Yves Messer
Yves Messer is an independent author. Ex-member of the LaRouche political cult in France and Germany, he has been supporting the "Justice for Jeremiah" campaign since 2006. In this context, he was a speaker at different conferences and events in Germany and Britain.
He works as a portraitist painter and is writing several books on the "Two Cultures" debate, the rift between science and arts. He was privileged to meet with Professor Stephen Hawking in his office to complete his portrait in 2009.
Supervisors: Steve Hassan, Matthew Feldman, and Alexandra Stein
He works as a portraitist painter and is writing several books on the "Two Cultures" debate, the rift between science and arts. He was privileged to meet with Professor Stephen Hawking in his office to complete his portrait in 2009.
Supervisors: Steve Hassan, Matthew Feldman, and Alexandra Stein
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Papers by Yves Messer
The late Lyndon H. LaRouche Jr (1922 – 2019) was in jail from 1989 to 94. During that time, the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991.
In 1992, despite his once virulent anti-communism, his opposition to the Russian orthodox church (‘Third Rome‘) and his racism against the Russians, LaRouche established his ‘Schiller Institute for Science and Culture’ in Moscow to infiltrate Russian academia and reach out to the political elite.
LaRouche’s political strategy was seeking an alliance between American and Russian ultra-nationalisms, and later between partisans of President Vladimir Putin and President Donald Trump.
Although mentioned in the ‘Steele dossier,’ released in 2016, LaRouche was not in the subsequent ‘Mueller Report’. The only person under investigation who can be related to was his friend Roger Stone, the GOP operative and self-described “dirty trickster.” Stone was in contact with the LaRouche crowd since the 1980s when he was working for the Ronald Reagan campaign.
Still supporting LaRouche, Roger Stone was in correspondence with larouchite Harley Schlanger, the Vice President of LaRouche’s Schiller Institute USA and his National Spokesman. Schlanger is also a self-employed consultant at the Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC).
In 1994, “political prisoner” LaRouche was released on parole from prison and in April, traveled for the first time to Moscow where he got support from Russian ultra-nationalists such as Sergey Glazyev. Glaziev is also an advisory board, member of the Russian think-tank Katehon, which the U.S. State Department considers part of Russia’s anti-western ‘Disinformation and Propaganda’ campaign.
In 1995, during his second trip to Moscow, LaRouche was invited to speak at the lower house of the Russian Parliament, the State Duma.
In 1996, LaRouche makes his third trip to Russia and his cult published November 01, 1996, LaRouche and his cult published their first anti-Soros dossier: ‘The secret financial network behind ‘wizard’ George Soros’ by William Engdahl. Their anti-Semitic campaign against Soros spread in Russian ultra-nationalist circles.
In 1999, a long collaboration between LaRouche and Glazyev started: LaRouche published an English translation of Glazyev’s book “Genocide: Russia and the New World Order”.
In 1999, Yeltsin appointed Putin prime minister of Russia. and then Yeltsin resigned and named Putin the acting president The relations between LaRouche and Glazyev continued in the 2000s, the Putin era: LaRouche was an invited guest again in 2001 thanks to Glazyev.
January 2014, Geopolitica itself is an off-shoot from the Italian extreme right journal Eurasia, Rivista di Studi Geopolitici, published and edited by Italian Nazi-Maoist Claudio Mutti. The scientific board of Eurasia includes Aleksander Dugin and LaRouchite William Engdahl. In the early January, Engdahl published a piece titled “The Belgrade US-Financed Training Group Behind the Carefully-Orchestrated Kiev Protests“. Engdahl’s own writings are recommended as part of Dugin’s Eurasianist curriculum [PDF, 15MB, Russian] Source here.
In 2015, Putin bans George Soros‘ activities in Russia.
In 2016, LaRouchite Engdahl was seen sharing a panel at a conference where Glazyev was one of the speakers: “The Russian Economic Growth Agenda“.
2019 is the end of LaRouche’s ‘Russian Romance’. He officially passed in February, and in October that year, Putin dismissed Glazyev. Since then, LaRouche’s activities in Russia look dead. His widow has moved their activities to China with the same methods of infiltration used in Russia.
