Papers by Wolfgang Friedt
Czech Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 2000

Journal of Applied Life Sciences and Environment
Rapeseed meal, a by-product of oilseed extraction related to the agri-food and biofuel industries... more Rapeseed meal, a by-product of oilseed extraction related to the agri-food and biofuel industries due to its favourable composition of essential amino acids, is currently utilised for animal feed. In this study, 166 doubled haploid (DH) rapeseed lines from the segregating Brassica napus doubled haploid population YE2-DH were genetically and chemically analysed for phenolic acids. The relationship between seed colour and phenolic acid fractions in B. napus was investigated using these analyses to improve the quality of rapeseed meal. High-performance liquid chromatography assays were used to estimate phenolic acid content, and the outcomes were used to identify quantitative trait loci (QTL). Nine quantitative feature loci for three distinct phenolic acid compounds were mapped to seven linkage groups. A minor QTL for sinapine was located on linkage group C05 in the same interval as the QTL for seed colour. On chromosome A09, two loci for phenolic acids colocalised with the main QTL fo...

Compendium of Plant Genomes, 2018
Rapeseed or canola (B. napus) is the second most important oilseed crop of the world. It is also ... more Rapeseed or canola (B. napus) is the second most important oilseed crop of the world. It is also a favourite plant for basic and breeding research. Due to its origin and evolution, rapeseed has a complex polyploid genome. Recent sequencing of the corresponding genomes provides the basis for a better understanding and exploitation of the genetic diversity involved in major rapeseed traits. However, directed selection for major quality characteristics, i.e. minimal erucic acid content and low glucosinolate level, has caused genetic bottlenecks limiting genetic variation in the current gene pools of cultivated oilseed rape (OSR). Therefore, broadening genetic diversity is an important aim of research and a necessary prerequisite for further progress by OSR breeding. In agricultural production, rapeseed is nowadays an indispensable component of crop rotations in major growing areas such as Australia, Western Canada, Central China and many countries of the European Union. In many cases, OSR is the only leaf crop among dominating cereal species. Therefore, OSR as a component of crop rotations helps to maintain soil fertility and contributes to sustainable production therefore. As a major cash crop OSR substantially contributes to farmers’ incomes and therefore helps to stabilize rural populations. Beyond that, as major globally traded agricultural commodities rapeseed/canola and rapeseed/canola oil and meal significantly input the national products of a number of countries e.g. Canada. Rapeseed/canola is a raw material for vegetable oil and extraction meal as feed, food and fuel. The oil is mainly used as a high-value salad oil for dressings etc. due to its high contents of oleic acid (ca. 60%) and poly-unsaturated linolenic acid (omega-3, ca. 10%). Nevertheless, a large part is also used as a mobility fuel for diesel cars and tractors, particularly in Germany and Europe. The extraction meal (and protein) from oil processing is now recognized as a highly valuable animal feed, particularly for ruminants (cattle) but also for monogastric farm animals (pigs, poultry). Furthermore, the interest in rapeseed protein for the purpose of human nutrition is increasing. Optimal contents of the major compounds mentioned before represent the main requirements for rapeseed/canola varieties today. Consequently, quality characteristics are major criteria for variety testing and registration therefore. Other major requirements for modern rapeseed varieties are yield and various agronomic traits securing seed yield, i.e. resistance against fungal diseases and insect pests. Because of the environmental concerns and the rejection of agrochemicals such as insecticides (e.g. ban of neonicotinoids in the EU), genetic approaches of establishing resistant crop cultivars constantly gain importance. OSR breeding has long been a relatively ordinary process of repeated selection for resistance, quality and yield, the propagation of improved populations and their release as new open pollinated (OP) varieties. Since this approach is not very effective, breeders have been interested in breeding hybrids instead. Today, F1 hybrids represent the major variety type. They are produced with genetic male sterility systems, most of which are based on cytoplasmic mutations causing male sterility (cms). The higher performance of hybrids is caused by “heterotic effect” which largely depends on the genetic distance between the parents. Therefore, distant genetic pools need to be generated for the development of female and male parents. The future potential of variety design is consequently determined by the usefulness of the genetic pools and the performance of hybrid parents extracted from them. Modern breeding tools based on biotechnology and genomics can substantially contribute to a better exploitation of useful genetic diversity, i.e. specific genes and genetic networks. Better varieties are a precondition for further crop improvement. Future quality OSR cultivars deserve high yield potential, combined with good stability due to disease and pest resistance. This will be the basis for exploiting the great agronomical and industrial advantages of the rapeseed plant.

