Con el objetivo de caracterizar la situación de la leptospirosis en la población humana y animal ... more Con el objetivo de caracterizar la situación de la leptospirosis en la población humana y animal se realizó un análisis retrospectivo a partir de los archivos Municipales y Provinciales del Instituto de Medicina Veterinaria Municipal , su red de diagnóstico y los Servicios de Salud Pública de idéntico nivel. Se determinaron los reportes de casos de leptospirosis en la población humana y animal desde el año1993-2006 en ocho municipios habaneros. Se calculó el valor porcentual, la frecuencia relativa y la prevalencia de la enfermedad, atendiendo a los números de reportes de casos por población (humana y animal), años, especies, zonas (rural y urbana) y el serovar de Leptospira involucrado. La mayor prevalencia de la enfermedad la presentó la población animal. Los resultados obtenidos revelan su utilidad como estudio retrospectivo que aporta el conocimiento de los indicadores relacionados con los análisis de riesgos necesarios para la planificación de acciones de reducción de desastres sanitarios.
The Information and Communication Technologies (TIC's) are indispensable tools nowadays. The ... more The Information and Communication Technologies (TIC's) are indispensable tools nowadays. The coordinator on Preventive Med Medicine Master Degree from the Ag...
Metodología para el análisis de algunos indicadores de riesgo asociados al manejo territorial de ... more Metodología para el análisis de algunos indicadores de riesgo asociados al manejo territorial de las 1 Metodología para el análisis de algunos indicadores de riesgo asociados al manejo territorial de las zoonosis (Methodology to analyze risk indicators associated of zoonoses territorial management) Yolanda E. Suárez (*) ; Y.Fabré (*) ; Maylín Soca (*) ; Maritza Fuentes (*) ; C. Cabrera (*) ; J. Álvarez (*) .
Con el objetivo de caracterizar la situación de la leptospirosis en la población humana y animal ... more Con el objetivo de caracterizar la situación de la leptospirosis en la población humana y animal se realizó un análisis retrospectivo a partir de los archivos Municipales y Provinciales del Instituto de Medicina Veterinaria Municipal , su red de diagnóstico y los Servicios de Salud Pública de idéntico nivel. Se determinaron los reportes de casos de leptospirosis en la población humana y animal desde el año1993-2006 en ocho municipios habaneros. Se calculó el valor porcentual, la frecuencia relativa y la prevalencia de la enfermedad, atendiendo a los números de reportes de casos por población (humana y animal), años, especies, zonas (rural y urbana) y el serovar de Leptospira involucrado. La mayor prevalencia de la enfermedad la presentó la población animal. Los resultados obtenidos revelan su utilidad como estudio retrospectivo que aporta el conocimiento de los indicadores relacionados con los análisis de riesgos necesarios para la planificación de acciones de reducción de desastres sanitarios.
Background: In the last years, Leptospira spp Ballum has increased its representation in human cl... more Background: In the last years, Leptospira spp Ballum has increased its representation in human clinical isolations in Cuba. Effective vaccines are needed to control this zoonotic disease. Objective: With the objective of developing a new vaccine candidate able to generate an effective protection against this serovar, two monovalent formulations developed by two highly virulent strains were evaluated (FoBa and FoBb). Methods: Clinical isolates of Leptospira serovar Ballum were subjected to serial passages in hamsters and monovalent vaccines were produced by modified methods developed for vax-SPIRAL®. The vaccine efficacy was tested in both experimental and control hamsters. Results: The Mesocricetus auratus biomodel showed that both formulations generated a protection of 100% against the Ballum lethal infection together to high levels of IgG antibodies and were efficient in the elimination of homologous carrier state but not heterologous carrier states. Conclusion: Both FoBa and FoBb...
Proyecto académico sin fines de lucro, desarrollado bajo la iniciativa de acceso abierto MICRONÚC... more Proyecto académico sin fines de lucro, desarrollado bajo la iniciativa de acceso abierto MICRONÚCLEOS TRANSPLACENTARIOS EN RATAS SPRAGUE DAWLEY
A study about the technical bases for risk analysis of zoonotic diseases transmitted by foods aft... more A study about the technical bases for risk analysis of zoonotic diseases transmitted by foods after the occurrence of disasters caused by hurricanes or intense rains on the human and animal population was carried out in a community of Havana city. ... Two data bases concerning ...
