Papers by Zaaraoui Abdelkader
Transactions- Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering
Export Date: 1 December 2013, Source: Scopus
Le pétrole est à la fois une source d'énergie primaire utilisée pour la production de carburants ... more Le pétrole est à la fois une source d'énergie primaire utilisée pour la production de carburants et de combustibles, une matière première de l'industrie chimique et un générateur de produits spéciaux aux usages les plus variés, dans cette catégorie se rangent notamment les solvants, les lubrifiants, les paraffines et les bitumes. Nous n'examinons ici que le comportement rhéologique et mécanique du pétrole brut. Il importe de souligner, en outre, que les produits pétroliers sont des mélanges très complexes de constituants individuels et ne présentent pas, de ce fait, des propriétés physicochimiques rigoureusement constantes. L'objectif de ce travail est de présenter et comparer les effets de la concentration sur la suspension des particules solides du pétrole brut pour différentes valeurs de taux de cisaillement par des modèles rhéologiques. Mots clés-Non newtonien, modélisation, pipelines, viscosité, écoulement.
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering, 2016

A prototype device for measuring the volumetric flow-rate by counting vortices has been designed ... more A prototype device for measuring the volumetric flow-rate by counting vortices has been designed and realized. It consists of a square-section pipe in which a two-dimensional bluff body and a strain gauge force sensor are placed. These two elements are separated from each other, unlike the majority of vortex apparatus currently available. The principle is based on the generation of a separated wake behind the bluff body. The volumetric flow-rate measurement is done by counting vortices using a flat plate placed in the wake and attached to the beam sensor. By optimizing the geometrical arrangement, the search for a significant signal has shown that it was possible to get a quasi-periodic signal, within a good range of flow rates so that its performances are well deduced. The repeatability of the value of the volume of fluid passed for every vortex shed is tested for a given flow and then the accuracy of the measuring device is determined. This quantity is the constant of the device and is called the digital volume (V p ). It has the dimension of a volume and varies with the confinement of the flow and with the Reynolds number. Therefore, a dimensionless quantity is introduced, the reduced digital volume (V r ) that takes into account the average speed in the contracted section downstream of the bluff body. The reduced digital volume is found to be independent of the confinement in a significant range of Reynolds numbers, which gives the device a good accuracy.
Transactions- Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering
Export Date: 1 December 2013, Source: Scopus

Procedia Engineering, 2012
Parabolic trough solar technology has been proven at nine commercial Solar Electric Generating Sy... more Parabolic trough solar technology has been proven at nine commercial Solar Electric Generating System (SEGS) power plants that are operating in the California Mojave desert. Simulation using different models when planning this kind of projects and choose the best site for this technology minimizes the risks of these projects. For this purpose, a detailed performance model of the 30 MW SEGS VI parabolic trough power plant was created in the TRNSYS simulation environment using the Solar Thermal Electric Component model library. Both solar and power cycle performance were modeled, but natural gas-fired hybrid operation was not. Good agreement between model predictions and plant measurements was found, with errors usually less than 10%. Also, an economical study has been established to determine the best site, based on the cost of electricity generation. The result shows that Bechar's site is the best site for this technology because of its lowest levelzed electricity cost and its high irradiance level. While the model could be improved, it demonstrates the capability to perform detailed analysis for this technology.

Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, 2013
A prototype device for measuring the volumetric flow-rate by counting vortices has been designed ... more A prototype device for measuring the volumetric flow-rate by counting vortices has been designed and realized. It consists of a square-section pipe in which a two-dimensional bluff body and a strain gauge force sensor are placed. These two elements are separated from each other, unlike the majority of vortex apparatus currently available. The principle is based on the generation of a separated wake behind the bluff body. The volumetric flow-rate measurement is done by counting vortices using a flat plate placed in the wake and attached to the beam sensor. By optimizing the geometrical arrangement, the search for a significant signal has shown that it was possible to get a quasi-periodic signal, within a good range of flow rates so that its performances are well deduced. The repeatability of the value of the volume of fluid passed for every vortex shed is tested for a given flow and then the accuracy of the measuring device is determined. This quantity is the constant of the device and is called the digital volume (V p ). It has the dimension of a volume and varies with the confinement of the flow and with the Reynolds number. Therefore, a dimensionless quantity is introduced, the reduced digital volume (V r ) that takes into account the average speed in the contracted section downstream of the bluff body. The reduced digital volume is found to be independent of the confinement in a significant range of Reynolds numbers, which gives the device a good accuracy.
Papers by Zaaraoui Abdelkader