Papers by Yohannes Willihelm Saleky

Jurnal Inovasi Bahan Lokal dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat
Consumption of vegetables and nuts in the community, especially elementary school age children is... more Consumption of vegetables and nuts in the community, especially elementary school age children is still low. Intake of vegetables and nuts can be obtained from snacks such as brownies. Red bean flour and moringa leaf flour which are added as ingredients for brownies can be used as snacks high in protein and iron in an effort to increase the intake of vegetables and nuts in elementary school-aged children. The aim of the study was to determine the effect of red bean flour and Moringa leaf flour formulations on organoleptic properties, protein content, and iron content. This research is an experimental study with a comparison formulation of red bean flour and Moringa leaf flour F1 50%: 50%, F2 70%: 30%, and F3 30%: 70%. The organoleptic test was carried out by 30 moderately trained panelists, then the best results were tested for protein content by the micro-kjeldahl method and iron content by the ICP-OES method. Data analysis used the Kruskal Wallis test, followed by the Mann Whitney...

Jurnal Inovasi Bahan Lokal dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat
Endurance athletes potentially have dehydration because the activity that carried out continuousl... more Endurance athletes potentially have dehydration because the activity that carried out continuously for a long time.The activity can increase oxygen consumption that may lead to the production of free radicals that have a bad effect for health .To neutralize free radicals in the body , athletes need to consume antioxidant .Research aims to asses the differences in formulation of strawberries and mulberry organoleptic ( color, aroma , taste and viscosity) in the sports drink and also potassium, sodium , antioxidant activity and osmolality content in selected sports drinks . Design research used is experimental. Based on statistical tests, there are no significant differences of the formulation on the color , aroma , taste and viscosity. Test the preferences by the 30 disciplinary shows that F3 (75% strawberries: 25% mulberry) is most favored with average score color ( 5.8 ), aroma ( 5.8 ), taste ( 5.37 ) and viscosity ( 5.67 ). In 1 kg sport of drink (F3) containing 704.9 mg sodium, 1...

Potravinarstvo, Sep 1, 2022
In disaster conditions, the elderly are vulnerable groups that require special attention. With in... more In disaster conditions, the elderly are vulnerable groups that require special attention. With increasing age, there is a decrease in biological function and psychological disorders. The elderly tend to have anxiety, especially during disaster conditions. This anxiety has an impact on the diet and health of the elderly. Soybean (Glycine max L.) flour biscuits and Ambon banana (Musa paradisiaca var. sapientum L.) flour is a food product that meets disaster emergency food requirements and food requirements for the elderly. It is appropriate to be used as an alternative disaster emergency food for the elderly. This study aims to determine the effect of the balance of the soybean flour biscuit formula Ambon banana flour on the organoleptic and protein properties. The research design used is an experimental study, with the research method used is a hedonic test for testing organoleptic properties and the Kjeldahl procedure for testing protein content. The formula of Ambon banana and soybean flour biscuits consisted of three balances, with the ratio of Ambon banana flour soybean flour (%) F1 (45:55), F2 (35:65), and F3 (25:75). From the study results, it can be concluded that there is a significant difference in the test results of organoleptic properties only for colour. Moreover, there are no significant differences in the test results of organoleptic properties, including aroma, taste, texture, and overall. In the test results of organoleptic properties, the balance (25:75) was declared superior overall. The 45:55 balance contains 8.01% protein, the 35:65 balance contains 7.23% protein, and the 25:75 balance includes 7.42%.

Jurnal Inovasi Bahan Lokal dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat
Kekurangan gizi pada remaja dapat dicegah dengan pengembangan makanan selingan berbasis pangan lo... more Kekurangan gizi pada remaja dapat dicegah dengan pengembangan makanan selingan berbasis pangan lokal dari tepung tempe dan tepung daun kelor. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui adanya pengaruh formulasi tepung tempe dan tepung daun kelor terhadap sifat organoleptik serta mengetahui nilai gizi (energi, karbohidrat, protein, lemak dan zat besi) pada cookies. Desain penelitian ini adalah eksperimental, melihat pengaruh penambahan tepung tempe dan tepung daun kelor terhadap tiga formulasi yang berbeda, yaitu F1 (30%:5%), F2 (25%:10%) dan F3 (20%:15%). Pengujian organoleptik dilakukan kepada 30 panelis agak terlatih. Hasil uji normalitas dengan Shapiro-wilk menunjukkan nilai p (0.000) < α (0.05), data tidak terdistribusi normal. Hasil uji Kruskal Wallis menunjukkan adanya perbedaan yang bermakna pada tingkat kesukaan panelis terhadap warna pada formula F1 dan F2 serta formula F1 dan F3 dan rasa pada formula F1 dan F3 serta formula F2 dan F3. Hasil uji laboratorium menunjukkan per 100 ...
Papers by Yohannes Willihelm Saleky