Papers by Doç. Dr. YUNUS PUSTU
Millî Mücadele'nin Yerel Tarihi 1918-1923, 2023
Mütareke Dönemi'nde Ankara Sancağında Nüfus hareketleri (Vilayat-ı Şarkiye Mültecileri, Ermeniler... more Mütareke Dönemi'nde Ankara Sancağında Nüfus hareketleri (Vilayat-ı Şarkiye Mültecileri, Ermeniler ve Araplar)

Tarih Alanında Gelişmeler-1, 2023
İnsanoğlu, geçmişten günümüze sel baskınları, heyelan hadiseleri, orman yangınları, kıtlıklar ve ... more İnsanoğlu, geçmişten günümüze sel baskınları, heyelan hadiseleri, orman yangınları, kıtlıklar ve kuraklıklar gibi doğal afetlerle yüzleşmek durumunda kalmıştır. Etki alanlarının genişliği ve meydana getirdiği yıkımların boyutu sebebiyle depremler/zelzeleler de bu felaketlerin başında gelmektedir. Alp Himalaya deprem kuşağı içerisinde yer alan ve neredeyse her köşesi fay hattı üzerinde bulunan Anadolu coğrafyası, depremlerden ziyadesi ile etkilenen mahaller arasındadır. Bu yönü ile tarihî süreçte Anadolu coğrafyasının pek çok köşesinde çeşitli sebeplere dayalı olarak (kırılma, çökme, volkanik) deprem felaketleri vuku bulmuş ve buna bağlı bir şekilde can ve mal kayıpları ortaya çıkmıştır. Kars sınırları içerisinde bulunan ve Anadolu coğrafyasında ikinci derecede riskli alanlar içerisinde gösterilen Digor da yıkıcı depremlerin yaşandığı alanlardan biridir. Bu çalışmada 1 Mayıs 1935 tarihinde Digor’un Ekrek köyü merkezli meydana gelen deprem felaketi ele alınmıştır. Kapsam olarak ise depremin bahsi geçen ilçe dahilindeki etkilerine odaklanılmıştır. Bu sayede belirtilen alanda depremin ortaya çıkardığı yıkım, yöre halkının karşılaştığı sorunlar ve yaraların sarılması noktasında bölgeye yapılan yardımların ortaya konulması hedeflenmiştir. Bu yapılırken adı geçen depremle ilgili arşiv vesikaları incelenmiş ve TBMM Zabıt Cerideleri üzerinde incelemelerde bulunulmuştur. Ayrıca depremin meydana gelmesinden sonraki bir aylık süreci kapsayan süre zarfında gazetelere (Ulus, Cumhuriyet, Akşam, Haber-Akşam Postası, Türk Sözü, Son Posta, Tan, Yeni Asır, Erzurum Vilayet Gazetesi) yansıyan haberlerden istifade edilmiştir. Netice olarak yurt dışında da yankı bulan 1 Mayıs 1935 tarihinde o sırada Kağızman ilçesine bağlı bir nahiye durumundaki Digor’da meydana gelen ve 6.2 büyüklüğüne sahip olan deprem felaketi ilk defa müstakil bir çalışma olarak ele alınmıştır.

Vakanuvist, 2023
The Nestorians from Hakkâri, who met with the Ottoman administration
after the conquest of Hakkâ... more The Nestorians from Hakkâri, who met with the Ottoman administration
after the conquest of Hakkâri in the early 16th century, continued their lives in
the mentioned geography in the status of dhimmi within the framework of
Islamic law as a non-Muslim subject of the Ottoman Empire during the period
until the beginning of the 20th century. In this process, a significant part of the
Nestorians of Hakkâri continued their lives as tribes in mountainous and rugged
areas away from authority (Tiyari, Tuhup (Thuma), Jilo (Cilo), Baz, Dez (Dız), Tal
(Tel) and Walto). Some Nestorians, on the other hand, continued their
existence as reaya in the central areas of Hakkâri, without being tribal
affiliation, intertwined with the Muslim people and feeling the state authority
more than the tribes. It is a fact that some disagreements have arisen due to
various reasons during the process. However, these were not ethnic and
political issues, they were issues that occurred depending on daily events and
resulted in peace in a short time. The activities of the British, French, Russian
and American missionaries against the Nestorians, like other non-Muslim
groups in Anatolia during the 19th century, caused this peace environment to
gradually disappear. The reflections of the seeds of separation will show
themselves in the first quarter of the 20th century.
