Papers by Yusuf Koc
Journal of Mathematics …, 2007
… About Mathematics Teaching: An Examination of the Use of a Multimedia Case to Stimulate the Conversation Rebecca McGraw, remcgraw@ indiana. edu
... With respect to teacher instructional dispositions, discussion focused on how a teacher's... more ... With respect to teacher instructional dispositions, discussion focused on how a teacher's desire for closure at the end of each class period can lead to a discomfort when time runs out. In terms of student learning dispositions, group members discussed how students ...
The Use of a Web-Based Professional Development Forum to Enhance In-service and Pre-service Teacher Education
Society for Information Technology …, 2002
... Koc, Y., McGraw, R., Lynch, K. & Brown, C. (2002). ... Society for Information Technology... more ... Koc, Y., McGraw, R., Lynch, K. & Brown, C. (2002). ... Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (SITE) 2002 Nashville, Tennessee, USA 2002 ISBN 1-880094-44-4 Dee Anna Willis, Jerry Price & Niki Davis AACE More Information on SITE ...
Examining Computer-Mediated Discussions of a Multimedia Case Study of Mathematics Teaching

International Journal of Special …, 2010
Professionals agree that book characters can be excellent role models for young children. Therefo... more Professionals agree that book characters can be excellent role models for young children. Therefore, analyzing children's literature portraying impairments provides valuable information for educators, parents, siblings, extended family members and librarians. In this study, forty-six picture books are analyzed in order to determine the relationships between the characters with and without physical and sensory impairments. The role of each character and the type of their relationship are analyzed in every occasion in which characters with and without physical and sensory impairments are involved in each story. The data analysis indicates eleven different relationship categories showing positive, neutral or negative portrayals. The results of the study imply that story characters change over time through their interactions in characters with impairments. The present study concludes that children's literature contains significant promise with respect to helping children develop friendships by learning about and accepting individual differences. Interpretations of the findings were discussed and implications for practice were presented.
Annual Meeting of the …, 2002
An Examination of How People with Diverse Background Talk about Mathematics Teaching and Learning Both Face-To-Face and On-Line
International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics …, 2003
Results and Interpretations of the 1990 through 2000 Mathematics Assessment of the National Assessment of Educational Progress
... (Paul Kehle, Diana Wearne, W. Gary Martin, Marilyn E. Strutchens, and Janet Warfield); (7) Lo... more ... (Paul Kehle, Diana Wearne, W. Gary Martin, Marilyn E. Strutchens, and Janet Warfield); (7) Long-Term NAEP: Mathematics Learning over Three Decades (Enrique Galindo, Kelly McCormick,Doris Mohr, and Richard ... (Paola Sztajn, Holly G. Anthony, Jeong-lim Chae, Ayhan ...
Second international handbook of mathematics education
... Table of Contents Introduction Alan J. Bishop ix PART ONE SECTION 1: POLICY DIMENSIONS OF MAT... more ... Table of Contents Introduction Alan J. Bishop ix PART ONE SECTION 1: POLICY DIMENSIONS OF MATHEMATICS EDUCATION Introduction ... 3 Mathematical literacy Eva Jablonka 75 4 Lifelong mathematics education Gail FitzSimons, Diana Coben and John O'Donoghue 103 ...
Lesson study in secondary mathematics
… of the twenty-fourth annual meeting …, 2002
In this research report we share results of a study of the use of an adaptation of Lesson Study, ... more In this research report we share results of a study of the use of an adaptation of Lesson Study, a form of professional development typically used in Japanese elementary schools, with secondary mathematics teachers in the United States. We draw on Tharp and ...
The purpose of this paper is to describe and reflect on the changes in the new elementary mathema... more The purpose of this paper is to describe and reflect on the changes in the new elementary mathematics teacher education curriculum in Turkey. It is our goal to share the revised teacher education curriculum with the outside mathematics teacher education community. The paper is organized around four major sections: An overview of the teacher education system in Turkey, the characteristics of the previous mathematics teacher education curriculum, the need for the revisions, and characteristics of the revised curriculum.

