To assess the iodine nutrition and thyroid function of pregnant women, lactating women and infant... more To assess the iodine nutrition and thyroid function of pregnant women, lactating women and infants residing in areas where the Universal Salt Iodization program is in place. Pregnant women, lactating women and infants were selected randomly in the regions where iodized salt coverage rate is more than 90% since 2000. Urine iodine levels of pregnant woman, lactating woman and infants, milk iodine of lactating woman, thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and free T4 of women were tested respectively. Median Urinary Iodine (MUI) of infants, three groups of pregnant women (first, second and third trimester) and two groups lactating women (breastfeeding less than or more than six months) were 233, 174, 180, 147, 126 and 145 microg/L, respectively. Median milk iodine of lactating women was 163 microg/L. Percentage of milk iodine < 150 microg/L of early lactating women was 40% less than that of late lactating women (p < 0.01).There was a positive correlation between urine iodine of infants and milk iodine of lactating women (r = 0.526, p = 0.000). T4 of two women were above or below the reference range. Total 15.4% women's TSH were abnormal. Most of these women's urinary iodine were lower than 150 microg/L. Iodine status of most of the target population for Universal Salt Iodization program is adequate, but iodine deficiency still existed in some. To assure every new life's brain not be damaged by iodine deficiency, iodine status of targeted populations should be monitored and supplements provided according to the monitoring outcomes.
1995. This study was undertaken to assess the status of iodine deficiency disorders control and p... more 1995. This study was undertaken to assess the status of iodine deficiency disorders control and prevention after 10 years of implementation of USI in a severe iodine deficiency region in China.
To assess the iodine nutrition and thyroid function of pregnant women, lactating women and infant... more To assess the iodine nutrition and thyroid function of pregnant women, lactating women and infants residing in areas where the Universal Salt Iodization program is in place. Pregnant women, lactating women and infants were selected randomly in the regions where iodized salt coverage rate is more than 90% since 2000. Urine iodine levels of pregnant woman, lactating woman and infants, milk iodine of lactating woman, thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and free T4 of women were tested respectively. Median Urinary Iodine (MUI) of infants, three groups of pregnant women (first, second and third trimester) and two groups lactating women (breastfeeding less than or more than six months) were 233, 174, 180, 147, 126 and 145 microg/L, respectively. Median milk iodine of lactating women was 163 microg/L. Percentage of milk iodine < 150 microg/L of early lactating women was 40% less than that of late lactating women (p < 0.01).There was a positive correlation between urine iodine of infants and milk iodine of lactating women (r = 0.526, p = 0.000). T4 of two women were above or below the reference range. Total 15.4% women's TSH were abnormal. Most of these women's urinary iodine were lower than 150 microg/L. Iodine status of most of the target population for Universal Salt Iodization program is adequate, but iodine deficiency still existed in some. To assure every new life's brain not be damaged by iodine deficiency, iodine status of targeted populations should be monitored and supplements provided according to the monitoring outcomes.
1995. This study was undertaken to assess the status of iodine deficiency disorders control and p... more 1995. This study was undertaken to assess the status of iodine deficiency disorders control and prevention after 10 years of implementation of USI in a severe iodine deficiency region in China.
Objective. In knee OA, the presence of bone marrow lesions (BMLs) predicts pain and progression o... more Objective. In knee OA, the presence of bone marrow lesions (BMLs) predicts pain and progression of disease. Their occurrence has been described in healthy, pain-free subjects, but whether their presence affects change in cartilage is unknown. Methods. Two hundred and seventy-one healthy community-dwelling adults with no history of knee injury, knee pain or clinical knee OA had an MRI performed on their dominant knee at baseline and 2 yrs later to assess the relationship between the presence of BMLs at baseline and change in tibiofemoral cartilage defects and tibial cartilage volume over 2 yrs. Results. BMLs were present in 37 (14%) subjects. Cartilage defects were more likely to progress rather than remain stable or regress in subjects with BMLs compared with those without BMLs (P ¼ 0.04). The odds of cartilage defects progressing in the tibiofemoral compartment of the knee where BMLs were present compared with where BMLs were absent was 2.6 (95% CI 1.2, 5.3; P ¼ 0.01). Where 'very large' BMLs were present, there was a trend for increased annual tibial cartilage volume loss (46.4 mm 3 /yr; P ¼ 0.07).