World War I represents an important break in this respect for the
Nestorians of Hakkâri. Although the Nestorians preferred to remain neutral in
the first place after the beginning of the war, they took the side of Russia in the
Entente block by getting their hopes of independence on April 17, 1915. After
this decision, the Nestorians started to act as the reconnaissance arm of the
Russian troops, and with the support they received from them, they launched
attacks against the Muslims in the Hakkâri region. In the current situation, in
the middle of 1915 after the withdrawal of Russia from some areas where she
occupied, the Ottoman Empire started a military operation to suppress the
rebellious Nestorians. In the meantime, when the expected support from
Russia did not come, the Nestorians immigrated to the cities of Urmia and
Salmas in Iran by using the Başkale route from Hakkâri in the middle of 1915.
Also a second breakpoint for the Nestorians, who continued their harassment
against the Muslim people with the support they received from the Russian
troops, was the revolution in Russia in October 1917. After the withdrawal of
the Russian troops from Iran after the revolution, the Nestorians continued
their existence as a significant power in Urmiye and Salmas regions for a while,
thanks to the weapons left by the Russians. However, this situation did not last
long for the Nestorians who were left without a protector. In the ongoing
process, the Nestorians from Hakkari and Urmia would come under the control
of the British and would begin to act in their interests.
The murder of Patriarch Mar Şemun Benjamin on March 16, 1918, who was
both the religious and political leader of the Nestorians, by the Shikak tribe
leader İsmail Şimko, was one of the important incidents that shook the position
of the Nestorians in Iran. Nestorians had to leave Urmia and Salmas in July
1918, when the Ottoman troops started a military operation against Salmas
and Urmia shortly after this incident. In the meantime, it is seen that the
Nestorians from Urmia also joined the migration caravan. The first stop on the
escape route is Hamedan, which is also connected to Iran. However, this place
has not been a permanent settlement for the Nestorians. Nestorians, who had
to fight hunger and epidemic diseases and suffered significant losses, migrated
to Baghdad, Iraq, which was under British control at that time, in AugustSeptember of the same year, and were settled in the Bakuba Refugee Camp
established for them. After that to establish an independent Assyrian state that
would include Hakkâri became the foremost aim of the Nestorians' agenda. In
this way, they dreamed of returning to their old homeland, Hakkâri. For this
purpose, Nestorian groups fought politically during the peace negotiations that
took place in the international arena after the First World War. However, no
serious results could be obtained from these attempts. Nestorians did not
hesitate to take military initiatives with the approval of the British in line with
the aforementioned purpose. The Hakkâri Operation, which was carried out
under the leadership of Ağa Petros at the end of 1920, is the most important
initiative carried out in this direction. However, this attempt did not yield any
The dreams of the Nestorians about having a homeland and being settled
here in line with the British promises continued until the early 1930s. In this
process, the Nestorians actively served against the Kurdish tribes within the
body of the Levi Units in the British army. In the meantime, the Nestorians’
outbursts, who acted inside the Levi Units, with the support they received from
the British, against the Arabs and Kurds in the Iraq geography led to the
emergence of reactions against them. In this situation, the end of the British
mandate in Iraq on May 30, 1932, without keeping the promises of an
independent state made for them, caused a significant disappointment and
anger on the Nestorians. In the ongoing process, under the leadership of the
League of Nations, studies have been started for the collective resettlement of
Nestorians in Iraq, in the surrounding countries and in various areas in distant
continents. However, no positive results were obtained from any of the
attempts made. As a result, the Nestorians, who were in the Entente Bloc and
had to leave their hometown Hakkâri with their hopes of independence,
dispersed to various areas within Iraq after nearly twenty years without
achieving their goals and after suffering significant losses. In this study, the migration processes of the Nestorians of Hakkâri during the period from the
beginning of the First World War (1915) to 1936 were tried to be discussed
collectively through archival documents, newspaper reports of the period and
copyrighted works.
