Papers by Yoshihiro Inoue
In this protocol, we provide an experimental procedure that perform time-lapse observation of int... more In this protocol, we provide an experimental procedure that perform time-lapse observation of intra-cellular structures such as chromosomes, cytoskeletons and cell organelles during meiotic cell divisions in Drosophila males. As primary spermatocyte is the largest dividing diploid cell in Drosophila, which is equivalent in size to mammalian cultured cells, one can observe dynamics of cellular components during division of the model cells more precisely. Using this protocol, we have showed that a microtubule-associated protein plays an essential role in microtubule dynamics and initiation of cleavage furrowing through interaction between microtubules and actomyosin filaments. We have also reported that nuclear membrane components are required for a formation and/or maintenance of the spindle envelope essential for cytokinesis in the Drosophila cells.

ABSTRACTMechanisms of cancer cell recognition and elimination by the innate immune system remains... more ABSTRACTMechanisms of cancer cell recognition and elimination by the innate immune system remains unclear. Circulating hemocytes are associated with the hematopoietic tumors in Drosophila mxcmbn1 mutant larvae. The innate immune signalling pathways are activated in the fat body to suppress the tumor growth by inducing antimicrobial peptides (AMP). Here, we investigated the regulatory mechanism underlying the activation in the mutant. Reactive oxygen species accumulated in the hemocytes due to induction of dual oxidase and its activator. The hemocytes were also localized on the fat body. These were essential for transmitting the information on tumors toward the fat body to induce AMP expression. Regarding to the tumor recognition, we found that matrix metalloproteinase 1 (MMP1) and MMP2 were highly expressed in the tumors. Ectopic expression of MMP2 was associated with AMP induction in the mutants. Furthermore, the basement membrane components in the tumors were reduced and ultimatel...

Several antimicrobial peptides suppress the growth of lymph gland (LG) tumors in Drosophila multi... more Several antimicrobial peptides suppress the growth of lymph gland (LG) tumors in Drosophila multi sex comb (mxc) mutant larvae. The activity of another family of polypeptides, called Turandots, is also induced via the JAK/STAT pathway after bacterial infection; however, their influence on Drosophila tumors remains unclear. The JAK/STAT pathway was activated in LG tumors, fat body, and circulating hemocytes of mutant larvae. The mRNA levels of Turandot (Tot) genes increased markedly in the mutant fat body and declined upon silencing Stat92E in the fat body, indicating the involvement of the JAK/STAT pathway. Furthermore, significantly enhanced tumor growth upon a fat-body-specific silencing of the mRNAs demonstrated the antitumor effects of these proteins. The proteins were found to be incorporated into small vesicles in mutant circulating hemocytes (as previously reported for several antimicrobial peptides) but not normal cells. In addition, more hemocytes containing these proteins ...

Molecular and Cellular Biology, 2001
The promoters of Drosophila genes encoding DNA replication-related proteins contain transcription... more The promoters of Drosophila genes encoding DNA replication-related proteins contain transcription regulatory element DRE (5′-TATCGATA) in addition to E2F recognition sites. A specific DRE-binding factor, DREF, positively regulates DRE-containing genes. In addition, it has been reported that DREF can bind to a sequence in the hsp70 scs′ chromatin boundary element that is also recognized by boundary element-associated factor, and thus DREF may participate in regulating insulator activity. To examine DREF function in vivo, we established transgenic flies in which ectopic expression of DREF was targeted to the eye imaginal discs. Adult flies expressing DREF exhibited a severe rough eye phenotype. Expression of DREF induced ectopic DNA synthesis in the cells behind the morphogenetic furrow, which are normally postmitotic, and abolished photoreceptor specifications of R1, R6, and R7. Furthermore, DREF expression caused apoptosis in the imaginal disc cells in the region where commitment to...