Balb/c mice of both sexes were evaluated as biomodel in the induction of micronucleis in bone mar... more Balb/c mice of both sexes were evaluated as biomodel in the induction of micronucleis in bone marrow cells by cyclophosphamide and bleomycin. They were divided into five experimental groups per sex. The first one was administered with NaCl 0.9% by intraperitoneal (i.p) route, the second and third groups were administered with cyclophosphamide by i.p route, with designs of different treatments at doses of 50 mg/kg. The fourth and fifth groups were administered with bleomycin by i.p route, equally in two designs of different treatments at 20 mg/kg doses. This resulted in a higher micronucleis induction of polychromatic erythrocytes and in a higher citotoxicity index with the use of cyclophosphamide administered twice before the sacrifice, with a 24-hours interval between administrations. According to our experimental conditions, this is the best design to induce a considerable number of micronucleis in bone marrow cells of mice, being useful in experimental designs to evaluate drugs with antigenotoxic effect. In addition, it implies its use according to the best found experimental design as positive control in mutagenesis and genotoxicity studies.
Advances in clinical and experimental medicine : official organ Wroclaw Medical University
The World Health Organization considers leptospirosis the most neglected zoonotic disease in the ... more The World Health Organization considers leptospirosis the most neglected zoonotic disease in the last decades. One of the major obstacles in the developing of vaccines for the prevention of leptospirosis is the absence of cross-protection among unrelated serovars. It is accepted that cross-protection among related serovars is due to antibodies generated against lipopolysaccharides (LPs), whereas a cross-protection among unrelated serovars is rarely observed. The objective of the study was to ascertain the existence of cross-protection among vaccine strains of different serovars. The results of this research demonstrated that a cross-protection among unrelated Leptospira serovars strain is possible. The Canicola strain is able to induce protection against homologous, Ballum and Copenhageni strains. The Mozdok strain induced protection only against a homologous challenge. Other strains showed a moderate cross-protection against a heterologous challenge. These findings suggest that the...
The paper was worked out in swine abattoir to deter technical basis and viability of Hazard Analy... more The paper was worked out in swine abattoir to deter technical basis and viability of Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) as a way to obtain safe food to consumer. The paper includes: I.-Determination of hazards and evaluation of risks to consumers from abattoir, as well as II.-Establishment of technical basis for the application of Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP). The first step was to design operational flaw, the evaluation of standard operating procedures (SOP) and the good manufacturing practices (GMP) and good hygiene practices (GHP) on the process. This step also involves microbiological testing of meat, water and surface, the sensorial testing of meat, establish of hazard and qualitative risk evaluation by Suárez et al.,(2001). The second step was to verify the operational flaw in abattoir, to deter Critical Control Point (CCP), the Critical Limits (CL) and their monitoring procedures. The step also includes the assessment of real condition for the application of the food safety concept. The paper application allows us to recommend the implementing of Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) concept to obtain economical efficiency and to reduce the hazards by consumers.
This research aimed at comparing Balb/c mice and Sprague Dawley rats as biomodel in the head sper... more This research aimed at comparing Balb/c mice and Sprague Dawley rats as biomodel in the head sperm morphology assay, keeping in mind the frequency in anomalous forms in the sperm head basal and induced with cyclophosphamide (CF). Twenty animals/group were used of Balb/c mice line and Sprague Dawley (SD) rats, administered during 35 days in the mouse and 52 days in the rat. Using a negative control group (not administered), two substance-vehicle controls and positive control CF administered with 50 mg/kg, by intraperitoneal route during five consecutives days. The best experimental biomodel turns out to be the Balb/c mice differing significantly from the results obtained in the SD rats, keeping in mind the spontaneous and induced values in the spermatic concentration and the frequency of anomalous epididymis sperms. This study will allow to use mice species with more efficiency in the genotoxic and preclinical toxicology fertility evaluation of drugs, vaccine and other products.
This paper present the phenotypic and molecular characterization of eight strains of Leptospira i... more This paper present the phenotypic and molecular characterization of eight strains of Leptospira isolated from Nicaragua clinical cases. The phenotypic characterization results showed absence of cell growth on culture media incubated at 13 °C or 8-azaguanina (2.25 mg/mL) supplemented medium. Besides a conversion to spherical shapes at 60 min to exposure NaCl 1M supplemented medium was observed. The molecular characterization was carried out by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) of ompL1 and lipL32 genes stored with pathogen strains. The results demonstrated the presence of amplified bands for both genes on eight strains., which allow to affirm that the analyzed microorganisms are Leptospira pathogens strains.