Sakarya Zaferi ve Haymana V, 2023

Ankara, Osmanlı döneminde (1800-1920) meydana gelen göçler sırasında muhacir iskânının yaşandığı ... more Ankara, Osmanlı döneminde (1800-1920) meydana gelen göçler sırasında muhacir iskânının yaşandığı yerleşim alanlarından biridir. Türkiye Cumhuriyeti'nin tesisinden sonra da Ankara'ya göçler dönemler halinde devam etmiştir. Cumhuriyet'in ilanından günümüze kadar Rumeli coğrafyasından Ankara'ya yaşanan bu göçleri dört ana dönem halinde ele almak mümkündür. Bunlardan ilki, 1923-1938 yılları arasını kapsayan Mustafa Kemal Atatürk idaresi sırasındaki göçlerdir. 1938-1950 seneleri arasını kapsayan İsmet İnönü'nün cumhurbaşkanlığı dönemi, göçler açısından durağan bir devre olmuştur. 1950 senesinde iktidara Demokrat Partinin gelmesinin hemen ardından göçler konusunda daha aktif bir politika izlendiği görülmektedir. Adnan Menderes'in takip ettiği göçmen politikaları neticesinde Cumhuriyet döneminin ikinci büyük kitle göçleri 1950-1951 senelerinde yaşanmıştır. Demokrat Parti iktidarının geri kalan dönemlerinde Ankara'ya yönelik göçler devam etse de rakamsal bazda bahsi geçen yıllar kadar yoğun olmamıştır. Göçler açısından üçüncü devre 1968-1988 yılları arasını kapsamaktadır. Bu sırada gelen göçmenleri akraba göçleri kapsamında ele almak mümkündür. Rumeli coğrafyasından Ankara'ya yönelik son büyük göç dalgası ise 1989 senesinde Turgut Özal'ın başbakanlığı sırasında meydana gelmiştir. Bu çalışmada Cumhuriyetin ilanından yakın döneme kadar geçen süreçte Balkan ülkelerinden (Bulgaristan, Romanya, Yugoslavya, Yunanistan) Ankara'ya gerçekleşen kitle göç hareketleri arşiv kayıtları, gazete haberleri ve saha araştırmalarına dayalı olarak evreler halinde ele alınmıştır.

The activities of associations and civil society, in modern terms, within the Ottoman Empire gain... more The activities of associations and civil society, in modern terms, within the Ottoman Empire gained a legal ground with the freedom reached in the Second Constitutional Era regarding the operations of societies. Accordingly, teachers began to organize like other professions at that period. Muallimler Cemiyeti (Teachers Society), which had a significant place among teacher organizations in Turkey, was established upon that legal ground on March 9, 1918. Having been founded at the end of the World War I and experienced the negative effects of the occupation of Istanbul, the Society also witnessed the process of transformation from empire to republic. Since it was not possible for the Society to actively work in such a difficult period, it started to publish Muallimler Mecmuası (Journal of Teachers) beginning from September, 1922; and made remarkable contributions to education policies and rights of the teachers. This kind of activities of the Society continued until August, 1925, when it joined Türkiye Muallimler Birliği (Turkey Teachers Union). Then, the Union worked in step with the government till 1928. With its general assembly in August, 1928; İstanbul Union of Teachers turned into a confederation and had a separate body. The Union aimed at reorganization in 1929, and tried to continue its activities, as in its first phase, until 1936 when the organization repealed itself with the pressure of the government in the process of the abolishment of associations.

