Berkembangnya teknologi internet memudahkan berbagai jenis aktivitas manusia terlebih dalam melak... more Berkembangnya teknologi internet memudahkan berbagai jenis aktivitas manusia terlebih dalam melakukan transaksi jual beli. Hal ini menuntut PT. Lazada Indonesia untuk selalu meningkatkan performanya pada kualitas pelayanan elektronik yang mereka berikan untuk memuaskan pelanggan dan membentuk loyalitas pelanggan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tanggapan pelanggan mengenai kualitas pelayanan elektronik, kepuasan pelanggan dan loyalitas pelanggan, serta untuk mengetahui pengaruh kualitas pelayanan elektronik terhadap kepuasan pelanggan dan dampaknya pada loyalitas pelanggan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif dan verifikatif. Metode pengambilan sampel menggungakan nonprobability dengan teknik insidential sampling menggunakan rumus Slovin dengan jumlah responden 93 orang. Data analisis menggunakan analisis jalur, korelasi berganda, dan koefisien determinasi. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah: (1) kualitas pelayanan elektronik dinilai cenderung kurang baik; (2)...
Guncangan gempa bumi Januari 2021 berkekuatan 6,2 SR yang terjadi di daerah Majene dan Mamuju pro... more Guncangan gempa bumi Januari 2021 berkekuatan 6,2 SR yang terjadi di daerah Majene dan Mamuju provinsi Sulawesi Barat yang lalu telah berdampak kepada kondisi berbagai aspek kehidupan masyarakat dan pemerintah di Majene dan Mamuju, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat upaya pemulihan dan tanggap bencana yang dilakukan oleh Komunitas Food truck dan Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya dan Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Samarinda, terhadap masyarakat yang berdampak bencana gempa dan kelaparan pasca bencana,Kehadiran komunitas Food truck ini membantu pengungsi yang belum memiliki dapur umum pada suatu daerah yang belum mendapatkan bantuan oleh pemerintah, Food truck dengan dilengkapi dapur di dalamnya sangat mudah mobilisasinya berpindah dari satu daerah kedaerah lainnya hingga pemerintah sudah bisa mendirikan bantuan dapur umum di daerah tersebut.sehingga tanggap bencana yang dilakukan bermanfaat untuk pengungsi bencana di Sulawesi Barat, dan dapat dijadikan rekomendasi untuk Ta...
The purposes of this research was determine the effect of each indicators of tangibles, reliabili... more The purposes of this research was determine the effect of each indicators of tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy on the satisfaction of library visitors either partially or simultaneously. This research was conducted in the library of the East Kalimantan Regional Development Planning Agency (Bappeda) office, on Kesuma Bangsa Street Number 2 Samarinda which is located on the 2nd floor of the PUSIDO building area of the East Kalimantan Province Bappeda office. The method used in this research is descriptive research method through a quantitative approach using multiple linear regression analysis tools. The research data source is primary data through distributing questionnaires to 87 respondents of visitors to the library of Bappeda East Kalimantan Province. The results of the analysis and calculations show the effect of service quality partially with indicators of tangibles, reliability, assurance has a positive and insignificant effect, responsiveness has a significant positive effect, and empathy has a negative and insignificant effect on visitor satisfaction at the Bappeda library of East Kalimantan Province.
ABC ketchup is ketchup first time in Indonesia produced by ABC PT.Heinz Indonesia.Destination thi... more ABC ketchup is ketchup first time in Indonesia produced by ABC PT.Heinz Indonesia.Destination this study to determine the effect of advertising and brand awareness on product purchasing decisions on PT.Heinz ABC soy sauce in Samarinda Indonesia and to know between advertising and brand awareness, which is more variable influence on the purchasing decisions of soy sauce PT.Heinz ABC in Indonesia in Samarinda. A primary issue in the writing of this study is whether advertising and brand awareness significantly influence purchasing decisions on PT.Heinz ABC soy sauce in Indonesia samarinda. Basic theory used marketing management, advertising, brand awareness and decision purchase.Hypothesis: advertising and brand awareness significantly influence purchasing decisions on PT.Heinz ABC soy sauce in Indonesia and advertising samarinda dominant influence on purchasing decisions on PT.Heinz ABC soy sauce Indonesia in samarinda. The analytical tool used ismultiplelinearregression. These resul...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk : 1) Mengetahui apakah bauran pemasaran berpengeruh positif dan si... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk : 1) Mengetahui apakah bauran pemasaran berpengeruh positif dan signifikan terhadap variabel faktor kebudayaan, sosial, pribadi, psikologis, dan teknologi terhadap keputusan konsumen membeli sepeda motor merek Yamaha pada kalangan konsumen Yamaha 2) Mengetahui manakah dari faktor kebudayaan, sosial, pribadi, sosiologi, dan teknologi yang berpengaruh dominan terhadap keputusan konsumen membeli sepeda motor merek Yamaha pada kalangan konsumen Yamaha. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teori manajemen pemasaran yang berfokus pada pemeblian yang meliputi pengertian pemasaran, manajemen pemasaran, pengertian produk, konsep pemasaran, perilaku konsumen, faktor – faktor yang mempengaruhi perilaku konsumen, model perilaku konsumen, keputusan pembelian. Data yang digunakan adalah data skunder, dan metode pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini adalah Penelitian Lapangan ( field work research ) yaitu penelitian yang dilakukan dilokasi dan dikant...
