Papers by Yến Nhi Nguyễn Hoàng
Hội thảo quốc tế Giao lưu ngôn ngữ và văn học Việt-Hàn: truyền thống và hiện tại, trang 288-304, Trường ĐH Yonsei, Hàn Quốc và ĐHKHXH &NV- ĐHQGHN, 2010

Proceedings of the 2001 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. CVPR 2001
This paper describes a machine learning approach for visual object detection which is capable of ... more This paper describes a machine learning approach for visual object detection which is capable of processing images extremely rapidly and achieving high detection rates. This work is distinguished by three key contributions. The first is the introduction of a new image representation called the "Integral Image" which allows the features used by our detector to be computed very quickly. The second is a learning algorithm, based on AdaBoost, which selects a small number of critical visual features from a larger set and yields extremely efficient classifiers[6]. The third contribution is a method for combining increasingly more complex classifiers in a "cascade" which allows background regions of the image to be quickly discarded while spending more computation on promising object-like regions. The cascade can be viewed as an object specific focus-of-attention mechanism which unlike previous approaches provides statistical guarantees that discarded regions are unlikely to contain the object of interest. In the domain of face detection the system yields detection rates comparable to the best previous systems. Used in real-time applications, the detector runs at 15 frames per second without resorting to image differencing or skin color detection.

Ngày nay việc dạy ngữ pháp không chỉ theo lối phân tích từ loại và phân tích câu, mà việc giảng d... more Ngày nay việc dạy ngữ pháp không chỉ theo lối phân tích từ loại và phân tích câu, mà việc giảng dạy ngữ pháp còn được thông qua những bài tập kết hợp với việc dạy nhiều kĩ năng ngôn ngữ, kĩ năng học, phương pháp học, kĩ năng vận dụng,... Để dạy ngữ pháp có hiệu quả, giáo viên cần linh động chọn lọc phương pháp và kĩ thuật dạy sao cho đạt mục đích yêu cầu của bài học. Trong bài báo này tác giả đã đưa ra thực trạng của vấn đề và một số kỹ thuật dạy học phần Language Focus trong sách tiếng Anh lớp 9 một cách hiệu quả. Ngoài ra, giáo viên cũng phải giải thích cho học sinh hiểu tầm quan trọng của việc học ngữ pháp. Từ đó các em có thể sử dụng ngôn ngữ một cách có ý nghĩa và diễn đạt được đúng điều mà mình muốn giao tiếp. Quan trọng nhất là học sinh hiểu được hình thái và ý nghĩa của những điểm ngữ pháp đang học để có thể sử dụng ngôn ngữ hiệu quả nhất

Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 2020
The biomass production of Rhodovulum sulfidophilum HPB.6 was optimized via response surface metho... more The biomass production of Rhodovulum sulfidophilum HPB.6 was optimized via response surface methodology (RSM), and the optimal medium components such as waste soybean extract, yeast extract, and Mg 2+ were determined using "one-singlefactor-atone -time" approach. RSM used a three-factor and central composite rotatable design consisting of 21 experimental runs conducted to optimize the final medium components. The optimized conditions were as follows: 2.723 g/L waste soybean extract, 3 g/L yeast extract, and 22 mg/L Mg 2+. Under optimized conditions of Rhodovulum sulfidophilum HPB.6, the biomass production was 4.665 ± 0.326 g/L, which was 5.7-folds higher than that under non-optimized conditions. Besides that, the total lipid production was 5.7 times higher corresponding to the increase in biomass productivity. In addition, there was a change in total fatty acid composition with omega 7 and omega 9 which increased from 55.4 to 62.21 and from 3.4 to 9.41, respectively, while omega 6 decreased from 9.79 to 4.54 and omega 3 could not be detected. This exploration of waste soybean under optimized conditions would be a significant impact for the higher biomass production from Rhodovulum sulfidophilum HPB.6.

