Gunumuzde teknolojinin gelismesiyle birlikte internet kullanimi hizli bir sekilde artmistir. Inte... more Gunumuzde teknolojinin gelismesiyle birlikte internet kullanimi hizli bir sekilde artmistir. Internetle birlikle sosyal medya kullanimi gunluk yasantimizin vazgecilmez bir parcasi olmustur. Sosyal medya; bireylerin baska kisilerle baglantida olduklari ve kendilerini ifade ettikleri sanal bir ortamdir. Yeni iletisim araclarinin ozellikle akilli telefonlarin gelisim gostermesi, sosyal medya kullanimini daha da arttirmis ve kisiler arasi iletisim kopukluklarina neden olmustur. Etkilesim odakli olan sosyal medya, kisiler arasi iletisimin sanal ortamlara tasinmasina yol acmistir. Sosyal medyanin olumsuz etkileri literaturde tartisilan onemli konular arasindadir. Ikili iliskilerin en onemlilerinden biri olan evlilik kurumunda da sosyal medyanin esler arasindaki olumsuz etkileri gozlemlenebilir boyuta ulasmistir. Bu makalede, sosyal medya kullaniminin bosanma uzerindeki etkileri incelenmektedir.

Pamukkale University Journal of Social Sciences Institute, 2020
Studies on crime have an important place in today's social science research. Especially in re... more Studies on crime have an important place in today's social science research. Especially in recent years, the significant increase in criminal behaviour makes it important to address the issue. Crime continues to be one of the most important problems faced in both developed and developing countries. Therefore, it is important for the future of the society to take the necessary measures to reduce or totally eliminate the factors that cause crime. Studies on unemployment have begun to address the effects of unemployment on crime as well as the causes of unemployment. In this study, first of all, the concepts of crime and unemployment will be examined as a social problem and the relationship between crime and unemployment will be examined, based on the findings of some studies that make the unemployment factor the main subject.
the Journal of Academic Social Sciences
the Journal of Academic Social Sciences
the Journal of Academic Social Sciences
the Journal of Academic Social Sciences
the Journal of Academic Social Sciences