Tujuan Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui peranan anggaran penjualan pupuk NPK mutiara pada CV. Sumb... more Tujuan Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui peranan anggaran penjualan pupuk NPK mutiara pada CV. Sumber Agung di Sangatta sudah efektif atau belum efektif sebagai dasar perencanaan keuangan dan untuk mengetahui penyebab anggaran penjualan menjadi efektif atau tidak efektif sebagai dasar perencanaan keuangan maka dibuatlah penelitian ini. Permasalah yang dikemukakan adalah apakah anggaran penjualan pupuk NPK Mutiara pada CV. Sumber Agung di Sangatta sudah efektif sebagai dasar perencanaan keuanga. Dasar teori yang digunakan adalah akuntansi manjaemen dan penganggaran perusahaan yang berfokus pada anggaran penjualan dan efektivitas. Alat analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kuardat terkecil (least squre) dengan menggunakan analisis trend garis lurus (linier). Dengan anggaran penjualan pupuk NPK Mutiara sebagai dasar perencanaan keuangan CV. Sumber Agung selama tahun 2015 adaalah efektif digunakan, ini dapat dilihat dari anggaran penjulan pupuk NPK Mutiara yang menga...
ABC ketchup is ketchup first time in Indonesia produced by ABC PT.Heinz Indonesia.Destination thi... more ABC ketchup is ketchup first time in Indonesia produced by ABC PT.Heinz Indonesia.Destination this study to determine the effect of advertising and brand awareness on product purchasing decisions on PT.Heinz ABC soy sauce in Samarinda Indonesia and to know between advertising and brand awareness, which is more variable influence on the purchasing decisions of soy sauce PT.Heinz ABC in Indonesia in Samarinda. A primary issue in the writing of this study is whether advertising and brand awareness significantly influence purchasing decisions on PT.Heinz ABC soy sauce in Indonesia samarinda. Basic theory used marketing management, advertising, brand awareness and decision purchase.Hypothesis: advertising and brand awareness significantly influence purchasing decisions on PT.Heinz ABC soy sauce in Indonesia and advertising samarinda dominant influence on purchasing decisions on PT.Heinz ABC soy sauce Indonesia in samarinda. The analytical tool used ismultiplelinearregression. These resu...
This research aims to knowing its rise or fall forecasting sales of entrance tickets which is con... more This research aims to knowing its rise or fall forecasting sales of entrance tickets which is conducted by UPT.Kebun Raya Unmul Samarinda 2015. As a basis in this study the authors take theories and concepts of experts of economics associated with the theory of the budget, for as the base support this research is forecasting,marketing. In the research it is presented by hypothesis that is “it is suspected ases by forecasting sales tickets which is conducted by UPT.Kebun Raya Unmul Samarinda 2015 the experience of increase. From data result which dihim also writer in the research,writer calculate sale entrance tickets UPT.Kebun Raya Unmul Samarinda From year 2010 reaches 2014.after calculate and know turnover entrance ticket,writer use analyzer in the form of statistic use formula method Least Square. Form result calculate which performed by writer to forecast entrance ticket UPT.Kebun Raya Unmul Samarinda for year 2013 Rp.1.143.902.700 and year 2014 Rp.1.29...