Con el objetivo de caracterizar la situación de la leptospirosis en la población humana y animal ... more Con el objetivo de caracterizar la situación de la leptospirosis en la población humana y animal se realizó un análisis retrospectivo a partir de los archivos Municipales y Provinciales del Instituto de Medicina Veterinaria Municipal , su red de diagnóstico y los Servicios de Salud Pública de idéntico nivel. Se determinaron los reportes de casos de leptospirosis en la población humana y animal desde el año1993-2006 en ocho municipios habaneros. Se calculó el valor porcentual, la frecuencia relativa y la prevalencia de la enfermedad, atendiendo a los números de reportes de casos por población (humana y animal), años, especies, zonas (rural y urbana) y el serovar de Leptospira involucrado. La mayor prevalencia de la enfermedad la presentó la población animal. Los resultados obtenidos revelan su utilidad como estudio retrospectivo que aporta el conocimiento de los indicadores relacionados con los análisis de riesgos necesarios para la planificación de acciones de reducción de desastres sanitarios.
The Information and Communication Technologies (TIC's) are indispensable tools nowadays. The ... more The Information and Communication Technologies (TIC's) are indispensable tools nowadays. The coordinator on Preventive Med Medicine Master Degree from the Ag...
Metodología para el análisis de algunos indicadores de riesgo asociados al manejo territorial de ... more Metodología para el análisis de algunos indicadores de riesgo asociados al manejo territorial de las 1 Metodología para el análisis de algunos indicadores de riesgo asociados al manejo territorial de las zoonosis (Methodology to analyze risk indicators associated of zoonoses territorial management) Yolanda E. Suárez (*) ; Y.Fabré (*) ; Maylín Soca (*) ; Maritza Fuentes (*) ; C. Cabrera (*) ; J. Álvarez (*) .
Con el objetivo de caracterizar la situación de la leptospirosis en la población humana y animal ... more Con el objetivo de caracterizar la situación de la leptospirosis en la población humana y animal se realizó un análisis retrospectivo a partir de los archivos Municipales y Provinciales del Instituto de Medicina Veterinaria Municipal , su red de diagnóstico y los Servicios de Salud Pública de idéntico nivel. Se determinaron los reportes de casos de leptospirosis en la población humana y animal desde el año1993-2006 en ocho municipios habaneros. Se calculó el valor porcentual, la frecuencia relativa y la prevalencia de la enfermedad, atendiendo a los números de reportes de casos por población (humana y animal), años, especies, zonas (rural y urbana) y el serovar de Leptospira involucrado. La mayor prevalencia de la enfermedad la presentó la población animal. Los resultados obtenidos revelan su utilidad como estudio retrospectivo que aporta el conocimiento de los indicadores relacionados con los análisis de riesgos necesarios para la planificación de acciones de reducción de desastres sanitarios.
Background: In the last years, Leptospira spp Ballum has increased its representation in human cl... more Background: In the last years, Leptospira spp Ballum has increased its representation in human clinical isolations in Cuba. Effective vaccines are needed to control this zoonotic disease. Objective: With the objective of developing a new vaccine candidate able to generate an effective protection against this serovar, two monovalent formulations developed by two highly virulent strains were evaluated (FoBa and FoBb). Methods: Clinical isolates of Leptospira serovar Ballum were subjected to serial passages in hamsters and monovalent vaccines were produced by modified methods developed for vax-SPIRAL®. The vaccine efficacy was tested in both experimental and control hamsters. Results: The Mesocricetus auratus biomodel showed that both formulations generated a protection of 100% against the Ballum lethal infection together to high levels of IgG antibodies and were efficient in the elimination of homologous carrier state but not heterologous carrier states. Conclusion: Both FoBa and FoBb...
Proyecto académico sin fines de lucro, desarrollado bajo la iniciativa de acceso abierto MICRONÚC... more Proyecto académico sin fines de lucro, desarrollado bajo la iniciativa de acceso abierto MICRONÚCLEOS TRANSPLACENTARIOS EN RATAS SPRAGUE DAWLEY
A study about the technical bases for risk analysis of zoonotic diseases transmitted by foods aft... more A study about the technical bases for risk analysis of zoonotic diseases transmitted by foods after the occurrence of disasters caused by hurricanes or intense rains on the human and animal population was carried out in a community of Havana city. ... Two data bases concerning ...
