Production planning is an area that is very important in making the decision of the level of star... more Production planning is an area that is very important in making the decision of the level of startegis company, Especially in manufacturing companies.The production has an important role in the production of processing facilities, because it includes equipment, resources and labor for some operations. Production planning done aims to give a decision based on resources owned companies in the meet demand for products produced. UD Rizky is industry of cracker which is in kabupaten jember. Production planning conducted by UD Rizky is not optimal, So as to cause a mismatch between demand market with the amount of supplies, and the production. The purpose of this research is to produce production planning cracker optimal production includes the number and the amount of supplies in the period october 2014 until september 2015. The methodology that was used as solution optimal for determining the amount of the production and the number of supplies cracker is a method of dynamic programming ...
This paper describes application the prospective analysis to formulate the development strategy o... more This paper describes application the prospective analysis to formulate the development strategy of competitiveness on the agricultural corporation owned by local government (ACLG). This strategy is developed based on possible scenarios in the future considering key factors of competitiveness and key performance as an entry points of competitiveness. Based on prospective analysis result, the selected scenario for developing ACLG is the optimistic scenario to be a professional corporation. This scenario will take place if all key factors of competitiveness including government policy, human resources ability, financial capital, operational and productive management ability, and financial management ability, develop positively. Meanwhile, operational recommendation of the selected scenario is the local government need decide a conducive policy to develop ACLG becomes a professional corporation. Additionally, the local government need operationally monitor and evaluate the key performan...
Post-harvest loss is a risk that can be faced by almost all agricultural commodities, including e... more Post-harvest loss is a risk that can be faced by almost all agricultural commodities, including edamame. Post-harvest loss can be a potential loss for farming. This study aims to identify the risk of edamame post-harvest loss at PT. Mitra Tani Dua Tujuh Jember, as well as formulating its control strategy. This study uses the Failure Mode and Effect Analysis method to analyze the risk of post-harvest loss, integrated with the fishbone diagram to identify the risk causes. To formulate a risk control strategy used the Analytical Hierarchy Process method, which refers to the Pugh method to determine the strategic concept. The results showed that the most critical risks that need serious attention in edamame production are the emergence of pests and diseases. Pests and diseases that attack edamame plants have a high impact severity. Pests and diseases quite often attack edamame plants, and their presence is difficult to detect. The appropriate strategy for controlling pests and diseases ...
Water is one of the basic needs that is very important for human life. One of the most important ... more Water is one of the basic needs that is very important for human life. One of the most important things needed by humans is drinking water. Now many companies are producing bottled drinking water to meet the needs of the community. Along with these developments, the issue of quality assurance and product safety, especially bottled drinking water products, continues to grow according to consumers' demands and requirements and the level of life and human well-being. One way to attract consumer confidence in product safety is to ensure that the drinking water products produced are safe for health and that the treatment process complies with the government's standards. The purpose of this study is to Analyze the application of Good Manufacturing Practice, Assess the application of Good Manufacturing Practice, and Recommend improvements related to the application of Good Manufacturing Practice in CV. Sumber Tirta Jaya Banyuwangi. Analysis of the application of GMP was carried out...
Industria: Jurnal Teknologi dan Manajemen Agroindustri, 2021
The potential of Java Ijen-Raung Arabica Coffee in the Bondowoso Regency, East Java needs to be i... more The potential of Java Ijen-Raung Arabica Coffee in the Bondowoso Regency, East Java needs to be increased by developing the downstream agroindustry. This study aims to determine the location of the downstream coffee agroindustry development area and its potential products, determine the added value of downstream coffee products, analyze its financial feasibility, and formulate a development strategy. Research methods used in this study include factor weighting, exponential comparison method, interpretive structural modeling, Hayami method, and financial feasibility analysis. The results showed that the development of the Java Ijen-Raung Arabica Coffee agroindustry was prioritized in Sumberwringin District as a development center. Downstream coffee products that have the potential to be developed are ground coffee. The added value generated from the processing of ground coffee is IDR 9,320/kg, with a value-added ratio of 48.09%. The results of the financial feasibility analysis show ...