Along with the development of Indonesia's economy is growing rapidly led to the dynamics of s... more Along with the development of Indonesia's economy is growing rapidly led to the dynamics of social and economic life becomes dynamic. Perekonomoian dynamic growth led to the emergence of various businesses - businesses that sustain the economy of the State. The emergence of various kinds of companies will require an efficient marketing campaign. Marketing campaign is an effort to convey a message or information to the public, especially the customers about the existence of a product or service. The development of science and technology communication has no doubt contributed to the development of promotional activities. There are four promotional strategies collected in the promotion mix, ie advertising (advertising), sales promotion (sales promotion), publicity (publicity), and personal selling (private sale). Personal selling is an ability in executing a job, task - a task or obligation that may provide remuneration to the seller. Personal selling is direct interaction with one...
Meivi Riva Kawet, 2015, Economy Faculty of 17 Agustus 1945 University of Samarinda, Alternative C... more Meivi Riva Kawet, 2015, Economy Faculty of 17 Agustus 1945 University of Samarinda, Alternative Choosing for Transportation Tires Distribution in PT Dermaga Sukses Jaya Abadi Samarinda (under guidance Mr Jonathan and Mrs Yudhyani) The purpose of this research is to find out and analyzed the decision of distributing tires between buying new transportation the type is Toyota Dyna PS 130 or lease the expedition. Depend on the purpose of this research is Which one more profitable, buy new transportation or lease the expedition? Based on the problem, hypothesis submitted is: “ Buying new transportation is more profitable than lease the expedition.” Analysis tools which use in this research is Net Present Value Method, that using the discount factor from the capital cost of the company. Then compare Present Value from cash outflow between buying new armada Toyota Dyna PS 130 or lease the expedition. The result of this research is Present Value from cash outflow of Toyota Dyna PS 130 is ...
In this research Issue is the declining level of sales and net profit at PT Timah (Persero) TBk s... more In this research Issue is the declining level of sales and net profit at PT Timah (Persero) TBk so need to look for causes of the decrease in the level of profitability of the company.The basic theory is the theory of financial management supporting profitability. The hypothesis of this research is "what is the cause of the change of the level of profitability of PT Timah (Persero) TbkTahun 2010-2012".Analysis tool to find out the level of profitability of a company consists of three (3) ratio, i.e. ROE, ROI and NPM.Based on the results of the analysis, the results of calculations of ROE noted that the value of the ROE for the year 2010 amounted to 22,55%, then the value of the ROE in 2011 While 2012 19,51 value of 9,46% ROE. The calculation result based on the results of the analysis of ROI in 2010 known magnitudes of 16,12% ROI with a Net Profit Margin of 14.78%.The year 2011 is known to magnitudes of 13.65% ROI with a Net Profit Margin of 10.26%. The year 2012 is known ...
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk Mengetahui pengaruh simultan variabel kualitas layanan ya... more Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk Mengetahui pengaruh simultan variabel kualitas layanan yang meliputi tangibles, reliability, assurances, responsiveness, dan emphaty terhadap kepuasan pasien Rawat Jalan di Puskesmas Pembantu Desa Menamang Kanan Jenis penelitian yang akan digunakan dalam rangka penulisan skripsi ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan sumber data utama dari kuisioner. Sampel yang dipergunakan sebanyak 89 responden. Metode pemilihan sampel yang digunakan adalah Random sampling. Alat analisis yang dipergunakan analisis regresi linear berganda dan pengujian hipotesis menggunakan uji F dan uji t.Hasil dari persamaan regresi yang dihasilkan menunjukkan terdapat hubungan yang signifikan atau searah antara variabel reliability, responsiveness, assurance, emphaty tangible terhadap kepuasan konsumen pada Puskemas pembantu Desa Menamang Kanan. Maksudnya, apabila variabel independen (bebas) ada penambahan maka variabel dependen (terikat) juga mengalami penambahan dan se...
Factors Affecting the Performance of Employees of PT Kobexindo Tractors Tbk Samarinda Branch"... more Factors Affecting the Performance of Employees of PT Kobexindo Tractors Tbk Samarinda Branch" under the guidance of Mrs. Theresia Militina as Advisor Lecturer I and Ms. Eka Yudhyani as Supervisor II. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of variables of leadership, compensation, motivation, and work discipline on the performance of employees of PT Kobexindo Tractors Tbk Samarinda Branch. According to Arikunto (2003: 112), this research is population research because all employees who work at PT Kobexindo Tractors Tbk Samarinda Branch are 35 people and because the population is small, saturated sampling or census techniques are used, which is the entire population as the research sample. Leadership has a positive but not significant effect on the performance of employees of PT Kobexindo Tractors Tbk Samarinda Branch. The results of this study to explain that the leadership at PT Kobexindo Tractors Tbk Samarinda Branch has not run as expected. Compensation variabl...