Journal of Cell Science, 2021
After centrosome duplication, centrioles elongate before M phase. To identify genes required for ... more After centrosome duplication, centrioles elongate before M phase. To identify genes required for this process and to understand the regulatory mechanism, we investigated the centrioles in Drosophila premeiotic spermatocytes expressing fluorescently tagged centriolar proteins. We demonstrated that an essential microtubule polymerisation factor, Orbit (the Drosophila CLASP orthologue, encoded by chb), accumulated at the distal end of centrioles and was required for the elongation. Conversely, a microtubule-severing factor, Klp10A, shortened the centrioles. Genetic analyses revealed that these two proteins functioned antagonistically to determine centriole length. Furthermore, Cp110 in the distal tip complex was closely associated with the factors involved in centriolar dynamics at the distal end. We observed loss of centriole integrity, including fragmentation of centrioles and earlier separation of the centriole pairs, in Cp110-null mutant cells either overexpressing Orbit or deplete...

European review for medical and pharmacological sciences, 2019
OBJECTIVE Sesamin is a major lignan constituent of sesame and possesses various health-promoting ... more OBJECTIVE Sesamin is a major lignan constituent of sesame and possesses various health-promoting effects. Previous studies have demonstrated that sesamin extends the lifespan of Drosophila and Caenorhabditis elegans and corrects oxidative damage-related tissue dysfunction in mammals. To understand its anti-aging effects, we aimed to determine whether sesamin restores tissue function hampered by oxidative damage and suppresses several aging-related phenotypes using Drosophila senescence-accelerated models. MATERIALS AND METHODS We elucidated the anti-aging effects of sesamin on several aging-related phenotypes in the muscle, brain and midgut using the senescence-accelerated models (Sod1n1 mutant and Sod1-depleted flies) by immunostaining experiments. We determined the expression levels of several anti-oxidative and DNA repair genes using quantitative Real Time-Polymerase Chain Reaction (qRT-PCR). We also identified the metabolite of sesamin in Drosophila by LC-MS/MS. RESULTS We confi...

Background: The central channel of the nuclear pore complex plays an important role in the select... more Background: The central channel of the nuclear pore complex plays an important role in the selective transport of proteins between the nucleus and cytoplasm. Previous studies have demonstrated that the depletion of the Nup62 complex, constructing the nuclear pore channel in premeiotic Drosophila cells, resulted in the absence of meiotic cells. We attempted to understand the mechanism underlying the cell cycle arrest before meiosis. Methods: We induced dsRNAs against the nucleoporin mRNAs using the Gal4/UAS system in Drosophila. Results: The cell cycle of the Nup62-depleted cells was arrested before meiosis without CDK1 activation. The ectopic overexpression of CycB, but not constitutively active CDK1, resulted in partial rescue from the arrest. CycB continued to exist in the nuclei of Nup62-depleted cells and cells depleted of exportin encoded by emb. Protein complexes containing CycB, Emb, and Nup62 were observed in premeiotic spermatocytes. CycB, which had temporally entered the n...

International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2021
Mutations in the insulin gene (INS) are frequently associated with human permanent neonatal diabe... more Mutations in the insulin gene (INS) are frequently associated with human permanent neonatal diabetes mellitus. However, the mechanisms underlying the onset of this genetic disease is not sufficiently decoded. We induced expression of two types of human mutant INSs in Drosophila using its ectopic expression system and investigated the resultant responses in development. Expression of the wild-type preproinsulin in the insulin-producing cells (IPCs) throughout the larval stage led to a stimulation of the overall and wing growth. However, ectopic expression of human mutant preproinsulins, hINSC96Y and hINSLB15YB16delinsH, neither of which secreted from the β-cells, could not stimulate the Drosophila growth. Furthermore, neither of the mutant polypeptides induced caspase activation leading to apoptosis. Instead, they induced expression of several markers indicating the activation of unfolded protein response, such as ER stress-dependent Xbp1 mRNA splicing and ER chaperone induction. We ...