This paper describes application of fuzzy logic for predicting the competitiveness of agroindustr... more This paper describes application of fuzzy logic for predicting the competitiveness of agroindustry of carrageenan and to develop strategy for enhancing it. Fuzzy expert system is used to predict the competitiveness using sustainable competitive advantage perspective with four inputs, such as production amount, a place to compete, competitor, and customer service. Knowledge base management system is constructed using rule based production type, whereas inference mechanism is developed using Mamdani’s inference system. Matlab’s Fuzzy Toolbox Ver 6.5 is used to design system implementation. Scenarios is constructed to improve the strategy based on outputs of competitiveness using fuzzy analytical hierarchy process
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis kondisi ruang terbuka hijau pada kawasan industri dan m... more Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis kondisi ruang terbuka hijau pada kawasan industri dan merumuskan strategi dalam mengembangkan ruang terbuka hijau di kawasan industri Provinsi Jawa Timur. Objek penelitian yang dikaji meliputi kawasan industri yang berada di Kabupaten Gresik (KIG), Kabupaten Pasuruan (PIER), dan Kabupaten Sidoarjo (SIEB). Metode analisis ruang terbuka hijau di kawasan industri menggunakan proses digitasi dengan GPS dan survey lapang dengan bantuan citra google earth dan software mapwindow. Metode perumusan strategi menggunakan analisis SWOT yang dilanjutkan dengan metode AHP untuk menentukan prioritas strategi yang tepat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa luas ruang terbuka hijau di kawasan industri KIG dan PIER telah memenuhi standar kecukupan luasan untuk RTH di industri sesuai dengan peraturan perundangan yang berlaku, sementara untuk kawasan industri SIEBkurang memenuhi luasan minimal untuk RTH yang telah dipersyaratkan. Strategi pengembangan ruang terb...
Post-harvest loss is a risk that can be faced by almost all agricultural commodities, including e... more Post-harvest loss is a risk that can be faced by almost all agricultural commodities, including edamame. Post-harvest loss can be a potential loss for farming. This study aims to identify the risk of edamame post-harvest loss at PT. Mitra Tani Dua Tujuh Jember, as well as formulating its control strategy. This study uses the Failure Mode and Effect Analysis method to analyze the risk of post-harvest loss, integrated with the fishbone diagram to identify the risk causes. To formulate a risk control strategy used the Analytical Hierarchy Process method, which refers to the Pugh method to determine the strategic concept. The results showed that the most critical risks that need serious attention in edamame production are the emergence of pests and diseases. Pests and diseases that attack edamame plants have a high impact severity. Pests and diseases quite often attack edamame plants, and their presence is difficult to detect. The appropriate strategy for controlling pests and diseases ...
Situbondo Regency is one of the regions designated as a pilot minapolitan area in Indonesia. This... more Situbondo Regency is one of the regions designated as a pilot minapolitan area in Indonesia. This study aims to analyze the feasibility of developing a Minapolitan area in Situbondo Regency using a sustainable development perspective. The data processing method used in this research is the Mamdani fuzzy inference system. This study uses sustainable development dimensions to examine the feasibility of minapolitan area, including ecological, social, economic, and institutional aspects. Data processing aids using Matlab software. The results showed that the Minapolitan area in Situbondo Regency is feasible for a sustainable Minapolitan area. Situbondo Regency has an ecologically appropriate area and meets the requirements for developing fisheries and marine potential. The social environment in Situbondo Regency is also quite conducive to the development of the Minapolitan area, which can be seen from the community's active role in managing fishery resources. Community involvement i...
This studyaimstodiagnose thefeasibility ofthe seaweedindustrycluster development using sustainabl... more This studyaimstodiagnose thefeasibility ofthe seaweedindustrycluster development using sustainable development approach.The aspectsanalyzedincludethe preconditions of ecological, economic, social, andinstitutional. The method used for analyzing includesheuristictechniques, independentpreference evaluation, and orderedweightedaveraging. Toaggregatethe preconditions of feasibility intoacompositevalue, the technique usedisan expert system. The analysis showed thatSumeneparea isfeasible todevelopthe seaweedindustry cluster
Thisstudyaims to formulate an alternative strategy in dealing with waste problems generated by th... more Thisstudyaims to formulate an alternative strategy in dealing with waste problems generated by the ATC industry, and predict to what extent these strategies can be effectively and efficiently handle the amount of waste there. The method used for analyzing includes analytical hierarchy process and heuristic methods. The results showed that the priority strategies that can be selected to handle the ATC waste was reusedthe waste water through the recycling process. Efficiency of water use through the recycling process reached 60.71%.
