Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis efektivitas pelayanan publik melalui sistem pengelolaan pen... more Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis efektivitas pelayanan publik melalui sistem pengelolaan pengaduan aplikasi SP4N-LAPOR dengan menggunakan teori efektivitas menurut (Martini, 1987) yang diukur melalui tiga pendekatan yaitu: pendekatan sumber, pendekatan proses, pendekatan sasaran. Desain penelitian menggunakan desain kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui studi dokumentasi, observasi, dan wawancara. Penentuan informan dilakukan melalui teknik purposive sampling kepada 11 orang, meliputi: Kepala Dinas, Kepala Bidang Layanan Informasi, Kepala Bidang Komunikasi Publik, Kepala Subbagian Perencanaan dan Evaluasi, Kepala Seksi Layanan Informasi Publik, Dinas yang terintegrasi dengan Aplikasi SP4N-LAPOR, 2 orang Staf Layanan Informasi Publik, dan 3 orang Pengguna Aplikasi. Teknik penentuan validitas keabsahan data dilaksanakan melalui strategi triangulasi sumber sedangkan Teknik analisis data dilakukan melalui reduksi, penyajian, dan verifikasi penarikan kesimpulan. Hasi...
Mencermati tantangan globalisasi dan upaya optimalisasi pemberian pelayanan kepada masyarakat mak... more Mencermati tantangan globalisasi dan upaya optimalisasi pemberian pelayanan kepada masyarakat maka penempatan ASN harus sesuai dengan kompetensi dan kualifikasi yang dibutuhkan. Salah satu cara untuk mewujudkan hal tersebut adalah dengan memanfaatkan Sistem Informasi Manajemen Kepegawaian (SIMPEG) dalam penempatan ASN. Penelitian ini berfokus pada 3 (tiga) hal yaitu: (1) bagaimana pelaksanaan SIMPEG dalam penempatan ASN, (2) faktor yang menghambat pelaksanaan SIMPEG dalam penempatan ASN, dan (3) upaya yang dilakukan untuk mengoptimalkan pemanfaatan SIMPEG dalam penempatan ASN. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan menggunakan purposive sampling dalam penentuan informan. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui teknik wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi yang kemudian dianalisis secara triangulasi. Hasil Penelian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Pelaksanaan SIMPEG dalam penempatan ASN di Pemerintah Kabupaten Sanggau sudah sesuai dengan dasar hukum dan SOP (Standart Operational Procedure), (2) faktor-faktor yang menghambat pelaksanaan SIMPEG dalam penempatan ASN di Pemerintah Kabupaten Sanggau antara lain: rendahnya kualitas data, kurangnya sumber daya pegawai dan kurangnya sarana teknologi untuk mengaplikasikan SIMPEG. Adapun upaya yang dilakukan untuk mengoptimalkan pemanfaatan SIMPEG antara lain: meningkatkan koordinasi dan sosialisasi kepada pegawai tentang pentingnya SIMPEG dalam penempatan ASN, megusulkan penambahan ASN yang mengoperasionalkan SIMPEG, dan penambahan sarana pendukung operasionalisasi SIMPEG.
Journal of Eastern European and Central Asian Research (JEECAR)
This research aimed to determine the financial accounting system's effect and human resources... more This research aimed to determine the financial accounting system's effect and human resources' value regarding the quality of government financial reports. The method used is descriptive and verification of several methods. The unit of analysis is the local government apparatus, and then the observation unit of the regional government agencies. The data processing method uses SEM, and the data used is the primary data. The results indicate an effect of the applicable financial accounting system and the quality of human resources on the value of government financial reports. The result shows that an optimal financial accounting system and competent human resources can influence quality financial reports. This research is expected to be valid for local governments in making decisions to realize effective and efficient financial reporting management.
