with the object of research being teachers who work at SMP Negeri Kutablang Bireuen District. Data analysis in the framework of hypothesis testing through statistical inference with multiple regression analysis approach. The results of the study, it was found that; (1). (1). There is a partial significant effect of School Organizational Climate (SO), Work Environment (WE) and Teacher Job Satisfaction (TS) on Teacher Performance (TP), with the regression equation TP = 16.458 + 0.470 SO + 0.518 WE + 0.339 TS. (2). Simultaneously it is proven that the variables of school organizational climate, work environment and job satisfaction have a significant effect on performance with a contribution of 40.5%. While the remaining role of...
International Journal of Social Science, Educational, Economics, Agriculture Research and Technology (IJSET)
Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) have a strategic role in national economic developmen... more Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) have a strategic role in national economic development, because apart from playing a role in economic growth and employment, they also play a role in distributing development results. In the economic crisis that occurred in our country several years ago, where many large-scale businesses experienced stagnation and even stopped their activities, the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) sector proved to be more resilient in dealing with the crisis. However, there are also weaknesses in MSMEs, namely accessing information is suspected to be directly related to the condition of the internal factors of MSMEs, which are overshadowed by MSMEs, which actually have a large market share internationally, and are not widely known by consumers.
This study aims to explain the effect of profit on the addition of customers in the bank of Syari... more This study aims to explain the effect of profit on the addition of customers in the bank of Syariah Rahmah Hijrah Agung Lhokseumawe (BPRS) type mudharabah deposits. This is a quantitative study, using primary data from 2006 2018 obtained from SRB Rahmah Hijrah Agung. The data analysis uses the Simple Linear Regression Model Through The Ordinary Least Square (OLS) method. Based on the results of statistical calculations through the SPSS program. We get the results of the regression equation Y = 12,177 + 0.013 X. This shows that the profits have a positive and significant effect on the addition of customers in SRB Rahmah Hijrah Agung Lhokseumawe type of mudharabah deposits. where, the acquisition of tvalue and t-table value respectively 4.171 and 2.144. This shows, however, that the t-calculated value is greater than the t-table value. The coefficient of determination (R2) obtained is 90.1%. that is, the ability of the profit outcome variable (X) to explain its effect on customer accr...
This study aims to examine, 1) the influence of leadership on employee performance, 2) the influe... more This study aims to examine, 1) the influence of leadership on employee performance, 2) the influence of organizational culture on employee performance, 3) the influence of motivation on employee performance, and 4) the influence of leadership, organizational culture and motivation on the performance of UPT employees of the Department of Education, Youth and Bireuen Regency Sports. The research method used in this study is the associative method with a quantitative approach, to 104 employees, with the collection technique using a closed questionnaire instrument. The analytical method used is a path analysis approach. The results of the study show that 1) There is a significant influence of leadership factors on employee performance. Statistically, with a large influence of 19.74 percent on the performance of the employees of UPTD Education, Youth and Sports, Bireuen Regency. 2) It is proven that there is an influence of organizational culture on employee performance by 19.46 percent, 3) It is found that there is a significant influence of work motivation factors of 12.81 percent on the performance of UPTD Youth and Sports Education, Bireuen Regency. The relationship between leadership factors, organizational culture and motivation on employee performance has a high closeness, and is linearly related, with a degree of relationship of 0.721. And the contribution of leadership factors, organizational culture and motivation to the performance of the employees of the UPTD Youth and Sports Education in Bireuen Regency is 52%. While the rest of the role of variables that are not examined by 48%. This shows that there are other factors that can influence employee performance variables, such as organizational climate, career development factors, education and training, and others. Pendahuluan (Introduction) Hasil kinerja pegawai pada Unit pelaksana Teknis (UPT) Dinas Pendidikan, Pemuda dan Olahraga Kabupaten Bireun belum menggembirakan. Hasil perhitungan sasaran kinerja pegawai tahun 2020 lalu, rerata baru mencapai 82,5 dan masih terdapat sekitar 15 persen dengan kategori sedang dan cukup yakni dibawah 75. Tentunya, hal ini harus menjadi perhatian pimpinan UPT, agar apa yang menjadi target dan harapan dalam menunjang hasil kerja perlu ditingkatkan. Salah satu yang ikut memberi andil adanya kepemimpinan yang mampu menggerakkan bawahannya untuk bekerja tekun sesuai tupoksi dan memiliki semangat berprestasi. Karena apa yang telah diperbut di lingkungan UPT Dinas ini, seperti telah mengupayakan agar pegawai dapat melaksanakan tugas dan fugsinya dengan baik. Antarannya adalah melalui pemberian dana tunjangan prestasi kerja, pemenuhan sarana dan prasarana sehingga tujuan yang ingin dicapai dapat terwujud. Ternyata belum berarti baik dalam hasil kinerjanya.
