Papers by Yasmeen Abdelmoaty

Journal of Association of Arab Universities for Tourism and Hospitality , 2025
In today's knowledge-based economy, travel agencies seek to enhance their innovative capabilities... more In today's knowledge-based economy, travel agencies seek to enhance their innovative capabilities as a reason for their survival and growth and one of the most important sources of achieving their competitive advantage. From this standpoint, it has become necessary for travel agencies to strive to create an organizational culture that emphasizes the importance of learning and knowledge management. The purpose of this research was to investigate the intersection between Organizational Learning and the entire knowledge management cycle, which encompasses four phases (knowledge generation, documentation, sharing, and usage), to enhance the innovation capabilities in Egyptian travel agencies. The research model was built and validated using structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) techniques. Information was obtained using a standardized survey administered to 400 staff members of 50 travel agencies category (A) in Cairo. The response rate was 90%. The findings of the research concluded that in nowadays dynamic business environment, learning techniques that occurs inside an organization fosters knowledge management process which enhances its innovative capabilities. The study presented a number of recommendations that work to improve the actual practices of organizational learning and knowledge management processes within Egyptian travel agencies.

Journal of Association of Arab Universities for Tourism and Hospitality , 2024
This study evaluates the effectiveness of the formulation and implementation of the ChatGPT lingu... more This study evaluates the effectiveness of the formulation and implementation of the ChatGPT linguistic model within the established framework of Bloom's taxonomy, specifically in relation to cognitive learning outcomes (remembering, understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating, and creating) employing Biggs's Presage-Process-Product (3P) Model as a conceptual framework. Through a comprehensive analysis of empirical evidence and case studies from 410 students of faculties of hotel and tourism technology at East Port Said University and Taibah University. Warp PLS 7.0 was used to do "Partial Least Squares" PLS and "Structured Equation Modelling" SEM in order to investigate the suggested theoretical ideas. The study's findings asserted that the advanced natural language processing features intrinsic to ChatGPT have catalyzed a transition from the linear, hierarchical configuration of Bloom's taxonomy, facilitating a shift toward a more dynamic and fluid model of knowledge acquisition and application. Furthermore, the results of this study contribute to the enhancement of the tourism education outcomes based on Bloom's taxonomy framework and recommend that incorporating ChatGPT and similar language models into educational and training initiatives may result in more effective and efficient learning outcomes.

المجلة الدولية للدراسات السياحية والفندقية, 2024
سعت الدراسة إلى قياس أثر القيادة الإبداعية في استدامة الميزة التنافسية من خلال رضاء العملاء في شر... more سعت الدراسة إلى قياس أثر القيادة الإبداعية في استدامة الميزة التنافسية من خلال رضاء العملاء في شركة مصر للطيران، لتحقيق هدف الدراسة تم تصميم استمارة استقصاء وتوزيعها على عينة من المديرين ورؤساء الأقسام والقطاعات بشركة مصر للطيران حيث تم توزيع 350 استمارة وتم الاعتماد على تحليل 282 استمارة قابلة للتحليل الإحصائي بإستخدام برنامج(SPSS,V.27) وبرنامج (AMOS,V.24)لدراسة العلاقة بين متغيرات الدراسة: المستقل، والوسيط، والتابع ولتوضيح التأثير المباشر وغير المباشر لمتغيرات الدراسة، وللتحقق من وجود تأثير لرضاء العملاء كمتغير وسيط في العلاقة بين المتغير المستقل والمتغير التابع. وقد توصلت الدراسة إلى عدد من النتائج أبرزها ، وجود علاقة معنوية موجبة بين أبعاد القيادة الإبداعية (الحساسية للمشكلات، الإبداع، المرونة ، المثابرة، الطلاقة والأصالة)، وتحقيق الميزة التنافسية المستدامة بأبعادها(الجودة الفائقة، الاستجابة الفائقة، المرونة الفائقة، الإبداع والتطوير المستمر) من خلال رضاء العملاء كوسيط في شركة مصر للطيران، وقد أوصت الدراسة بضرورة الاهتمام بتطبيق أبعاد القيادة الإبداعية في شركة مصر للطيران لما لها من تأثير في تحقيق رضاء العملاء واستدامة الميزة التنافسية ، وضرورة تدريب العاملين بالشركة لرفع قدراتهم الإبداعية وخبراتهم من خلال استخدام أحدث الطرق التكنولوجية، وتوفير المناخ الذي يدعم تحقيق ذلك.