Genetics, 1997
Eight alleles of Dsor1 encoding a Drosophila homologue of mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase ... more Eight alleles of Dsor1 encoding a Drosophila homologue of mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase kinase were obtained as dominant suppressors of the MAP kinase kinase kinase D-raf. These Dsor1 alleles themselves showed no obvious phenotypic consequences nor any effect on the viability of the flies, although they were highly sensitive to upstream signals and strongly interacted with gain-of-function mutations of upstream factors. They suppressed mutations for receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs); torso (tor), sevenless (sev) and to a lesser extent Drosophila EGF receptor (DER). Furthermore, the Dsor1 alleles showed no significant interaction with gain-of-function mutations of DER. The observed difference in activity of the Dsor1 alleles among the RTK pathways suggests Dsor1 is one of the components of the pathway that regulates signal specificity. Expression of Dsor1 in budding yeast demonstrated that Dsor1 can activate yeast MAP kinase homologues if a proper activator of Dsor1 is coexpr...

Genetics, 1999
Genetic and molecular characterization of the dominant suppressors of D-rafC110 on the second chr... more Genetic and molecular characterization of the dominant suppressors of D-rafC110 on the second chromosome identified two gain-of-function alleles of rolled (rl), which encodes a mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase in Drosophila. One of the alleles, rlSu23, was found to bear the same molecular lesion as rlSem, which has been reported to be dominant female sterile. However, rlSu23 and the current stock of rlSem showed only a weak dominant female sterility. Detailed analyses of the rl mutations demonstrated moderate dominant activities of these alleles in the Torso (Tor) signaling pathway, which explains the weak dominant female sterility observed in this study. The dominant rl mutations failed to suppress the terminal class maternal-effect mutations, suggesting that activation of Rl is essential, but not sufficient, for Tor signaling. Involvement of rl in cell proliferation was also demonstrated by clonal analysis. Branching and integration of signals in the MAP kinase cascade is di...

International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2020
Mutations in the multi sex combs (mxc) gene in Drosophila results in malignant hyperplasia in lar... more Mutations in the multi sex combs (mxc) gene in Drosophila results in malignant hyperplasia in larval hematopoietic tissues, called lymph glands (LG). mxc encodes a component of the histone locus body (HLB) that is essential for cell cycle-dependent transcription and processing of histone mRNAs. The mammalian nuclear protein ataxia-telangiectasia (NPAT) gene, encoded by the responsible gene for ataxia telangiectasia, is a functional Mxc orthologue. However, their roles in tumorigenesis are unclear. Genetic analyses of the mxc mutants and larvae having LG-specific depletion revealed that a reduced activity of the gene resulted in the hyperplasia, which is caused by hyper-proliferation of immature LG cells. The depletion of mxc in mature hemocytes of the LG resulted in the hyperplasia. Furthermore, the inhibition of HLB formation was required for LG hyperplasia. In the mutant larvae, the total mRNA levels of the five canonical histones decreased, and abnormal forms of polyadenylated hi...

Background: The central channel of the nuclear pore complex (NPC) plays an important role in the ... more Background: The central channel of the nuclear pore complex (NPC) plays an important role in the selective transport of proteins between the nucleus and cytoplasm. Previous studies have demonstrated that depletion of the Nup62 complex, constructing the nuclear pore channel in premeiotic Drosophila cells, resulted in absence of meiotic cells. We attempted understanding the mechanism underlying the cell cycle arrest before meiosis. Methods: We induced dsRNAs against the nucleoporin mRNAs using the Gal4/UAS system in Drosophila. Results: The cell cycle of the Nup62-depleted cells was arrested before meiosis without CDK1 activation. Ectopic over-expression of CycB, but not constitutively active CDK1, resulted in partial rescue from the arrest. CycB accumulated precociously in the nuclei of Nup62-depleted cells and cells depleted of exportin (encoded by emb). Protein complexes containing CycB, Emb, and Nup62 complex components were observed in premeiotic spermatocytes. CycB, which had pr...

