Z Taghipour
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Macquarie University
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Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
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Swansea University
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University of Copenhagen
Papers by Z Taghipour
agent. Glucosinolate metabolites exert the cancer-preventive activity through diferent mechanisms, including induction of
the Nrf2 transcription factor, inhibition of expression of tumor necrosis factor-α (TNFα) and interleukin-1β (IL-1β), induction
of apoptosis through inhibiting phase I enzymes and inducting phase II enzymes, interruption of caspase pathways, STAT1/
STAT2, inhibition of sulfotransferases. Moreover, glucosinolates and their metabolites are efective in cancer treatment by
inhibiting angiogenesis, upregulating natural killers, increasing expression of p53, p21, caspase 3 and 9, and modulating
NF-κB. Despite the mentioned cancer-preventing efects, some isothiocyanates can increase the risk of tumors. So, further
studies are needed to obtain an accurate and efective dose for each glucosinolates to treat diferent types of tumors.
pharmacological activities of clove buds in gynecological disorders have been mentioned in traditional Persian medicine and in
recent studies. Since no studies have been conducted on the role of clove aqueous extract (CAE) in the management of PCOS,
this study was designed to evaluate its effects on some biochemical and histopathological parameters in letrozole-induced PCOS
in rats.
Methods: Thirty-six rats were used for this study: 6 were in the control group, and in the other 30, PCOS was induced by
letrozole (1 mg/kg/day). After 3 weeks of induction, PCOS was approved by conducting vaginal smears. Then PCOS-induced rats
were divided into five groups, letrozole-induced polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), clomiphene citrate 1 mg/kg/day (CLO), and
CAE50, 100, 200, which received 50, 100, and 200 mg/kg/day of standardized clove aqueous extract based on eugenol, respectively.
The treatment kept going for 30 days. Estrous cyclicity, body weight, oxidative stress-related markers, sex hormones, and ovarian
histological parameters were measured.
Results: Disrupted estrous cyclicity, increased body weight, follicular cyst, ovarian level of malondialdehyde (MDA), total oxidant status (TOS), luteinizing hormone (LH), and testosterone levels, as well as decreased estradiol, progesterone, superoxide
dismutase (SOD) and total antioxidant capacity (TAC) levels, were demonstrated in PCOS group. The aforementioned parameters were improved following the CAE administration. The estrous phase was observed in the vaginal smear following all doses
of CAE administration. The serum level of LH (at doses 50 and 200 mg/kg), LH/follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) (at all doses),
testosterone (at doses 100 and 200 mg/kg) and estradiol (at doses 100 and 200 mg/kg) was significantly decreased. The serum
level of progesterone (100 and 200 mg/kg) was increased significantly following CAE administration. Moreover, CAE reduced
cystic follicles and ameliorated oxidative parameters.
Conclusions: In conclusion, clove can be a complementary medicine for PCOS patients, but clinical studies are needed to demonstrate its efficacy and safety.
are used for medicinal purposes. Traditional medicine manuscripts as well as recent studies reported its efects on male
and female reproductive systems. The aim of this study is to investigate the reported contradictory efects of clove and its
phytochemicals on the reproductive system of both males and females. All types of in vitro, animal, and human studies
of clove and its main constituents in the feld of reproductive systems were collected via searching electronic databases
including PubMed and Scopus from the onset till 2021. In this review, 76 articles were included, of which 25 were related
to male reproduction, 32 were related to female reproduction, and 19 were related to reproductive malignancies. Analysis
of the literature indicates the efects of clove and its constituents especially eugenol and β-caryophyllene on the level of sex
hormones, fertility, sperm abnormalities, endometriosis, menstrual cycle, as well as gynecological infections, and reproductive tumors. The main mechanism of clove has not been understood yet but it seems that diferent parameters afect its
pharmacological activity including the type of extract, dose, and duration of administration as well as the primary cause of
the disorder. According to the efects of clove on diferent parts of the reproductive system, it seems that it can be a suitable
candidate for related disorders, provided that more and more detailed studies are done on it.
than one year. Despite the current pharmacotherapies, there is still no specifc treatment, and studies are in
progress to fnd a proper therapy with high effcacy and low side effects. In this way, Traditional Persian
Medicine (TPM), due to its holistic view, can provide recommendations for the prevention and treatment of new
diseases such as COVID-19. The muco-obstruction of the airway, which occurs in SARS-CoV-2, has similar features in TPM textbooks that can lead us to new treatment approaches. Based on TPM and pharmacological
studies, Cinnamomum verum (Darchini)’s potential effective functions can contribute to SARS-CoV-2 infection
treatment and has been known to be effective in corona disease in Public beliefs. From the viewpoint of TPM
theories, Cinnamon can be effective in SARS-CoV-2 improvement and treatment through its anti-obstructive,
diuretic, tonic and antidote effects. In addition, there is pharmacological evidence on anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, organ-o-protective and anti-depression effects of Cinnamon that are in line with the therapeutic functions mentioned in TPM.Overall, Cinnamon and its ingredients can be recommended for SARS-CoV2
management due to multi-targeting therapies. This review provides basic information for future studies on this
drug’s effectiveness in preventing and treating COVID-19 and similar diseases.