The local autonomy policy has given very broad authority to regulate local government. To impleme... more The local autonomy policy has given very broad authority to regulate local government. To implement local government, adequate finance is required. This research aims to analyze the financial independence ratio of the Mamuju Regency Government for the 2015-2019 Fiscal Year. To find out the level of local independence ratio is to compare the local revenue with financial assistance provided by the central government, provincial governments, and loans. The research method used is qualitative research with an inductive approach. Data collection techniques are carried out through interviews and documentation. Interviews were conducted to 5 (five) informants using snowball sampling technique. The data that has been collected is then analyzed through data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results showed that the ratio analysis of local financial independence was 7.18% in the Very Low category. As for the inhibiting factors for the low ratio of financial independenc...
International Journal of Economics and Management Research
The government develops for citizens to get a job and decent living. Nevertheless, the number of ... more The government develops for citizens to get a job and decent living. Nevertheless, the number of people who are unemployed and poor is still high. To solve those problems, the government establish the Skills Development Center as a basis for sustainable entrepreneur empowerment. This research aims to analyze entrepreneurial empowerment activities at the Skills Development Center, their positive impact, the dominant factor influencing success, and the effort to optimize the success of the Skills Development Center in facing changes in the world of work. This research used a qualitative descriptive method with an inductive approach. Data collection was documentation, interviews, and observation. The informants were 11 people who were determined based on the purposive sampling technique. Data analysis techniques through reduction, display, and conclusion drawing verification. The results showed the stages of awareness, enabling, and empowerment in implementing entrepreneurial empowerme...
Batara Wisnu : Indonesian Journal of Community Services
Banyuning Village is a center of pottery craft suppliers in Buleleng Regency. The pottery craft i... more Banyuning Village is a center of pottery craft suppliers in Buleleng Regency. The pottery craft is usually used for traditional ceremonies and souvenirs. The pandemic Covid-19 has reduced the sales of craft. The purpose of community service activities is to help pottery artisans to increase sales during pandemic Covid-19 through used social media. The methods used are surveying pottery artisans not yet on social media, giving education utilization and profits using social media, product marketing the social media, and the monitor. The result shows that social media platforms important role in increasing sales during the pandemic Covid-19. Optimizing social media as product marketing can increase sales of pottery products up to 60% and reach the consumer on a broader scale
AbstrakStudi latar belakang penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui efektivitas dan kontribusiP... more AbstrakStudi latar belakang penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui efektivitas dan kontribusiPajak Daerah terhadap Pendapatan Asli Daerah di Kota Batu. Hal ini merupakankonsekuensi pemerintah daerah dalam menjalankan otonomi daerah dimana pemerintahdaerah membutuhkan sumber pembiayaan untuk melaksanakan tugas pokok danfungsinya di daerah.Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik kepustakaan dan dokumentasi, serta data penelitiandalam tulisan ini adalah data sekunder.Berdasarkan hasil analisis penulis, menunjukkan bahwa tahun 2012 memiliki efektivitasyang tertinggi (130,24%) dan tahun 2017 memiliki tingkat efektivitas yang terendah(107,41%), serta untuk kontribusi tahun 2012 memiliki kontribusi yang terbesar(157,36%) dan tahun 2013 memiliki kontribusi yang terkecil (75,15%). Saran yangdiberikan penulis dalam penelitian ini yaitu Dinas Pendapatan Daerah Kota Batu lebihmeningkatkan kinerjanya dalam melakukan pendataan seluruh potensi pajak daerah,melakukan pengawasan yang ketat dalam proses...
The government is required to manage the government system to achieve the state’s goals as guaran... more The government is required to manage the government system to achieve the state’s goals as guaranteed by the Republic of Indonesia’s constitution. The management of a government system requires fundamental changes through the Government Revolution 4.0 approach. One form of the government revolution is the District Integrated Administration Service (DIAS) in Cibitung District of Bekasi Regency. However, not all DIAS has made fundamental changes with the Government Revolution 4.0 approach. This research aimed to find out and analyze the government revolution in DIAS in Cibitung District, Bekasi Regency. The study used a mixed-method between quantitative and qualitative methods. The data collection used is closed questionnaires and open questionnaires with a total sample of 49 respondents. The data analysis used is Structure Equation Model (SEM) of Lisrel and Microsoft Excel. The research found that the District Integrated Administration Service in the Government Revolution 4.0 has an ...