Vietnam Journal of Diabetes and Endocrinology, 2020
Mục tiêu: Mô tả đặc điểm lâm sàng và xét nghiệm cận lâm sàng theo phân loại dậy thì sớm vô căn ở ... more Mục tiêu: Mô tả đặc điểm lâm sàng và xét nghiệm cận lâm sàng theo phân loại dậy thì sớm vô căn ở trẻ gái. Đối tượng và phương pháp nghiên cứu: Phương pháp mô tả cắt ngang trên 83 trẻ gái được chẩn đoán dậy thì sớm tại Khoa Nhi, Bệnh viện Trường ĐHYD Huế và Trung tâm Nhi, Bệnh viện Trung ương Huế, từ tháng 3 năm 2010 đến tháng 3 năm 2016. Kết quả: Ở thời điểm chẩn đoán tuổi trung bình của nhóm nghiên cứu là 5,11 ±2,63, Nhóm dậy thì sớm ngoại vi có tuổi trung bình là 3,93±2,22, thấp hơn rõ rệt với nhóm dậy thì sớm trung ương. Tuổi xương lớn hơn tuổi thực cũng là biểu hiện của dậy thì sớm trung ương. Có sự khác biệt rõ rệt các chỉ số siêu âm tử cung-buồng trứng theo phân loại dậy thì sớm trung ương và ngoại biên. Có sự khác biệt rõ rệt nồng độ hormon trục sinh dục FSH, LH nền theo phân loại dậy thì. Nồng độ LH nền tăng cao có ý nghĩa, p1 năm) cũng là biểu hiện của dậy thì sớm trung ương. Về cận lâm sàng, siêu âm tử cung buồng trứng là một xét nghiệm kỹ thuật có giá trị chẩn đoán cao nh...
VNU Journal of Science: Policy and Management Studies, Sep 25, 2017
The paper initially provides a theoretical basis based on the characteristics and requirements of... more The paper initially provides a theoretical basis based on the characteristics and requirements of the policy of promoting startup in the context of globalization, thereby developing a criteria system for evaluating this type of policy. The criteria stystem can be used to conduct a policy review that promotes startup in the context of globalization, apply to policy assessment in Vietnam and make suggestions for policy improvement.

EMBnet.journal, 2018
On 6th and 7th February 2018, a Think Tank took place in Ljubljana, Slovenia. It was a follow-up ... more On 6th and 7th February 2018, a Think Tank took place in Ljubljana, Slovenia. It was a follow-up of the “Big Data Training School for Life Sciences” held in Uppsala, Sweden, in September 2017. The focus was on identifying topics of interest and optimising the programme for a forthcoming “Advanced” Big Data Training School for Life Science, that we hope is again supported by the COST Action CHARME (Harmonising standardisation strategies to increase efficiency and competitiveness of European life-science research - CA15110). The Think Tank aimed to go into details of several topics that were - to a degree - covered by the former training school. Likewise, discussions embraced the recent experience of the attendees in light of the new knowledge obtained by the first edition of the training school and how it comes from the perspective of their current and upcoming work. The 2018 training school should strive for and further facilitate optimised applications of Big Data technologies in l...
The Vietnamese Studies Review, 2018
Electrode Technology for Aluminum Production, 2013

MILCOM 2013 - 2013 IEEE Military Communications Conference, 2013
There is a growing and recognized need for additional SATCOM capacity to serve forward deployed u... more There is a growing and recognized need for additional SATCOM capacity to serve forward deployed users. This paper surveys some of the considerations that need to be accounted for when planning communication missions on system architectures based on analog transponders. The utility of an analog transponded architecture is strongly dependent on the mix of user terminals, data rates each terminal must satisfy, weather conditions, and the level of anti jam (AJ) protection required. This sensitivity is driven by the need to support the most & least capable terminals on the same transponder. Additionally, transponders may be susceptible to unique out of beam interference that is enabled by practical design considerations. Finally, transponders typically require a ground processing site and do not support point to point user communications. The ground hub, which routes all system traffic represents an additional vulnerability. This paper quantifies the potential degradations introduced by the above considerations on a notional analog transponder and evaluates their impact to the loading of a notional scenario onto the transponder considered.
Tetrahedron Letters, 2004
a 2-Alkoxycarbonylindolin-3-one is synthesized from a methoxyglycine derivative via a 1,2-aza-Bro... more a 2-Alkoxycarbonylindolin-3-one is synthesized from a methoxyglycine derivative via a 1,2-aza-Brook rearrangement followed by cyclization with bis(trimethylsilyl)aluminum chloride. A short-step synthesis of N-benzyl matemone is successfully carried out using the present indolin-3-one synthesis. Scheme 1 A new approach to indolin-3-ones and the present Nbenzyl matemone synthesis.