This study aims to examine, 1) the influence of leadership on employee performance, 2) the influe... more This study aims to examine, 1) the influence of leadership on employee performance, 2) the influence of organizational culture on employee performance, 3) the influence of motivation on employee performance, and 4) the influence of leadership, organizational culture and motivation on the performance of UPT employees of the Department of Education, Youth and Bireuen Regency Sports. The research method used in this study is the associative method with a quantitative approach, to 104 employees, with the collection technique using a closed questionnaire instrument. The analytical method used is a path analysis approach. The results of the study show that 1) There is a significant influence of leadership factors on employee performance. Statistically, with a large influence of 19.74 percent on the performance of the employees of UPTD Education, Youth and Sports, Bireuen Regency. 2) It is proven that there is an influence of organizational culture on employee performance by 19.46 percent,...
The purpose of this study was to see 1) The effect of salary on job satisfaction of BRI employees... more The purpose of this study was to see 1) The effect of salary on job satisfaction of BRI employees in the Bireuen Branch, 2) the effect of promotion on job satisfaction of employees of the BRI Bireuen Branch, 3) The influence of colleagues on job satisfaction of employees of the BRI Bireuen Branch, 4) The effect of salary, promotion position, colleagues on job satisfaction of BRI employees at the Bireuen Branch jointly (simultaneously). This research was conducted at PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk Bireuen Branch Office, having its address at Jl Medan Banda Aceh Simpang 4 Bireuen. As for the variables in this study are salary, promotion, coworkers, and job satisfaction. The population in this study were all employees of BRI Bireuen Branch as many as 182 employees. Determination of the sample using the Slovin formula and the results are 125 people. The research method used is quantitative research. The analysis used is multiple regression analysis with the help of SPSS 17 and s...
State-owned enterprises are government-owned businesses that have been privatized and can be clos... more State-owned enterprises are government-owned businesses that have been privatized and can be close to politicians from political parties. They are also notorious for being poorly managed. The purpose of this research is to examine how political connections, institutional ownership, cash holdings, company size, and leverage affect the performance of state-owned enterprises on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The data for this study comes from the annual reports of 20 state-owned enterprises (SOEs) listed on the IDX from 2014 to 2018. This research model is a panel regression model that tests the common effect, fixed-effect, and random effect models. Based on the Chow test and Hausman test, the best model in this study is the random effect model. The results found that political connections, institutional ownership, and cash holding are significant factors affecting the performance of state-owned companies. Another finding was that companies with stronger political connections affect the...
T he Kredit Usaha Rakyat (KUR) program was born as a response from presidential instruction (I np... more T he Kredit Usaha Rakyat (KUR) program was born as a response from presidential instruction (I npres ) no. 6 / 2007 about policy acceleration real sector development and empowerment of micro business, small, and medium enterprises, especially the reform of the financial sector. Expected the KUR program could alleviate poverty in line with the master plan for acceleration and extension the reduction of poverty level in I ndonesia (MP3KI) . In the implementation of the funds, or the implementation of the program there are three important pillars namely: a government that serves help and support the implementation of the provision of credit and credit insurance debtors, as well as the preparation of a candidate company warrantor who act as surety for credit/ financing already channeled by banks, and banking as recipients of assurance well-functioned channeling credits to UMKM and cooperatives by the use of internal funds each executing bank . The business of which were financed with th...
