Drafts by Yves Montouroy
This draft paper is about my PhD research on illegal logging and the EU FLEGT action. I there eng... more This draft paper is about my PhD research on illegal logging and the EU FLEGT action. I there engaged in the literature about the public authority disengagement. I demonstrated that the innovative EU instrument could be analyzed as a recentralization of the authority on public actors.

En 2003, l'UE approuvait le plan d'action Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) po... more En 2003, l'UE approuvait le plan d'action Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) pour combattre le commerce de bois illégal par la coopération internationale. Ce faisant, l'action européenne perturbe fortement la régulation d'un secteur qui s'était progressivement privatisée. La thèse défendue ici est que ce changement de politique publique par une de la régulation conduit à une relation conflictuelle avec les autorités privées de la régulation et les firmes de l'industrie ayant investi dans ces instruments. Par conséquent, face à des autorités publiques redéfinissant les contours de l'intervention européenne, les acteurs privés doivent relégitimer leurs pratiques et instruments aux échelles nationales et européennes par un travail politique de problématisation et de politisation. Doté d'une telle entrée analytique, il est alors possible de suivre les acteurs à travers les échelles de régulation et ainsi de comprendre comment ils construisent les intérêts représentés. Mots clefs : régulation, bois illégal, UE, FLEGT, coproduction publique-privée, interactions d'acteurs, industrie, instruments, schémas de certification, travail politique. Sectoral actor interactions and change: Recentralization of European Rule Making to counter illegal logging Abstract : In 2003, the EU approved the Action Plan to counter illegal logging by strengthening international cooperation and national authorities. In so doing, the EU regulation could look like it deeply challenges the global governance of forest which had progressively been privatized. As regards these instrumentation, I argue that recentralization of power in the regulation of the sector has lead to a contentious relationship with private rulemaking. Here I demonstrate how the EU FLEGT regulation had emerged as part of a change in the governance. Consequently, private actors had to legitimize their practices and instruments through undertaking, at multiple scales, the political work of problematization and politicization. From this perspective, I follow actors' representations of 'problems', and how they built interests and political work across scales of regulation, and this in order to understand how policy instruments were defined.
Conference Presentations by Yves Montouroy

In many parts of Europe, improving sustainable forest management means facing up to the local par... more In many parts of Europe, improving sustainable forest management means facing up to the local particularities of forests, landed property and economic competition.
The Southern Europe Forest Owners Union (USSE) is a transregional organization which brings together private forest owners organizations from Galicia, Basque Country, Aquitaine, Castilla and Leon and Catalonia in order to create a network for the sustainable management of private forests in that sub region (horizontal perspective). The purpose of the USSE is also to represent the interests of its members at the different decision making level from the national and European levels to the international level (vertical perspective).
Through many programs of research (FORSEE, SEARCH…), the SEFOU works to improve the knowledge of forests lands, of sustainability, of multifonctionality and to improve the competitiveness of its members. Indeed, the new approach to forests and their management has involved introducing a new kind of participation in the definition of the path to sustainability and the use of new norms and methods in EU.
The aim of our proposal is to highlight the displacements of regulatory decision-making between superior levels (top-down logic) and the political work undertaken by USSE and its members (bottom-up logic) to make progress on the ‘competitiveness’ of ‘sustainability’. A multi-level governance description could not describe closely the process of USSE legitimation. Drawing on a sociological theory of decision making and sectoral regulation, we will describe the USSE “territorial institutionalism” (Carter and Smith, 2008) approach in order to study its political usage of territory.
Book chapters by Yves Montouroy
La multiplication des régimes internationaux se traduit par l'émergence de « complexes de régimes... more La multiplication des régimes internationaux se traduit par l'émergence de « complexes de régimes » qui sont liés à la fois par des interactions institutionnelles et par l'existence de « thématiques croisées » (issue-linkage).
Papers by Yves Montouroy
Presses universitaires des Antilles eBooks, Oct 10, 2023