The International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Studies (IJTHS) O6U, 2024
Awareness of the environment and environmental ethical behaviors are increasing day by day in the... more Awareness of the environment and environmental ethical behaviors are increasing day by day in the travel and tourism sector. Different concepts are examined from the green point of view. This research examines the impact of green transformational leadership GTL on employees' green behaviors EGB with the mediating role of green Human Resource Management GHRM practices and the moderating role of employee green values EGVs. Hypothesized relationships were tested through a sample of 250 employees in EGYPTAIR Training Academy, and structured equation modeling (PLS-SEM) was conducted to analyze the obtained data. Findings reflected a significant impact of green transformational leadership GTL on both in-role and extra-role employees' green behaviors. Besides, green human resource management practices mediated the relationship between the green transformational leadership and both types of green behaviors. Furthermore, it was observed that the individual green values as a moderator variable, strengthened the association between green human resource management and both types of green behaviors. Research findings assure that the adoption of these green strategies will empower Egypt Air Training Academy to enhance its sustainability initiatives and establish itself as a benchmark for other entities.

The International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Studies (IJTHS) O6U, 2024
This research aims to proposes a novel comprehensive conceptual framing model based on the SO -R ... more This research aims to proposes a novel comprehensive conceptual framing model based on the SO -R (Stimulus-Organism-Response Theory), the Flow Theory, and UTAUT the (Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology), to explore the impact of VR technological features, specifically those found in the Wadi Degla Protectorate Virtual Museum, on user's involvement behaviour and consequent visit intentions. The reliability of this model is then examined through partial lest squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) using information gathered from a survey of a sample of 420 participants of Wadi Degla Virtual Museum Experience in Cairo between August and December of 2023, with cooperation of Natural Conversation Egypt NCE. The findings indicate that within the realm of VR tourism, elements of flow theory and UTAUT serve as precursors to visitors' behaviours, that is in turn, trigger their involvement with the destination and their intention to visit. Consequently, this research makes noteworthy contributions and offers some insights that can benefit relevant stakeholders seeking to leverage VR technologies in bolstering visitation intent for destinations.

The International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Studies (IJTHS) O6U, 2023
The travel industry has undergone significant changes in recent years with the rise of a... more Abstract
The travel industry has undergone significant changes in recent years with the rise of a new concept for selling tickets and airline services. New Distribution Capabilities (NDC) is a technology platform powered by IATA and developed by airlines that enables travel agencies to access rich content and services directly from airlines. This research aims to measure the NDC usage acceptance in Egyptian travel agents comparing to GDS usage, by appointing Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) Theory as a base. (TAM) aspects are integrated with other constructs which is retrieved from the factors that affecting the GDS usage. According to this model, Egyptian travel agents agreed with that NDC is ease of use and do not have technical obstacles of training their staff on its implementations, however they still uncertain about the ability of NDC in all other factors compared with GDS system and they are not ready yet for the complete transmission from GDS into NDC. Then, the study employed Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA), to analyze Egyptian travel agents’ perceived importance and operation of New Distribution Capabilities (NDC). The (IPA) grids have illustrated that NDC has had a positive effect on travel agencies, providing them with more options, better pricing, improved customer experiences, and allows those who have the potential to be flight aggregator. However, NDC has also presented challenges for travel agencies, such as uncertainty about adoption to new concept and how good is as GDS as accurate and ease to use. Overall, the results suggest that NDC has the potential to enhance the operations of travel agencies but also requires careful consideration and planning.

المجلة المصرية للسياحة والضيافة, 2022
In order to attain competitive superiority as a new administrative direction based on the organiz... more In order to attain competitive superiority as a new administrative direction based on the organization's ability to outperform its competitors by providing superior value to customers, the current research attempts to determine the impact of proactive marketing dimensions as a tool for monitoring, detecting, and identifying variable changes in the business environment before they occur, and working to keep up with them. this research is applied to Greater Cairo's category (A) Egyptian travel agents. The descriptive-analytical method was employed to achieve the research goals. The study sample was selected from employees who worked in marketing, senior management, and tour program design. By applying the Robrt Mason formula, the sample size was calculated to be 382 people, who were chosen by simple random sampling. A survey questionnaire was used to gather data, and 322 fully completed questionnaires' worth of data were analyzed using SPSS 20 to test the study's hypotheses. The lack of a comprehensive understanding of proactive marketing, despite some travel agents applying some of its dimensions, and the statistically significant relationship between applying proactive marketing dimensions and attaining competitive superiority from the viewpoint of Egyptian travel agents' employees are two of the most significant findings of the research. The research also provided several recommendations, including the necessity for management in Egyptian travel agents to focus on developing a comprehensive understanding of proactive marketing and its application strategies, in order to achieve a competitive superiority.