This study aims to explain the effect of profit on the addition of customers in the bank of Syari... more This study aims to explain the effect of profit on the addition of customers in the bank of Syariah Rahmah Hijrah Agung Lhokseumawe (BPRS) type mudharabah deposits. This is a quantitative study, using primary data from 2006 - 2018 obtained from SRB Rahmah Hijrah Agung. The data analysis uses the Simple Linear Regression Model Through The Ordinary Least Square (OLS) method. Based on the results of statistical calculations through the SPSS program. We get the results of the regression equation Y = 12,177 + 0.013 X. This shows that the profits have a positive and significant effect on the addition of customers in SRB Rahmah Hijrah Agung Lhokseumawe type of mudharabah deposits. where, the acquisition of t-value and t-table value respectively 4.171 and 2.144. This shows, however, that the t-calculated value is greater than the t-table value. The coefficient of determination (R2) obtained is 90.1%. that is, the ability of the profit outcome variable (X) to explain its effect on customer a...
Transisi demografi pada beberapa dekade terakhir membuka peluang bagi Indonesia untuk menikmati b... more Transisi demografi pada beberapa dekade terakhir membuka peluang bagi Indonesia untuk menikmati bonus demografi, sekitar tahun 2020-2039, saat penduduk usia produktif berjumlah dua kali lipat dari penduduk non-produktif. P eluang ini harus dimanfaatkan sebaik-baiknya karena hanya akan terjadi satu kali dan itu dapat terjadi apabila penduduk usia produktif benar-benar bisa berkarya dan berkiprah secara produktif . Sehingga dapat dijadikan modal pembangunan bangsa yang sehat dan bermartabat. Persoalan yang terjadi kini adalah, sekitar 60 sampai 70 persen penduduk bekerja , atau jumlahnya sebesar 102,55 juta tahun 2008 terserap di sektor informal dengan upah minimum tanpa jaminan sosial. Lalu para ahli memperkirakan hal tersebut terkait kualitas pendidikan yang relatif r e ndah, di mana 58,36 juta penduduk angkatan kerja hanya berpendidikan SD ke bawah (Kominfo-Newsroom , Mei 2009 ). Kata kunci : Bonus Demografi, Kesehatan
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: 1.) Pengaruh Motivasi terhadap kinerja guru; 2.) Penga... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: 1.) Pengaruh Motivasi terhadap kinerja guru; 2.) Pengaruh budaya organisasi terhadap kinerja guru; 3.) Pengaruh lingkungan kerja terhadap kinerja guru; dan 4.) Pengaruh kepuasan kerja terhadap kinerja guru. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan survei yang dilakukan terhadap 63 guru, data dikumpulkan melalui kuesioner. Metode analisis data dengan statistik dengan pendekatan analisis jalur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 1.) Terdapat pengaruh faktor motivasi kerja guru terhadap Kinerja guru, yakni sebesar 14,54%; 2.) Terdapat pengaruh faktor budaya organisasi yakni budaya sekolah terhadap Kinerja guru, sebesar 24,68%; 3.) Terdapat pengaruh faktor Lingkungan kerja terhadap Kinerja guru; dan 4.) Terdapat pengaruh faktor kepuasan kerja terhadap kinerja, yakni sebesar 13,88%. Hasil analisis dari nilai koefisien determinasi menjelaskan bahwa kontribusi faktor motivasi guru, budaya organisasi dan lingkungan kerja, dan kepuasan...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendiskripsikan proses manajemen dalam aktivitas komunikasi dan im... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendiskripsikan proses manajemen dalam aktivitas komunikasi dan implementasi manajemen komunikasi dalam organisasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode studi kepustakaan. Berdasarkan metode tersebut, penulis mengumpulkan data dengan teknik simak catat untuk mengkaji dokumentasi berupa buku, literatur dan bahan pustaka lain yang relevan. Penelitian ini mengguakan teori hubungan manusia dari Elton Mayo. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa proses manajemen dalam aktivitas komunikasi adalah menjadikan aktivitas komunikasi dilakukan secara terstruktur dan sistematis. Karena, eksistensi suatu organisasi ditentukan oleh interaksi dari seluruh anggotanya, yang disebut dengan komunikasi organisasi. Maka, interaksi tersebut harus dikelola dengan menerapkan manajemen komunikasi. Sedangkan, implementasi manajemen dalam komunikasi organisasi adalah dengan menyelaraskan fungsi manajemen yaitu fungsi mere...