Regional Water Company (it's called as PDAM) Tirta Tuah Benua East Kutai is a company owned r... more Regional Water Company (it's called as PDAM) Tirta Tuah Benua East Kutai is a company owned regions that serves the area's water needs in the region Sengatta, East Kutai. PDAM has financial planning for the future that summarized in a budget. The purpose of this study is: 1) Analyzing the operating budget deviations against the realization operational at PDAM Tirta Tuah Benua East Kutai. (2) Analysis of operational deviations to improve management control in PDAM Tirta Tuah Continent East Kutai. Results of variance between budget and actual in 2011 namely: (1) Total revenue has unfavorable deviation; (2) favorable deviation occurs in total of business direct cost, total of business indirect cost, Total revenues and other expenses, and operating loss before income tax. Results of the variance is known that there are deviations between budget and realization in 2012, namely: (1) Total revenue has favorable deviations; (2) unfavorable deviation occurs in total of business direc...
Factors Affecting the Performance of Employees of PT Kobexindo Tractors Tbk Samarinda Branch"... more Factors Affecting the Performance of Employees of PT Kobexindo Tractors Tbk Samarinda Branch" under the guidance of Mrs. Theresia Militina as Advisor Lecturer I and Ms. Eka Yudhyani as Supervisor II. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of variables of leadership, compensation, motivation, and work discipline on the performance of employees of PT Kobexindo Tractors Tbk Samarinda Branch. According to Arikunto (2003: 112), this research is population research because all employees who work at PT Kobexindo Tractors Tbk Samarinda Branch are 35 people and because the population is small, saturated sampling or census techniques are used, which is the entire population as the research sample. Leadership has a positive but not significant effect on the performance of employees of PT Kobexindo Tractors Tbk Samarinda Branch. The results of this study to explain that the leadership at PT Kobexindo Tractors Tbk Samarinda Branch has not run as expected. Compensation variabl...
Teguh Setiawan, calculation of the cost of products using the cost method of printing orders at S... more Teguh Setiawan, calculation of the cost of products using the cost method of printing orders at Samarinda aries under the guidance of a mentor mother Eka Yudhyani II, and mother Titin Ruliana as mentors I. The purpose of the research study aims to evaluate the application of the method of determining the cost of production used by ARIES Printing Samarinda as the determination of their selling price. The initial assumption there is that the use of methods that are still very simple used by business owners are not yet optimal, so that when it happens, this research also tries to provide one-step calculation of Cost of Production (HPP) and based on the data available and compare it with the Cost of Production (HPP) used by the company in determining the selling price of products. Based on the analysis and discussion To find the difference BOP can be done by reducing the number of factory overhead costs charged Rp. 8.93945 million, - that we can be of direct labor wages multiplied by 13...
This study aims to prove and analyze service quality as a mediating variable of the influence of ... more This study aims to prove and analyze service quality as a mediating variable of the influence of entrepreneurial orientation, and learning orientation on the performance of star hotels in East Kalimantan. The results of research and testing using PLS with the SmartPLS v.3 program show (1) Entrepreneurial orientation has no signifikan effect on service quality.(2) Learning orientation has a positive and significant effect on service quality.(3) Entrepreneurial orientation has a positive and significant effect on hotel performance. (4) Learning orientation has no significant effect on hotel performance.(5)Sevice quality has a positive and significant effect on hotel performance This study was conducted to test the model of the effect of entrepreneurial orientation, and learning orientation on service quality and hotel performance and the result show that the model developed in this study is acceptable, meaning that the model in this study can be used as a model to improve performance...
In times of uncertainty such as a crisis, a company needs to maintain its value for its investors... more In times of uncertainty such as a crisis, a company needs to maintain its value for its investors. Theory suggests that for uncertainty, the company needs to have cash holding, but on the other hand, it needs to pay dividends. Therefore, this research aims to prove the relationship between factors that affect firm value with cash holding and dividend policy as mediation. We conduct this research on the manufacturing company from 2015 to 2021 registered on Indonesia Stock Exchange. Using the purposive sampling method, 82 company was chosen and 574 data was studied. To test our hypotheses, we use SmartPLS. The results proved that cash holding can influence firm value, while dividend policy cannot. For the indirect effect, we found that profitability and net working capital indirectly affect firm value through cash holding. We explain the theory and practical implications and describe our study’s limitations. For future research, we suggest differentiating firm value before and during ...