In der Resistenzzuchtung gewinnen dauerhafte, quantitative Resistenzen zunehmend an Bedeutung. Di... more In der Resistenzzuchtung gewinnen dauerhafte, quantitative Resistenzen zunehmend an Bedeutung. Die Nutzung quantitativ ausgepragter Resistenzeigenschaften setzt voraus, das Genotypen mit unterschiedlich starker Auspragung der Krankheitssymptome exakt beurteilt werden konnen. Rhynchosporium secalis ruft nekrotische Flecken auf den Blattern hervor, deren Grose und Ausdehnung anhand der befallenen Blattoberflache (BBOF-Methode) erfast werden kann. Die Reaktion der untersuchten Varianten zeigt, das mit der BBOF-Methode statistisch gesicherte quantitative Unterschiede in der Befallsauspragung nachgewiesen werden konnen, die fur eine sichere Beurteilung der quantitativen Resistenz von Gersten-Genotypen gegenuber Rhynchosporium secalis geeignet sind. Eine Boniturskala von 1 bis 9 wird vorgeschlagen, die aufgrund einer engen Korrelation mit der BBOF bei geringerem Arbeitsaufwand eine entsprechende Differenzierung erlaubt. Suitability of infested leafsurfaces for the determination of quanti...

Barley yellow dwarfluteovirus (BYDV) is an important plant pathogen and causes the most important... more Barley yellow dwarfluteovirus (BYDV) is an important plant pathogen and causes the most important virus disease of barley world-wide. In order to obtain information about the mode of inheritance of tolerance to BYDV-PAV, three DH populations were tested for variation in yield, plant height, and yield components. Measurements were gathered on both noon-infected plants and plants of the same DH line artificially inoculated with BYDV-PAV bearing aphids in pot and field experiments for 3 years at two locations. For all traits, a continuous variation was observed suggesting a quantitative mode of inheritance for tolerance against BYDV-PAV. Two QTL for relative grain yield per plant after BYDV infection have been identified in the population Post × 'Vixen' which explain nearly 47 % of the phenotypic variance. One QTL on the long arm of chromosome 2HL with the positive allele derived from 'Post' was detected in the DH-population 'Post' x 'Nixe' in exactly th...

Scientific Reports, 2020
Breeding has substantially increased the genetic yield potential, but fungal pathogens are still ... more Breeding has substantially increased the genetic yield potential, but fungal pathogens are still major constraints for wheat production. Therefore, breeding success for resistance and its impact on yield were analyzed on a large panel of winter wheat cultivars, representing breeding progress in Germany during the last decades, in large scale field trials under different fungicide and nitrogen treatments. Results revealed a highly significant effect of genotype (G) and year (Y) on resistances and G × Y interactions were significant for all pathogens tested, i.e. leaf rust, strip rust, powdery mildew and Fusarium head blight. N-fertilization significantly increased the susceptibility to biotrophic and hemibiotrophic pathogens. Resistance was significantly improved over time but at different rates for the pathogens. Although the average progress of resistance against each pathogen was higher at the elevated N level in absolute terms, it was very similar at both N levels on a relative b...

Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 2019
Key message Exploring large genomic data sets based on the latest reference genome assembly ident... more Key message Exploring large genomic data sets based on the latest reference genome assembly identifies the rice ortholog APO1 as a key candidate gene for number of rachis nodes per spike in wheat. Abstract Increasing grain yield in wheat is a key breeding objective worldwide. Several component traits contribute to grain yield with spike attributes being among the most important. In this study, we performed a genome-wide association analysis for 12 grain yield and component traits measured in field trials with contrasting agrochemical input levels in a panel of 220 hexaploid winter wheats. A highly significant, environmentally consistent QTL was detected for number of rachis nodes per rachis (NRN) on chromosome 7AL. The five most significant SNPs formed a strong linkage disequilibrium (LD) block and tagged a 2.23 Mb region. Using pairwise LD for exome SNPs located across this interval in a large worldwide hexaploid wheat collection, we reduced the genomic region for NRN to a 258 Kb interval containing four of the original SNP and six high-confidence genes. The ortholog of one (TraesCS7A01G481600) of these genes in rice was ABBERANT PANICLE ORGANIZATION1 (APO1), which is known to have significant effects on panicle attributes. The APO1 ortholog was the best candidate for NRN and was associated with a 115 bp promoter deletion and two amino acid (C47F and D384 N) changes. Using a large worldwide collection of tetraploid and hexaploid wheat, we found 12 haplotypes for the NRN QTL and evidence for positive enrichment of two haplotypes in modern germplasm. Comparison of five QTL haplotypes in Australian yield trials revealed their relative, context-dependent contribution to grain yield. Our study provides diagnostic SNPs and value propositions to support deployment of the NRN trait in wheat breeding. Communicated by Peter Langridge.