Ankara Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2022
Osmanlı Dönemi'nde alınan yenilgiler ve yaşanan toprak kayıpları ile birlikte özellikle 19. yüzyı... more Osmanlı Dönemi'nde alınan yenilgiler ve yaşanan toprak kayıpları ile birlikte özellikle 19. yüzyılın ortalarından itibaren Anadolu'ya kitlesel göç hareketleri başlamış ve bu süreçte Ankara önemli bir iskân sahası olmuştur. Osmanlı Dönemi'ndeki kadar yoğun olmasa da Ankara'ya göçmen iskânı cumhuriyetin ilanından sonra da devam etmiştir. Cumhuriyetin ilk yıllarında küçük gruplar hâlinde kente yerleşenlerin yanında, mübadele kapsamında Yunanistan'dan gelen az miktarda mübadil de Ankara'ya iskân edilmiştir. Cumhuriyet Dönemi'nde Ankara'ya göçmen iskânı konusunda kayda değer girişimler ise 1926 senesinden sonradır. Bundan sonra göçmenlerin iskânı için Ankara'da müstakil yerleşim alanları tesis edilmeye başlanmıştır. Gelen bir kısım göçmen ise Osmanlı Dönemi'nde muhacirlerin iskânı ile mamur hâle getirilen Nogay ve Çerkeslerin yaşadığı köylere yerleştirilmiştir. Atatürk Dönemi'nde göçmen iskânı konusunda Ankara'da dikkat çeken en önemli husus, Anadolu'nun diğer bazı vilayetlerinde olduğu gibi burada da gelenlerin iskânı için numune köylerin oluşturulmasıdır. Bu köyler, Anadolu halkına ve köylerine örnek olacak mahiyette tasarlanmış ve hayata geçirilmiştir. Bu yönü ile Ankara'da girişilen bu faaliyetlerin sadece bir göçmen iskân çalışması değil, aynı zamanda bir imar projesi olduğunu söylemek mümkündür. Atatürk Dönemi'nde Ankara'ya gerçekleşen göçleri ve gelenlerin iskânlarını muhtelif yönleri ile aydınlatmayı hedefleyen bu çalışma, arşiv kayıtları, dönemin gazete haberleri ve saha araştırmalarına dayalı olarak kaleme alınmıştır.
Anadolu, jeopolitik konumu, sahip olduğu iklim ve bitki örtüsü, geniş otlakları, tarım arazileri ... more Anadolu, jeopolitik konumu, sahip olduğu iklim ve bitki örtüsü, geniş otlakları, tarım arazileri ve su kaynakları ile tarihin ilk devirlerinden itibaren önemli bir yerleşim alanı olmuştur. Bu konumundan dolayı Anadolu, pek çok farklı medeniyetlere ev sahipliği yapmıştır. Bununla doğru orantılı olarak Anadolu'nun hemen her bölgesinde çeşitli medeniyete ait oldukça kıymetli tarihî kalıntılar bulunmaktadır. Bunlardan biri de Anavarza Antik Kenti Harabeleridir. Ancak Anavarza Antik Kenti'nin bu yönünü ortaya koyan çok fazla arşiv kaydı mevcut değildir. Sınırlı sayıdaki kayıtlar ise yabancıların Anavarza' daki faaliyetleri hakkındadır. Bu çalışmada T.C. Cumhurbaşkanlığı Devlet Arşivleri Başkanlığı Osmanlı ve Cumhuriyet Kataloglarında yer alan Anavarza hakkındaki kayıtlar ele alınacaktır. Özellikle üzerinde durulacak husus ise Anavarza Antik Kenti hakkındaki sınırlı sayıda vesikadır.
Mecmuanın temel gayesi, muallimler arasında meslekî dayanışmanın geliştirilmesi, ülke genelinde f... more Mecmuanın temel gayesi, muallimler arasında meslekî dayanışmanın geliştirilmesi, ülke genelinde faaliyet yürüten muallimlerin haklarının korunması, maddi ve manevi olarak onların menfaatlerine adımlar atılması ve meslekî, ilmî ve
YAKIN dönemde "cemiyet", "dernek", "birlik", "vakıf", "sendika" vb. şekillerde adlandırılan sivil... more YAKIN dönemde "cemiyet", "dernek", "birlik", "vakıf", "sendika" vb. şekillerde adlandırılan sivil toplum kuruluşlarının temellerini MÖ. 385-322 senelerine kadar geri götürmek mümkündür. Modern manada bu faaliyetler XVII. yüzyıldan itibaren Batı'da ortaya çıkmıştır. Osmanlı ülkesinde ise bu süreç Tanzimat Fermanı ile başlamıştır. Ancak cemiyetleşme faaliyetlerinin yasal zemin kazanması 1909 senesinde ilan edilen "Cemiyetler Kanunu" ile birliktedir 1 . Bu esnada diğer meslek grupları gibi muallimler de örgütlenme çabalarına girişmişlerdir.