Berkembangnya teknologi internet memudahkan berbagai jenis aktivitas manusia terlebih dalam melak... more Berkembangnya teknologi internet memudahkan berbagai jenis aktivitas manusia terlebih dalam melakukan transaksi jual beli. Hal ini menuntut PT. Lazada Indonesia untuk selalu meningkatkan performanya pada kualitas pelayanan elektronik yang mereka berikan untuk memuaskan pelanggan dan membentuk loyalitas pelanggan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tanggapan pelanggan mengenai kualitas pelayanan elektronik, kepuasan pelanggan dan loyalitas pelanggan, serta untuk mengetahui pengaruh kualitas pelayanan elektronik terhadap kepuasan pelanggan dan dampaknya pada loyalitas pelanggan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif dan verifikatif. Metode pengambilan sampel menggungakan nonprobability dengan teknik insidential sampling menggunakan rumus Slovin dengan jumlah responden 93 orang. Data analisis menggunakan analisis jalur, korelasi berganda, dan koefisien determinasi. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah: (1) kualitas pelayanan elektronik dinilai cenderung kurang baik; (2)...
Guncangan gempa bumi Januari 2021 berkekuatan 6,2 SR yang terjadi di daerah Majene dan Mamuju pro... more Guncangan gempa bumi Januari 2021 berkekuatan 6,2 SR yang terjadi di daerah Majene dan Mamuju provinsi Sulawesi Barat yang lalu telah berdampak kepada kondisi berbagai aspek kehidupan masyarakat dan pemerintah di Majene dan Mamuju, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat upaya pemulihan dan tanggap bencana yang dilakukan oleh Komunitas Food truck dan Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya dan Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Samarinda, terhadap masyarakat yang berdampak bencana gempa dan kelaparan pasca bencana,Kehadiran komunitas Food truck ini membantu pengungsi yang belum memiliki dapur umum pada suatu daerah yang belum mendapatkan bantuan oleh pemerintah, Food truck dengan dilengkapi dapur di dalamnya sangat mudah mobilisasinya berpindah dari satu daerah kedaerah lainnya hingga pemerintah sudah bisa mendirikan bantuan dapur umum di daerah tersebut.sehingga tanggap bencana yang dilakukan bermanfaat untuk pengungsi bencana di Sulawesi Barat, dan dapat dijadikan rekomendasi untuk Ta...
The purposes of this research was determine the effect of each indicators of tangibles, reliabili... more The purposes of this research was determine the effect of each indicators of tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy on the satisfaction of library visitors either partially or simultaneously. This research was conducted in the library of the East Kalimantan Regional Development Planning Agency (Bappeda) office, on Kesuma Bangsa Street Number 2 Samarinda which is located on the 2nd floor of the PUSIDO building area of the East Kalimantan Province Bappeda office. The method used in this research is descriptive research method through a quantitative approach using multiple linear regression analysis tools. The research data source is primary data through distributing questionnaires to 87 respondents of visitors to the library of Bappeda East Kalimantan Province. The results of the analysis and calculations show the effect of service quality partially with indicators of tangibles, reliability, assurance has a positive and insignificant effect, responsiveness has a significant positive effect, and empathy has a negative and insignificant effect on visitor satisfaction at the Bappeda library of East Kalimantan Province.
ABC ketchup is ketchup first time in Indonesia produced by ABC PT.Heinz Indonesia.Destination thi... more ABC ketchup is ketchup first time in Indonesia produced by ABC PT.Heinz Indonesia.Destination this study to determine the effect of advertising and brand awareness on product purchasing decisions on PT.Heinz ABC soy sauce in Samarinda Indonesia and to know between advertising and brand awareness, which is more variable influence on the purchasing decisions of soy sauce PT.Heinz ABC in Indonesia in Samarinda. A primary issue in the writing of this study is whether advertising and brand awareness significantly influence purchasing decisions on PT.Heinz ABC soy sauce in Indonesia samarinda. Basic theory used marketing management, advertising, brand awareness and decision purchase.Hypothesis: advertising and brand awareness significantly influence purchasing decisions on PT.Heinz ABC soy sauce in Indonesia and advertising samarinda dominant influence on purchasing decisions on PT.Heinz ABC soy sauce Indonesia in samarinda. The analytical tool used ismultiplelinearregression. These resul...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk : 1) Mengetahui apakah bauran pemasaran berpengeruh positif dan si... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk : 1) Mengetahui apakah bauran pemasaran berpengeruh positif dan signifikan terhadap variabel faktor kebudayaan, sosial, pribadi, psikologis, dan teknologi terhadap keputusan konsumen membeli sepeda motor merek Yamaha pada kalangan konsumen Yamaha 2) Mengetahui manakah dari faktor kebudayaan, sosial, pribadi, sosiologi, dan teknologi yang berpengaruh dominan terhadap keputusan konsumen membeli sepeda motor merek Yamaha pada kalangan konsumen Yamaha. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teori manajemen pemasaran yang berfokus pada pemeblian yang meliputi pengertian pemasaran, manajemen pemasaran, pengertian produk, konsep pemasaran, perilaku konsumen, faktor – faktor yang mempengaruhi perilaku konsumen, model perilaku konsumen, keputusan pembelian. Data yang digunakan adalah data skunder, dan metode pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini adalah Penelitian Lapangan ( field work research ) yaitu penelitian yang dilakukan dilokasi dan dikant...
