Papers by Yully Ambarsih Ekawardhani

ARTic, Dec 27, 2023
Sapa Ndisist Oh is the first film made by the people of Kepunduhan Village, Kramat Subdistrict, T... more Sapa Ndisist Oh is the first film made by the people of Kepunduhan Village, Kramat Subdistrict, Tegal Regency, Central Java Province, with filmmaker Marjo Klengkam Sulam as the director. The film received appreciation from the Village Innovation Exchange at the Central Java Provincial Level, organized by the Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration. Kepunduhan villagers were involved in the making of the film as crew and actors, collaborative work between professionals and the involvement of residents in the filmmaking process industry is a practice of Participation methods. Residents who are unfamiliar with filmmaking techniques are involved in filmmaking directly. Based on this, the research conducted aims to find out the role and form of participation of the Kepunduhan Village community in the process of making the film Sapa Ndisit Oh. The method used is descriptive. The process carried out by researchers is an interview with the director of the film Sapa Ndisit Oh and observation of the film Sapa Ndisit Oh as the object of research. Data analysis techniques in this study go through several stages, data collection, data reduction, data analysis, and conclusions. The results of the research obtained are the initial idea of filmmaking, the role of the Kepunduhan Village Community, and the form of Kepunduhan Village Community Participation in making the film Sapa Ndisit Oh. Participation practices produce films that are more relevant to the context of local communities, which are the result of discussions and interviews with the community. Participation practices can produce films that are more relevant to the context of the local community. The results of the research can be an additional knowledge for academics and professionals in the field of cinema.

ARTic, Dec 20, 2023
One of the foreign artistic and cultural heritages that has become part of Indonesian culture, na... more One of the foreign artistic and cultural heritages that has become part of Indonesian culture, namely the lunar New Year celebration where there is a tradition of Barongsai dance performances. Barongsai is an animal found in Chinese mythology that resembles a lion and has two forms, the Northern Lion and the Southern Lion. Each form has a different meaning based on its visual elements. This research on the lion dance raises the issue of how to read the visual elements in the lion dance, both in terms of the shape and color of the lion dance. The purpose of this research is to identify the meaning content in the visual elements of the lion dance, namely through shape and color so that the meaning of the lion dance can be known. Qualitative methods are used in this research and in color analysis using the Chairunnisak and Choirul color sign study method in analyzing color meaning. Observation, interviews, and literature were used to obtain data. The results of the analysis of the meaning of shape and color in Barongsai, found the same meaning, namely stability, courage, excellence, strength, leadership, wisdom, justice, knowledge, enthusiasm, longevity, women, charm, welfare, luck, cheerfulness, happiness, health, black and white colors also have the meaning of death. the results of the study are expected to be useful for other researchers in researching Barongsai in the future.

ARTic, Dec 21, 2022
Symbols are always present in communication, especially in communication through visual media in ... more Symbols are always present in communication, especially in communication through visual media in the form of children's drawings. Children's drawings are one of the media that can represent children's imagination, creativity, experience, and emotions that can be used as a medium for children's communication. Through children's drawings, we can see the messages they want to convey. This research aims to see that symbols in children's drawings can be used as a visual communication tool, so that the messages they make will be conveyed. The method used in this research is a descriptive method by analyzing data, namely observing symbols in children's drawings using a semiotic approach. The result of the research is that the symbols contained in children's drawings contain the meaning of happiness and cheerfulness, containing the message that a happy life is the desire and hope of children.
Proceeding of The International Conference on Business, Economics, Social Sciences, and Humanities, Jul 2, 2024
AIP Conference Proceedings