Özet Millet-i sadıka olarak nitelendirilen Ermeniler, uzun yıllar boyunca Osmanlı Devleti hâkimiy... more Özet Millet-i sadıka olarak nitelendirilen Ermeniler, uzun yıllar boyunca Osmanlı Devleti hâkimiyet sahasında huzur içerisinde hayatlarını devam ettirmişlerdir. 19. yüzyılın sonlarından itibaren ise başta Rusya ve İngiltere'nin teşviki ve girişimleri ile "vilâyât-ı sitte" olarak bilinen Erzurum, Van, Elazığ, Diyarbakır, Sivas ve Bitlis vilayetlerinde bir Ermeni devletinin teşkili için çeşitli faaliyetlerin olduğu görülmektedir. Bu doğrultuda Ermeniler, pek çok alanda propaganda faaliyetlerine girişmişlerdir. 1908 senesinde gerçekleştirilen genel seçimlerde İstanbul mebusu olarak Meclis-i Mebûsâna giren Avukat Kirkor (Krikor) Zohrap da propaganda faaliyetlerinde bulunanlar arasındadır. Doğu vilayetlerinde Ermeni vatandaşlara çeşitli baskı ve zulümler yapıldığına dair iddialar onun girişimleri ile Meclis-i Mebûsâna taşınmıştır. Söz konusu şikâyetler üzerine Devlet, bölgeye müfettişler göndererek malumat alma yoluna gitmiştir. Bunun yanında bölgenin ileri gelenlerinin de bu asılsız Ermeni iddialarına karşı layihalar kaleme aldığı görülmektedir. Mülkiye Kaymakamlığımdan emekli olan Cizrelizâde Raif Efendi de bunlardan biridir. Bu çalışmada Cizrelizâde Raif Efendi'nin Ermeni iddialarına karşı Sadâret makamına ilettiği lâyiha ele alınmıştır.
Papers by Doç. Dr. YUNUS PUSTU
after the conquest of Hakkâri in the early 16th century, continued their lives in
the mentioned geography in the status of dhimmi within the framework of
Islamic law as a non-Muslim subject of the Ottoman Empire during the period
until the beginning of the 20th century. In this process, a significant part of the
Nestorians of Hakkâri continued their lives as tribes in mountainous and rugged
areas away from authority (Tiyari, Tuhup (Thuma), Jilo (Cilo), Baz, Dez (Dız), Tal
(Tel) and Walto). Some Nestorians, on the other hand, continued their
existence as reaya in the central areas of Hakkâri, without being tribal
affiliation, intertwined with the Muslim people and feeling the state authority
more than the tribes. It is a fact that some disagreements have arisen due to
various reasons during the process. However, these were not ethnic and
political issues, they were issues that occurred depending on daily events and
resulted in peace in a short time. The activities of the British, French, Russian
and American missionaries against the Nestorians, like other non-Muslim
groups in Anatolia during the 19th century, caused this peace environment to
gradually disappear. The reflections of the seeds of separation will show
themselves in the first quarter of the 20th century.
World War I represents an important break in this respect for the
Nestorians of Hakkâri. Although the Nestorians preferred to remain neutral in
the first place after the beginning of the war, they took the side of Russia in the
Entente block by getting their hopes of independence on April 17, 1915. After
this decision, the Nestorians started to act as the reconnaissance arm of the
Russian troops, and with the support they received from them, they launched
attacks against the Muslims in the Hakkâri region. In the current situation, in
the middle of 1915 after the withdrawal of Russia from some areas where she
occupied, the Ottoman Empire started a military operation to suppress the
rebellious Nestorians. In the meantime, when the expected support from
Russia did not come, the Nestorians immigrated to the cities of Urmia and
Salmas in Iran by using the Başkale route from Hakkâri in the middle of 1915.
