Factors Associated with Hypertension among Postmenopausal Women in Parangtritis Coastal Area in Bantul, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 2021
Background: Blood pressure tends to increase in women associated with menopause. Thus, post-menop... more Background: Blood pressure tends to increase in women associated with menopause. Thus, post-menopausal women more often had hypertension than pre-menopausal. One of the risk factors for hypertension is high blood cholesterol levels (hypercholesterolemia). Meanwhile, people who live in coastal areas can suffer from hypertension, which is higher than in rural or mountain areas. Objective: To study the factors associated with hypertension among post-menopausal women in Parangtritis Coastal Area. Method: We used an observational study using the Case-Control design conducted in Parangtritis village, Kretek subdistrict, Bantul district, in June-July 2013. Amount 62 respondents were recruited using consecutive sampling consist of 31 people for each case and control-data obtained from primary data (measurements and interviews). Analysis war performs using descriptive and the Chi-Square test. Results: Among the three risk factors we assessed, age and BMI significantly affect postmenopausal women's hypertension. At the same time, total cholesterol is not a risk factor for post-menopausal women to get hypertension. Conclusion: There was an association between age, BMI, and hypertension among postmenopausal women in Parangtritis coastal area. In contrast, total cholesterol was not a risk factor for post-menopausal women to get hypertension.
Banyak penelitian yang menunjukan bahwa kualitas layanan pada berbagai fasilitas kesehatan dipeng... more Banyak penelitian yang menunjukan bahwa kualitas layanan pada berbagai fasilitas kesehatan dipengaruhi oleh sumber pembiayaan. Hal serupa juga ditemukan di Unit Rawat Inap. Berbagai data menunjukan bahwa ada perbedaan layanan pasien antara pasien umum dan pasien JKN. Hal ini tentunya bertentangan dengan Peraturan Presiden Republik Indonesia No.82 Tahun 2018 bahwa peserta JKN berhak mendapatkan layanan kesehatan sesuai dengan kebutuhan medis yang diperlukan. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membahas seberapa besar perbedaan tingkat kepuasan pasien JKN dan pasien umum terhadap mutu pelayanan di Unit Rawat Inap. Metode studi dilakukan dengan pendekatan Narative review yang bersumber pada database PubMed, Google schollar dan IJPHS. Terdapat 39.970 artikel yang ditemukan dengan kata kunci kepuasan pasien dan mutu layanan kesehatan; patient satisfaction and quality of health services. Selanjutnya artikel tersebut diidentifikasi, disaring, hingga diperoleh 5 artikel yang mem...
Proceedings of the International Conference on Medical Education (ICME 2021)
Background: The Covid-19 pandemic has caused changes in activity. Changing physical activity can ... more Background: The Covid-19 pandemic has caused changes in activity. Changing physical activity can cause various psychological changes in humans. For medical students, psychological changes because physical activity is an important factor in supporting academic motivation to learn. This study was aimed to examine the correlation between physical activity and academic motivation of undergraduate medical students at the Universitas Islam Indonesia during the pandemic. Methods: This study was an observational study using a cross-sectional method with a sample of undergraduate medical students at the Universitas Islam Indonesia. Data was collected through an e-questionnaire. Physical activity was measured by the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ), and Academic Motivation was measured by the Intrinsic Motivation to Know (IMTK), which is part of the Academic Motivation Scale (AMS). Subjects were selected through consecutive sampling methods and followed the inclusion and exclusion criteria. After the main test was carried out, statistical analysis was then conducted. Results: Data analysis using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov normality test with two variables (physical activity and academic motivation) obtained p <0.05. The Spearman test showed non-significant results with p> 0.05 Conclusion: This study shows that there is no relationship between physical activity and academic motivation of Undergraduate Medical Students of the Universitas Islam Indonesia during the Pandemic. Keywords: Academic Motivation, Pandemic, Physical Activity.