International Nuclear Science, Technology and Engineering Conference 2021 (iNuSTEC2021) “Nuclear ... more International Nuclear Science, Technology and Engineering Conference 2021 (iNuSTEC2021) “Nuclear Science and Technology for Socio-economic Development” Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) Skudai, Johor, Malaysia 10-12 October 2021 Editors Nahrul Khair Alang Md Rashid, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Khaidzir Hamzah, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Mohsin Mohd Sies, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Jasman Zainal, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Muhammad Arif Sazali, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Muhammad Syahir Sarkawi, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Nur Syazwani Mohd Ali, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Khairulnadzmi Jamaluddin, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Abdul Aziz Mohamed, Malaysian Nuclear Society Faridah Mohamad Idris, Malaysian Nuclear Agency Julie Andrianny Murshidi, Malaysian Nuclear Agency Faizal K P Kunchi Mohamed, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Hassan Mohamed, Universiti Tenaga Nasional Abu Hassan Husin, Universiti Teknologi MARA All papers have been peer-reviewed List of Supporting/Sponsoring Organisations, Preface, Contents, iNuSTEC2021 Organising Committee, Inustec 2021 Awards And Recognition, Acknowledgement and Images are available in this pdf
AbstractDevelopment is an important factor in the administration of government, especially inthe ... more AbstractDevelopment is an important factor in the administration of government, especially inthe regions. Good development must consider the balance between economic, socialand environmental, which is referred to as sustainable development. Development inthe Pulogadung Industrial Area has not fulfilled the element of sustainable development.There are strategies by SWOT analysis to realize sustainable development in thepulogadung industrial area are Intensifying supervision of industrial activities; Encourageand facilitate community-based environmental education; Providing training to employees;Socializing environmentally friendly waste management to the public; Holdingregular coordination with other areas to minimize urbanization; Tightening enforcementagainst companies that violate the rules; Encourage stakeholders to care for the environment;and Doing the physical and inner guidance to the public.The method used in this research is qualitative descriptive with quantitative data us...
Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis efektivitas pelayanan publik melalui sistem pengelolaan pen... more Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis efektivitas pelayanan publik melalui sistem pengelolaan pengaduan aplikasi SP4N-LAPOR dengan menggunakan teori efektivitas menurut (Martini, 1987) yang diukur melalui tiga pendekatan yaitu: pendekatan sumber, pendekatan proses, pendekatan sasaran. Desain penelitian menggunakan desain kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui studi dokumentasi, observasi, dan wawancara. Penentuan informan dilakukan melalui teknik purposive sampling kepada 11 orang, meliputi: Kepala Dinas, Kepala Bidang Layanan Informasi, Kepala Bidang Komunikasi Publik, Kepala Subbagian Perencanaan dan Evaluasi, Kepala Seksi Layanan Informasi Publik, Dinas yang terintegrasi dengan Aplikasi SP4N-LAPOR, 2 orang Staf Layanan Informasi Publik, dan 3 orang Pengguna Aplikasi. Teknik penentuan validitas keabsahan data dilaksanakan melalui strategi triangulasi sumber sedangkan Teknik analisis data dilakukan melalui reduksi, penyajian, dan verifikasi penarikan kesimpulan. Hasi...