ABSTRAK Desentralisasi fiskal adalah suatu proses distribusi anggaran dari tingkat pemerintahan y... more ABSTRAK Desentralisasi fiskal adalah suatu proses distribusi anggaran dari tingkat pemerintahan yang lebih tinggi kepada pemerintahan yang lebih rendah untuk mendukung fungsi atau tugas pemerintah dan pelayanan publik sesuai dengan banyaknya kewenangan bidang pemerintahan yang dilimpahkan. Diasumsikan adanya desentralisasi fiskal akan mendongkrak Indeks Pembangunan Manusia (IPM). IPM merupakan alat untuk mengukur capaian pembangunan manusia berbasis sejumlah komponen dasar kualitas hidup. Sebagai ukuran kualitas hidup, IPM dibangun melalui pendekatan tiga dimensi dasar. Dimensi tersebut mencakup umur panjang dan sehat pengetahuan, dan kehidupan yang layak. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian studi kasus di Provinsi Aceh dengan mengamati fenomena yang terjadi di Kabupaten dan Kota provinsi Aceh, tahun 2010-2015, membuktikan bahwa desentralisasi fiskal memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap IPM. Hal ini dikarenakan dengan adanya desentralisasi fiskal pemerintah lebih leluasa dalam menetapkan keb...
This study aims to determine the effect of discipline and compensation on employee performance at... more This study aims to determine the effect of discipline and compensation on employee performance at the Kota Juang Village Office. This type of research is associative research. Data collection in this study was carried out through a survey approach with a quantitative descriptive type of research by distributing questionnaires to 30 respondents. Data collection techniques were carried out by interviews, questionnaires and documentation studies. The data analysis tool used in this study uses SPSS (Statistical Product Software Solution). Data analysis techniques in this study were descriptive analysis, multiple linear regression analysis, hypothesis testing using the partial significant test (t test), simultaneous significant test (F test), and testing the coefficient of determination (R2). The results of this study indicate that discipline and compensation have a positive and significant effect on employee performance
This study aims to determine the factors that influence teacher performance in terms of aspects o... more This study aims to determine the factors that influence teacher performance in terms of aspects of school organizational climate, work environment and teacher satisfaction factors. This research is a survey using quantitative and associative descriptive methods with the object of research being teachers who work at SMP Negeri Kutablang Bireuen District. Data analysis in the framework of hypothesis testing through statistical inference with multiple regression analysis approach. The results of the study, it was found that; (1). (1). There is a partial significant effect of School Organizational Climate (SO), Work Environment (WE) and Teacher Job Satisfaction (TS) on Teacher Performance (TP), with the regression equation TP = 16.458 + 0.470 SO + 0.518 WE + 0.339 TS. (2). Simultaneously it is proven that the variables of school organizational climate, work environment and job satisfaction have a significant effect on performance with a contribution of 40.5%. While the remaining role of...
International Journal of Social Science, Educational, Economics, Agriculture Research and Technology (IJSET)
Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) have a strategic role in national economic developmen... more Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) have a strategic role in national economic development, because apart from playing a role in economic growth and employment, they also play a role in distributing development results. In the economic crisis that occurred in our country several years ago, where many large-scale businesses experienced stagnation and even stopped their activities, the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) sector proved to be more resilient in dealing with the crisis. However, there are also weaknesses in MSMEs, namely accessing information is suspected to be directly related to the condition of the internal factors of MSMEs, which are overshadowed by MSMEs, which actually have a large market share internationally, and are not widely known by consumers.