Background: Blood pressure tends to increase in women associated with menopause. Thus, post-menop... more Background: Blood pressure tends to increase in women associated with menopause. Thus, post-menopausal women more often had hypertension than pre-menopausal. One of the risk factors for hypertension is high blood cholesterol levels (hypercholesterolemia). Meanwhile, people who live in coastal areas can suffer from hypertension, which is higher than in rural or mountain areas. Objective : To study the factors associated with hypertension among post-menopausal women in Parangtritis Coastal Area. Method: We used an observational study using the Case-Control design conducted in Parangtritis village, Kretek subdistrict, Bantul district, in June-July 2013. Amount 62 respondents were recruited using consecutive sampling consist of 31 people for each case and control—data obtained from primary data (measurements and interviews). Analysis war performs using descriptive and the Chi-Square test. Results: Among the three risk factors we assessed, age and BMI significantly affect post-menopausal...
Pendahuluan: Salah satu metode untuk meningkatkan prestasi belajar adalah dengan metode peer tuto... more Pendahuluan: Salah satu metode untuk meningkatkan prestasi belajar adalah dengan metode peer tutoring. Mahasiswa dapat menumbuhkan dan meningkatkan minat belajar mereka, sehingga materi-materi pembelajaran pada tutorial dapat dengan mudah dipahami. Dengan meningkatnya minat belajar mahasiswa, maka keberhasilan belajar mahasiswa akan tercapai. Permasalahan yang diangkat dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana pengaruh metode peer tutoring terhadap hasil keaktifan nilai tutorial. Tujuan Penelitian yaitu mengetahui adanya hubungan peer tutoring terhadap nilai keaktifan tutorial Blok Pada Anak pada mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran UII Angkatan 2015.Metode: Penelitian yang dilakukan adalah penelitian eksperimental murni. Desain penelitian ini menggunakan posttest only with control design. Sejumlah 40 subjek penelitian berasal dari 2 kelompok berbeda. Perbandingan kelompok kontrol dengan kelompok perlakuan adalah 1:1. Kelompok kontrol adalah kelompok yang tidak diberikan peer tutoring dan kelo...
Factors Associated with Hypertension among Postmenopausal Women in Parangtritis Coastal Area in Bantul, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 2021
Background: Blood pressure tends to increase in women associated with menopause. Thus, post-menop... more Background: Blood pressure tends to increase in women associated with menopause. Thus, post-menopausal women more often had hypertension than pre-menopausal. One of the risk factors for hypertension is high blood cholesterol levels (hypercholesterolemia). Meanwhile, people who live in coastal areas can suffer from hypertension, which is higher than in rural or mountain areas. Objective: To study the factors associated with hypertension among post-menopausal women in Parangtritis Coastal Area. Method: We used an observational study using the Case-Control design conducted in Parangtritis village, Kretek subdistrict, Bantul district, in June-July 2013. Amount 62 respondents were recruited using consecutive sampling consist of 31 people for each case and control-data obtained from primary data (measurements and interviews). Analysis war performs using descriptive and the Chi-Square test. Results: Among the three risk factors we assessed, age and BMI significantly affect postmenopausal women's hypertension. At the same time, total cholesterol is not a risk factor for post-menopausal women to get hypertension. Conclusion: There was an association between age, BMI, and hypertension among postmenopausal women in Parangtritis coastal area. In contrast, total cholesterol was not a risk factor for post-menopausal women to get hypertension.
Banyak penelitian yang menunjukan bahwa kualitas layanan pada berbagai fasilitas kesehatan dipeng... more Banyak penelitian yang menunjukan bahwa kualitas layanan pada berbagai fasilitas kesehatan dipengaruhi oleh sumber pembiayaan. Hal serupa juga ditemukan di Unit Rawat Inap. Berbagai data menunjukan bahwa ada perbedaan layanan pasien antara pasien umum dan pasien JKN. Hal ini tentunya bertentangan dengan Peraturan Presiden Republik Indonesia No.82 Tahun 2018 bahwa peserta JKN berhak mendapatkan layanan kesehatan sesuai dengan kebutuhan medis yang diperlukan. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membahas seberapa besar perbedaan tingkat kepuasan pasien JKN dan pasien umum terhadap mutu pelayanan di Unit Rawat Inap. Metode studi dilakukan dengan pendekatan Narative review yang bersumber pada database PubMed, Google schollar dan IJPHS. Terdapat 39.970 artikel yang ditemukan dengan kata kunci kepuasan pasien dan mutu layanan kesehatan; patient satisfaction and quality of health services. Selanjutnya artikel tersebut diidentifikasi, disaring, hingga diperoleh 5 artikel yang mem...