The purpose of this research is to find Indonesian multiculturalism in animated film characters. ... more The purpose of this research is to find Indonesian multiculturalism in animated film characters. Fictional characters are human copies of the real world. Characters are positioned to live life in the world of animation. The relationship between characters is manifested when there is an attachment of cultural identity. The characterizations in Indonesian animated films show the complexity of creation. This concept refers to the view that the more complex the characters are, the more memorable the audience will be. This research uses ethnographic method, given that the characters have a cultural identity. Characters are placed as objects that have mental and motivational qualities. In addition, there is the use of cultural symbols, which indicates multiculturalism. The identity of the characters refers to the unified heuristic of Stets and Burke's theory of identity. Meanwhile, the apparent multiculturalism refers to Ricardo L. Garcia's theory of multiculturalism. The condition of Indonesia, which has been based on pluralism from the start, really understands the existence of differences. So that consciously accept the occurrence of cultural syncretism. The results of this study indicate that Indonesian animated film characters tend to show the application of multiculturalism. And, multiculturalism has become an identity. Multiculturalism is proof of acceptance of this condition, and is manifested through animated film characters.

This study dissected the visual aspect contained in Character design of Ahri's Champion in League... more This study dissected the visual aspect contained in Character design of Ahri's Champion in League of Legends game with her classic skin to find the perception framing that transform nine tailed fox imagery from Korean myth and tales. League of Legends is a game that offers player an arena to fight, survive and win the game. This studies on Ahri's character, which designed from Gumiho myth and tales, the concept that can intrigue curiosity and addiction from players. The study is a qualitative research by describing Ahri's character based on it's narration and other story about nine tailed fox, then dissect the character based on Manga-matrix principle that dissect character by it's form matrix, costume matrix and personality matrix, analysis on similarity or relations among the theories as well as element that formed perception, and interpretation to the character. lastly design theory about ideology and culture that implemented on character design. The analysis shows that Ahri's skin contains imagery framing that each element formed a new perception of nine tailed fox image. The costume is focused on featuring her charm and the color mostly white and red show that champion Ahri characteristic is not dark and evil but innocent and passionate. Ahri's character design is an evidence that Gumiho image has shifted from symbols of evilness caused by people paradigm and the changes of social value in society.

The purpose of this research is to find the modification of the iconic Pencak Silat movements fro... more The purpose of this research is to find the modification of the iconic Pencak Silat movements from Panglipur martial arts that were shown in The Raid 2 movie. Panglipur martial arts version of Pencak Silat is one of the traditional ones. Panglipur Pencak Silat movements and stances that were used in The Raid 2 movie are not as perfect as the original version since it was modified according to the needs of the movie scene. This study used the Ethnography research method to analyze the cultural identity that was contained in the characters of The Raid 2 movie. A descriptive qualitative method was also used to collect the data needed for this research. This method was also used to observed and study the visual of the Pencak Silat movements. The visual analysis was conducted by studying important and related scenes in The Raid 2 movies to find out whether there was a modification done to the Panglipur Pencak Silat movements. The visual analysis and studies proved that the Panglipur Pencak Silat movements that were shown in The Raid 2 movie were modified from its original movement version for the purpose and need of the movie. The impact of this study is the rise of interest in the audience in Indonesian traditional martial arts and culture through the modification of the Pencak Silat movements that are visualized through a modernized martial arts action movie.
AIP Conference Proceedings

Journal of Eastern European and Central Asian Research (JEECAR)
This article explains the creation of an animated video design to promote a nature school. Conduc... more This article explains the creation of an animated video design to promote a nature school. Conducted in two stages, the method used to process data is the promotion mix, in the form of deepening the marketing 7Ps mix model representing: product, price, promotion, place, people, physical evidence, and processes. Need to tell readers what 7 P is about. Meanwhile, the creation of the work uses art-based research for capturing activities in the nature school environment to become an animated video design based on informal education, has a passion for raising students' awareness of green lifestyles. Currently, it is still constrained by the number of participants registered. Meanwhile, the various activities carried out involve the surrounding nature and are directed to produce works and activities for students. The result is an animated video design that is able to provide an overview of the positive activities in school. In conclusion, this video will attract potential applicants t...