This study aims to explain the effect of profit on the addition of customers in the bank of Syari... more This study aims to explain the effect of profit on the addition of customers in the bank of Syariah Rahmah Hijrah Agung Lhokseumawe (BPRS) type mudharabah deposits. This is a quantitative study, using primary data from 2006 2018 obtained from SRB Rahmah Hijrah Agung. The data analysis uses the Simple Linear Regression Model Through The Ordinary Least Square (OLS) method. Based on the results of statistical calculations through the SPSS program. We get the results of the regression equation Y = 12,177 + 0.013 X. This shows that the profits have a positive and significant effect on the addition of customers in SRB Rahmah Hijrah Agung Lhokseumawe type of mudharabah deposits. where, the acquisition of tvalue and t-table value respectively 4.171 and 2.144. This shows, however, that the t-calculated value is greater than the t-table value. The coefficient of determination (R2) obtained is 90.1%. that is, the ability of the profit outcome variable (X) to explain its effect on customer accr...
This study aims to examine, 1) the influence of leadership on employee performance, 2) the influe... more This study aims to examine, 1) the influence of leadership on employee performance, 2) the influence of organizational culture on employee performance, 3) the influence of motivation on employee performance, and 4) the influence of leadership, organizational culture and motivation on the performance of UPT employees of the Department of Education, Youth and Bireuen Regency Sports. The research method used in this study is the associative method with a quantitative approach, to 104 employees, with the collection technique using a closed questionnaire instrument. The analytical method used is a path analysis approach. The results of the study show that 1) There is a significant influence of leadership factors on employee performance. Statistically, with a large influence of 19.74 percent on the performance of the employees of UPTD Education, Youth and Sports, Bireuen Regency. 2) It is proven that there is an influence of organizational culture on employee performance by 19.46 percent, 3) It is found that there is a significant influence of work motivation factors of 12.81 percent on the performance of UPTD Youth and Sports Education, Bireuen Regency. The relationship between leadership factors, organizational culture and motivation on employee performance has a high closeness, and is linearly related, with a degree of relationship of 0.721. And the contribution of leadership factors, organizational culture and motivation to the performance of the employees of the UPTD Youth and Sports Education in Bireuen Regency is 52%. While the rest of the role of variables that are not examined by 48%. This shows that there are other factors that can influence employee performance variables, such as organizational climate, career development factors, education and training, and others. Pendahuluan (Introduction) Hasil kinerja pegawai pada Unit pelaksana Teknis (UPT) Dinas Pendidikan, Pemuda dan Olahraga Kabupaten Bireun belum menggembirakan. Hasil perhitungan sasaran kinerja pegawai tahun 2020 lalu, rerata baru mencapai 82,5 dan masih terdapat sekitar 15 persen dengan kategori sedang dan cukup yakni dibawah 75. Tentunya, hal ini harus menjadi perhatian pimpinan UPT, agar apa yang menjadi target dan harapan dalam menunjang hasil kerja perlu ditingkatkan. Salah satu yang ikut memberi andil adanya kepemimpinan yang mampu menggerakkan bawahannya untuk bekerja tekun sesuai tupoksi dan memiliki semangat berprestasi. Karena apa yang telah diperbut di lingkungan UPT Dinas ini, seperti telah mengupayakan agar pegawai dapat melaksanakan tugas dan fugsinya dengan baik. Antarannya adalah melalui pemberian dana tunjangan prestasi kerja, pemenuhan sarana dan prasarana sehingga tujuan yang ingin dicapai dapat terwujud. Ternyata belum berarti baik dalam hasil kinerjanya.
This study aims to examine, 1) the influence of leadership on employee performance, 2) the influe... more This study aims to examine, 1) the influence of leadership on employee performance, 2) the influence of organizational culture on employee performance, 3) the influence of motivation on employee performance, and 4) the influence of leadership, organizational culture and motivation on the performance of UPT employees of the Department of Education, Youth and Bireuen Regency Sports. The research method used in this study is the associative method with a quantitative approach, to 104 employees, with the collection technique using a closed questionnaire instrument. The analytical method used is a path analysis approach. The results of the study show that 1) There is a significant influence of leadership factors on employee performance. Statistically, with a large influence of 19.74 percent on the performance of the employees of UPTD Education, Youth and Sports, Bireuen Regency. 2) It is proven that there is an influence of organizational culture on employee performance by 19.46 percent,...
