Papers by Yemisi Bolumole
The Cranfield School of Management Working Papers Series has been running since 1987, with approx... more The Cranfield School of Management Working Papers Series has been running since 1987, with approximately 450 papers so far from the nine academic groups of the School: Economics; ABSTRACT , I-..a1 :d *Y#\ -*i,; * b"i Y 'r' ! I -7-t) -, . '-1^ / Logistics, defined as the process of strategically managing the procurement, movement aw s~ora@' 1. ( materials; parts; finished inventory and related information flow through the organisation and its marketing channels, is increasingly being recognised as a vital part of an organisation's marketing strategy.

International Journal of Production Research, 2015
ABSTRACT Extant literature suggests that product modularity positively and directly impacts the t... more ABSTRACT Extant literature suggests that product modularity positively and directly impacts the timeliness and frequency of new products as well as manufacturing performance, particularly flexibility. Little is known about the nature of these relationships, however, since few empirical studies have been done. Important questions remain unanswered including whether the effect of modularity on launch speed is direct or indirect, and what role other constructs might play. This study explores these issues by examining the effects of product modularity on launch speed within a holistic framework that considers the roles of product platforms and manufacturing flexibility. Drawing upon dynamic capabilities theory in the resource-based view, the model depicts product modularity as antecedent to product platforms, product platforms as antecedent to manufacturing flexibility and manufacturing flexibility as antecedent to launch speed. The model is strongly supported by an analysis of 93 manufacturers. Results reveal a positive effect of product modularity on launch speed, but it is delivered through the mediating effects of product platforms and manufacturing flexibility. In contrast to earlier work, the findings show modularity alone is an insufficient condition for the timely and frequent introduction of new products. Rather, launch speed is engendered by a ‘gestalt’ of dynamic capabilities.

Transportation Journal, 2015
ABSTRACT This article (re)introduces the supply chain management academic audience to the critica... more ABSTRACT This article (re)introduces the supply chain management academic audience to the critical relationship between transportation infrastructure, freight traffic, economic market drivers, and regional economic development. With the growing importance of transportation, logistics, and supply chain economics to support industrial activities, specific supply chain asset investments can significantly impact national, local, and regional economies. At the same time, the relative availability, quality, and cost of a range of transportation services, particularly those relevant to essential intermodal activities and infrastructure influence firms' location decisions. By introducing an economic-geography perspective to a thus-far transportation-centric conversation, this article explores how states and their regions compete based on economic value propositions adopted on a much broader scale.

International Journal of Production Research, 2014
ABSTRACT Innovation and new product development (NPD) are becoming more important as strategic in... more ABSTRACT Innovation and new product development (NPD) are becoming more important as strategic initiatives. Yet, innovation creates challenges for most existing organisations, thus leading to the emergence of new ventures (NVs) as vehicles to deliver innovation. NVs present owners and management with unique opportunities and challenges. On one hand, the NV can focus its attention on specific innovation(s) without having to compete with other goals and departments for resource access. Resources are critical to the successful development and launch of new products and can come from financial lenders and/or suppliers. However, because they are new and because their only asset of worth is the highly risky innovation, NVs are at a strong disadvantage in securing access to these resources. This study explores the effectiveness of using personal equity investments as a strategy for securing access and for enhancing NPD success. Using signalling theory as the theoretical framework and data from 745 NPD projects representing manufacturing innovations, this study finds that equity investment is particularly successful in its NPD impact although not impactful with suppliers. As a signal, it can be argued that equity is a strong, high-quality signal. Reasons for these findings and directions for future research are provided.
The International Journal of Logistics Management, 2003
Evaluating the Supply Chain Role of Logistics Service Providers Yemisi A. Bolumole University of ... more Evaluating the Supply Chain Role of Logistics Service Providers Yemisi A. Bolumole University of North Florida As logistics becomes more ... situation includes re-orienting the client organization towards a cross-functional and ultimately external supply chain focus for developing ...
The International Journal of Logistics Management, 2001
The Cranfield School of Management Working Papers Series has been running since 1987, with approx... more The Cranfield School of Management Working Papers Series has been running since 1987, with approximately 450 papers so far from the nine academic groups of the School: Economics; ABSTRACT , I-..a1 :d *Y#\ -*i,; * b"i Y 'r' ! I -7-t) -, . '-1^ / Logistics, defined as the process of strategically managing the procurement, movement aw s~ora@' 1. ( materials; parts; finished inventory and related information flow through the organisation and its marketing channels, is increasingly being recognised as a vital part of an organisation's marketing strategy.
Journal of Business Logistics, 2008
Journal of Business Logistics, 2005
... 21, No. 2, pp. 1946. Garver, Michael S. and John T. Mentzer (2000), Salesperson Logistics E... more ... 21, No. 2, pp. 1946. Garver, Michael S. and John T. Mentzer (2000), Salesperson Logistics Expertise: A Proposed Contingency Framework, Journal of Business Logistics, Vol. 21, No. 2, pp. 113132. Garver, Michael S. and ...
The Cranfield School of Management Working Papers Series has been running since 1987, with approx... more The Cranfield School of Management Working Papers Series has been running since 1987, with approximately 450 papers so far from the nine academic groups of the School: Economics; ABSTRACT , I-..a1 :d *Y#\ -*i,; * b"i Y 'r' ! I -7-t) -, . '-1^ / Logistics, defined as the process of strategically managing the procurement, movement aw s~ora@' 1. ( materials; parts; finished inventory and related information flow through the organisation and its marketing channels, is increasingly being recognised as a vital part of an organisation's marketing strategy.