Proceeding of International Conference on Business, Economics, Social Sciences, and Humanities
The purpose of this research is to find the application of panel juxtaposition style in Indonesia... more The purpose of this research is to find the application of panel juxtaposition style in Indonesian comic entitled Jagabumi. Descriptive research method was used to get a description of the juxtaposition treatment on this heroic comic panel. The steps taken are in the form of a literature study on comics and local existence, as well as observations on the Jagabumi comic episode Kesatria. The result is an understanding of the displacement of objective reality and reality in the Jagabumi comics, especially the panels depicted in this episode. Juxtaposition in comics does not stop only at the comparison between two panels, but also the relationship between text and images. Episode Ksatria applies seven categories of juxtapositional style, which includes the creation of images with a local concept. This can be seen in the visual elements and written terms as expressions. By doing this research, it will reveal the renewal of reality through the panel juxtaposition style in the Jagabumi co...

The purpose of this study is to find the visual modifications of Pencak silat movements in The Ra... more The purpose of this study is to find the visual modifications of Pencak silat movements in The Raid 2 movie through camera movement techniques. The martial arts movements used in The Raid 2 movie have been modified according to the needs of the movie. A descriptive qualitative method was used to collect and process data and information that was needed for this research. The author of this research also did a visual analysis of the Pencak silat movements that were shown in several selected scenes. The analysis was carried out by choosing several scenes from The Raid 2 movie and analyzing the camera movement techniques such as tilting, following, and panning in the selected scenes. The results of this study indicate that in The Raid 2 movie, there are Pencak silat movements that have been modified according to the needs of the film that was analyzed from camera movement techniques. And this research can describe how the original movement has been modified according to the interests of...

The purpose of this study is to analyze the costume and attributes of Sekhmet's character in ... more The purpose of this study is to analyze the costume and attributes of Sekhmet's character in one of marvel's comic books titled "The Heroic Age: Prince of Power, where Sekhmet is a female supervillain character that was adapted from Egyptian mythology. In The Heroic Age: Prince of Power, issue 3, Sekhmet is visualized wearing costumes and attributes that match the description and visualization that can be found in ancient Egyptian artifacts. This research used descriptive qualitative with a narrative method and one of Tsukamoto's manga matrix theories, the costume matrix, to analyze further the ornaments and attributes that Sekhmet wore in the comic. This study found that Sekhmet's ornaments and costumes were indeed adapted from Egyptian mythology. However, even with so much similarity, there was an additional costume and attributes that differentiated the visualization of female supervillain Sekhmet and the Egyptian mythology goddess Sekhmet where female superv...

This research is motivated by the illumination of the Hanjuang motif on the Sundawi Mushaf Al-Qur... more This research is motivated by the illumination of the Hanjuang motif on the Sundawi Mushaf Al-Qur'an. Meanwhile, in general, manuscripts that are often circulated in fine print from middle eastern Indonesia use illumination with Islamic geometric patterns. The purpose of this study is to explain the Sundawi Mushaf Al-Qur'an in its entirety related to the formulation of the concept of visualization of Hanjuang motif illumination, explanation of Hanjuang motif illumination, and its influence on Sufism. This study uses descriptive qualitative methods with visual creation approaches and Sufism that systematically describe the things that are the focus of the research. The data collection technique used in this research is library research and field research in the form of document analysis and personal communication with designers, humanists and Sufism experts. The results of this study found that the visualization of Hanjuang motif illumination with Al-Qur'an Mushaf Sundawi...

This study dissected the costume contained in skin KDA Popstar on Ahri’s Champion in League of ... more This study dissected the costume contained in skin KDA Popstar on Ahri’s Champion in League of Legends game to find represenation of sensuality that adapted imagery from girlband Kpop. League of Legends is a game that offers player an arena to fight, survive and win the game. This studies on skin KDA Popstar of champion Ahri, which adapted from Korean girlband, the visual that can intrigue emotion, desire and addiction from players. The study is a qualitative research by describing skin KDA Popstar weared by champion Ahri then dissect the skin character based on costume matrix, analysis on similarity or relations among theories as well as element that formed perception, and interpretation to the skin KDA Popstar on champion Ahri. lastly design theory about visual culture to understand the general conception of skin character as a visual product. The analysis shows that Ahri’s skin KDA Popstar contains sensual concept in it’s each elements that adapted from Korean girlband imag...