The Changjiang (Yangtze River) has been effectively gauged since the 1950s and demonstrates the t... more The Changjiang (Yangtze River) has been effectively gauged since the 1950s and demonstrates the transformation of a river system due to intensified human activities in its drainage basin over the past 50 yr. However, the 50-yr measurements of water and sediment are inadequate to show the long-term trend of sediment flux from the river to the sea or to capture the transition from natural to human dominance over the sediment flux. In this study we used the existing water discharge and sediment load records (1950s-2005) at the Hankou gauging station, together with water discharge recorded since 1865 at the same station, to reconstruct the changes of sediment flux to the sea since the 1860s. We established rating curves between stream discharge and suspended sediment concentration from the recent 50-yr data sets, which show that human disturbances have had a substantial impact on rating parameters. The commissioning of dams and undertaking of soil-conservation works have decreased sediment supply, leading to a decrease in the rating coefficient a of the rating curve equation C s = aQ b . The decreases in suspended sediment concentration have increased the erosive power of the river, and hence increased the rating exponent b. In particular, the commissioning of the Three Gorges Reservoir in 2003 resulted in a further increase of b, and channel scour in the middle and lower reaches has increased sediment flux to the sea to a level higher than sediment supply from the upper reaches. Our results suggest that the rating curves derived from 1954 to 1968 data are appropriate for estimating sediment loads for the period from 1865 to 1953, since both were periods of minimal human disturbance. This approach provides a time series of 0022-1694/$ -see front matter ª a v a i l a b l e a t w w w . s c i e n c e d i r e c t . c o m j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w . e l s e v i e r . c o m / l o c a t e / j h y d r o l sediment loads from 1865 to 2005 at Hankou gauging station, which yields a time series of sediment flux from the Changjiang to the sea over the past 140 yr. The estimated mean annual sediment flux to the sea between 1865 and 1968 was $488 Mt/yr, a comparable result to the previously published estimate from Milliman and Syvitski [Milliman, J.D., Syvitski, J.P.M., 1992. Geomorphic/tectonic control of sediment discharge to the ocean: the importance of small mountainous rivers. Journal of Geology 100, 525-544] and to that from an equation proposed by Syvitski and Morehead [Syvitski, J.P.M, Morehead, M.D. , 1999. Estimating river-sediment discharge to the ocean: application to the Eel margin, northern California. Marine Geology 154, 13-28]. The long-term variation of annual sediment flux from the Changjiang to the sea shows a transition from a river system mostly dominated by nature (the monsoon-dominated period, 1865-1950s) to one strongly affected by human activities (the human-impacted period, 1950s-present). ª
To assess the iodine nutrition and thyroid function of pregnant women, lactating women and infant... more To assess the iodine nutrition and thyroid function of pregnant women, lactating women and infants residing in areas where the Universal Salt Iodization program is in place. Pregnant women, lactating women and infants were selected randomly in the regions where iodized salt coverage rate is more than 90% since 2000. Urine iodine levels of pregnant woman, lactating woman and infants, milk iodine of lactating woman, thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and free T4 of women were tested respectively. Median Urinary Iodine (MUI) of infants, three groups of pregnant women (first, second and third trimester) and two groups lactating women (breastfeeding less than or more than six months) were 233, 174, 180, 147, 126 and 145 microg/L, respectively. Median milk iodine of lactating women was 163 microg/L. Percentage of milk iodine < 150 microg/L of early lactating women was 40% less than that of late lactating women (p < 0.01).There was a positive correlation between urine iodine of infants and milk iodine of lactating women (r = 0.526, p = 0.000). T4 of two women were above or below the reference range. Total 15.4% women's TSH were abnormal. Most of these women's urinary iodine were lower than 150 microg/L. Iodine status of most of the target population for Universal Salt Iodization program is adequate, but iodine deficiency still existed in some. To assure every new life's brain not be damaged by iodine deficiency, iodine status of targeted populations should be monitored and supplements provided according to the monitoring outcomes.
1995. This study was undertaken to assess the status of iodine deficiency disorders control and p... more 1995. This study was undertaken to assess the status of iodine deficiency disorders control and prevention after 10 years of implementation of USI in a severe iodine deficiency region in China.
To assess the iodine nutrition and thyroid function of pregnant women, lactating women and infant... more To assess the iodine nutrition and thyroid function of pregnant women, lactating women and infants residing in areas where the Universal Salt Iodization program is in place. Pregnant women, lactating women and infants were selected randomly in the regions where iodized salt coverage rate is more than 90% since 2000. Urine iodine levels of pregnant woman, lactating woman and infants, milk iodine of lactating woman, thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and free T4 of women were tested respectively. Median Urinary Iodine (MUI) of infants, three groups of pregnant women (first, second and third trimester) and two groups lactating women (breastfeeding less than or more than six months) were 233, 174, 180, 147, 126 and 145 microg/L, respectively. Median milk iodine of lactating women was 163 microg/L. Percentage of milk iodine < 150 microg/L of early lactating women was 40% less than that of late lactating women (p < 0.01).There was a positive correlation between urine iodine of infants and milk iodine of lactating women (r = 0.526, p = 0.000). T4 of two women were above or below the reference range. Total 15.4% women's TSH were abnormal. Most of these women's urinary iodine were lower than 150 microg/L. Iodine status of most of the target population for Universal Salt Iodization program is adequate, but iodine deficiency still existed in some. To assure every new life's brain not be damaged by iodine deficiency, iodine status of targeted populations should be monitored and supplements provided according to the monitoring outcomes.
