We analyzed 307 Mexican-Mestizo (admixed) males from Mexico City with the Powerplex® Y23 system. ... more We analyzed 307 Mexican-Mestizo (admixed) males from Mexico City with the Powerplex® Y23 system. The complete list of Y-STR haplotypes was uploaded into the YHRD database (accession number YA004275). The discriminatory capacity (98.70 %) and gene diversity (D = 99.99 %) were calculated, improving the haplotype diversity regarding previous studies in Mexico based on 17 Y-STRs and 12 Y-STRs. Haplogroup distribution assignment was inferred by means of two different online-available algorithms. The Native American Q* haplogroup was the most frequent (66.2 %), followed by the European R1b lineage (19.5 %). In addition, eight Eurasian (3.9%) and two African (6.6%) haplogroups were observed in this population sample from Mexico City. Interestingly, AMOVA test showed a low but significant differentiation among Mexican-Mestizos (Fst = 1.52%; p = 0.0000), suggesting that four population clusters allow to explain their genetic structure according to geographic criteria: north, west, center, and south.
Muscarinic receptors types 1 (m1AChR) and 2 (m2AChR) in the preoptic and anterior hypothalamus ar... more Muscarinic receptors types 1 (m1AChR) and 2 (m2AChR) in the preoptic and anterior hypothalamus areas (POA-AHA) were counted, and the effects of blocking these receptors on spontaneous ovulation were analysed throughout the rat oestrous cycle. Rats in each phase of the oestrous cycle were assigned to the following experiments: (1) an immunohistochemical study of the number of cells expressing m1AChR or m2AChR in the POA-AHA and (2) analysis of the effects of the unilateral blockade of the m1AChR (pirenzepine, PZP) or m2AChR (methoctramine, MTC) on either side of the POA-AHA on the ovulation rate. The number of m2AChR-immunoreactive cells was significantly higher at 09:00 h on each day of the oestrous cycle in the POA-AHA region, while no changes in the expression profile of m1AChR protein were observed. The ovulation rate in rats treated with PZP on the oestrous day was lower than that in the vehicle group. Animals treated on dioestrous-1 with PZP or MTC had a higher ovulation rate t...
R E S U M E N Este artículo busca exponer y discutir los cambios paradigmáticos que experimentó l... more R E S U M E N Este artículo busca exponer y discutir los cambios paradigmáticos que experimentó la antropología mexicana en su enfoque sobre los pueblos indios y sus miembros, específicamente las transformaciones en los cuerpos teóricos y los discursos de antropólogas y antropólogos en México respecto a los sujetos del mundo rural, especialmente el gran viraje experimentado durante las décadas 1970-1980, donde el corpus teórico y práctico de Gonzalo Aguirre Beltrán fue sustituido por los paradigmas marxista y del dependentismo marginalista, tanto en los espacios de la academia como en las políticas públicas. El concepto antropológico de indio o indígena fue sustituido por el económico-sociológico de campesino habitante de áreas deprimidas y marginadas, reflejando poderosamente la influencia de paradigmas provenientes de la sociología, la economía agrícola y la salud pública sanitarista que intervinieron en el diseño y aplicación de acciones asistenciales hacia el medio indígena a partir de los años setenta. Los indios mexicanos renunciaron en muchos casos a, o les fue negada, su condición etnológica de población étnica y culturalmente diferenciada, teniendo que adoptar la condición sociológica de campesinos pobres y marginados, como una estrategia de interlocución con el poder gubernamental y sus agencias de asistencia, para intentar recuperar la tierra o alcanzar beneficios que ofrecían las políticas de compensación social. Será la rebelión zapatista, protagonizada por indios mayas en el estado de Chiapas en el sureste mexicano, lo que logre reposicionar a los pueblos indios en su condición étnica y cultural frente al Estado y a la propia antropología. P A L A B R A S-C L A V E México; indios; campesinos; indigenismo. A B S T R A C T This article seeks to expose and to discuss the paradigmatic changes that Mexican anthropology experienced in its approach to Indian peoples and their members, and specifically the transformations in the theoretical corpus and discourses of anthropologists in Mexico with regard to rural world subjects. We particularly focus on the great turn experienced during the decades 1970-1980, when Gonzalo Aguirre Beltrán's theoretical and practical corpus was replaced with the paradigms of marxism and of marginality and dependence theory, both in the academic space and in public policy. The anthropologic concept of Indian or aborigine was replaced by the economic-sociological one of rural inhabitant of depressed and isolated areas, reflecting powerfully the influence of paradigms from
We analyzed 307 Mexican-Mestizo (admixed) males from Mexico City with the Powerplex® Y23 system. ... more We analyzed 307 Mexican-Mestizo (admixed) males from Mexico City with the Powerplex® Y23 system. The complete list of Y-STR haplotypes was uploaded into the YHRD database (accession number YA004275). The discriminatory capacity (98.70 %) and gene diversity (D = 99.99 %) were calculated, improving the haplotype diversity regarding previous studies in Mexico based on 17 Y-STRs and 12 Y-STRs. Haplogroup distribution assignment was inferred by means of two different online-available algorithms. The Native American Q* haplogroup was the most frequent (66.2 %), followed by the European R1b lineage (19.5 %). In addition, eight Eurasian (3.9%) and two African (6.6%) haplogroups were observed in this population sample from Mexico City. Interestingly, AMOVA test showed a low but significant differentiation among Mexican-Mestizos (Fst = 1.52%; p = 0.0000), suggesting that four population clusters allow to explain their genetic structure according to geographic criteria: north, west, center, and south.