Also a second breakpoint for the Nestorians, who continued their harassment
against the Muslim people with the support they received from the Russian
troops, was the revolution in Russia in October 1917. After the withdrawal of
the Russian troops from Iran after the revolution, the Nestorians continued
their existence as a significant power in Urmiye and Salmas regions for a while,
thanks to the weapons left by the Russians. However, this situation did not last
long for the Nestorians who were left without a protector. In the ongoing
process, the Nestorians from Hakkari and Urmia would come under the control
of the British and would begin to act in their interests.
The murder of Patriarch Mar Şemun Benjamin on March 16, 1918, who was
both the religious and political leader of the Nestorians, by the Shikak tribe
leader İsmail Şimko, was one of the important incidents that shook the position
of the Nestorians in Iran. Nestorians had to leave Urmia and Salmas in July
1918, when the Ottoman troops started a military operation against Salmas
and Urmia shortly after this incident. In the meantime, it is seen that the
Nestorians from Urmia also joined the migration caravan. The first stop on the
escape route is Hamedan, which is also connected to Iran. However, this place
has not been a permanent settlement for the Nestorians. Nestorians, who had
to fight hunger and epidemic diseases and suffered significant losses, migrated
to Baghdad, Iraq, which was under British control at that time, in AugustSeptember of the same year, and were settled in the Bakuba Refugee Camp
established for them. After that to establish an independent Assyrian state that
would include Hakkâri became the foremost aim of the Nestorians' agenda. In
this way, they dreamed of returning to their old homeland, Hakkâri. For this
purpose, Nestorian groups fought politically during the peace negotiations that
took place in the international arena after the First World War. However, no
serious results could be obtained from these attempts. Nestorians did not
hesitate to take military initiatives with the approval of the British in line with
the aforementioned purpose. The Hakkâri Operation, which was carried out
under the leadership of Ağa Petros at the end of 1920, is the most important
initiative carried out in this direction. However, this attempt did not yield any
The dreams of the Nestorians about having a homeland and being settled
here in line with the British promises continued until the early 1930s. In this
process, the Nestorians actively served against the Kurdish tribes within the
body of the Levi Units in the British army. In the meantime, the Nestorians’
outbursts, who acted inside the Levi Units, with the support they received from
the British, against the Arabs and Kurds in the Iraq geography led to the
emergence of reactions against them. In this situation, the end of the British
mandate in Iraq on May 30, 1932, without keeping the promises of an
independent state made for them, caused a significant disappointment and
anger on the Nestorians. In the ongoing process, under the leadership of the
League of Nations, studies have been started for the collective resettlement of
Nestorians in Iraq, in the surrounding countries and in various areas in distant
continents. However, no positive results were obtained from any of the
attempts made. As a result, the Nestorians, who were in the Entente Bloc and
had to leave their hometown Hakkâri with their hopes of independence,
dispersed to various areas within Iraq after nearly twenty years without
achieving their goals and after suffering significant losses. In this study, the migration processes of the Nestorians of Hakkâri during the period from the
beginning of the First World War (1915) to 1936 were tried to be discussed
collectively through archival documents, newspaper reports of the period and
copyrighted works.
after the conquest of Hakkâri in the early 16th century, continued their lives in
the mentioned geography in the status of dhimmi within the framework of
Islamic law as a non-Muslim subject of the Ottoman Empire during the period
until the beginning of the 20th century. In this process, a significant part of the
Nestorians of Hakkâri continued their lives as tribes in mountainous and rugged
areas away from authority (Tiyari, Tuhup (Thuma), Jilo (Cilo), Baz, Dez (Dız), Tal
(Tel) and Walto). Some Nestorians, on the other hand, continued their
existence as reaya in the central areas of Hakkâri, without being tribal
affiliation, intertwined with the Muslim people and feeling the state authority
more than the tribes. It is a fact that some disagreements have arisen due to
various reasons during the process. However, these were not ethnic and
political issues, they were issues that occurred depending on daily events and
resulted in peace in a short time. The activities of the British, French, Russian
and American missionaries against the Nestorians, like other non-Muslim
groups in Anatolia during the 19th century, caused this peace environment to
gradually disappear. The reflections of the seeds of separation will show
themselves in the first quarter of the 20th century.