Obstetrics & Gynecology, 2008
Spontaneous ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome is a rare occurrence in pregnancy. This is a case o... more Spontaneous ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome is a rare occurrence in pregnancy. This is a case of pregnancy with spontaneous ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, uncontrolled hypothyroidism, elevated human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), deep vein thrombosis, and Rh isoimmunization. An African-American woman in her mid-30s, gravida 3 para 0, with hypothyroidism presented with abdominal pain, hCG 291,206 milli-International Units/mL, thyroid stimulating hormone 41.7 milliunits/L, hematocrit 12.8%, and Anti-D titer 1:256. Pelvic ultrasonography revealed a pregnancy at 10 weeks of gestation with enlarged adnexal masses. Doppler images demonstrated a right, lower extremity, deep vein thrombosis. Conservative maternal treatment involved levothyroxine and heparin with regression of the ovaries by 22 weeks of gestation after adequate thyroid repletion. Fetal surveillance was with serial ultrasound examinations of the estimated fetal weight, amniotic fluid index, and the fetal middle cerebral artery Doppler images. Cesarean delivery of a nonhydropic 1,400-gram newborn occurred at 35 weeks of gestation. Although born prematurely, the newborn required only 2 liters of oxygen through nasal cannula initially, received only 2 blood transfusions, advanced to oral feeds quickly, had good urine output throughout the hospitalization, and had a normal hearing examination upon discharge. The bilirubin levels remained stable with some phototherapy, so exchange transfusion was not necessary. Spontaneous ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome can occur in pregnant women with severe hypothyroidism or extremely elevated hCG and present with enlarged adnexal masses and acute abdominal pain. Accurate diagnosis and continuation of pregnancy with conservative management is a viable option, once ovarian malignancy is ruled out.

New England Journal of Medicine, 1988
Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli is a common cause of traveler's diarrhea... more Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli is a common cause of traveler's diarrhea. Prophylaxis against traveler's diarrhea has been associated with side effects from bismuth subsalicylate and the development of resistance to antimicrobial agents. We undertook a double-blind controlled trial in which a bovine milk immunoglobulin concentrate with high titers of antibodies against enterotoxigenic E. coli was used as prophylaxis against E. coli challenge in volunteers. Lyophilized milk immunoglobulins were prepared from the colostrum of cows immunized with several enterotoxigenic E. coli serotypes and fimbria types, E. coli heat-labile enterotoxin, and cholera toxin. As a control, an immunoglobulin concentrate with no anti-E. coli activity was prepared. Ten volunteers received buffered immunoglobulin concentrate against enterotoxigenic E. coli, and 10 received the control immunoglobulin concentrate, dissolved in water, three times a day. No side effects were observed. On the third day of immunoglobulin prophylaxis, the volunteers were given 10(9) colony-forming units of enterotoxigenic E. coli H10407 (O78:H11). This strain produces colonization factor antigen I and heat-labile and heat-stable enterotoxins. None of the 10 volunteers receiving the immunoglobulin concentrate against E. coli had diarrhea, but 9 of the 10 controls did (P less than 0.0001). All volunteers excreted E. coli H10407. We conclude from these preliminary results that milk immunoglobulin concentrate may be an effective prophylaxis against traveler's diarrhea.
Journal of Applied Psychology, 1982
This study was a test of the Mobley, Griffeth, Hand, and Meglino turnover model. Data from employ... more This study was a test of the Mobley, Griffeth, Hand, and Meglino turnover model. Data from employees of a mental health facility were collected on several variables contained in the model, including perceived job characteristics, personal employee characteristics, job satisfaction, perceived alternative employment opportunities, intention of quitting the job, and turnover. Two variables were added to those in the model-confirmation of preemployment expectancies and organizational commitment. The results of path analyses were consistent with the model, although with some modifications. Specifically, perceived alternative employment opportunities added nothing to the model as a direct cause of intention to quit or turnover, or as a moderator.
Micro- and Nanotechnology: Materials, Processes, Packaging, and Systems III, 2006
Study on photocatalytic performance of nano-and microstructured materials. [Proceedings of SPIE 6... more Study on photocatalytic performance of nano-and microstructured materials. [Proceedings of SPIE 6415, 64151C (2006)]. Thang C. Dinh, Yen Hoang, Linh H. Bui, Lan K. Le, Phuong T. Dang, Hung M. Do, Vinh Q. Tran, Tuan A. Vu. Abstract. ...
Papers by Yến Nhi Nguyễn Hoàng