Mencermati tantangan globalisasi dan upaya optimalisasi pemberian pelayanan kepada masyarakat mak... more Mencermati tantangan globalisasi dan upaya optimalisasi pemberian pelayanan kepada masyarakat maka penempatan ASN harus sesuai dengan kompetensi dan kualifikasi yang dibutuhkan. Salah satu cara untuk mewujudkan hal tersebut adalah dengan memanfaatkan Sistem Informasi Manajemen Kepegawaian (SIMPEG) dalam penempatan ASN. Penelitian ini berfokus pada 3 (tiga) hal yaitu: (1) bagaimana pelaksanaan SIMPEG dalam penempatan ASN, (2) faktor yang menghambat pelaksanaan SIMPEG dalam penempatan ASN, dan (3) upaya yang dilakukan untuk mengoptimalkan pemanfaatan SIMPEG dalam penempatan ASN. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan menggunakan purposive sampling dalam penentuan informan. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui teknik wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi yang kemudian dianalisis secara triangulasi. Hasil Penelian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Pelaksanaan SIMPEG dalam penempatan ASN di Pemerintah Kabupaten Sanggau sudah sesuai dengan dasar hukum dan SOP (Standart Operational Procedure), (2) faktor-faktor yang menghambat pelaksanaan SIMPEG dalam penempatan ASN di Pemerintah Kabupaten Sanggau antara lain: rendahnya kualitas data, kurangnya sumber daya pegawai dan kurangnya sarana teknologi untuk mengaplikasikan SIMPEG. Adapun upaya yang dilakukan untuk mengoptimalkan pemanfaatan SIMPEG antara lain: meningkatkan koordinasi dan sosialisasi kepada pegawai tentang pentingnya SIMPEG dalam penempatan ASN, megusulkan penambahan ASN yang mengoperasionalkan SIMPEG, dan penambahan sarana pendukung operasionalisasi SIMPEG.
Journal of Eastern European and Central Asian Research (JEECAR)
This research aimed to determine the financial accounting system's effect and human resources... more This research aimed to determine the financial accounting system's effect and human resources' value regarding the quality of government financial reports. The method used is descriptive and verification of several methods. The unit of analysis is the local government apparatus, and then the observation unit of the regional government agencies. The data processing method uses SEM, and the data used is the primary data. The results indicate an effect of the applicable financial accounting system and the quality of human resources on the value of government financial reports. The result shows that an optimal financial accounting system and competent human resources can influence quality financial reports. This research is expected to be valid for local governments in making decisions to realize effective and efficient financial reporting management.
The local autonomy policy has given very broad authority to regulate local government. To impleme... more The local autonomy policy has given very broad authority to regulate local government. To implement local government, adequate finance is required. This research aims to analyze the financial independence ratio of the Mamuju Regency Government for the 2015-2019 Fiscal Year. To find out the level of local independence ratio is to compare the local revenue with financial assistance provided by the central government, provincial governments, and loans. The research method used is qualitative research with an inductive approach. Data collection techniques are carried out through interviews and documentation. Interviews were conducted to 5 (five) informants using snowball sampling technique. The data that has been collected is then analyzed through data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results showed that the ratio analysis of local financial independence was 7.18% in the Very Low category. As for the inhibiting factors for the low ratio of financial independenc...
International Journal of Economics and Management Research
The government develops for citizens to get a job and decent living. Nevertheless, the number of ... more The government develops for citizens to get a job and decent living. Nevertheless, the number of people who are unemployed and poor is still high. To solve those problems, the government establish the Skills Development Center as a basis for sustainable entrepreneur empowerment. This research aims to analyze entrepreneurial empowerment activities at the Skills Development Center, their positive impact, the dominant factor influencing success, and the effort to optimize the success of the Skills Development Center in facing changes in the world of work. This research used a qualitative descriptive method with an inductive approach. Data collection was documentation, interviews, and observation. The informants were 11 people who were determined based on the purposive sampling technique. Data analysis techniques through reduction, display, and conclusion drawing verification. The results showed the stages of awareness, enabling, and empowerment in implementing entrepreneurial empowerme...