oral and topical therapies of Persian medicine (PM). The oil of Saussurea costus (bitter qust) root is
prominent topical oil with different applications in PM. In this study, the oil of bitter qust was
prepared according to ancient Persian medical texts. Methods: To prepare traditional qust oil, 100 g
of the root was soaked in 600 mL aqueous ethanol 25% overnight. The supernatant was then filtered
and boiled in 800 g sesame oil until all water was evaporated. The essential oil of the root and volatile
components of its traditional oil were extracted using hydro-distillation method in a Clevenger-type
apparatus and were analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) method. Total
phenolics, flavonoids, tannins and polysaccharides were determined by spectrophotometric methods to
evaluate the chemical parameters of traditional bitter qust oil. Results: The content of volatile
compounds in both investigated samples was determined (0.5% and 0.1% (v/w), respectively).
Dehydrocostus lactone and 1, 3-cyclooctadiene were two similar main compounds in the both
analyzed samples. Total phenolics (788.290±0.61 mg/L gallic acid equivalent (GAE)), flavonoids
(303.2±2.52 mg/L catechin equivalent (CE)), tannins (23.97±0.52 mg/L GAE) and polysaccharides
(9.240±0.13 mg/L dextrose equivalent (DE)) contents were determined. Conclusion: According to the
obtained data, dehydrocostus lactone could be used for determination and evaluation of traditional
bitter qust oil.
Various pharmacological and non-pharmacological therapies are described for treatment of knee OA,
but considerable side effects especially in old populations are the limiting factors. Traditional,
complementary and integrative medicines have a long history in treatment of chronic diseases such as
OA. Many different oral and topical drugs have been introduced for curing of OA in Persian medicine
(PM) as one of the most important and historical systems of medicine. The aim of this survey was to
review the clinical trials related to pharmacological treatment of knee OA with medicinal methods of
PM. The main databases including PubMed, Scopus and ISI Web of Knowledge were searched and
consequently eight clinical trials were achieved. Some of common dosage forms such as gel and oil
and some of traditional ones like “Marham” and “Dohn” were used for treatment of OA in these
studies. The investigated plants were suppressors for different pathways of inflammatory responses.
Antioxidant capacity and analgesic effects were other recognized effects for some of these herbs. In
clinical aspect, seven of eight papers that were presented in this study, showed a significant effect in
the treatment of OA; however, more researches are required to judge these traditional therapies.
agent. Glucosinolate metabolites exert the cancer-preventive activity through diferent mechanisms, including induction of
the Nrf2 transcription factor, inhibition of expression of tumor necrosis factor-α (TNFα) and interleukin-1β (IL-1β), induction
of apoptosis through inhibiting phase I enzymes and inducting phase II enzymes, interruption of caspase pathways, STAT1/
STAT2, inhibition of sulfotransferases. Moreover, glucosinolates and their metabolites are efective in cancer treatment by
inhibiting angiogenesis, upregulating natural killers, increasing expression of p53, p21, caspase 3 and 9, and modulating
NF-κB. Despite the mentioned cancer-preventing efects, some isothiocyanates can increase the risk of tumors. So, further
studies are needed to obtain an accurate and efective dose for each glucosinolates to treat diferent types of tumors.
pharmacological activities of clove buds in gynecological disorders have been mentioned in traditional Persian medicine and in
recent studies. Since no studies have been conducted on the role of clove aqueous extract (CAE) in the management of PCOS,
this study was designed to evaluate its effects on some biochemical and histopathological parameters in letrozole-induced PCOS
in rats.
Methods: Thirty-six rats were used for this study: 6 were in the control group, and in the other 30, PCOS was induced by
letrozole (1 mg/kg/day). After 3 weeks of induction, PCOS was approved by conducting vaginal smears. Then PCOS-induced rats
were divided into five groups, letrozole-induced polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), clomiphene citrate 1 mg/kg/day (CLO), and
CAE50, 100, 200, which received 50, 100, and 200 mg/kg/day of standardized clove aqueous extract based on eugenol, respectively.
The treatment kept going for 30 days. Estrous cyclicity, body weight, oxidative stress-related markers, sex hormones, and ovarian
histological parameters were measured.
Results: Disrupted estrous cyclicity, increased body weight, follicular cyst, ovarian level of malondialdehyde (MDA), total oxidant status (TOS), luteinizing hormone (LH), and testosterone levels, as well as decreased estradiol, progesterone, superoxide
dismutase (SOD) and total antioxidant capacity (TAC) levels, were demonstrated in PCOS group. The aforementioned parameters were improved following the CAE administration. The estrous phase was observed in the vaginal smear following all doses
of CAE administration. The serum level of LH (at doses 50 and 200 mg/kg), LH/follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) (at all doses),
testosterone (at doses 100 and 200 mg/kg) and estradiol (at doses 100 and 200 mg/kg) was significantly decreased. The serum
level of progesterone (100 and 200 mg/kg) was increased significantly following CAE administration. Moreover, CAE reduced
cystic follicles and ameliorated oxidative parameters.