The demand for amplang crackers is now increasing. However, the price of its raw material, macker... more The demand for amplang crackers is now increasing. However, the price of its raw material, mackerel fish, is generally higher compare to other fishes, causing the higher cost of this type crackers production. Effort to explore other fish as an alternative raw material is required to overcome the problems. Catfish is one of the choices to be used as raw material since this fish is more available in a market in a lower price, but the protein properties of this fish is different to mackarel, which will be possible to affect the nature of the crackers obtained. To produce catfish amplang crackers to be similar to common amplang product, it is necessary to find out the right composition of catfish and tapioca flour used. Therefore, the purpose of this research was to characterize physico-chemically and organoleptically, the catfish amplang crackers made under different ratio of fish flesh and starch. The experiment was designed using completely randomized design. Physico-chemical data obtained were analyzed using ANOVA, while the organoleptic test data were examined using chi-square method. The effectiveness test was carried out to find the proper ratio of raw materials composition used. The results showed that the higher the ratio of the fish flesh and the starch composition, the lower the texture value of the crackers as an indication of the decrease of its crispness. Although the lightness of the crackers was lowered by the addition of more starch to the dough, its linear expansion and hygroscopicity were not affected. The results of organoleptic test showed that the panelist was prefer to a higher crispness of crackers. The most preferable cracker was the one with 1:2.25 ratio of catfish flesh and starch, showing the characteristic of 1.80% moisture, 2.08% ash, 5.75% protein, 23.55% fat, and 66.93% carbohydrate.
Production planning is an area that is very important in making the decision of the level of star... more Production planning is an area that is very important in making the decision of the level of startegis company, Especially in manufacturing companies.The production has an important role in the production of processing facilities, because it includes equipment, resources and labor for some operations. Production planning done aims to give a decision based on resources owned companies in the meet demand for products produced. UD Rizky is industry of cracker which is in kabupaten jember. Production planning conducted by UD Rizky is not optimal, So as to cause a mismatch between demand market with the amount of supplies, and the production. The purpose of this research is to produce production planning cracker optimal production includes the number and the amount of supplies in the period october 2014 until september 2015. The methodology that was used as solution optimal for determining the amount of the production and the number of supplies cracker is a method of dynamic programming ...
This paper describes application the prospective analysis to formulate the development strategy o... more This paper describes application the prospective analysis to formulate the development strategy of competitiveness on the agricultural corporation owned by local government (ACLG). This strategy is developed based on possible scenarios in the future considering key factors of competitiveness and key performance as an entry points of competitiveness. Based on prospective analysis result, the selected scenario for developing ACLG is the optimistic scenario to be a professional corporation. This scenario will take place if all key factors of competitiveness including government policy, human resources ability, financial capital, operational and productive management ability, and financial management ability, develop positively. Meanwhile, operational recommendation of the selected scenario is the local government need decide a conducive policy to develop ACLG becomes a professional corporation. Additionally, the local government need operationally monitor and evaluate the key performan...
Post-harvest loss is a risk that can be faced by almost all agricultural commodities, including e... more Post-harvest loss is a risk that can be faced by almost all agricultural commodities, including edamame. Post-harvest loss can be a potential loss for farming. This study aims to identify the risk of edamame post-harvest loss at PT. Mitra Tani Dua Tujuh Jember, as well as formulating its control strategy. This study uses the Failure Mode and Effect Analysis method to analyze the risk of post-harvest loss, integrated with the fishbone diagram to identify the risk causes. To formulate a risk control strategy used the Analytical Hierarchy Process method, which refers to the Pugh method to determine the strategic concept. The results showed that the most critical risks that need serious attention in edamame production are the emergence of pests and diseases. Pests and diseases that attack edamame plants have a high impact severity. Pests and diseases quite often attack edamame plants, and their presence is difficult to detect. The appropriate strategy for controlling pests and diseases ...