Biology Open, 2019
The destruction of pancreatic β cells leads to reduced insulin secretion and eventually causes. V... more The destruction of pancreatic β cells leads to reduced insulin secretion and eventually causes. Various types of cellular stress are thought to be involved in destruction and/or malfunction of these cells. We show that endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress accumulation in insulin-producing cells (IPCs) generated diabetes-like phenotypes in Drosophila. To promote the accumulation of extra ER stress, we induced a dominant-negative form of a Drosophila ER chaperone protein (Hsc70-3DN) and demonstrate that it causes the unfolded-protein response (UPR) in various tissues. The numbers of IPCs decreased owing to apoptosis induction mediated by caspases. The apoptosis was driven by activation of Dronc, and subsequently by Drice and Dcp-1. Accordingly, the relative mRNA-expression levels of Drosophila insulin-like peptides significantly decreased. Consistent with these results, we demonstrate that glucose levels in larval haemolymph were significantly higher than those of controls. Accumulation ...

Cell Structure and Function, 2019
Drosophila Mxc protein is a component of the histone locus body (HLB), which is required for the ... more Drosophila Mxc protein is a component of the histone locus body (HLB), which is required for the expression of canonical histone genes, and severe mxc mutations generate tumors in larval hematopoietic tissues. A common characteristic of cancer cells is chromosomal instability (CIN), but whether mxc mutants exhibit this feature is unknown. Here, examination of post-meiotic spermatids created after male meiosis revealed that a fraction of the spermatids in hypomorphic mxc G46 mutants contained extra micronuclei or abnormally sized nuclei, corresponding to CIN. Moreover, we observed that the so-called lagging chromosomes retained between chromosomal masses separated toward spindle poles at telophase I. Time-lapse recordings show that micronuclei were generated from lagging chromosomes, and the abnormal chromosomes in mxc G46 mutants lacked centromeres. In normal spermatocyte nuclei, the HLB component FLASH colocalized with Mxc, whereas FLASH was dispersed in mxc G46 spermatocyte nuclei. Furthermore, we observed genetic interactions between Mxc and other HLB components in meiotic chromosome segregation, which suggests that inhibition of HLB formation is responsible for aberrant chromosome segregation in mxc G46. Quantitative real-time PCR revealed that canonical histone mRNA levels were decreased in mxc G46. Lastly, similar meiotic phenotypes appeared in the spermatids of histone H4 mutants and in the spermatids in testes depleted for chromosome-construction factors. Considering these genetic data, we propose that abnormal chromosome segregation leading to CIN development results from a loss of chromosome integrity caused by diminished canonical histone levels in mxc mutants.

Disease Models & Mechanisms, 2019
The innate immune response is the first line of defence against microbial infections. In Drosophi... more The innate immune response is the first line of defence against microbial infections. In Drosophila, two major immune pathways induce the synthesis of antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) in the fat body. Recently, it has been reported that certain cationic AMPs exhibit selective cytotoxicity against human cancer cells. However, not much is known about their anti-tumour effects. Drosophila mxcmbn1 mutants exhibit malignant hyperplasia in a larval haematopoietic organ called the lymph gland (LG). Here, using RNA-Seq analysis, we found that many immunoresponsive genes, including AMP genes, were up-regulated in the mutants. Down-regulation of these pathways by either a Toll or an imd mutation enhanced the tumour phenotype of the mxc mutants. Conversely, ectopic expression of each of five different AMPs in the fat body significantly suppressed the LG hyperplasia phenotype in the mutants. Thus, we propose that the Drosophila innate immune system can suppress the progression of haematopoietic tu...

The innate immune response is the first line of defense against microbial infections. In Drosophi... more The innate immune response is the first line of defense against microbial infections. In Drosophila, three immune pathways induce the synthesis of antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) in the fat body. Recently, it has been reported that certain cationic AMPs exhibit selective cytotoxicity against human cancer cells. However, little is known about their anti-tumor effects. Drosophila mxcmbn1 mutants exhibit malignant hyperplasia in a larval hematopoietic organ called the lymph gland (LG). Here, using RNA-Seq analysis, we found that many immunoresponsive genes, including AMP genes, were up-regulated in the mutants. Down-regulation of these pathways by either a Toll or an imd mutation enhanced the tumor phenotype of the mxc mutants. Conversely, ectopic expression of each of five different AMPs in the fat body significantly suppressed the LG hyperplasia phenotype in the mutants. Thus, we propose that the Drosophila innate immune system can suppress progression of hematopoietic tumors by induci...

