Sikunang Village, Wonosobo, Central Java is a village that has beautiful nature and abundant agri... more Sikunang Village, Wonosobo, Central Java is a village that has beautiful nature and abundant agricultural potential. However, the public's lack of understanding of social media means that Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) are not optimal in marketing their business results outside Sikunang Village. Through Community Service activities, it is hoped that we can contribute to the importance of branding and also the use of social media in building branding, especially for MSMEs in the local community. This training aims to provide knowledge and skills to MSME actors on how to utilize social media in branding businesses in the Sikunang Village community that can be heard at least outside the Wonosobo area. Apart from that, this activity is expected to provide education regarding social media literacy. The results obtained from this Community Service include that the community as MSME actors can realize that they are not maximizing social media in branding the business or product they want to market as well as a lack of understanding from the public in utilizing social media such as Instagram. The conclusion of this Community Service is that the community, especially MSMEs in Sikunang Village, Wonosobo, Central Java, is expected to maximize social media in branding so that the products of their business can be marketed well outside Sikunang Village.
The Sekar Pandan Art Studio is one of the studios that until now still maintains the authenticity... more The Sekar Pandan Art Studio is one of the studios that until now still maintains the authenticity of the Cirebon Mask Dance. However, the lack of understanding of the community, especially the management of the Sekar Pandan Art Studio towards social media, has made his name not too heard outside the Cirebon area. Through Community Service activities, it is hoped that it can contribute to the importance of branding and also the use of social media in terms of building branding. The purpose of this activity is to provide education to the public, especially the management of the Sekar Pandan Art Studio, how to utilize social media in terms of branding so that the name Sekar Pandan Art Studio can be heard at least outside the Cirebon area. In addition, this activity is expected to provide education about social media literacy. The results obtained from this Community Service include the managers of the Sekar Pandan Art Studio realizing that they are not maximizing social media in carrying out studio branding and a lack of understanding from managers in utilizing social media even though studio managers basically have social media accounts, including Youtube and Instagram. The conclusion of this Community Service is that the management of the Sekar Pandan Art Studio will maximize social media in carrying out branding so that the name of the Sekar Pandan Art Studio will be more heard than at present, both regionally, namely the Cirebon region and its surroundings, nationally and internationally.
Sekar Pandan Art Studio is the oldest studio and is one of the characteristics of Cirebon City. I... more Sekar Pandan Art Studio is the oldest studio and is one of the characteristics of Cirebon City. It is not an easy matter for a studio to survive until now. It requires strong branding and social media is the studio's mind in implementing it. This research examines and analyzes the strategy of the Sekar Pandan Art Studio in an effort to carry out branding on social media. The aim of this research is to understand and provide ideas regarding the importance of implementing a branding strategy for a community or organization that has been established for a long time in order to maintain its existence by using social media. Data was taken from observation transcripts as well as conducting direct interviews with the management and person in charge of the Sekar Pandan Art Studio. The research approach used by researchers is a descriptive qualitative approach which aims to analyze the strategies used by the studio in an effort to carry out branding on social media. The three elements of a branding strategy are the studio management's efforts to carry out branding in the real world and the use of social media Instagram and YouTube is another strategy for the studio to attract people's attention in cyberspace.
Communication is very important for human life, because communication can be used by humans as a ... more Communication is very important for human life, because communication can be used by humans as a process of conveying messages or information to other humans. Communication is used by humans anytime and anywhere, both within the family and in society. Communication can also be used within organizations, be they organizations in the form of companies or organizations in the form of government. In every organization, whether company or government, there is a leader, and in rural areas there is a village head as the leader. The village head is responsible for serving the community or providing good public services in accordance with his formal duties and functions as a village official. This research examines and analyzes the communication of the Pamegarsari Village government group, Bogor Regency, West Java in improving public services to the community. Data was taken from observation transcripts and direct interviews with the village government. The research approach used by researchers is a descriptive qualitative approach which aims to analyze how organizational communication is carried out by the government of Pemegarsari Village, Bogor Regency, West Java in an effort to improve services to the community. Communication within an organization, in this case the Pamegarsari Village Government, is an important factor, especially in efforts to improve public services to the community. The leadership style of the Pamegarsari Village Head is also a factor that has an important role in creating organizational communication.