Tujuan Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui peranan anggaran penjualan pupuk NPK mutiara pada CV. Sumb... more Tujuan Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui peranan anggaran penjualan pupuk NPK mutiara pada CV. Sumber Agung di Sangatta sudah efektif atau belum efektif sebagai dasar perencanaan keuangan dan untuk mengetahui penyebab anggaran penjualan menjadi efektif atau tidak efektif sebagai dasar perencanaan keuangan maka dibuatlah penelitian ini. Permasalah yang dikemukakan adalah apakah anggaran penjualan pupuk NPK Mutiara pada CV. Sumber Agung di Sangatta sudah efektif sebagai dasar perencanaan keuanga. Dasar teori yang digunakan adalah akuntansi manjaemen dan penganggaran perusahaan yang berfokus pada anggaran penjualan dan efektivitas. Alat analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kuardat terkecil (least squre) dengan menggunakan analisis trend garis lurus (linier). Dengan anggaran penjualan pupuk NPK Mutiara sebagai dasar perencanaan keuangan CV. Sumber Agung selama tahun 2015 adaalah efektif digunakan, ini dapat dilihat dari anggaran penjulan pupuk NPK Mutiara yang menga...
ABC ketchup is ketchup first time in Indonesia produced by ABC PT.Heinz Indonesia.Destination thi... more ABC ketchup is ketchup first time in Indonesia produced by ABC PT.Heinz Indonesia.Destination this study to determine the effect of advertising and brand awareness on product purchasing decisions on PT.Heinz ABC soy sauce in Samarinda Indonesia and to know between advertising and brand awareness, which is more variable influence on the purchasing decisions of soy sauce PT.Heinz ABC in Indonesia in Samarinda. A primary issue in the writing of this study is whether advertising and brand awareness significantly influence purchasing decisions on PT.Heinz ABC soy sauce in Indonesia samarinda. Basic theory used marketing management, advertising, brand awareness and decision purchase.Hypothesis: advertising and brand awareness significantly influence purchasing decisions on PT.Heinz ABC soy sauce in Indonesia and advertising samarinda dominant influence on purchasing decisions on PT.Heinz ABC soy sauce Indonesia in samarinda. The analytical tool used ismultiplelinearregression. These resu...
This research aims to knowing its rise or fall forecasting sales of entrance tickets which is con... more This research aims to knowing its rise or fall forecasting sales of entrance tickets which is conducted by UPT.Kebun Raya Unmul Samarinda 2015. As a basis in this study the authors take theories and concepts of experts of economics associated with the theory of the budget, for as the base support this research is forecasting,marketing. In the research it is presented by hypothesis that is “it is suspected ases by forecasting sales tickets which is conducted by UPT.Kebun Raya Unmul Samarinda 2015 the experience of increase. From data result which dihim also writer in the research,writer calculate sale entrance tickets UPT.Kebun Raya Unmul Samarinda From year 2010 reaches 2014.after calculate and know turnover entrance ticket,writer use analyzer in the form of statistic use formula method Least Square. Form result calculate which performed by writer to forecast entrance ticket UPT.Kebun Raya Unmul Samarinda for year 2013 Rp.1.143.902.700 and year 2014 Rp.1.29...