The purpose of this study was to see 1) The effect of salary on job satisfaction of BRI employees... more The purpose of this study was to see 1) The effect of salary on job satisfaction of BRI employees in the Bireuen Branch, 2) the effect of promotion on job satisfaction of employees of the BRI Bireuen Branch, 3) The influence of colleagues on job satisfaction of employees of the BRI Bireuen Branch, 4) The effect of salary, promotion position, colleagues on job satisfaction of BRI employees at the Bireuen Branch jointly (simultaneously). This research was conducted at PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk Bireuen Branch Office, having its address at Jl Medan Banda Aceh Simpang 4 Bireuen. As for the variables in this study are salary, promotion, coworkers, and job satisfaction. The population in this study were all employees of BRI Bireuen Branch as many as 182 employees. Determination of the sample using the Slovin formula and the results are 125 people. The research method used is quantitative research. The analysis used is multiple regression analysis with the help of SPSS 17 and s...
State-owned enterprises are government-owned businesses that have been privatized and can be clos... more State-owned enterprises are government-owned businesses that have been privatized and can be close to politicians from political parties. They are also notorious for being poorly managed. The purpose of this research is to examine how political connections, institutional ownership, cash holdings, company size, and leverage affect the performance of state-owned enterprises on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The data for this study comes from the annual reports of 20 state-owned enterprises (SOEs) listed on the IDX from 2014 to 2018. This research model is a panel regression model that tests the common effect, fixed-effect, and random effect models. Based on the Chow test and Hausman test, the best model in this study is the random effect model. The results found that political connections, institutional ownership, and cash holding are significant factors affecting the performance of state-owned companies. Another finding was that companies with stronger political connections affect the...
T he Kredit Usaha Rakyat (KUR) program was born as a response from presidential instruction (I np... more T he Kredit Usaha Rakyat (KUR) program was born as a response from presidential instruction (I npres ) no. 6 / 2007 about policy acceleration real sector development and empowerment of micro business, small, and medium enterprises, especially the reform of the financial sector. Expected the KUR program could alleviate poverty in line with the master plan for acceleration and extension the reduction of poverty level in I ndonesia (MP3KI) . In the implementation of the funds, or the implementation of the program there are three important pillars namely: a government that serves help and support the implementation of the provision of credit and credit insurance debtors, as well as the preparation of a candidate company warrantor who act as surety for credit/ financing already channeled by banks, and banking as recipients of assurance well-functioned channeling credits to UMKM and cooperatives by the use of internal funds each executing bank . The business of which were financed with th...
This study aims to explain the effect of profit on the addition of customers in the bank of Syari... more This study aims to explain the effect of profit on the addition of customers in the bank of Syariah Rahmah Hijrah Agung Lhokseumawe (BPRS) type mudharabah deposits. This is a quantitative study, using primary data from 2006 - 2018 obtained from SRB Rahmah Hijrah Agung. The data analysis uses the Simple Linear Regression Model Through The Ordinary Least Square (OLS) method. Based on the results of statistical calculations through the SPSS program. We get the results of the regression equation Y = 12,177 + 0.013 X. This shows that the profits have a positive and significant effect on the addition of customers in SRB Rahmah Hijrah Agung Lhokseumawe type of mudharabah deposits. where, the acquisition of t-value and t-table value respectively 4.171 and 2.144. This shows, however, that the t-calculated value is greater than the t-table value. The coefficient of determination (R2) obtained is 90.1%. that is, the ability of the profit outcome variable (X) to explain its effect on customer a...