Transportation Journal, 2014
ABSTRACT Global competition has intensified geographic repositioning of supply chain activities w... more ABSTRACT Global competition has intensified geographic repositioning of supply chain activities with implications for the economic prosperity of specific regions and geographies affected by such shifts. Despite recent advancements made in the theory and practice of facility location decisions, a gap exists in understanding how these decisions are influenced by regional geographies and their respective supply chain capabilities. As economic development agencies recognize the value inherent in location-specific and geographically concentrated supply chain capabilities, this research explores how these affect regional prosperity and economic development. Through a combination of exploratory Delphi panels, web content analysis, and cluster mapping procedures, the research suggests a framework highlighting the potential role of regional supply chain capabilities and public sector strategies on economic development outcomes. Findings indicate that regional geographies are differentially and uniquely qualified to serve as supply chain hubs by capitalizing on these capabilities through actionable public- and private sector interventions. Regional differentiation lies in supply chain elements that are place-luck embedded and as such difficult to acquire, change, or modify.

Journal of Business Logistics, 2015
ABSTRACT As global competition intensifies, the geographic fragmentation of supply chain activiti... more ABSTRACT As global competition intensifies, the geographic fragmentation of supply chain activities is creating a concentration of trade at regional freight gateways or hubs. This has significant implications for the economic prosperity of the specific gateway regions. The study explores the deliberate governance efforts of regional economic development agencies and the communities they support in their attempts to exploit location-specific logistics assets to deliver economic productivity gains. Drawing on the new institutional economics’ body of literature, the research explores prevalent governance models which represent the proactive attempts by these agencies to transform regional logistics capability into cohesive hub strategies. By adopting exploratory cluster-mapping procedures, web content analysis, and Delphi panels, study findings suggest a typology of multijurisdiction, and multiagency governance models representing the collaborative efforts between public sector and government agencies, academic institutions, and private sector organizations within selected European and U.S. logistics hubs. Each governance type is defined in accordance to specific economic organization and proficiency characteristics.

Transportation Journal
What constitutes excellence in publication productivity in logistics journals? Several previous s... more What constitutes excellence in publication productivity in logistics journals? Several previous studies have examined this question at the institutional level. However, prior literature has not examined in detail the research productivity patterns of the entire distribution of individual logistics authors across a relatively large number of journals within a lengthy time frame. Prior work has also not established the benchmarks or thresholds of individual research productivity, in terms of both quantity and quality, which are necessary to be ranked among the leading contributors in the discipline. To address this void in the literature, we examine 3,312 articles published in seven leading logistics journals from 1990 to 2009, inclusive, to which 3,657 different individual authors contributed at least one authorship or coauthorship. Using the rankings and associated percentiles of individual authors according to six quality and quantity metrics, we identify the aggregate productivity...

OR Insight, 2008
ABSTRACT Since 2002, the Transportation and Logistics Society in the University of North Florida&... more ABSTRACT Since 2002, the Transportation and Logistics Society in the University of North Florida's Coggin College of Business has annually conducted Career Day, which in recent years has included over 200 one-on-one, 25-minute interviews conducted between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. during a single day. In 2007, Career Day involved 16 firms and 42 participating students, with each firm given 13 interview slots — creating 208 interview slots over the day — and each student getting as many as five interviews. In the past, the interview schedule was manually generated by a committee of students and faculty, necessitated 10+ hours to complete, inadvertently created occasional time conflicts for students and/or firms, and was sub-optimal in terms of firm and student preferences. In 2007, a pure binary integer linear program was employed, which assured no time conflicts for participants, optimized the combined preferences of interviewers and students, and constructed the schedule in three seconds.
The International Journal of Logistics Management, 2003
... Yemisi A. Bolumole University of North Florida A. Michael Knemeyer and Douglas M. Lambert The... more ... Yemisi A. Bolumole University of North Florida A. Michael Knemeyer and Douglas M. Lambert The Ohio State University Customer service management is the supply chain management process that represents the firm's face to the customer. ...
Journal of Business Logistics, 2010
David E. Cantor (Ph. D., University of Maryland) is Assistant Professor of Logistics and Supply C... more David E. Cantor (Ph. D., University of Maryland) is Assistant Professor of Logistics and Supply Chain Management at the College of Business, Iowa State University. He received his Ph. D. in supply chain management from the University of Maryland. Dr. Cantor's ...
Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 2006
Purpose -The paper seeks to examine the changing landscape of supply chain management, marketing ... more Purpose -The paper seeks to examine the changing landscape of supply chain management, marketing channels of distribution, logistics and purchasing. Design/methodology/approach -The authors examine and take stock of the changing nature and landscape surrounding the related disciplines of supply chain management, marketing channels of distribution, logistics and purchasing. This examination highlights the considerable evolution and significant advances occurring within and between these disciplines. Findings -The authors find that this new landscape provides both opportunities and challenges for future scholarship and practice in these related disciplines.
Transportation journal, 2007
Outsourcing has become popular in management literature and practice. The way in which it is impl... more Outsourcing has become popular in management literature and practice. The way in which it is implemented, however, differs from one organization to another. This makes our understanding of the concept very difficult because outsourcing means different things to different ...
Papers by Yemisi Bolumole