Scientific reports, Jan 3, 2018
The ongoing global intensification of wheat production will likely be accompanied by a rising pre... more The ongoing global intensification of wheat production will likely be accompanied by a rising pressure of Fusarium diseases. While utmost attention was given to Fusarium head blight (FHB) belowground plant infections of the pathogen have largely been ignored. The current knowledge about the impact of soil borne Fusarium infection on plant performance and the underlying genetic mechanisms for resistance remain very limited. Here, we present the first large-scale investigation of Fusarium root rot (FRR) resistance using a diverse panel of 215 international wheat lines. We obtained data for a total of 21 resistance-related traits, including large-scale Real-time PCR experiments to quantify fungal spread. Association mapping and subsequent haplotype analyses discovered a number of highly conserved genomic regions associated with resistance, and revealed a significant effect of allele stacking on the stembase discoloration. Resistance alleles were accumulated in European winter wheat ger...

Biomass and Bioenergy, 2015
Abstract Sorghum is regarded a promising bioenergy crop and may be an alternative to maize for bi... more Abstract Sorghum is regarded a promising bioenergy crop and may be an alternative to maize for biogas use in temperate Europe in the near future. Presently, the principal shortcoming compared to maize besides chilling sensitivity during juvenile development is that current sorghum varieties fail to combine a high dry matter yield with adequate dry matter content for silage and satisfying methane yield. Our major goal was to evaluate whether early-maturing silage type Sorghum bicolor hybrids with a higher contribution of panicles and grains to total dry matter may allow an improvement of methane yield, representing a novel, alternative variety type for biogas use in temperate Europe. Our results indicate that under adequate conditions, they reach higher dry matter contents. Due to enhanced methane yields per dry matter unit which offset slightly lower dry matter yields, their methane yield per area unit is similar or superior to existing biomass type varieties. Since panicles account for up to 50% of total dry matter yield, seed set and maturity in cool environments represent critical factors for yield stability. Breeding efforts focus on chilling tolerance during flowering to avoid male sterility and on the development of appropriate parental lines combining earliness and adequate height. While selection for maturity can be reliably conducted on per se performance of parental lines, hybrid yield is predominantly determined by general combining ability.

Plant Systematics and Evolution, 2007
Nuclear DNA amounts of 118 cultivated fonio accessions representing 94 landraces collected from t... more Nuclear DNA amounts of 118 cultivated fonio accessions representing 94 landraces collected from the major growing areas of West-Africa (Benin, Burkina Faso, Guinea, Mali and Togo) and eight accessions of four wild relatives were investigated by Laser flow cytometry. In cultivated species, average 2C-values ranged from 1.848 ± 0.031 pg for Digitaria iburua to 1.956 ± 0.004 pg for D. exilis. In D. exilis landraces the chromosome number was determined at 2n = 36. The closely related wild species D. longiflora and D. ternata showed similar 2C DNA contents of 1.869 ± 0.035 pg and 1.775 ± 0.070 pg, respectively. Distinctly larger genomes were identified for more distant species D. lecardii and D. ciliaris with 2.660 ± 0.070 pg and 2.576 ± 0.030 pg per 2C nucleus, respectively. Intra-specific variations were found to be slight and insignificant, suggesting genome size stability mainly within the cultivated gene pool. These results support the distance of cultivated fonio species D. exilis and D. iburua from D. lecardii and D. ciliaris as well as their close relationships with D. longiflora and D. ternata. Relevance of the results for ploidy level considerations in fonio millets is discussed.
Plant Breeding, 1988
ABSTRACT Seeds of linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.) cultivars ‘Raulinus’ and ‘Bionda’ were treated... more ABSTRACT Seeds of linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.) cultivars ‘Raulinus’ and ‘Bionda’ were treated mutagenically with ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS) in order to broaden the variation of fatty acid composition in the seed oil and to select mutants with reduced linolenic acid (C18: 3) content. The M2 generation was evaluated for fatty acid composition of the oil. Genetic variation for unsaturated fatty acids was demonstrated to be extended in the M2 generation as compared to the controls. Finally in the M5 generation of cv. ‘Raulinus’, lines with reduced C18:3 (< 40% vs. 55%) and correspondingly increased linoleic or oleic acid contents, respectively, could be selected. These mutants proved to be genetically stable as demonstrated by parent-offspring (M4/M5) regression.