LaRouche: against Mao’s China
LaRouche: China as a world criminal drug trafficker
LaRouche: the Chinese are ‘genocidalists’
LaRouche: against Deng Xiaoping’s China
LaRouche supports Taiwan against China
But after decades of anti-Chinese and anti-communist propaganda, LaRouche suddenly had in 1994 a 180-degrees “change of line”… and the pro-democracy students at Tiananmen Square whom LaRouche and his wife enthusiastically supported were let down by the couple, and … Li-Peng was hailed as a defendor of the industrial development of China against… Great Britain, which in LaRouche’s views incarnates all evils!
These cult adepts (otherwise known as “larouchies”) defend mega infrastructure projects throughout the world such as China’s “Silk Road” and the 1933 “Glass-Steagall Act” (GSA) a landmark banking legislation that separated Wall Street from Main Street (25). That is the bait but the catch is that the LaRouche cult as most cults do, has a radical black-or-white outlook: the enemies of Mankind (and of the LaRouche cult) are not only “Wall Street “ but all those that the “larouchies” consider as opposed to these very projects and reforms: the environmentalists, the homosexuals, the British, the Jews, LaRouche was a holocaust denier, hated Al Gore, Obama or Soros which they label “Nazis”, enemies of Mankind. Satanists or “mass murderers”!
Most words have two meanings: figurative and literal. It is unclear what Camus meant by “plague”: was it literal (a real biological plague) or metaphorical (alluding to fascism as a mental political disease), or both? This idea was also explored by Eugene Ionesco's play "Rhinocéros" where persons are infected by a new mysterious virus that turns them into (fascist) rhinos.
The “viral” word has also two meanings: literal or allegorical. This led me to consider the existence of such a “hypothetical mental virus”. To explore this hypothesis further, I started studying, from an epidemiological view, historical events such as german fascism (nazism, aka “brown plague”). Epidemiology is a science, based on analyzing and modeling data. Nazism offers better data than other strains of fascism. With the use of four basic mathematical "epidemic curves," the nazi contagion appears behaving like a biological epidemic (turned later into a pandemic with the advent of World War II.) This epidemiological modeling also confirmed important phases of nazism as an epidemic, starting from its infancy in the fringes of politics, from its subsequent rise, to "critical points" and to its final defeat. The mathematical “S-shaped logistic epidemic curve” corroborates an inflection point in a critical year, a point of no return in 1932-33, when the nazis reached absolute power. Then, applying the epidemiological "chains of infection" to this “hypothetical mental virus” known as nazism, confirms that such an epidemiological approach is consistent with historical facts. The modes of transmission of such hypothetical mental infectious agents (pathogens) are usually called propaganda in political campaigns, radio, rallies, leaflets, etc. Emotions (Gustave Le Bon, Edward Bernays) are considered a privileged "mode of transmission" in the "chain of transmission" of such “hypothetical mental pathogens”. Just like in any epidemic; in politics, the key data are the spread (measured in epidemiology as basic reproduction number R0}, the number of contacted and possibly infected persons by the "political message" to be spread to the rest of the population. Mental epidemics are usually spread by rumors, urban legends. Their contagion and propagation have dramatically increased thanks to digital technology (internet, social media). "Fake news", lies or alternate facts, infodemic, disinformation, conspiracy theories, digital propaganda, viral marketing, memes have caused contemporary, unprecedented mental pandemics that can affect entire countries. These new technologies use the older theories of a social psychologist such as Gustave Le Bon or psychologist Edward Bernays. The chain of infection, in the case of a “hypothetical mental infectious agent”, begins when it leaves its latent reservoir in the fringes via a portal of exit, means of transmission, then to a portal of entry to reach and infect the host (in politics: a lambda citizen. Memes and conspiracy theories are today's privileged “portal of entry” for modern political cults such as QAnon which is growing exponentially through these privileged "modes of transmission" as "fake news", lies, alternate facts, disinformation, conspiracy theories, digital propaganda, memes. This new cult can be analyzed and compared to the early exponential phase of Nazism in the years preceding the Great depression which boosted Nazism's rise to power.
Considering that such mental epidemics appear real and unhealthy, society would be well advised to consider that such “mental pathogens” causing mental plagues are as serious for our mental health as this novel SARS1-CoV-2 causing COVID-19 is for our physical health.