Balb/c mice of both sexes were evaluated as biomodel in the induction of micronucleis in bone mar... more Balb/c mice of both sexes were evaluated as biomodel in the induction of micronucleis in bone marrow cells by cyclophosphamide and bleomycin. They were divided into five experimental groups per sex. The first one was administered with NaCl 0.9% by intraperitoneal (i.p) route, the second and third groups were administered with cyclophosphamide by i.p route, with designs of different treatments at doses of 50 mg/kg. The fourth and fifth groups were administered with bleomycin by i.p route, equally in two designs of different treatments at 20 mg/kg doses. This resulted in a higher micronucleis induction of polychromatic erythrocytes and in a higher citotoxicity index with the use of cyclophosphamide administered twice before the sacrifice, with a 24-hours interval between administrations. According to our experimental conditions, this is the best design to induce a considerable number of micronucleis in bone marrow cells of mice, being useful in experimental designs to evaluate drugs with antigenotoxic effect. In addition, it implies its use according to the best found experimental design as positive control in mutagenesis and genotoxicity studies.
Advances in clinical and experimental medicine : official organ Wroclaw Medical University
The World Health Organization considers leptospirosis the most neglected zoonotic disease in the ... more The World Health Organization considers leptospirosis the most neglected zoonotic disease in the last decades. One of the major obstacles in the developing of vaccines for the prevention of leptospirosis is the absence of cross-protection among unrelated serovars. It is accepted that cross-protection among related serovars is due to antibodies generated against lipopolysaccharides (LPs), whereas a cross-protection among unrelated serovars is rarely observed. The objective of the study was to ascertain the existence of cross-protection among vaccine strains of different serovars. The results of this research demonstrated that a cross-protection among unrelated Leptospira serovars strain is possible. The Canicola strain is able to induce protection against homologous, Ballum and Copenhageni strains. The Mozdok strain induced protection only against a homologous challenge. Other strains showed a moderate cross-protection against a heterologous challenge. These findings suggest that the...
The paper was worked out in swine abattoir to deter technical basis and viability of Hazard Analy... more The paper was worked out in swine abattoir to deter technical basis and viability of Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) as a way to obtain safe food to consumer. The paper includes: I.-Determination of hazards and evaluation of risks to consumers from abattoir, as well as II.-Establishment of technical basis for the application of Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP). The first step was to design operational flaw, the evaluation of standard operating procedures (SOP) and the good manufacturing practices (GMP) and good hygiene practices (GHP) on the process. This step also involves microbiological testing of meat, water and surface, the sensorial testing of meat, establish of hazard and qualitative risk evaluation by Suárez et al.,(2001). The second step was to verify the operational flaw in abattoir, to deter Critical Control Point (CCP), the Critical Limits (CL) and their monitoring procedures. The step also includes the assessment of real condition for the application of the food safety concept. The paper application allows us to recommend the implementing of Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) concept to obtain economical efficiency and to reduce the hazards by consumers.
This research aimed at comparing Balb/c mice and Sprague Dawley rats as biomodel in the head sper... more This research aimed at comparing Balb/c mice and Sprague Dawley rats as biomodel in the head sperm morphology assay, keeping in mind the frequency in anomalous forms in the sperm head basal and induced with cyclophosphamide (CF). Twenty animals/group were used of Balb/c mice line and Sprague Dawley (SD) rats, administered during 35 days in the mouse and 52 days in the rat. Using a negative control group (not administered), two substance-vehicle controls and positive control CF administered with 50 mg/kg, by intraperitoneal route during five consecutives days. The best experimental biomodel turns out to be the Balb/c mice differing significantly from the results obtained in the SD rats, keeping in mind the spontaneous and induced values in the spermatic concentration and the frequency of anomalous epididymis sperms. This study will allow to use mice species with more efficiency in the genotoxic and preclinical toxicology fertility evaluation of drugs, vaccine and other products.
This paper present the phenotypic and molecular characterization of eight strains of Leptospira i... more This paper present the phenotypic and molecular characterization of eight strains of Leptospira isolated from Nicaragua clinical cases. The phenotypic characterization results showed absence of cell growth on culture media incubated at 13 °C or 8-azaguanina (2.25 mg/mL) supplemented medium. Besides a conversion to spherical shapes at 60 min to exposure NaCl 1M supplemented medium was observed. The molecular characterization was carried out by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) of ompL1 and lipL32 genes stored with pathogen strains. The results demonstrated the presence of amplified bands for both genes on eight strains., which allow to affirm that the analyzed microorganisms are Leptospira pathogens strains.