Proceedings of the International Conference on Medical Education (ICME 2021)
Background: The Covid-19 pandemic has caused changes in activity. Changing physical activity can ... more Background: The Covid-19 pandemic has caused changes in activity. Changing physical activity can cause various psychological changes in humans. For medical students, psychological changes because physical activity is an important factor in supporting academic motivation to learn. This study was aimed to examine the correlation between physical activity and academic motivation of undergraduate medical students at the Universitas Islam Indonesia during the pandemic. Methods: This study was an observational study using a cross-sectional method with a sample of undergraduate medical students at the Universitas Islam Indonesia. Data was collected through an e-questionnaire. Physical activity was measured by the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ), and Academic Motivation was measured by the Intrinsic Motivation to Know (IMTK), which is part of the Academic Motivation Scale (AMS). Subjects were selected through consecutive sampling methods and followed the inclusion and exclusion criteria. After the main test was carried out, statistical analysis was then conducted. Results: Data analysis using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov normality test with two variables (physical activity and academic motivation) obtained p <0.05. The Spearman test showed non-significant results with p> 0.05 Conclusion: This study shows that there is no relationship between physical activity and academic motivation of Undergraduate Medical Students of the Universitas Islam Indonesia during the Pandemic. Keywords: Academic Motivation, Pandemic, Physical Activity.
Background: Blood pressure tends to increase in women associated with menopause. Thus, post-menop... more Background: Blood pressure tends to increase in women associated with menopause. Thus, post-menopausal women more often had hypertension than pre-menopausal. One of the risk factors for hypertension is high blood cholesterol levels (hypercholesterolemia). Meanwhile, people who live in coastal areas can suffer from hypertension, which is higher than in rural or mountain areas. Objective : To study the factors associated with hypertension among post-menopausal women in Parangtritis Coastal Area. Method: We used an observational study using the Case-Control design conducted in Parangtritis village, Kretek subdistrict, Bantul district, in June-July 2013. Amount 62 respondents were recruited using consecutive sampling consist of 31 people for each case and control—data obtained from primary data (measurements and interviews). Analysis war performs using descriptive and the Chi-Square test. Results: Among the three risk factors we assessed, age and BMI significantly affect post-menopausal...
Pendahuluan: Salah satu metode untuk meningkatkan prestasi belajar adalah dengan metode peer tuto... more Pendahuluan: Salah satu metode untuk meningkatkan prestasi belajar adalah dengan metode peer tutoring. Mahasiswa dapat menumbuhkan dan meningkatkan minat belajar mereka, sehingga materi-materi pembelajaran pada tutorial dapat dengan mudah dipahami. Dengan meningkatnya minat belajar mahasiswa, maka keberhasilan belajar mahasiswa akan tercapai. Permasalahan yang diangkat dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana pengaruh metode peer tutoring terhadap hasil keaktifan nilai tutorial. Tujuan Penelitian yaitu mengetahui adanya hubungan peer tutoring terhadap nilai keaktifan tutorial Blok Pada Anak pada mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran UII Angkatan 2015.Metode: Penelitian yang dilakukan adalah penelitian eksperimental murni. Desain penelitian ini menggunakan posttest only with control design. Sejumlah 40 subjek penelitian berasal dari 2 kelompok berbeda. Perbandingan kelompok kontrol dengan kelompok perlakuan adalah 1:1. Kelompok kontrol adalah kelompok yang tidak diberikan peer tutoring dan kelo...
Papers by Yanasta Yudo