Water is one of the basic needs that is very important for human life. One of the most important ... more Water is one of the basic needs that is very important for human life. One of the most important things needed by humans is drinking water. Now many companies are producing bottled drinking water to meet the needs of the community. Along with these developments, the issue of quality assurance and product safety, especially bottled drinking water products, continues to grow according to consumers' demands and requirements and the level of life and human well-being. One way to attract consumer confidence in product safety is to ensure that the drinking water products produced are safe for health and that the treatment process complies with the government's standards. The purpose of this study is to Analyze the application of Good Manufacturing Practice, Assess the application of Good Manufacturing Practice, and Recommend improvements related to the application of Good Manufacturing Practice in CV. Sumber Tirta Jaya Banyuwangi. Analysis of the application of GMP was carried out...
Industria: Jurnal Teknologi dan Manajemen Agroindustri, 2021
The potential of Java Ijen-Raung Arabica Coffee in the Bondowoso Regency, East Java needs to be i... more The potential of Java Ijen-Raung Arabica Coffee in the Bondowoso Regency, East Java needs to be increased by developing the downstream agroindustry. This study aims to determine the location of the downstream coffee agroindustry development area and its potential products, determine the added value of downstream coffee products, analyze its financial feasibility, and formulate a development strategy. Research methods used in this study include factor weighting, exponential comparison method, interpretive structural modeling, Hayami method, and financial feasibility analysis. The results showed that the development of the Java Ijen-Raung Arabica Coffee agroindustry was prioritized in Sumberwringin District as a development center. Downstream coffee products that have the potential to be developed are ground coffee. The added value generated from the processing of ground coffee is IDR 9,320/kg, with a value-added ratio of 48.09%. The results of the financial feasibility analysis show ...
This paper describes application of fuzzy logic for predicting the competitiveness of agroindustr... more This paper describes application of fuzzy logic for predicting the competitiveness of agroindustry of carrageenan and to develop strategy for enhancing it. Fuzzy expert system is used to predict the competitiveness using sustainable competitive advantage perspective with four inputs, such as production amount, a place to compete, competitor, and customer service. Knowledge base management system is constructed using rule based production type, whereas inference mechanism is developed using Mamdani’s inference system. Matlab’s Fuzzy Toolbox Ver 6.5 is used to design system implementation. Scenarios is constructed to improve the strategy based on outputs of competitiveness using fuzzy analytical hierarchy process
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis kondisi ruang terbuka hijau pada kawasan industri dan m... more Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis kondisi ruang terbuka hijau pada kawasan industri dan merumuskan strategi dalam mengembangkan ruang terbuka hijau di kawasan industri Provinsi Jawa Timur. Objek penelitian yang dikaji meliputi kawasan industri yang berada di Kabupaten Gresik (KIG), Kabupaten Pasuruan (PIER), dan Kabupaten Sidoarjo (SIEB). Metode analisis ruang terbuka hijau di kawasan industri menggunakan proses digitasi dengan GPS dan survey lapang dengan bantuan citra google earth dan software mapwindow. Metode perumusan strategi menggunakan analisis SWOT yang dilanjutkan dengan metode AHP untuk menentukan prioritas strategi yang tepat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa luas ruang terbuka hijau di kawasan industri KIG dan PIER telah memenuhi standar kecukupan luasan untuk RTH di industri sesuai dengan peraturan perundangan yang berlaku, sementara untuk kawasan industri SIEBkurang memenuhi luasan minimal untuk RTH yang telah dipersyaratkan. Strategi pengembangan ruang terb...