Along with the development of Indonesia's economy is growing rapidly led to the dynamics of s... more Along with the development of Indonesia's economy is growing rapidly led to the dynamics of social and economic life becomes dynamic. Perekonomoian dynamic growth led to the emergence of various businesses - businesses that sustain the economy of the State. The emergence of various kinds of companies will require an efficient marketing campaign. Marketing campaign is an effort to convey a message or information to the public, especially the customers about the existence of a product or service. The development of science and technology communication has no doubt contributed to the development of promotional activities. There are four promotional strategies collected in the promotion mix, ie advertising (advertising), sales promotion (sales promotion), publicity (publicity), and personal selling (private sale). Personal selling is an ability in executing a job, task - a task or obligation that may provide remuneration to the seller. Personal selling is direct interaction with one...
Meivi Riva Kawet, 2015, Economy Faculty of 17 Agustus 1945 University of Samarinda, Alternative C... more Meivi Riva Kawet, 2015, Economy Faculty of 17 Agustus 1945 University of Samarinda, Alternative Choosing for Transportation Tires Distribution in PT Dermaga Sukses Jaya Abadi Samarinda (under guidance Mr Jonathan and Mrs Yudhyani) The purpose of this research is to find out and analyzed the decision of distributing tires between buying new transportation the type is Toyota Dyna PS 130 or lease the expedition. Depend on the purpose of this research is Which one more profitable, buy new transportation or lease the expedition? Based on the problem, hypothesis submitted is: “ Buying new transportation is more profitable than lease the expedition.” Analysis tools which use in this research is Net Present Value Method, that using the discount factor from the capital cost of the company. Then compare Present Value from cash outflow between buying new armada Toyota Dyna PS 130 or lease the expedition. The result of this research is Present Value from cash outflow of Toyota Dyna PS 130 is ...
In this research Issue is the declining level of sales and net profit at PT Timah (Persero) TBk s... more In this research Issue is the declining level of sales and net profit at PT Timah (Persero) TBk so need to look for causes of the decrease in the level of profitability of the company.The basic theory is the theory of financial management supporting profitability. The hypothesis of this research is "what is the cause of the change of the level of profitability of PT Timah (Persero) TbkTahun 2010-2012".Analysis tool to find out the level of profitability of a company consists of three (3) ratio, i.e. ROE, ROI and NPM.Based on the results of the analysis, the results of calculations of ROE noted that the value of the ROE for the year 2010 amounted to 22,55%, then the value of the ROE in 2011 While 2012 19,51 value of 9,46% ROE. The calculation result based on the results of the analysis of ROI in 2010 known magnitudes of 16,12% ROI with a Net Profit Margin of 14.78%.The year 2011 is known to magnitudes of 13.65% ROI with a Net Profit Margin of 10.26%. The year 2012 is known ...
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk Mengetahui pengaruh simultan variabel kualitas layanan ya... more Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk Mengetahui pengaruh simultan variabel kualitas layanan yang meliputi tangibles, reliability, assurances, responsiveness, dan emphaty terhadap kepuasan pasien Rawat Jalan di Puskesmas Pembantu Desa Menamang Kanan Jenis penelitian yang akan digunakan dalam rangka penulisan skripsi ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan sumber data utama dari kuisioner. Sampel yang dipergunakan sebanyak 89 responden. Metode pemilihan sampel yang digunakan adalah Random sampling. Alat analisis yang dipergunakan analisis regresi linear berganda dan pengujian hipotesis menggunakan uji F dan uji t.Hasil dari persamaan regresi yang dihasilkan menunjukkan terdapat hubungan yang signifikan atau searah antara variabel reliability, responsiveness, assurance, emphaty tangible terhadap kepuasan konsumen pada Puskemas pembantu Desa Menamang Kanan. Maksudnya, apabila variabel independen (bebas) ada penambahan maka variabel dependen (terikat) juga mengalami penambahan dan se...
Factors Affecting the Performance of Employees of PT Kobexindo Tractors Tbk Samarinda Branch"... more Factors Affecting the Performance of Employees of PT Kobexindo Tractors Tbk Samarinda Branch" under the guidance of Mrs. Theresia Militina as Advisor Lecturer I and Ms. Eka Yudhyani as Supervisor II. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of variables of leadership, compensation, motivation, and work discipline on the performance of employees of PT Kobexindo Tractors Tbk Samarinda Branch. According to Arikunto (2003: 112), this research is population research because all employees who work at PT Kobexindo Tractors Tbk Samarinda Branch are 35 people and because the population is small, saturated sampling or census techniques are used, which is the entire population as the research sample. Leadership has a positive but not significant effect on the performance of employees of PT Kobexindo Tractors Tbk Samarinda Branch. The results of this study to explain that the leadership at PT Kobexindo Tractors Tbk Samarinda Branch has not run as expected. Compensation variabl...