Human is social creature who have the instinct to live in groups or communities. Groups or commun... more Human is social creature who have the instinct to live in groups or communities. Groups or communities are formed because of the same goals and communication between members in them. Along with technological advances in the current digital era, groups or communities can also be formed in cyberspace or virtual worlds. Virtual communities utilize social media to carry out group communication between their members. This research aims to determine the use of virtual communities as a communication medium for the football community in Jakarta, namely Main Bola Mulu (MBM) via social media Instagram and Whatsapp. This research uses a qualitative approach, using literature study methods and in-depth interviews. The research results show that Instagram and Whatsapp groups are very effective in conveying information between community members. The message construction conveyed via social media is understood by all members of the MBM community. MBM's success in utilizing social media is marked by the comfort of continuing and remaining in the community which is felt by each member by paying attention to the benefits they have obtained. Another success is marked by the increase in the number of community members who have joined MBM to date.
Basically, humans are social creatures that can’t live without interference from other humans, or... more Basically, humans are social creatures that can’t live without interference from other humans, or it can be said that humans have the instinct to live in groups or communities. Groups or communities are formed because of shared goals and the existence of group communication between members in them. Along with advancement in technology, especially in the digital era at this time, groups or communities are not only intertwined in the real world but also in cyberspace or virtual. Virtual communities use social media to carry out group communication in it. This study aims to determine the use of virtual communities as communication media for Pokemon Go game groups in Jakarta, namely Jakarta Pogo Raiders (JPR) through social media Instagram and WhatsApp. This research uses a qualitative approach, researcher use the literature review and in-depth interviews methods with informants including initiators and members of the JPR community. The results of the study indicate that the group commu...
Being considered equal to normal people in general is a dream that people with disa-bilities real... more Being considered equal to normal people in general is a dream that people with disa-bilities really want to realize. The public's view of disability has constructed the stig-ma that people with disabilities are unable to move like normal people specifically relating to physical exercise.. The difficulty of dismantling the stigma that is already inherent and generalizing persons with disabilities with physical disability or mal-function becomes a particular challenge faced by persons with disabilities as a mi-nority group. This paper uses the constructivist paradigm as a point of view in look-ing at understanding the complexity of social construction. The phenomenological method used in this study will explore the perspective of individuals with disabilities through self-concept "me" as an object that is the result of community construction, try to be replaced with "I" as a subject that is reconstructed through the help of so-cial media with self-actualization...
Sikunang Village, Wonosobo, Central Java is a village that has beautiful nature and abundant agri... more Sikunang Village, Wonosobo, Central Java is a village that has beautiful nature and abundant agricultural potential. However, the public's lack of understanding of social media means that Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) are not optimal in marketing their business results outside Sikunang Village. Through Community Service activities, it is hoped that we can contribute to the importance of branding and also the use of social media in building branding, especially for MSMEs in the local community. This training aims to provide knowledge and skills to MSME actors on how to utilize social media in branding businesses in the Sikunang Village community that can be heard at least outside the Wonosobo area. Apart from that, this activity is expected to provide education regarding social media literacy. The results obtained from this Community Service include that the community as MSME actors can realize that they are not maximizing social media in branding the business or product they want to market as well as a lack of understanding from the public in utilizing social media such as Instagram. The conclusion of this Community Service is that the community, especially MSMEs in Sikunang Village, Wonosobo, Central Java, is expected to maximize social media in branding so that the products of their business can be marketed well outside Sikunang Village.
The Sekar Pandan Art Studio is one of the studios that until now still maintains the authenticity... more The Sekar Pandan Art Studio is one of the studios that until now still maintains the authenticity of the Cirebon Mask Dance. However, the lack of understanding of the community, especially the management of the Sekar Pandan Art Studio towards social media, has made his name not too heard outside the Cirebon area. Through Community Service activities, it is hoped that it can contribute to the importance of branding and also the use of social media in terms of building branding. The purpose of this activity is to provide education to the public, especially the management of the Sekar Pandan Art Studio, how to utilize social media in terms of branding so that the name Sekar Pandan Art Studio can be heard at least outside the Cirebon area. In addition, this activity is expected to provide education about social media literacy. The results obtained from this Community Service include the managers of the Sekar Pandan Art Studio realizing that they are not maximizing social media in carrying out studio branding and a lack of understanding from managers in utilizing social media even though studio managers basically have social media accounts, including Youtube and Instagram. The conclusion of this Community Service is that the management of the Sekar Pandan Art Studio will maximize social media in carrying out branding so that the name of the Sekar Pandan Art Studio will be more heard than at present, both regionally, namely the Cirebon region and its surroundings, nationally and internationally.
