Wolfgang Detel
Professor Emeritus, Philosophy (Chair Goethe-University Frankfurt/Main). education in classics and mathematics, Research Interests: Philosophy of mind, Philosophy of science, Aristotle.
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Books by Wolfgang Detel
Drafts by Wolfgang Detel
- focussing on the formation of races in order to clarify, and evaluate, variants of racism understood as set of beliefs and behaviours,
- describing the formation of races and racism in terms of theories of culture, cultural evolution, and the new mechanistic movement, and
- identifying the mental and social mechanisms on which the formation of races and the spread of racism seem to be based by relying, among other things, on empirical evidence discovered in recent ethnology and evolutionary anthropology.
The hope is that to proceed in this way will help us to recognize the unconscious forces behind the formation of races, and to locate more precisely the gateways for moral objections to racist beliefs and behaviour.
This paper is a revised English version of section 3.1 of Detel, W. 2011: Geist und Verstehen, Frankfurt am Main.
Papers by Wolfgang Detel
- focussing on the formation of races in order to clarify, and evaluate, variants of racism understood as set of beliefs and behaviours,
- describing the formation of races and racism in terms of theories of culture, cultural evolution, and the new mechanistic movement, and
- identifying the mental and social mechanisms on which the formation of races and the spread of racism seem to be based by relying, among other things, on empirical evidence discovered in recent ethnology and evolutionary anthropology.
The hope is that to proceed in this way will help us to recognize the unconscious forces behind the formation of races, and to locate more precisely the gateways for moral objections to racist beliefs and behaviour.
This paper is a revised English version of section 3.1 of Detel, W. 2011: Geist und Verstehen, Frankfurt am Main.