Transisi demografi pada beberapa dekade terakhir membuka peluang bagi Indonesia untuk menikmati b... more Transisi demografi pada beberapa dekade terakhir membuka peluang bagi Indonesia untuk menikmati bonus demografi, sekitar tahun 2020-2039, saat penduduk usia produktif berjumlah dua kali lipat dari penduduk non-produktif. P eluang ini harus dimanfaatkan sebaik-baiknya karena hanya akan terjadi satu kali dan itu dapat terjadi apabila penduduk usia produktif benar-benar bisa berkarya dan berkiprah secara produktif . Sehingga dapat dijadikan modal pembangunan bangsa yang sehat dan bermartabat. Persoalan yang terjadi kini adalah, sekitar 60 sampai 70 persen penduduk bekerja , atau jumlahnya sebesar 102,55 juta tahun 2008 terserap di sektor informal dengan upah minimum tanpa jaminan sosial. Lalu para ahli memperkirakan hal tersebut terkait kualitas pendidikan yang relatif r e ndah, di mana 58,36 juta penduduk angkatan kerja hanya berpendidikan SD ke bawah (Kominfo-Newsroom , Mei 2009 ). Kata kunci : Bonus Demografi, Kesehatan
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: 1.) Pengaruh Motivasi terhadap kinerja guru; 2.) Penga... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: 1.) Pengaruh Motivasi terhadap kinerja guru; 2.) Pengaruh budaya organisasi terhadap kinerja guru; 3.) Pengaruh lingkungan kerja terhadap kinerja guru; dan 4.) Pengaruh kepuasan kerja terhadap kinerja guru. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan survei yang dilakukan terhadap 63 guru, data dikumpulkan melalui kuesioner. Metode analisis data dengan statistik dengan pendekatan analisis jalur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 1.) Terdapat pengaruh faktor motivasi kerja guru terhadap Kinerja guru, yakni sebesar 14,54%; 2.) Terdapat pengaruh faktor budaya organisasi yakni budaya sekolah terhadap Kinerja guru, sebesar 24,68%; 3.) Terdapat pengaruh faktor Lingkungan kerja terhadap Kinerja guru; dan 4.) Terdapat pengaruh faktor kepuasan kerja terhadap kinerja, yakni sebesar 13,88%. Hasil analisis dari nilai koefisien determinasi menjelaskan bahwa kontribusi faktor motivasi guru, budaya organisasi dan lingkungan kerja, dan kepuasan...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendiskripsikan proses manajemen dalam aktivitas komunikasi dan im... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendiskripsikan proses manajemen dalam aktivitas komunikasi dan implementasi manajemen komunikasi dalam organisasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode studi kepustakaan. Berdasarkan metode tersebut, penulis mengumpulkan data dengan teknik simak catat untuk mengkaji dokumentasi berupa buku, literatur dan bahan pustaka lain yang relevan. Penelitian ini mengguakan teori hubungan manusia dari Elton Mayo. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa proses manajemen dalam aktivitas komunikasi adalah menjadikan aktivitas komunikasi dilakukan secara terstruktur dan sistematis. Karena, eksistensi suatu organisasi ditentukan oleh interaksi dari seluruh anggotanya, yang disebut dengan komunikasi organisasi. Maka, interaksi tersebut harus dikelola dengan menerapkan manajemen komunikasi. Sedangkan, implementasi manajemen dalam komunikasi organisasi adalah dengan menyelaraskan fungsi manajemen yaitu fungsi mere...
ABSTRAK Desentralisasi fiskal adalah suatu proses distribusi anggaran dari tingkat pemerintahan y... more ABSTRAK Desentralisasi fiskal adalah suatu proses distribusi anggaran dari tingkat pemerintahan yang lebih tinggi kepada pemerintahan yang lebih rendah untuk mendukung fungsi atau tugas pemerintah dan pelayanan publik sesuai dengan banyaknya kewenangan bidang pemerintahan yang dilimpahkan. Diasumsikan adanya desentralisasi fiskal akan mendongkrak Indeks Pembangunan Manusia (IPM). IPM merupakan alat untuk mengukur capaian pembangunan manusia berbasis sejumlah komponen dasar kualitas hidup. Sebagai ukuran kualitas hidup, IPM dibangun melalui pendekatan tiga dimensi dasar. Dimensi tersebut mencakup umur panjang dan sehat pengetahuan, dan kehidupan yang layak. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian studi kasus di Provinsi Aceh dengan mengamati fenomena yang terjadi di Kabupaten dan Kota provinsi Aceh, tahun 2010-2015, membuktikan bahwa desentralisasi fiskal memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap IPM. Hal ini dikarenakan dengan adanya desentralisasi fiskal pemerintah lebih leluasa dalam menetapkan keb...
Papers by Zainuddin Iba