In 2018, on both sides of the Atlantic, commentators noticed that some mainstream media were treating George Soros the same way fringe Conspiracy Theorists used to: that is as a dangerous "boogeyman," as a "puppetmaster," as a "drug trafficker" and going as far as calling him "a Nazi," a label being concocted by serial conspiracy theorist Lyndon LaRouche years ago.
It did not make much sense why this Hungarian Jewish émigré, who survived the Nazi Holocaust, was (according to Conspiracy theorists)... "a Nazi!"
But in 2019, during the impeachment hearings against U.S. President Trump; Dr. Finoa Hill, who was an intelligence analyst under Presidents George W. Bush, Barack Obama, and Donald Trump as the top Russia expert on the National Security Council, she answered questions about these very conspiracy theories against Mr. George Soros: "This is the longest-running anti-Semitic trope that we have in history, and a trope against Mr. Soros was also created for political purposes, and this is the new Protocols of The Elders of Zion... " Dr. Hill was called by President Trump's friends such as Alex Jones "a globalist whore of Soros, a trafficker in evil"!
So WHY and HOW has George Soros become such an international "Jewish villain and hate figure"; a campaign giving rise to anti-Semitism on both sides of the Atlantic?
Like COVID19, conspiracy theories spread, are viral worldwide.
I will explore and document the fact there were FIVE interconnected chronological developments leading to this situation:
1. Putin in Russia
1. U.S. President Donald Trump's Tweets and his Impeachment about Ukraine caused more anti-Soros smear rhetoric and acts of violence.
2. Hungary's PM Viktor Orbán was re-elected in 2010. His political successes were strangely due to two American Jewish consultants and political strategists recommended by his good friend, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. These consultants were Jewish ultra-orthodox George Eli Birnbaum and "guru" Arthur J. Finkelstein, otherwise known as the "Merchant of Venom" and a master of the dark arts of negative campaigning.
3. Birnbaum and Finkelstein were seemingly inspired by the barrage of Anti-Soros smear Campaigns from Fox News' hosts. It all started in 2003 when the United States invaded Iraq to topple Saddam Hussein. George Soros became then a major target for the Republicans after he openly expressed that he was strongly opposed to this invasion and donated $ millions to defeat President George W. Bush. FOX TV News Channel's hosts Glenn Beck and Bill O'Reilly started TV media anti-Soros campaigns calling this donation a Soros' coup in the Democratic Party and Soros a Nazi among many other smears.
4. The LaRouche Cult Factor started in as early as 1996 and was boosted by the East Asian crisis of 1997 in which Soros was also involved. LaRouche's special report, "The True Story of Soros the Golem; A Profile of Mega-Speculator George Soros," circulated widely in Malaysia's leading circles. Although Lyndon H. LaRouche died in 2019 his cult is still active. He was known as an extremist crank, a fringe figure who moved politically from a "far-left" sect to the "far-right" political cult dedicated. He became a cult leader, a conspiracy theorist, a perennial presidential candidate who ran for eight times, including one when in prison for mail fraud. LaRouche's anti-Semitic campaign against Soros is not new. It is based on medieval anti-Semitic mythologies, now known as Conspiracy Theories. It is a revival of the Nazis' myth of the "Eternal Jew.". I was a full-time member of LaRouche's cult.
There are three reasons for LaRouche's cult being so involved and determined against George Soros:
1. LaRouche's Anti-Semitism
2. LaRouche's Philosophy
3. LaRouche's Totalitarian Cult (Closed Society)
Soros' philanthropy is consistent with and inspired by a philosophy of an OPEN (tolerant and free) SOCIETY based on Austrian-born British philosopher, academic, and social commentator Karl Popper.
In the conclusion part of my paper, I explore the respective cults of LaRouche and Donald Trump. There are analogies between a conspiracy theory mindset and a cult mentality.
Cults are totalitarian States in miniature. It is therefore not surprising that not only Trumpism but cults such as LaRouche's have been involved in a vilifying international campaign for decades against the liberal, critical thinker George Soros.