Genes to Cells, 2018
MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are involved in the regulation of important biological processes. Here, we des... more MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are involved in the regulation of important biological processes. Here, we describe a novel Drosophila miRNAs involved in aging. We selected eight Drosophila miRNAs, displaying high homology with seed sequences of aging-related miRNAs characterized in other species, and investigated whether the over-expression of these miRNAs affected aging in Drosophila adult flies. The lifespan of adults over-expressing miR-305, a miRNA showing high homology with miR-239 in C. elegans, was significantly shorter. Conversely, a reduction in miR-305 expression led to a longer lifespan than that in control flies. miR-305 over-expression accelerated the impairment of locomotor activity and promoted the age-dependent accumulation of poly-ubiquitinated protein aggregates in the muscle, as flies aged. Thus, we show that the ectopic expression of miR-305 has a deleterious effect on aging in Drosophila. To identify the targets of miR-305, we performed RNA-Seq. We discovered several mRNAs encoding antimicrobial peptides and insulin-like peptides, whose expression changed in adults upon miR-305 over-expression. We further confirmed, by qRT-PCR, that miR-305 over-expression significantly decreases the mRNA levels of four antimicrobial peptides. As these mRNAs contain multiple sequences matching the seed sequence of miR-305, we speculate that a reduction in target mRNA levels, caused by ectopic miRNA expression, promotes aging.

Biology open, Jan 15, 2016
In higher eukaryotes, nuclear envelope (NE) disassembly allows chromatin to condense and spindle ... more In higher eukaryotes, nuclear envelope (NE) disassembly allows chromatin to condense and spindle microtubules to access kinetochores. The nuclear lamina, which strengthens the NE, is composed of a polymer meshwork made of A- and B-type lamins. We found that the B-type lamin (Lam) is not fully disassembled and continues to localize along the spindle envelope structure during Drosophila male meiosis I, while the A-type lamin (LamC) is completely dispersed throughout the cytoplasm. Among the nuclear pore complex proteins, Nup107 co-localized with Lam during this meiotic division. Surprisingly, Lam depletion resulted in a higher frequency of cytokinesis failure in male meiosis. We also observed the similar meiotic phenotype in Nup107-depleted cells. Abnormal localization of Lam was found in the Nup-depleted cells at premeiotic and meiotic stages. The central spindle microtubules became abnormal and recruitment of a contractile ring component to the cleavage sites was disrupted in Lam-de...

Spermatogenesis, 2016
Drosophila Jumonji/Jarid2 (dJmj) has been identified as a component of Polycomb repressive comple... more Drosophila Jumonji/Jarid2 (dJmj) has been identified as a component of Polycomb repressive complex 2. However, it is suggested that dJmj has both PRC-dependent and-independent roles. Subcellular localization of dJmj during spermatogenesis is unknown. We therefore performed immunocytochemical analyses with specific antibodies to dJmj and tri-methylation at lysine 27 on histone H3 (H3K27me3). Interestingly, dJmj exclusively localizes at nucleolus in the late growth stage. Examination of the dJmj localization in various Polycomb group (PcG) mutant lines at the late growth stage allowed identification of some PcG genes, including Polycomb (Pc), to be responsible for dJmj recruitment to nucleolus. In addition, we found that size of nucleolus was decreased in some of these mutant lines. In a mutant of testis-specific TAF homolog (tTAF) that is responsible for nucleolus localization of Pc, dJmj signals were detected not only at nucleolus but also on the condensed chromatin in the late growth stage. Duolink In situ Proximity ligation assay clarified that Pc interacts with dJmj at nucleolus in the late growth stage. Furthermore, the level of H3K27me3 decreased in nuclei at this stage. Taken together, we conclude that tTAF is responsible for recruitments of dJmj to nucleolus in the late growth stage that appears to be mediated by Pc. Compartmentalization of dJmj in nucleolus together with some of PcG may be necessary to derepress the expression of genes required to cellular growth and proliferation in the following meiotic divisions.
Papers by Yoshihiro Inoue