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2021
This study aims at explaining bioplastics’ use as a substitute for plastic base materials. Beside... more This study aims at explaining bioplastics’ use as a substitute for plastic base materials. Besides, it is also expected to help sustainable packaging innovation. The use of plastics continues to increase over time. Although plastic is difficult to decompose, its durability makes it still used for various product packaging. Contrary to its use, this resilience becomes an obstacle in protecting the environment from accumulating plastic waste. There are various solutions to replace plastic material with something more environmentally friendly. One of them is the use of bioplastics from cassava peels. This material, called bioplastic, is an innovation to protect the environment in environmentally friendly plastic. This innovation opens up opportunities to be used as a business that connects producers and customers through new technologies and products. The descriptive method used in this research was carried out in two stages: first, in the form of data collection techniques in the form...

Divagatra, Apr 26, 2022
Artikel ini menyoroti visualisasi penokohan yang menampilkan atribut kebudayaan Sunda, dan komuni... more Artikel ini menyoroti visualisasi penokohan yang menampilkan atribut kebudayaan Sunda, dan komunikasi menggunakan bahasa Sunda. Salah satu bahasa daerah di Indonesia adalah bahasa Sunda yang terdapat di suku Sunda. Sampai saat ini masih menjadi salah satu bahasa yang sering digunakan dalam kehidupan masyarakat Sunda, seperti kota Bandung. Bertujuan untuk mencari tahu bagaimana cara agar masyarakat kota Bandung khususnya remaja dapat memahami kepantasan berbahasa Sunda. Hal ini diperlihatkan pada balon teks yang menggunakan bahasa Sunda sehari-hari. Metode kualitatif dan deskriptif digunakan dalam penelitian ini dengan pencarian data mengguanakan teknik observasi melalui wawancara dan kuisioner, adapun pencarian data dari buku, makalah, internet dan sebagainya. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang ditemukan bahwa pengaruh lingkungan dan rendahnya pemahaman tentang kepantasan berbahasa Sunda di kota Bandung. Sebagai solusi dari rendahnya pemahaman tersebut, maka dibuatlah informasi bahasa Sunda tentang kepantasan berbahasa Sunda melalui media komik digital.
Perbincangan awam mengenai karakter dalam film animasi berpusat pada tampilan visual, sifat, tind... more Perbincangan awam mengenai karakter dalam film animasi berpusat pada tampilan visual, sifat, tindakan, gerakan, atau aspek lain yang sama dengan manusia. Bila ditarik pada ranah konseptual, maka mendesain sebuah karakter adalah membangun dunia yang merupakan perwakilan dari seseorang. Ini menunjukkan bahwa studi mengenai karakter dapat dilakukan melalui berbagai pendekatan. Believability pada karakter dilakukan agar karakter dapat meyakinkan penontonnya, mampu menarik penonton kedalam dunia narasi film animasi tersebut. Desain karakter dilakukan dengan mempertimbangkan believability, yaitu perlakuan pada desain yang mengacu pada ukuran sejauh mana penonton terlibat dan berempati pada karakter animas

This study aims to design a mobile-based project management application design. User Interface/Us... more This study aims to design a mobile-based project management application design. User Interface/User Experience has become an important part of doing activities in digital media. Including facilitating study activities or certain jobs. This research is a User Interface/User Experience design for an information system that helps users manage projects and tasks. This application's design refers to the design thinking method to gain user experience, especially those with high mobility. Furthermore, in User Experience, a flat design is used, so it is easy to capture and use. Design thinking provides search directions about user needs, and flat design complements the ease of user experience. This research aims to create a User Interface/User Experience design that is user-friendly and attractive. This study concludes that users are helped by the application and have benefits for managing projects and tasks.
Papers by Yully Ambarsih Ekawardhani