WEBSITE: https://antisorosconspiracytheoriesthelarouchecultfactor.wordpress.com/
Written on 09 May 2015
I explore “TAVISTOCK” as a codeword used by the LaRouche cult meant to convey to its members the "Scare of Manchurian Candidate"; the myth of a "brainwashee" by the Tavistock clinic in London sent to kill LaRouche.
The German police agreed with the LaRouche cult this was a "suicide". His family disagrees. So do I, as an ex member of this "political cult".
The late Lyndon H. LaRouche Jr (1922 – 2019) was in jail from 1989 to 94. During that time, the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991.
In 1992, despite his once virulent anti-communism, his opposition to the Russian orthodox church (‘Third Rome‘) and his racism against the Russians, LaRouche established his ‘Schiller Institute for Science and Culture’ in Moscow to infiltrate Russian academia and reach out to the political elite.
LaRouche’s political strategy was seeking an alliance between American and Russian ultra-nationalisms, and later between partisans of President Vladimir Putin and President Donald Trump.
Although mentioned in the ‘Steele dossier,’ released in 2016, LaRouche was not in the subsequent ‘Mueller Report’. The only person under investigation who can be related to was his friend Roger Stone, the GOP operative and self-described “dirty trickster.” Stone was in contact with the LaRouche crowd since the 1980s when he was working for the Ronald Reagan campaign.
Still supporting LaRouche, Roger Stone was in correspondence with larouchite Harley Schlanger, the Vice President of LaRouche’s Schiller Institute USA and his National Spokesman. Schlanger is also a self-employed consultant at the Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC).
In 1994, “political prisoner” LaRouche was released on parole from prison and in April, traveled for the first time to Moscow where he got support from Russian ultra-nationalists such as Sergey Glazyev. Glaziev is also an advisory board, member of the Russian think-tank Katehon, which the U.S. State Department considers part of Russia’s anti-western ‘Disinformation and Propaganda’ campaign.
In 1995, during his second trip to Moscow, LaRouche was invited to speak at the lower house of the Russian Parliament, the State Duma.
In 1996, LaRouche makes his third trip to Russia and his cult published November 01, 1996, LaRouche and his cult published their first anti-Soros dossier: ‘The secret financial network behind ‘wizard’ George Soros’ by William Engdahl. Their anti-Semitic campaign against Soros spread in Russian ultra-nationalist circles.
In 1999, a long collaboration between LaRouche and Glazyev started: LaRouche published an English translation of Glazyev’s book “Genocide: Russia and the New World Order”.
In 1999, Yeltsin appointed Putin prime minister of Russia. and then Yeltsin resigned and named Putin the acting president The relations between LaRouche and Glazyev continued in the 2000s, the Putin era: LaRouche was an invited guest again in 2001 thanks to Glazyev.
January 2014, Geopolitica itself is an off-shoot from the Italian extreme right journal Eurasia, Rivista di Studi Geopolitici, published and edited by Italian Nazi-Maoist Claudio Mutti. The scientific board of Eurasia includes Aleksander Dugin and LaRouchite William Engdahl. In the early January, Engdahl published a piece titled “The Belgrade US-Financed Training Group Behind the Carefully-Orchestrated Kiev Protests“. Engdahl’s own writings are recommended as part of Dugin’s Eurasianist curriculum [PDF, 15MB, Russian] Source here.
In 2015, Putin bans George Soros‘ activities in Russia.
In 2016, LaRouchite Engdahl was seen sharing a panel at a conference where Glazyev was one of the speakers: “The Russian Economic Growth Agenda“.
2019 is the end of LaRouche’s ‘Russian Romance’. He officially passed in February, and in October that year, Putin dismissed Glazyev. Since then, LaRouche’s activities in Russia look dead. His widow has moved their activities to China with the same methods of infiltration used in Russia.
LaRouche: against Mao’s China
LaRouche: China as a world criminal drug trafficker
LaRouche: the Chinese are ‘genocidalists’
LaRouche: against Deng Xiaoping’s China
LaRouche supports Taiwan against China
But after decades of anti-Chinese and anti-communist propaganda, LaRouche suddenly had in 1994 a 180-degrees “change of line”… and the pro-democracy students at Tiananmen Square whom LaRouche and his wife enthusiastically supported were let down by the couple, and … Li-Peng was hailed as a defendor of the industrial development of China against… Great Britain, which in LaRouche’s views incarnates all evils!