Plant Breeding, 2004
ABSTRACT Sclerotinia sclerotiorum is considered the most devastating pathogen of sunflower grown ... more ABSTRACT Sclerotinia sclerotiorum is considered the most devastating pathogen of sunflower grown in humid environments. In this study, progenies of partial hybrids between Helianthus maximiliani, a wild species that has been shown to be resistant to S. sclerotiorum, and H. annuus were characterized by amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analysis to identify whether there are introgressions from H. maximiliani into the cultivated sunflower at the molecular level. Wild species-specific fragments as well as fragments not found in either parent were detected. Progenies tended to cluster together according to the original partial hybrids in the dendrogram by the use of bootstrap procedures. The progenies were studied for their reaction to S. sclerotiorum using artificial inoculation of sunflower heads. Some of the progenies showed a higher level of resistance compared with resistant inbred lines. It was possible to identify two AFLP-fragments which seem to be linked to Sclerotinia resistance.

Phytopathology®, 2005
A quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis of resistance to Sclerotinia sclerotiorum was carried ou... more A quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis of resistance to Sclerotinia sclerotiorum was carried out with 283 sunflower (Helianthus annuus) F2:3 families derived from a cross between a resistant (SWS-B-04) and a highly susceptible sunflower inbred line. For that purpose, a genetic map based on 195 amplified fragment length polymorphism and 20 simple sequence repeat markers was constructed. The map has a size of 2,273.5 centimorgans and comprises 17 linkage groups, 12 of which could be associated to already defined linkage groups. The heads of sunflower F3 families were artificially inoculated by using sclerotinia mycelium in three field environments. The lesion length was measured in centimeters 1 week postinoculation and head rot was scored according to a 1-to-8 head rot scale 2 weeks postinoculation. Using the composite interval mapping procedure, three QTL for lesion length and two QTL for head rot could be identified. These QTL explain 10.6 to 17.1% of the total phenotypic variance.

Industrial Crops and Products, 1994
Seed samples of different Linum species as well as cultivars and mutant lines of Linum usitatissi... more Seed samples of different Linum species as well as cultivars and mutant lines of Linum usitatissimum, harvested in 1990 and 1991, were analysed for both, fatty acid composition and triacylglycerol (TAG) pattern. Linolenic acid content of the different genotypes varied between 30.7 and 67.5%. The proportion of trilinolenoylglycerol (TLG) varied in the different genotypes from 7.9 to 39.5% and was strictly linearly related to the linolenic acid content (r = +0.98). Concomitantly, the portion of linolenic acid in TLG was linearly related to total linolenic acid portion and ranged from 24.4 to 58.4%. The observed TLG content was compared with estimated contents using two models of fatty acid distribution in triacylglycerols. There is a good conformity of observed and calculated values according to Evans' hypothesis, whereas values calculated according to a completely random distribution for fatty acids are not related to the observed trilinolenoylglycerol values.
Euphytica, 2011
... Dream (Disponent/Kronjuwel//Monopol/3/ Orestis) and G16-92 (Arina/Cariplus//Töring5/ mexican ... more ... Dream (Disponent/Kronjuwel//Monopol/3/ Orestis) and G16-92 (Arina/Cariplus//Töring5/ mexican Line) are moderately resistant and Lynx (CWW-44442-64/Redezvous) and Hussar (Squadron/Redezvous) are highly susceptible to FHB. ...

Rapeseed meal is an important product for animal nutrition and is also a potential source of vege... more Rapeseed meal is an important product for animal nutrition and is also a potential source of vegetable protein for human nutrition. The meal possesses around 40% protein with a favorable composition of amino acids and high contents of the essential amino acids methionin and cystein. However, due to the high proportion of crude fibre and antinutritive components the utilization of rapeseed meal/protein in animal and human nutrition is limited. During this study genetic and chemical analyses of antinutritive phenolic compounds in rapeseed (principally condensed tannins) were performed. Using this analysis, the relationship between seed color and phenolic compounds in B. napus was investigated with a view to improving the rapeseed meal quality. The investigations of proanthocyanidin (PAs) content were carried out by quantitative and qualitative methods (Vanillinand HPLC assay). The obtained values were used to identify quantitative trait loci (QTL) for the respective traits. The candid...
Papers by Wolfgang Friedt