International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Studies /International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Studies, Jul 1, 2023
The travel industry has undergone significant changes in recent years with the rise of a new conc... more The travel industry has undergone significant changes in recent years with the rise of a new concept for selling tickets and airline services. New Distribution Capabilities NDC is a technology platform powered by IATA and developed by airlines that enables travel agencies to access rich content and services directly from airlines. This research aims to measure the NDC usage acceptance in Egyptian travel agents comparing to GDS usage, by appointing Technology Acceptance Model TAM Theory as a base. TAM aspects are integrated with other constructs which is retrieved from the factors that affecting the GDS usage. According to this model, Egyptian travel agents agreed with that NDC is ease of use and do not have technical obstacles of training their staff on its implementations, however they still uncertain about the ability of NDC in all other factors compared with GDS system and they are not ready yet for the complete transmission from GDS into NDC. Then, the study employed Importance-Performance Analysis IPA, to analyze Egyptian travel agents' perceived importance and operation of New Distribution Capabilities NDC. The IPA grids have illustrated that NDC has had a positive effect on travel agencies, providing them with more options, better pricing, improved customer experiences, and allows those who have the potential to be flight aggregator. However, NDC has also presented challenges for travel agencies, such as uncertainty about adoption to new concept and how good is as GDS as accurate and ease to use. Overall, the results suggest that NDC has the potential to enhance the operations of travel agencies but also requires careful consideration and planning.
Papers by Yasmeen Abdelmoaty
The travel industry has undergone significant changes in recent years with the rise of a new concept for selling tickets and airline services. New Distribution Capabilities (NDC) is a technology platform powered by IATA and developed by airlines that enables travel agencies to access rich content and services directly from airlines. This research aims to measure the NDC usage acceptance in Egyptian travel agents comparing to GDS usage, by appointing Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) Theory as a base. (TAM) aspects are integrated with other constructs which is retrieved from the factors that affecting the GDS usage. According to this model, Egyptian travel agents agreed with that NDC is ease of use and do not have technical obstacles of training their staff on its implementations, however they still uncertain about the ability of NDC in all other factors compared with GDS system and they are not ready yet for the complete transmission from GDS into NDC. Then, the study employed Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA), to analyze Egyptian travel agents’ perceived importance and operation of New Distribution Capabilities (NDC). The (IPA) grids have illustrated that NDC has had a positive effect on travel agencies, providing them with more options, better pricing, improved customer experiences, and allows those who have the potential to be flight aggregator. However, NDC has also presented challenges for travel agencies, such as uncertainty about adoption to new concept and how good is as GDS as accurate and ease to use. Overall, the results suggest that NDC has the potential to enhance the operations of travel agencies but also requires careful consideration and planning.
The travel industry has undergone significant changes in recent years with the rise of a new concept for selling tickets and airline services. New Distribution Capabilities (NDC) is a technology platform powered by IATA and developed by airlines that enables travel agencies to access rich content and services directly from airlines. This research aims to measure the NDC usage acceptance in Egyptian travel agents comparing to GDS usage, by appointing Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) Theory as a base. (TAM) aspects are integrated with other constructs which is retrieved from the factors that affecting the GDS usage. According to this model, Egyptian travel agents agreed with that NDC is ease of use and do not have technical obstacles of training their staff on its implementations, however they still uncertain about the ability of NDC in all other factors compared with GDS system and they are not ready yet for the complete transmission from GDS into NDC. Then, the study employed Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA), to analyze Egyptian travel agents’ perceived importance and operation of New Distribution Capabilities (NDC). The (IPA) grids have illustrated that NDC has had a positive effect on travel agencies, providing them with more options, better pricing, improved customer experiences, and allows those who have the potential to be flight aggregator. However, NDC has also presented challenges for travel agencies, such as uncertainty about adoption to new concept and how good is as GDS as accurate and ease to use. Overall, the results suggest that NDC has the potential to enhance the operations of travel agencies but also requires careful consideration and planning.