These cult adepts (otherwise known as “larouchies”) defend mega infrastructure projects throughout the world such as China’s “Silk Road” and the 1933 “Glass-Steagall Act” (GSA) a landmark banking legislation that separated Wall Street from Main Street (25). That is the bait but the catch is that the LaRouche cult as most cults do, has a radical black-or-white outlook: the enemies of Mankind (and of the LaRouche cult) are not only “Wall Street “ but all those that the “larouchies” consider as opposed to these very projects and reforms: the environmentalists, the homosexuals, the British, the Jews, LaRouche was a holocaust denier, hated Al Gore, Obama or Soros which they label “Nazis”, enemies of Mankind. Satanists or “mass murderers”!
Most words have two meanings: figurative and literal. It is unclear what Camus meant by “plague”: was it literal (a real biological plague) or metaphorical (alluding to fascism as a mental political disease), or both? This idea was also explored by Eugene Ionesco's play "Rhinocéros" where persons are infected by a new mysterious virus that turns them into (fascist) rhinos.
The “viral” word has also two meanings: literal or allegorical. This led me to consider the existence of such a “hypothetical mental virus”. To explore this hypothesis further, I started studying, from an epidemiological view, historical events such as german fascism (nazism, aka “brown plague”). Epidemiology is a science, based on analyzing and modeling data. Nazism offers better data than other strains of fascism. With the use of four basic mathematical "epidemic curves," the nazi contagion appears behaving like a biological epidemic (turned later into a pandemic with the advent of World War II.) This epidemiological modeling also confirmed important phases of nazism as an epidemic, starting from its infancy in the fringes of politics, from its subsequent rise, to "critical points" and to its final defeat. The mathematical “S-shaped logistic epidemic curve” corroborates an inflection point in a critical year, a point of no return in 1932-33, when the nazis reached absolute power. Then, applying the epidemiological "chains of infection" to this “hypothetical mental virus” known as nazism, confirms that such an epidemiological approach is consistent with historical facts. The modes of transmission of such hypothetical mental infectious agents (pathogens) are usually called propaganda in political campaigns, radio, rallies, leaflets, etc. Emotions (Gustave Le Bon, Edward Bernays) are considered a privileged "mode of transmission" in the "chain of transmission" of such “hypothetical mental pathogens”. Just like in any epidemic; in politics, the key data are the spread (measured in epidemiology as basic reproduction number R0}, the number of contacted and possibly infected persons by the "political message" to be spread to the rest of the population. Mental epidemics are usually spread by rumors, urban legends. Their contagion and propagation have dramatically increased thanks to digital technology (internet, social media). "Fake news", lies or alternate facts, infodemic, disinformation, conspiracy theories, digital propaganda, viral marketing, memes have caused contemporary, unprecedented mental pandemics that can affect entire countries. These new technologies use the older theories of a social psychologist such as Gustave Le Bon or psychologist Edward Bernays. The chain of infection, in the case of a “hypothetical mental infectious agent”, begins when it leaves its latent reservoir in the fringes via a portal of exit, means of transmission, then to a portal of entry to reach and infect the host (in politics: a lambda citizen. Memes and conspiracy theories are today's privileged “portal of entry” for modern political cults such as QAnon which is growing exponentially through these privileged "modes of transmission" as "fake news", lies, alternate facts, disinformation, conspiracy theories, digital propaganda, memes. This new cult can be analyzed and compared to the early exponential phase of Nazism in the years preceding the Great depression which boosted Nazism's rise to power.
Considering that such mental epidemics appear real and unhealthy, society would be well advised to consider that such “mental pathogens” causing mental plagues are as serious for our mental health as this novel SARS1-CoV-2 causing COVID-19 is for our physical health.
In 2018, on both sides of the Atlantic, commentators noticed that some mainstream media were treating George Soros the same way fringe Conspiracy Theorists used to: that is as a dangerous "boogeyman," as a "puppetmaster," as a "drug trafficker" and going as far as calling him "a Nazi," a label being concocted by serial conspiracy theorist Lyndon LaRouche years ago.