World War I represents an important break in this respect for the
Nestorians of Hakkâri. Although the Nestorians preferred to remain neutral in
the first place after the beginning of the war, they took the side of Russia in the
Entente block by getting their hopes of independence on April 17, 1915. After
this decision, the Nestorians started to act as the reconnaissance arm of the
Russian troops, and with the support they received from them, they launched
attacks against the Muslims in the Hakkâri region. In the current situation, in
the middle of 1915 after the withdrawal of Russia from some areas where she
occupied, the Ottoman Empire started a military operation to suppress the
rebellious Nestorians. In the meantime, when the expected support from
Russia did not come, the Nestorians immigrated to the cities of Urmia and
Salmas in Iran by using the Başkale route from Hakkâri in the middle of 1915.
Also a second breakpoint for the Nestorians, who continued their harassment
against the Muslim people with the support they received from the Russian
troops, was the revolution in Russia in October 1917. After the withdrawal of
the Russian troops from Iran after the revolution, the Nestorians continued
their existence as a significant power in Urmiye and Salmas regions for a while,
thanks to the weapons left by the Russians. However, this situation did not last
long for the Nestorians who were left without a protector. In the ongoing
process, the Nestorians from Hakkari and Urmia would come under the control
of the British and would begin to act in their interests.
The murder of Patriarch Mar Şemun Benjamin on March 16, 1918, who was
both the religious and political leader of the Nestorians, by the Shikak tribe
leader İsmail Şimko, was one of the important incidents that shook the position
of the Nestorians in Iran. Nestorians had to leave Urmia and Salmas in July
1918, when the Ottoman troops started a military operation against Salmas
and Urmia shortly after this incident. In the meantime, it is seen that the
Nestorians from Urmia also joined the migration caravan. The first stop on the
escape route is Hamedan, which is also connected to Iran. However, this place
has not been a permanent settlement for the Nestorians. Nestorians, who had
to fight hunger and epidemic diseases and suffered significant losses, migrated
to Baghdad, Iraq, which was under British control at that time, in AugustSeptember of the same year, and were settled in the Bakuba Refugee Camp
established for them. After that to establish an independent Assyrian state that
would include Hakkâri became the foremost aim of the Nestorians' agenda. In
this way, they dreamed of returning to their old homeland, Hakkâri. For this
purpose, Nestorian groups fought politically during the peace negotiations that
took place in the international arena after the First World War. However, no
serious results could be obtained from these attempts. Nestorians did not
hesitate to take military initiatives with the approval of the British in line with
the aforementioned purpose. The Hakkâri Operation, which was carried out
under the leadership of Ağa Petros at the end of 1920, is the most important
initiative carried out in this direction. However, this attempt did not yield any
The dreams of the Nestorians about having a homeland and being settled
here in line with the British promises continued until the early 1930s. In this
process, the Nestorians actively served against the Kurdish tribes within the
body of the Levi Units in the British army. In the meantime, the Nestorians’
outbursts, who acted inside the Levi Units, with the support they received from
the British, against the Arabs and Kurds in the Iraq geography led to the
emergence of reactions against them. In this situation, the end of the British
mandate in Iraq on May 30, 1932, without keeping the promises of an
independent state made for them, caused a significant disappointment and
anger on the Nestorians. In the ongoing process, under the leadership of the
League of Nations, studies have been started for the collective resettlement of
Nestorians in Iraq, in the surrounding countries and in various areas in distant
continents. However, no positive results were obtained from any of the
attempts made. As a result, the Nestorians, who were in the Entente Bloc and
had to leave their hometown Hakkâri with their hopes of independence,
dispersed to various areas within Iraq after nearly twenty years without
achieving their goals and after suffering significant losses. In this study, the migration processes of the Nestorians of Hakkâri during the period from the
beginning of the First World War (1915) to 1936 were tried to be discussed
collectively through archival documents, newspaper reports of the period and
copyrighted works.