Papers by Yuli Salis Hijriyani

Sekolah memiliki sumber daya yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk mencapai tujuan pendidikan. Faktor ter... more Sekolah memiliki sumber daya yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk mencapai tujuan pendidikan. Faktor terpenting bagi suatu lembaga pendidikan anak usia dini adalah mencetak anak – anak yang berprestasi serta tumbuh kembang dengan optimal. Dalam mencapai kepentingan tersebut, berbagai sumber daya sekolah yang ada difungsikan secara maksimal. Langkah tersebut perlu ada beberapa pihak untuk kerja sama dalam menjalani peran sumber daya sekolah. Peran optimalisasi sumber daya sekolah terutama sumber daya keuangan melalui pendekatan cashflow quadrant dalam rangka membangun pembelajaran holistik integratif bagi anak usia dini menjadi penting diteliti di lembaga pendidikan anak usia dini . Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian lapangan dengan obyek penelitian RA Al Muttaqin Kota Tasikmalaya. Adapun sifat penelitin ini adalah deskripstif – kualitatif. Berupaya memberikan gambaran – gambaran tentang pelaksanaan pembelajaran untuk mengeksplorasi data dilakukan dengan cara hubungan yang intensif d...
This article is intended to reveal the importance of learning strategies for children with specia... more This article is intended to reveal the importance of learning strategies for children with special needs. The results of literature review show that there are some learning strategies that can be used in the teaching and learning process for children with special needs. Those learning strategies cover: First, perceptual-motor training, such as training the ability to distinguish shapes, symbols, letters, etc. and training on the ability to remember. Second, auditive, such as training children to distinguish consonant and vowel sounds. Third, modeling which is a learning activity by following the styles of others as a model and being able to imitate the behavior of teachers or parents.

As part of inclusion education, Education for All (EfA) or Pendidikan untuk Semua (PuS) has six m... more As part of inclusion education, Education for All (EfA) or Pendidikan untuk Semua (PuS) has six main programs, including the inclusion program of Early Childhood Education (Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini or PAUD). This article is compiled based on a qualitative approach, which is a type of field research and presented descriptively. This article highlights the role of Shadow Teacher as one of the main keys to the success of inclusion education in PAUD Terpadu Inklusi Bina Insan Kreatif (BIK) in Tasikmalaya city. The findings of the article show that Shadow Teacher has a variety of relatively different roles and responsibilities than class teachers. But it plays a big role in helping the success of learning carried out by class teachers, especially related to Children with Special Needs (Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus or ABK). In undergoing its roles and responsibilities, Shadow Teacher applies various strategies to assist the development of ABK students, in the academic, non-academic and self-...

Al-Athfal: Jurnal Pendidikan Anak
This article is aimed to figure out the integrative holistic learning process of early chi... more This article is aimed to figure out the integrative holistic learning process of early childhood which consist of implementation of child health service program, education, child welfare protection, nad child care. The implementation of learning is analyzed by cashflow quadrant approach to see how far the achievement from institute of education for early childhood. This kind of research is qualitative and implemented in RA Al Muttaqin Tasikmalaya. The process of collecting data is using observation, interview and documentation. The data are analyzed using Matthew B Millers Interactive Analyzed Model. The result of this research shows that there is huge support from the organizers of RA Al Muttaqin and aslo some parties who cooperate well toward the instituation. The conclusion of this research is the integrative holistic learning process will run well when the management of financial in the instituation will reach the goal since those factors will bring related to the smoothn...

ThufuLA: Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan Guru Raudhatul Athfal
UTILIZING GADGET FOR EARLY CHILDREN IN FACING 4.0 INDUSTRY REVOLUTION. In this milineal era, the ... more UTILIZING GADGET FOR EARLY CHILDREN IN FACING 4.0 INDUSTRY REVOLUTION. In this milineal era, the majority of human needs are based on digitization and can be managed using gadgets. The use of gadgets has now spread to the world of children, so it is a challenge for parents and kindergarten teachers in dealing with children in the industrial revolution era 4.0. In Indonesia, the use of gadgets has many negative effects, especially in early childhood. This phenomenon is the background of the problem in this study. This study uses descriptive qualitative research methods and aims to determine the use of gadgets that can support early childhood learning facilities. The process of collecting data is done through observation of early childhood aged 4-6 years, interviews with parents who give gadgets to young children, and related documentation on children who use gadgets in the learning process. The results of research by the author can be seen that the use of gadgets can increase children's learning interest in the learning process. So that the gadget for children can be a tool to complement the learning process facilities,
Papers by Yuli Salis Hijriyani