Muscarinic receptors types 1 (m1AChR) and 2 (m2AChR) in the preoptic and anterior hypothalamus ar... more Muscarinic receptors types 1 (m1AChR) and 2 (m2AChR) in the preoptic and anterior hypothalamus areas (POA-AHA) were counted, and the effects of blocking these receptors on spontaneous ovulation were analysed throughout the rat oestrous cycle. Rats in each phase of the oestrous cycle were assigned to the following experiments: (1) an immunohistochemical study of the number of cells expressing m1AChR or m2AChR in the POA-AHA and (2) analysis of the effects of the unilateral blockade of the m1AChR (pirenzepine, PZP) or m2AChR (methoctramine, MTC) on either side of the POA-AHA on the ovulation rate. The number of m2AChR-immunoreactive cells was significantly higher at 09:00 h on each day of the oestrous cycle in the POA-AHA region, while no changes in the expression profile of m1AChR protein were observed. The ovulation rate in rats treated with PZP on the oestrous day was lower than that in the vehicle group. Animals treated on dioestrous-1 with PZP or MTC had a higher ovulation rate t...
R E S U M E N Este artículo busca exponer y discutir los cambios paradigmáticos que experimentó l... more R E S U M E N Este artículo busca exponer y discutir los cambios paradigmáticos que experimentó la antropología mexicana en su enfoque sobre los pueblos indios y sus miembros, específicamente las transformaciones en los cuerpos teóricos y los discursos de antropólogas y antropólogos en México respecto a los sujetos del mundo rural, especialmente el gran viraje experimentado durante las décadas 1970-1980, donde el corpus teórico y práctico de Gonzalo Aguirre Beltrán fue sustituido por los paradigmas marxista y del dependentismo marginalista, tanto en los espacios de la academia como en las políticas públicas. El concepto antropológico de indio o indígena fue sustituido por el económico-sociológico de campesino habitante de áreas deprimidas y marginadas, reflejando poderosamente la influencia de paradigmas provenientes de la sociología, la economía agrícola y la salud pública sanitarista que intervinieron en el diseño y aplicación de acciones asistenciales hacia el medio indígena a partir de los años setenta. Los indios mexicanos renunciaron en muchos casos a, o les fue negada, su condición etnológica de población étnica y culturalmente diferenciada, teniendo que adoptar la condición sociológica de campesinos pobres y marginados, como una estrategia de interlocución con el poder gubernamental y sus agencias de asistencia, para intentar recuperar la tierra o alcanzar beneficios que ofrecían las políticas de compensación social. Será la rebelión zapatista, protagonizada por indios mayas en el estado de Chiapas en el sureste mexicano, lo que logre reposicionar a los pueblos indios en su condición étnica y cultural frente al Estado y a la propia antropología. P A L A B R A S-C L A V E México; indios; campesinos; indigenismo. A B S T R A C T This article seeks to expose and to discuss the paradigmatic changes that Mexican anthropology experienced in its approach to Indian peoples and their members, and specifically the transformations in the theoretical corpus and discourses of anthropologists in Mexico with regard to rural world subjects. We particularly focus on the great turn experienced during the decades 1970-1980, when Gonzalo Aguirre Beltrán's theoretical and practical corpus was replaced with the paradigms of marxism and of marginality and dependence theory, both in the academic space and in public policy. The anthropologic concept of Indian or aborigine was replaced by the economic-sociological one of rural inhabitant of depressed and isolated areas, reflecting powerfully the influence of paradigms from
Papers by Yadira lOPEZ