Conclusions: In conclusion, clove can be a complementary medicine for PCOS patients, but clinical studies are needed to demonstrate its efficacy and safety.
are used for medicinal purposes. Traditional medicine manuscripts as well as recent studies reported its efects on male
and female reproductive systems. The aim of this study is to investigate the reported contradictory efects of clove and its
phytochemicals on the reproductive system of both males and females. All types of in vitro, animal, and human studies
of clove and its main constituents in the feld of reproductive systems were collected via searching electronic databases
including PubMed and Scopus from the onset till 2021. In this review, 76 articles were included, of which 25 were related
to male reproduction, 32 were related to female reproduction, and 19 were related to reproductive malignancies. Analysis
of the literature indicates the efects of clove and its constituents especially eugenol and β-caryophyllene on the level of sex
hormones, fertility, sperm abnormalities, endometriosis, menstrual cycle, as well as gynecological infections, and reproductive tumors. The main mechanism of clove has not been understood yet but it seems that diferent parameters afect its
pharmacological activity including the type of extract, dose, and duration of administration as well as the primary cause of
the disorder. According to the efects of clove on diferent parts of the reproductive system, it seems that it can be a suitable
candidate for related disorders, provided that more and more detailed studies are done on it.
than one year. Despite the current pharmacotherapies, there is still no specifc treatment, and studies are in
progress to fnd a proper therapy with high effcacy and low side effects. In this way, Traditional Persian
Medicine (TPM), due to its holistic view, can provide recommendations for the prevention and treatment of new
diseases such as COVID-19. The muco-obstruction of the airway, which occurs in SARS-CoV-2, has similar features in TPM textbooks that can lead us to new treatment approaches. Based on TPM and pharmacological
studies, Cinnamomum verum (Darchini)’s potential effective functions can contribute to SARS-CoV-2 infection
treatment and has been known to be effective in corona disease in Public beliefs. From the viewpoint of TPM
theories, Cinnamon can be effective in SARS-CoV-2 improvement and treatment through its anti-obstructive,
diuretic, tonic and antidote effects. In addition, there is pharmacological evidence on anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, organ-o-protective and anti-depression effects of Cinnamon that are in line with the therapeutic functions mentioned in TPM.Overall, Cinnamon and its ingredients can be recommended for SARS-CoV2
management due to multi-targeting therapies. This review provides basic information for future studies on this
drug’s effectiveness in preventing and treating COVID-19 and similar diseases.
oral and topical therapies of Persian medicine (PM). The oil of Saussurea costus (bitter qust) root is
prominent topical oil with different applications in PM. In this study, the oil of bitter qust was
prepared according to ancient Persian medical texts. Methods: To prepare traditional qust oil, 100 g
of the root was soaked in 600 mL aqueous ethanol 25% overnight. The supernatant was then filtered
and boiled in 800 g sesame oil until all water was evaporated. The essential oil of the root and volatile
components of its traditional oil were extracted using hydro-distillation method in a Clevenger-type
apparatus and were analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) method. Total
phenolics, flavonoids, tannins and polysaccharides were determined by spectrophotometric methods to
evaluate the chemical parameters of traditional bitter qust oil. Results: The content of volatile
compounds in both investigated samples was determined (0.5% and 0.1% (v/w), respectively).
Dehydrocostus lactone and 1, 3-cyclooctadiene were two similar main compounds in the both
analyzed samples. Total phenolics (788.290±0.61 mg/L gallic acid equivalent (GAE)), flavonoids
(303.2±2.52 mg/L catechin equivalent (CE)), tannins (23.97±0.52 mg/L GAE) and polysaccharides
(9.240±0.13 mg/L dextrose equivalent (DE)) contents were determined. Conclusion: According to the
obtained data, dehydrocostus lactone could be used for determination and evaluation of traditional
bitter qust oil.
Various pharmacological and non-pharmacological therapies are described for treatment of knee OA,
but considerable side effects especially in old populations are the limiting factors. Traditional,
complementary and integrative medicines have a long history in treatment of chronic diseases such as
OA. Many different oral and topical drugs have been introduced for curing of OA in Persian medicine
(PM) as one of the most important and historical systems of medicine. The aim of this survey was to
review the clinical trials related to pharmacological treatment of knee OA with medicinal methods of
PM. The main databases including PubMed, Scopus and ISI Web of Knowledge were searched and
consequently eight clinical trials were achieved. Some of common dosage forms such as gel and oil
and some of traditional ones like “Marham” and “Dohn” were used for treatment of OA in these
studies. The investigated plants were suppressors for different pathways of inflammatory responses.
Antioxidant capacity and analgesic effects were other recognized effects for some of these herbs. In
clinical aspect, seven of eight papers that were presented in this study, showed a significant effect in
the treatment of OA; however, more researches are required to judge these traditional therapies.