Batara Wisnu : Indonesian Journal of Community Services
Banyuning Village is a center of pottery craft suppliers in Buleleng Regency. The pottery craft i... more Banyuning Village is a center of pottery craft suppliers in Buleleng Regency. The pottery craft is usually used for traditional ceremonies and souvenirs. The pandemic Covid-19 has reduced the sales of craft. The purpose of community service activities is to help pottery artisans to increase sales during pandemic Covid-19 through used social media. The methods used are surveying pottery artisans not yet on social media, giving education utilization and profits using social media, product marketing the social media, and the monitor. The result shows that social media platforms important role in increasing sales during the pandemic Covid-19. Optimizing social media as product marketing can increase sales of pottery products up to 60% and reach the consumer on a broader scale
AbstrakStudi latar belakang penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui efektivitas dan kontribusiP... more AbstrakStudi latar belakang penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui efektivitas dan kontribusiPajak Daerah terhadap Pendapatan Asli Daerah di Kota Batu. Hal ini merupakankonsekuensi pemerintah daerah dalam menjalankan otonomi daerah dimana pemerintahdaerah membutuhkan sumber pembiayaan untuk melaksanakan tugas pokok danfungsinya di daerah.Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik kepustakaan dan dokumentasi, serta data penelitiandalam tulisan ini adalah data sekunder.Berdasarkan hasil analisis penulis, menunjukkan bahwa tahun 2012 memiliki efektivitasyang tertinggi (130,24%) dan tahun 2017 memiliki tingkat efektivitas yang terendah(107,41%), serta untuk kontribusi tahun 2012 memiliki kontribusi yang terbesar(157,36%) dan tahun 2013 memiliki kontribusi yang terkecil (75,15%). Saran yangdiberikan penulis dalam penelitian ini yaitu Dinas Pendapatan Daerah Kota Batu lebihmeningkatkan kinerjanya dalam melakukan pendataan seluruh potensi pajak daerah,melakukan pengawasan yang ketat dalam proses...
The government is required to manage the government system to achieve the state’s goals as guaran... more The government is required to manage the government system to achieve the state’s goals as guaranteed by the Republic of Indonesia’s constitution. The management of a government system requires fundamental changes through the Government Revolution 4.0 approach. One form of the government revolution is the District Integrated Administration Service (DIAS) in Cibitung District of Bekasi Regency. However, not all DIAS has made fundamental changes with the Government Revolution 4.0 approach. This research aimed to find out and analyze the government revolution in DIAS in Cibitung District, Bekasi Regency. The study used a mixed-method between quantitative and qualitative methods. The data collection used is closed questionnaires and open questionnaires with a total sample of 49 respondents. The data analysis used is Structure Equation Model (SEM) of Lisrel and Microsoft Excel. The research found that the District Integrated Administration Service in the Government Revolution 4.0 has an ...
International Nuclear Science, Technology and Engineering Conference 2021 (iNuSTEC2021) “Nuclear ... more International Nuclear Science, Technology and Engineering Conference 2021 (iNuSTEC2021) “Nuclear Science and Technology for Socio-economic Development” Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) Skudai, Johor, Malaysia 10-12 October 2021 Editors Nahrul Khair Alang Md Rashid, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Khaidzir Hamzah, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Mohsin Mohd Sies, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Jasman Zainal, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Muhammad Arif Sazali, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Muhammad Syahir Sarkawi, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Nur Syazwani Mohd Ali, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Khairulnadzmi Jamaluddin, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Abdul Aziz Mohamed, Malaysian Nuclear Society Faridah Mohamad Idris, Malaysian Nuclear Agency Julie Andrianny Murshidi, Malaysian Nuclear Agency Faizal K P Kunchi Mohamed, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Hassan Mohamed, Universiti Tenaga Nasional Abu Hassan Husin, Universiti Teknologi MARA All papers have been peer-reviewed List of Supporting/Sponsoring Organisations, Preface, Contents, iNuSTEC2021 Organising Committee, Inustec 2021 Awards And Recognition, Acknowledgement and Images are available in this pdf
AbstractDevelopment is an important factor in the administration of government, especially inthe ... more AbstractDevelopment is an important factor in the administration of government, especially inthe regions. Good development must consider the balance between economic, socialand environmental, which is referred to as sustainable development. Development inthe Pulogadung Industrial Area has not fulfilled the element of sustainable development.There are strategies by SWOT analysis to realize sustainable development in thepulogadung industrial area are Intensifying supervision of industrial activities; Encourageand facilitate community-based environmental education; Providing training to employees;Socializing environmentally friendly waste management to the public; Holdingregular coordination with other areas to minimize urbanization; Tightening enforcementagainst companies that violate the rules; Encourage stakeholders to care for the environment;and Doing the physical and inner guidance to the public.The method used in this research is qualitative descriptive with quantitative data us...
Papers by Afif Yahya