Regional Water Company (it's called as PDAM) Tirta Tuah Benua East Kutai is a company owned r... more Regional Water Company (it's called as PDAM) Tirta Tuah Benua East Kutai is a company owned regions that serves the area's water needs in the region Sengatta, East Kutai. PDAM has financial planning for the future that summarized in a budget. The purpose of this study is: 1) Analyzing the operating budget deviations against the realization operational at PDAM Tirta Tuah Benua East Kutai. (2) Analysis of operational deviations to improve management control in PDAM Tirta Tuah Continent East Kutai. Results of variance between budget and actual in 2011 namely: (1) Total revenue has unfavorable deviation; (2) favorable deviation occurs in total of business direct cost, total of business indirect cost, Total revenues and other expenses, and operating loss before income tax. Results of the variance is known that there are deviations between budget and realization in 2012, namely: (1) Total revenue has favorable deviations; (2) unfavorable deviation occurs in total of business direc...
Factors Affecting the Performance of Employees of PT Kobexindo Tractors Tbk Samarinda Branch"... more Factors Affecting the Performance of Employees of PT Kobexindo Tractors Tbk Samarinda Branch" under the guidance of Mrs. Theresia Militina as Advisor Lecturer I and Ms. Eka Yudhyani as Supervisor II. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of variables of leadership, compensation, motivation, and work discipline on the performance of employees of PT Kobexindo Tractors Tbk Samarinda Branch. According to Arikunto (2003: 112), this research is population research because all employees who work at PT Kobexindo Tractors Tbk Samarinda Branch are 35 people and because the population is small, saturated sampling or census techniques are used, which is the entire population as the research sample. Leadership has a positive but not significant effect on the performance of employees of PT Kobexindo Tractors Tbk Samarinda Branch. The results of this study to explain that the leadership at PT Kobexindo Tractors Tbk Samarinda Branch has not run as expected. Compensation variabl...
Teguh Setiawan, calculation of the cost of products using the cost method of printing orders at S... more Teguh Setiawan, calculation of the cost of products using the cost method of printing orders at Samarinda aries under the guidance of a mentor mother Eka Yudhyani II, and mother Titin Ruliana as mentors I. The purpose of the research study aims to evaluate the application of the method of determining the cost of production used by ARIES Printing Samarinda as the determination of their selling price. The initial assumption there is that the use of methods that are still very simple used by business owners are not yet optimal, so that when it happens, this research also tries to provide one-step calculation of Cost of Production (HPP) and based on the data available and compare it with the Cost of Production (HPP) used by the company in determining the selling price of products. Based on the analysis and discussion To find the difference BOP can be done by reducing the number of factory overhead costs charged Rp. 8.93945 million, - that we can be of direct labor wages multiplied by 13...
This study aims to prove and analyze service quality as a mediating variable of the influence of ... more This study aims to prove and analyze service quality as a mediating variable of the influence of entrepreneurial orientation, and learning orientation on the performance of star hotels in East Kalimantan. The results of research and testing using PLS with the SmartPLS v.3 program show (1) Entrepreneurial orientation has no signifikan effect on service quality.(2) Learning orientation has a positive and significant effect on service quality.(3) Entrepreneurial orientation has a positive and significant effect on hotel performance. (4) Learning orientation has no significant effect on hotel performance.(5)Sevice quality has a positive and significant effect on hotel performance This study was conducted to test the model of the effect of entrepreneurial orientation, and learning orientation on service quality and hotel performance and the result show that the model developed in this study is acceptable, meaning that the model in this study can be used as a model to improve performance...
In times of uncertainty such as a crisis, a company needs to maintain its value for its investors... more In times of uncertainty such as a crisis, a company needs to maintain its value for its investors. Theory suggests that for uncertainty, the company needs to have cash holding, but on the other hand, it needs to pay dividends. Therefore, this research aims to prove the relationship between factors that affect firm value with cash holding and dividend policy as mediation. We conduct this research on the manufacturing company from 2015 to 2021 registered on Indonesia Stock Exchange. Using the purposive sampling method, 82 company was chosen and 574 data was studied. To test our hypotheses, we use SmartPLS. The results proved that cash holding can influence firm value, while dividend policy cannot. For the indirect effect, we found that profitability and net working capital indirectly affect firm value through cash holding. We explain the theory and practical implications and describe our study’s limitations. For future research, we suggest differentiating firm value before and during ...
Papers by Eka Yudhyani