The communication aims enlightening the issue of climate-oriented public policy forms, scales and... more The communication aims enlightening the issue of climate-oriented public policy forms, scales and means of their implementation, as well as their limitations (Adelle and Russel, 2013; Howlett, 2014). Based on empirical case study in a French Caribbean island, named Guadeloupe, our study analyses the climate policy integration and urges greater consideration of the issue on the existence of so-called 'new' climate policies, thus fuelling debate on the potential emergence of a new climate-oriented public policy sector. Our discussions also foster analysis of the idea of mainstreaming international climate change governance concepts in national (Biesbroeck et al., 2010) and local (Wilbanks, 2003) policies. The Guadeloupean case study consequently focuses on analysing inter-level and -sector interactions, such that “transversal policies enhance the 'territorialization' process regarding public policy and activity areas, in turn challenging historically established sectoral boundaries” (Hassenteufel, 2011). In Guadeloupe, the State plays a critical leadership role in coordinating climate policy efforts and integrating climate change into bureaucratic and institutional structures to ensure timely and effective outcomes, that is to say that climate policy is integrated within existing structures and programs. However, but that it is not a "strong" strategy because, first, policy instruments such as MAEC (mesures agro-environnemenales et climatiques) are grabbed by bananas sector. In this way, the banana sector deprives other agricultural sectors of activities that could allow them to develop a climate policy for Guadeloupian agricultural sector. Second, adaptation of climate change is forgotten in vertical climate policy integration with the European, national and regional policy level. Finally, Adaptation to climate change is not a priority in the local agenda; she finds herself relegated behind other themes (health, development, Sargassum ...) and it is once dealt with the other emergencies settled
J-F Le Coq (CIAT/Cirad), Eric Sabourin (Cirad/UnB), Carolina Milhorance (UnB), Fanny Howland (CIA... more J-F Le Coq (CIAT/Cirad), Eric Sabourin (Cirad/UnB), Carolina Milhorance (UnB), Fanny Howland (CIAT), Yves Montouroy (UA), Marlon Duron (CIAT); Diego Obando (CIAT); Nadine Andrieu (CIAT/Cirad); Deissy Martinez Baron (CIAT CCAFS)-Integration of climate change (CC) issue within national agricultural policy agenda is a necessary step for transformation pathways of agriculture in CC context (Campbell et al, 2018)-While International influence through international agreements is straightforward, national process of integration of CC issue into agricultural agenda and sectorial national policy diversity is poorly explain yet.
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Jun 26, 2019
Participations, May 22, 2014

La thèse dément rarement sa réputation d'étape de professionnalisation difficile et je n'aurais j... more La thèse dément rarement sa réputation d'étape de professionnalisation difficile et je n'aurais jamais pu parvenir au bout de celle-ci sans tous ceux qui m'ont entouré. Je tiens tout d'abord à remercier Andy Smith pour son écoute, pour son encadrement précis et attentif. L'aboutissement de mon projet de recherche et mon parcours au sein de la discipline lui doivent beaucoup. Je remercie également l'équipe du Centre Emile Durkheim et l'équipe pédagogique de l'IEP de Bordeaux. En me soutenant financièrement et en m'offrant l'opportunité d'enseigner, l'IEP de Bordeaux a été la structure qui m'a permis de terminer et valoriser ma thèse dans d'excellentes conditions. La conduite de celle-ci n'aurait pas été non plus possible sans l'EDSP2, et avant elle l'ED208. Je tiens ici à remercier en particulier Dominique Darbon et Maryse Ducourneau pour leur constante attention. En outre, je tiens à remercier Daniel Compagnon, Patrick Hassenteufel, Bastien Irondelle et Franck Petiteville d'avoir accepté de participer au jury de cette thèse. Ce sont aussi Dominique d'Antin de Vaillac (ancien CAPC-Bordeaux 4), Pierre Giot (Professeur à l'Université Catholique de Louvain) et George Touzet (ancien directeur général de l'ONF, Docteur honoris causa de l'UCL et membre de l'Académie d'Agriculture de France), qui ont accompagné ce travail de recherche depuis le début, à qui je pense aujourd'hui. C'est enfin ma famille et mes proches que je remercie infiniment. Ils ont tous permis que cette étape de vie ne rime jamais avec isolement. Mes pensées vont d'abord à mes parents, grandsparents et à mon frère. C'est aussi à mon exceptionnelle belle-famille que je dois d'arriver au terme de cette étape. Sa chaleur a été un soutien indispensable durant ces cinq années de thèse. Je salue et remercie enfin tous mes amis. Faute de place, je remercie en particulier la fine équipe du Dead Bataillon, Pascal Cobrun, Hugo Crépieux et Christophe Vandermeersch, ainsi que
Politique européenne, 2016

As the European forest industry takes up the challenge of certification, it is also called upon t... more As the European forest industry takes up the challenge of certification, it is also called upon to develop a strategy which mitigates the effects of climate change. From the latter perspective, the forest industry is solicited to pursue the carbon neutrality of its activity (through the Exchange Trade System). Today, public policies have thus led the forestry industry to develop green energy by biomass cogeneration. Cogeneration is the simultaneous production of electricity and heat, both of which are used in paper-making. The aim of policy is to extend such production of electricity to cover domestic consumption. Such a path makes the forest and paper industries go deeper in the sustainability of their activities but it also makes them develop new strategies. From the point of view of political science, this new policy and industrial orientation can be best examined through analyzing the making and implementing of the territorial environmental strategies that cover both certification and forestry programs. In industrial terms, such a strategy not only challenges current practices of local resources provision and the valorisation of wood wastes, but more fundamentally still it constitutes the development of a new path, a new market and new constraints (in terms of norms and competition). The aim of our proposal is to highlight the displacements of regulatory decision-making between superior levels (top-down logic) and the political work undertaken by political enterprises on the ground (bottom-up logic). At the same time, analysis will encompass the normative environment and the convergence of green politics with competitive opportunities in the forest-wood-paper system. The paper will explore these political, normative and industrial issues linked to the new energy strategy through local case studies of globalized paper mills (Smurfit-Kappa, Tembec, Gascogne paper), located in Europe's largest human-made forest (the Landes de Gascogne), which began to go down this path in 2008.
La mise sur agenda des enjeux forestiers (deforestation tropicale, changement climatique, biodive... more La mise sur agenda des enjeux forestiers (deforestation tropicale, changement climatique, biodiversite, eau, etc.) et la dynamique de ce processus (continuite des rencontres et declarations, textes, acteurs, etc.) font de la foret un objet de relations internationales (d'Antin, 2007). Le principe porte par cet agenda est gestion durable des forets, c'est-a-dire des interactions durables entre les ecosystemes forestiers et les societes.