1995. This study was undertaken to assess the status of iodine deficiency disorders control and p... more 1995. This study was undertaken to assess the status of iodine deficiency disorders control and prevention after 10 years of implementation of USI in a severe iodine deficiency region in China.
Objective. In knee OA, the presence of bone marrow lesions (BMLs) predicts pain and progression o... more Objective. In knee OA, the presence of bone marrow lesions (BMLs) predicts pain and progression of disease. Their occurrence has been described in healthy, pain-free subjects, but whether their presence affects change in cartilage is unknown. Methods. Two hundred and seventy-one healthy community-dwelling adults with no history of knee injury, knee pain or clinical knee OA had an MRI performed on their dominant knee at baseline and 2 yrs later to assess the relationship between the presence of BMLs at baseline and change in tibiofemoral cartilage defects and tibial cartilage volume over 2 yrs. Results. BMLs were present in 37 (14%) subjects. Cartilage defects were more likely to progress rather than remain stable or regress in subjects with BMLs compared with those without BMLs (P ¼ 0.04). The odds of cartilage defects progressing in the tibiofemoral compartment of the knee where BMLs were present compared with where BMLs were absent was 2.6 (95% CI 1.2, 5.3; P ¼ 0.01). Where 'very large' BMLs were present, there was a trend for increased annual tibial cartilage volume loss (46.4 mm 3 /yr; P ¼ 0.07).
The Changjiang (Yangtze River) has been effectively gauged since the 1950s and demonstrates the t... more The Changjiang (Yangtze River) has been effectively gauged since the 1950s and demonstrates the transformation of a river system due to intensified human activities in its drainage basin over the past 50 yr. However, the 50-yr measurements of water and sediment are inadequate to show the long-term trend of sediment flux from the river to the sea or to capture the transition from natural to human dominance over the sediment flux. In this study we used the existing water discharge and sediment load records (1950s-2005) at the Hankou gauging station, together with water discharge recorded since 1865 at the same station, to reconstruct the changes of sediment flux to the sea since the 1860s. We established rating curves between stream discharge and suspended sediment concentration from the recent 50-yr data sets, which show that human disturbances have had a substantial impact on rating parameters. The commissioning of dams and undertaking of soil-conservation works have decreased sediment supply, leading to a decrease in the rating coefficient a of the rating curve equation C s = aQ b . The decreases in suspended sediment concentration have increased the erosive power of the river, and hence increased the rating exponent b. In particular, the commissioning of the Three Gorges Reservoir in 2003 resulted in a further increase of b, and channel scour in the middle and lower reaches has increased sediment flux to the sea to a level higher than sediment supply from the upper reaches. Our results suggest that the rating curves derived from 1954 to 1968 data are appropriate for estimating sediment loads for the period from 1865 to 1953, since both were periods of minimal human disturbance. This approach provides a time series of 0022-1694/$ -see front matter ª a v a i l a b l e a t w w w . s c i e n c e d i r e c t . c o m j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w . e l s e v i e r . c o m / l o c a t e / j h y d r o l sediment loads from 1865 to 2005 at Hankou gauging station, which yields a time series of sediment flux from the Changjiang to the sea over the past 140 yr. The estimated mean annual sediment flux to the sea between 1865 and 1968 was $488 Mt/yr, a comparable result to the previously published estimate from Milliman and Syvitski [Milliman, J.D., Syvitski, J.P.M., 1992. Geomorphic/tectonic control of sediment discharge to the ocean: the importance of small mountainous rivers. Journal of Geology 100, 525-544] and to that from an equation proposed by Syvitski and Morehead [Syvitski, J.P.M, Morehead, M.D. , 1999. Estimating river-sediment discharge to the ocean: application to the Eel margin, northern California. Marine Geology 154, 13-28]. The long-term variation of annual sediment flux from the Changjiang to the sea shows a transition from a river system mostly dominated by nature (the monsoon-dominated period, 1865-1950s) to one strongly affected by human activities (the human-impacted period, 1950s-present). ª
Papers by YR Wang