Indonesian Journal of Learning Education and Counseling
Spiritual intelligence is someone's intelligence in giving meaning. Spiritual intelligence is... more Spiritual intelligence is someone's intelligence in giving meaning. Spiritual intelligence is more important than emotional intelligence and intellectual intelligence. Because spiritual intelligence is a driving force for other intelligences. Therefore, this intelligence must be increased so that it can develop and can be a driving force for other intelligences. To improve spiritual intelligence, it should start as early as possible even since the child is still in the womb, this intelligence has begun to be planted. In this case, of course, the roles and skills of parents determine the process of improving children's spiritual intelligence. Because parents are the first educators for children. This study uses the library research method. The purpose of this study was to find out how the roles and steps of parents in improving children's spiritual intelligence and what factors are supporting in increasing children's spiritual intelligence. The results of this study i...
El-Furqania : Jurnal Ushuluddin dan Ilmu-Ilmu Keislaman, 2018
Polygamy in Islam is not something new as the accusations of the Orientalists who accused the Pro... more Polygamy in Islam is not something new as the accusations of the Orientalists who accused the Prophet Muhammad as an apostle. Polygamy before Islam had become a tradition of Arab ignorance at that time. From history we can also learn that the earlier prophets were accustomed to having more than one adult. The coming of Islam brings something new about polygamy, regardless as a shari'ah or just as an act which is permissible under certain circumstances. The purpose of this study is to see how the description of polygamy status in reinterpretation. This research uses literature literature method. The results of this study are described that polygamy is not a recommendation or command. But he is only a ruhksah that can be done on a certain condition with very strict conditions, that is, the person who is going to be polygamy should be able and fair to the wives and children. If worried can not meet the two main requirements are highly recommended to marry a woman only. If still wor...
Indonesian Journal of Learning Education and Counseling
Spiritual intelligence is someone's intelligence in giving meaning. Spiritual intelligence is... more Spiritual intelligence is someone's intelligence in giving meaning. Spiritual intelligence is more important than emotional intelligence and intellectual intelligence. Because spiritual intelligence is a driving force for other intelligences. Therefore, this intelligence must be increased so that it can develop and can be a driving force for other intelligences. To improve spiritual intelligence, it should start as early as possible even since the child is still in the womb, this intelligence has begun to be planted. In this case, of course, the roles and skills of parents determine the process of improving children's spiritual intelligence. Because parents are the first educators for children. This study uses the library research method. The purpose of this study was to find out how the roles and steps of parents in improving children's spiritual intelligence and what factors are supporting in increasing children's spiritual intelligence. The results of this study i...
El-Furqania : Jurnal Ushuluddin dan Ilmu-Ilmu Keislaman, 2018
Polygamy in Islam is not something new as the accusations of the Orientalists who accused the Pro... more Polygamy in Islam is not something new as the accusations of the Orientalists who accused the Prophet Muhammad as an apostle. Polygamy before Islam had become a tradition of Arab ignorance at that time. From history we can also learn that the earlier prophets were accustomed to having more than one adult. The coming of Islam brings something new about polygamy, regardless as a shari'ah or just as an act which is permissible under certain circumstances. The purpose of this study is to see how the description of polygamy status in reinterpretation. This research uses literature literature method. The results of this study are described that polygamy is not a recommendation or command. But he is only a ruhksah that can be done on a certain condition with very strict conditions, that is, the person who is going to be polygamy should be able and fair to the wives and children. If worried can not meet the two main requirements are highly recommended to marry a woman only. If still wor...
Papers by Yanto Yanto