Post-harvest loss is a risk that can be faced by almost all agricultural commodities, including e... more Post-harvest loss is a risk that can be faced by almost all agricultural commodities, including edamame. Post-harvest loss can be a potential loss for farming. This study aims to identify the risk of edamame post-harvest loss at PT. Mitra Tani Dua Tujuh Jember, as well as formulating its control strategy. This study uses the Failure Mode and Effect Analysis method to analyze the risk of post-harvest loss, integrated with the fishbone diagram to identify the risk causes. To formulate a risk control strategy used the Analytical Hierarchy Process method, which refers to the Pugh method to determine the strategic concept. The results showed that the most critical risks that need serious attention in edamame production are the emergence of pests and diseases. Pests and diseases that attack edamame plants have a high impact severity. Pests and diseases quite often attack edamame plants, and their presence is difficult to detect. The appropriate strategy for controlling pests and diseases ...
Situbondo Regency is one of the regions designated as a pilot minapolitan area in Indonesia. This... more Situbondo Regency is one of the regions designated as a pilot minapolitan area in Indonesia. This study aims to analyze the feasibility of developing a Minapolitan area in Situbondo Regency using a sustainable development perspective. The data processing method used in this research is the Mamdani fuzzy inference system. This study uses sustainable development dimensions to examine the feasibility of minapolitan area, including ecological, social, economic, and institutional aspects. Data processing aids using Matlab software. The results showed that the Minapolitan area in Situbondo Regency is feasible for a sustainable Minapolitan area. Situbondo Regency has an ecologically appropriate area and meets the requirements for developing fisheries and marine potential. The social environment in Situbondo Regency is also quite conducive to the development of the Minapolitan area, which can be seen from the community's active role in managing fishery resources. Community involvement i...
This studyaimstodiagnose thefeasibility ofthe seaweedindustrycluster development using sustainabl... more This studyaimstodiagnose thefeasibility ofthe seaweedindustrycluster development using sustainable development approach.The aspectsanalyzedincludethe preconditions of ecological, economic, social, andinstitutional. The method used for analyzing includesheuristictechniques, independentpreference evaluation, and orderedweightedaveraging. Toaggregatethe preconditions of feasibility intoacompositevalue, the technique usedisan expert system. The analysis showed thatSumeneparea isfeasible todevelopthe seaweedindustry cluster
Thisstudyaims to formulate an alternative strategy in dealing with waste problems generated by th... more Thisstudyaims to formulate an alternative strategy in dealing with waste problems generated by the ATC industry, and predict to what extent these strategies can be effectively and efficiently handle the amount of waste there. The method used for analyzing includes analytical hierarchy process and heuristic methods. The results showed that the priority strategies that can be selected to handle the ATC waste was reusedthe waste water through the recycling process. Efficiency of water use through the recycling process reached 60.71%.
The demand for amplang crackers is now increasing. However, the price of its raw material, macker... more The demand for amplang crackers is now increasing. However, the price of its raw material, mackerel fish, is generally higher compare to other fishes, causing the higher cost of this type crackers production. Effort to explore other fish as an alternative raw material is required to overcome the problems. Catfish is one of the choices to be used as raw material since this fish is more available in a market in a lower price, but the protein properties of this fish is different to mackarel, which will be possible to affect the nature of the crackers obtained. To produce catfish amplang crackers to be similar to common amplang product, it is necessary to find out the right composition of catfish and tapioca flour used. Therefore, the purpose of this research was to characterize physico-chemically and organoleptically, the catfish amplang crackers made under different ratio of fish flesh and starch. The experiment was designed using completely randomized design. Physico-chemical data obtained were analyzed using ANOVA, while the organoleptic test data were examined using chi-square method. The effectiveness test was carried out to find the proper ratio of raw materials composition used. The results showed that the higher the ratio of the fish flesh and the starch composition, the lower the texture value of the crackers as an indication of the decrease of its crispness. Although the lightness of the crackers was lowered by the addition of more starch to the dough, its linear expansion and hygroscopicity were not affected. The results of organoleptic test showed that the panelist was prefer to a higher crispness of crackers. The most preferable cracker was the one with 1:2.25 ratio of catfish flesh and starch, showing the characteristic of 1.80% moisture, 2.08% ash, 5.75% protein, 23.55% fat, and 66.93% carbohydrate.
Papers by Yuli Wibowo