It did not make much sense why this Hungarian Jewish émigré, who survived the Nazi Holocaust, was (according to Conspiracy theorists)... "a Nazi!"
But in 2019, during the impeachment hearings against U.S. President Trump; Dr. Finoa Hill, who was an intelligence analyst under Presidents George W. Bush, Barack Obama, and Donald Trump as the top Russia expert on the National Security Council, she answered questions about these very conspiracy theories against Mr. George Soros: "This is the longest-running anti-Semitic trope that we have in history, and a trope against Mr. Soros was also created for political purposes, and this is the new Protocols of The Elders of Zion... " Dr. Hill was called by President Trump's friends such as Alex Jones "a globalist whore of Soros, a trafficker in evil"!
So WHY and HOW has George Soros become such an international "Jewish villain and hate figure"; a campaign giving rise to anti-Semitism on both sides of the Atlantic?
Like COVID19, conspiracy theories spread, are viral worldwide.
I will explore and document the fact there were FIVE interconnected chronological developments leading to this situation:
1. Putin in Russia
1. U.S. President Donald Trump's Tweets and his Impeachment about Ukraine caused more anti-Soros smear rhetoric and acts of violence.
2. Hungary's PM Viktor Orbán was re-elected in 2010. His political successes were strangely due to two American Jewish consultants and political strategists recommended by his good friend, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. These consultants were Jewish ultra-orthodox George Eli Birnbaum and "guru" Arthur J. Finkelstein, otherwise known as the "Merchant of Venom" and a master of the dark arts of negative campaigning.
3. Birnbaum and Finkelstein were seemingly inspired by the barrage of Anti-Soros smear Campaigns from Fox News' hosts. It all started in 2003 when the United States invaded Iraq to topple Saddam Hussein. George Soros became then a major target for the Republicans after he openly expressed that he was strongly opposed to this invasion and donated $ millions to defeat President George W. Bush. FOX TV News Channel's hosts Glenn Beck and Bill O'Reilly started TV media anti-Soros campaigns calling this donation a Soros' coup in the Democratic Party and Soros a Nazi among many other smears.
4. The LaRouche Cult Factor started in as early as 1996 and was boosted by the East Asian crisis of 1997 in which Soros was also involved. LaRouche's special report, "The True Story of Soros the Golem; A Profile of Mega-Speculator George Soros," circulated widely in Malaysia's leading circles. Although Lyndon H. LaRouche died in 2019 his cult is still active. He was known as an extremist crank, a fringe figure who moved politically from a "far-left" sect to the "far-right" political cult dedicated. He became a cult leader, a conspiracy theorist, a perennial presidential candidate who ran for eight times, including one when in prison for mail fraud. LaRouche's anti-Semitic campaign against Soros is not new. It is based on medieval anti-Semitic mythologies, now known as Conspiracy Theories. It is a revival of the Nazis' myth of the "Eternal Jew.". I was a full-time member of LaRouche's cult.
There are three reasons for LaRouche's cult being so involved and determined against George Soros:
1. LaRouche's Anti-Semitism
2. LaRouche's Philosophy
3. LaRouche's Totalitarian Cult (Closed Society)
Soros' philanthropy is consistent with and inspired by a philosophy of an OPEN (tolerant and free) SOCIETY based on Austrian-born British philosopher, academic, and social commentator Karl Popper.
In the conclusion part of my paper, I explore the respective cults of LaRouche and Donald Trump. There are analogies between a conspiracy theory mindset and a cult mentality.
Cults are totalitarian States in miniature. It is therefore not surprising that not only Trumpism but cults such as LaRouche's have been involved in a vilifying international campaign for decades against the liberal, critical thinker George Soros.
WEBSITE: https://antisorosconspiracytheoriesthelarouchecultfactor.wordpress.com/
Written on 09 May 2015
I explore “TAVISTOCK” as a codeword used by the LaRouche cult meant to convey to its members the "Scare of Manchurian Candidate"; the myth of a "brainwashee" by the Tavistock clinic in London sent to kill LaRouche.
The German police agreed with the LaRouche cult this was a "suicide". His family disagrees. So do I, as an ex member of this "political cult".