Sekar Pandan Art Studio is the oldest studio and is one of the characteristics of Cirebon City. I... more Sekar Pandan Art Studio is the oldest studio and is one of the characteristics of Cirebon City. It is not an easy matter for a studio to survive until now. It requires strong branding and social media is the studio's mind in implementing it. This research examines and analyzes the strategy of the Sekar Pandan Art Studio in an effort to carry out branding on social media. The aim of this research is to understand and provide ideas regarding the importance of implementing a branding strategy for a community or organization that has been established for a long time in order to maintain its existence by using social media. Data was taken from observation transcripts as well as conducting direct interviews with the management and person in charge of the Sekar Pandan Art Studio. The research approach used by researchers is a descriptive qualitative approach which aims to analyze the strategies used by the studio in an effort to carry out branding on social media. The three elements of a branding strategy are the studio management's efforts to carry out branding in the real world and the use of social media Instagram and YouTube is another strategy for the studio to attract people's attention in cyberspace.
Communication is very important for human life, because communication can be used by humans as a ... more Communication is very important for human life, because communication can be used by humans as a process of conveying messages or information to other humans. Communication is used by humans anytime and anywhere, both within the family and in society. Communication can also be used within organizations, be they organizations in the form of companies or organizations in the form of government. In every organization, whether company or government, there is a leader, and in rural areas there is a village head as the leader. The village head is responsible for serving the community or providing good public services in accordance with his formal duties and functions as a village official. This research examines and analyzes the communication of the Pamegarsari Village government group, Bogor Regency, West Java in improving public services to the community. Data was taken from observation transcripts and direct interviews with the village government. The research approach used by researchers is a descriptive qualitative approach which aims to analyze how organizational communication is carried out by the government of Pemegarsari Village, Bogor Regency, West Java in an effort to improve services to the community. Communication within an organization, in this case the Pamegarsari Village Government, is an important factor, especially in efforts to improve public services to the community. The leadership style of the Pamegarsari Village Head is also a factor that has an important role in creating organizational communication.
Human is social creature who have the instinct to live in groups or communities. Groups or commun... more Human is social creature who have the instinct to live in groups or communities. Groups or communities are formed because of the same goals and communication between members in them. Along with technological advances in the current digital era, groups or communities can also be formed in cyberspace or virtual worlds. Virtual communities utilize social media to carry out group communication between their members. This research aims to determine the use of virtual communities as a communication medium for the football community in Jakarta, namely Main Bola Mulu (MBM) via social media Instagram and Whatsapp. This research uses a qualitative approach, using literature study methods and in-depth interviews. The research results show that Instagram and Whatsapp groups are very effective in conveying information between community members. The message construction conveyed via social media is understood by all members of the MBM community. MBM's success in utilizing social media is marked by the comfort of continuing and remaining in the community which is felt by each member by paying attention to the benefits they have obtained. Another success is marked by the increase in the number of community members who have joined MBM to date.
Basically, humans are social creatures that can’t live without interference from other humans, or... more Basically, humans are social creatures that can’t live without interference from other humans, or it can be said that humans have the instinct to live in groups or communities. Groups or communities are formed because of shared goals and the existence of group communication between members in them. Along with advancement in technology, especially in the digital era at this time, groups or communities are not only intertwined in the real world but also in cyberspace or virtual. Virtual communities use social media to carry out group communication in it. This study aims to determine the use of virtual communities as communication media for Pokemon Go game groups in Jakarta, namely Jakarta Pogo Raiders (JPR) through social media Instagram and WhatsApp. This research uses a qualitative approach, researcher use the literature review and in-depth interviews methods with informants including initiators and members of the JPR community. The results of the study indicate that the group commu...
Being considered equal to normal people in general is a dream that people with disa-bilities real... more Being considered equal to normal people in general is a dream that people with disa-bilities really want to realize. The public's view of disability has constructed the stig-ma that people with disabilities are unable to move like normal people specifically relating to physical exercise.. The difficulty of dismantling the stigma that is already inherent and generalizing persons with disabilities with physical disability or mal-function becomes a particular challenge faced by persons with disabilities as a mi-nority group. This paper uses the constructivist paradigm as a point of view in look-ing at understanding the complexity of social construction. The phenomenological method used in this study will explore the perspective of individuals with disabilities through self-concept "me" as an object that is the result of community construction, try to be replaced with "I" as a subject that is reconstructed through the help of so-cial media with self-actualization...
Papers by Yudha Pradhana