Environmental Law Review, Mar 1, 2017
This article provides the overall view of the international regulatory context for good forest go... more This article provides the overall view of the international regulatory context for good forest governance (GFG) and sustainable forest management (SFM). It starts by giving a brief overview of the international forestry regime, trade agreements, the Rio conventions, and forestry principles. Subsequently, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) tools for forest assessment and the World Bank Forestry Strategy are discussed. Further, timelines for various regional and international Criteria and Indicators (C&I) for SFM and trade in forest products are highlighted. Finally the leading international voluntary programmes for forest certification are described. From this review, it is clear there is a gap in the international forestry regime, there is an urgent need for an international legally binding forest convention which will guide Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) programmes at the local, national, regional and international/global scale. Here, we argue that FLEGT can catalyse these fragmented elements of an international regime as the EU FLEGT action plan provides a framework to catalyse all dedicated and cross-cutting issue instruments in national forest policy.
La Revue internationale et stratégique, 2016
Quand le changement climatique et les ressources naturelles deviennent des enjeux de sécurité
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Apr 1, 2019
HAL is a multidisciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific re... more HAL is a multidisciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or from public or private research centers. L'archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, est destinée au dépôt et à la diffusion de documents scientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non, émanant des établissements d'enseignement et de recherche français ou étrangers, des laboratoires publics ou privés. Mapping of actors, instruments, and integration of concepts in climate policies: Synthesis of case studies (
Drafts by Yves Montouroy
Conference Presentations by Yves Montouroy
The Southern Europe Forest Owners Union (USSE) is a transregional organization which brings together private forest owners organizations from Galicia, Basque Country, Aquitaine, Castilla and Leon and Catalonia in order to create a network for the sustainable management of private forests in that sub region (horizontal perspective). The purpose of the USSE is also to represent the interests of its members at the different decision making level from the national and European levels to the international level (vertical perspective).
Through many programs of research (FORSEE, SEARCH…), the SEFOU works to improve the knowledge of forests lands, of sustainability, of multifonctionality and to improve the competitiveness of its members. Indeed, the new approach to forests and their management has involved introducing a new kind of participation in the definition of the path to sustainability and the use of new norms and methods in EU.
The aim of our proposal is to highlight the displacements of regulatory decision-making between superior levels (top-down logic) and the political work undertaken by USSE and its members (bottom-up logic) to make progress on the ‘competitiveness’ of ‘sustainability’. A multi-level governance description could not describe closely the process of USSE legitimation. Drawing on a sociological theory of decision making and sectoral regulation, we will describe the USSE “territorial institutionalism” (Carter and Smith, 2008) approach in order to study its political usage of territory.
Book chapters by Yves Montouroy
Papers by Yves Montouroy
The Southern Europe Forest Owners Union (USSE) is a transregional organization which brings together private forest owners organizations from Galicia, Basque Country, Aquitaine, Castilla and Leon and Catalonia in order to create a network for the sustainable management of private forests in that sub region (horizontal perspective). The purpose of the USSE is also to represent the interests of its members at the different decision making level from the national and European levels to the international level (vertical perspective).
Through many programs of research (FORSEE, SEARCH…), the SEFOU works to improve the knowledge of forests lands, of sustainability, of multifonctionality and to improve the competitiveness of its members. Indeed, the new approach to forests and their management has involved introducing a new kind of participation in the definition of the path to sustainability and the use of new norms and methods in EU.
The aim of our proposal is to highlight the displacements of regulatory decision-making between superior levels (top-down logic) and the political work undertaken by USSE and its members (bottom-up logic) to make progress on the ‘competitiveness’ of ‘sustainability’. A multi-level governance description could not describe closely the process of USSE legitimation. Drawing on a sociological theory of decision making and sectoral regulation, we will describe the USSE “territorial institutionalism” (Carter and Smith, 2008) approach in order to study its political usage of territory.