Social Behavior and Personality, 2009
The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of type of educational system and years spen... more The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of type of educational system and years spent in teacher education programs on preservice teachers' mathematics anxiety and mathematical self-concept scores. The sample consisted of 234 American and 276 Turkish early childhood and elementary school preservice teachers. The Abbreviated Mathematics Anxiety Scale (AMAS; Hopko, 2003) was used to measure how anxious preservice teachers feel during a specific mathematics related event. In order to measure the mathematical selfconcept of preservice teachers, the Experience with Mathematics Questionnaire (EMQ; Gourgey, 1982) was used. Regarding the effect of the educational system, results revealed that while the American preservice teachers had significantly higher anxiety scores, Turkish preservice teachers had significantly higher self-concept scores. Results supported previous findings emphasizing the negative relationship between mathematical anxiety and mathematical self-concept.
The new Turkish early childhood teacher education curriculum: a brief outlook
Asia Pacific Education Review, 2009
This article aims to describe and reflect on the new early childhood teacher education curriculum... more This article aims to describe and reflect on the new early childhood teacher education curriculum in Turkey. The new curriculum is part of a large-scale reform agenda to improve education at all levels. The article begins with a brief history of early childhood education and early childhood teacher education in Turkey. Then, the needs for the curriculum revision and major characteristics of the revised curriculum are discussed. The article concludes with brief discussion about the innovations and suggestions for future research dealing with the implementation and effectiveness of the revised curriculum

Teaching and Teacher Education, 2009
The purpose of this study was to explore the potential value of online video case discussions amo... more The purpose of this study was to explore the potential value of online video case discussions among preservice and inservice teachers, and the video case teacher as a tool for the professional development of teachers. Participants included a total of 26 preservice and inservice mathematics teachers and a veteran teacher who appeared on the video case. Using content analysis techniques, we provided a thematic analysis of the teacher discourse and demonstrated the exchanges between the participating teachers and video case teacher. We also assessed the overall effectiveness of our online forum set up for the professional development of teachers. Results indicated that participant teachers were able to make theory–practice connections by articulating specific frameworks that guided our study. The inclusion of the video case teacher was beneficial for the other teachers in several ways. We contend that online forum discussions of video cases in which collective engagement of preservice and inservice teachers, and the case teacher have a great potential to support teacher professional development.
This paper aims to examine the nature of the new elementary school curriculum in Turkey. In parti... more This paper aims to examine the nature of the new elementary school curriculum in Turkey. In particular, the authors provide a coherent picture of the fundamentals, basic elements and the classroom implications of the new curriculum development initiative in five content areas: mathematics, science, social science, life science, and Turkish. This paper discusses the fundamental principles underlying the curriculum reform, including social, individual, economical, and historical and cultural aspects.

Mathematics Teacher Education and Technology
Various applications of electronic technology have contributed to the field of mathematics teache... more Various applications of electronic technology have contributed to the field of mathematics teacher education, but the array of tools now available to teacher educators in developed countries can be somewhat daunting. In this chapter, the authors present an overview of some of these tools and the ways that they are being used. In addition, they address issues surrounding the development and applications of digital technology in teacher education programs in a number of countries. In particular, they present recent applications of videotapes, multimedia resources, internet-based communities, and tutorial conferencing facilities in pre-service and in-service education of mathematics teachers. As professionals who have used technology in teacher education, the authors blend their own insights into this review of technological tools and relevant issues.

Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 2007
In this study, we consider the potential of multimedia cases as tools for teacher professional de... more In this study, we consider the potential of multimedia cases as tools for teacher professional development. Specifically, we examined online and face-to-face discussions that occurred within groups composed of pre-service mathematics teachers, in-service mathematics teachers, mathematicians, and mathematics teacher educators. Discussions within these heterogeneous groups tended to focus on issues of classroom implementation of the tasks shown in the multimedia case. Secondary foci of discussion included task characteristics and appropriateness of tasks for engaging students in thinking about mathematical concepts and processes. Analysis of contributions to discussions across group member type revealed differences that suggest that the variety of backgrounds and experiences of group members can blend in ways that support rich and critical discussions of mathematics, teaching, and learning.
Conference Presentations by Yusuf Koc
Sevis, S., Koc, Y., Isiksal, M., & Bulut, S. (2008, September). Pre-service Teachers’ Pedagogical Content Knowledge Structures: What is the Effect of Methods Courses? Paper presented at The European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), Sweden.
Koc, Y., Isiksal, M., Sevis, S., Cakmak, S., & Bulut, S. (2010, April). Pre-service Teachers’ Content and Pedagogical Content Knowledge Structures about Multiplication Algorithm and Area-Perimeter Relations: What is the Role of Teaching Methods Courses? Paper presented at AERA Annual Meeting, USA.
Papers by Yusuf Koc
Conference Presentations by Yusuf Koc