Developmentally appropriate curriculum is a component for quality early childhood care and educat... more Developmentally appropriate curriculum is a component for quality early childhood care and education. This study was conducted in Debre Markos town, East Gojjam Zone, Ethiopia. The study aimed to evaluate if the textbooks implemented by private preschools are developmentally appropriate or not. Qualitative case study approach was employed and Mathematics and Environmental Science textbooks for upper kindergarten class of one private preschool were purposefully selected. The textbooks were analyzed using a checklist focusing on the extent to which contents in the textbooks are appealing, play-based, employ concrete/realistic contexts; contain activities of counting, simple addition and subtraction; contain activities of seriation and conservation, and concepts about shapes and colors. The study found that the Environmental Science textbook pictorially represents parts of the body along with corresponding names, personal hygiene and children's daily routines, concepts of time, pictures of different sizes of animals and objects and domestic and wild animals and colors. Besides, it introduces children about the sources and uses of water and air. Likewise, the Mathematics textbook comprises pictures of different animals and objects and activities related to ascending and descending orders. Counting from 0 to 10 and counting forwards and backwards, names and pictures of simple geometric figures and basic colors, and lines and shapes are also emphasized. Both textbooks contain contents related to size, color and classification. Despite these qualities, these textbooks are less appealing to children and do not provide concrete examples; they are poor in containing play, songs and rhymes and fail to suggest the use of environmentally available, concrete and realistic teaching materials to enhance understanding of idealistic concepts. The two textbooks lack several developmentally appropriate contents and fail to relate contents with naturalistic and environmentally available materials. This implies that the textbooks need to be revised to fit with preschool children's level of cognitive development. The findings of this study have implication for designing developmentally preschool curriculum.
The International Journal of Humanities and Social sciences, 2019
Sexual harassment is one of the biggest challenges of female students in higher institut... more Abstract Sexual harassment is one of the biggest challenges of female students in higher institutions of Ethiopia. The objective of this study was to investigate the types, prevalence and predictors of sexual harassment on female students of Debre Markos University. A mixed design approach was employed and data were collected from female students (n=463)using stratified random sampling techniques and from administrative workers of the University (n=5). Quantitative data were collected using a modified version of Sexual Harassment Experience Questionnaire (SHEQ) (Fitzgerald et al, 1988) having 35 items with three dimensions of harassment (Gender harassment, Unwanted sexual attention, and Sexual Coercion. Qualitative data were gathered through FGD and in-depth interviews. Mean, frequency percentage and Pearson’s correlation were applied to analyze quantitative data. Thematic analysis was applied for qualitative data. The result showed that more than 36% of the participants had experienced at least one form of sexual harassment either on campus or off campus. A strong positive correlation was found between sexual harassment experience and unwanted sexual attention (r=.69, P<0.001); sexual harassment experience and sexual coercion (r=.54, P<0.001) and unwanted sexual attention and sexual coercion(r=.691).Female students who are non-café were mainly the victims of sexual harassment and the perpetrators were male students, instructors, taxi drivers and businessmen in the town. The findings suggest that female students face different forms of sexual harassment and the university has to make intervention to stop the problem. The finding has the implication that similar studies need to be conducted in other higher education institutions of Ethiopia. Keywords: Debre Markos University, prevalence, types, sexual harassment
The International Journal of Humanities and Social studies, 2019
Sexual harassment is one of the biggest challenges of female students in higher institut... more Abstract Sexual harassment is one of the biggest challenges of female students in higher institutions of Ethiopia. The objective of this study was to investigate the types, prevalence and predictors of sexual harassment on female students of Debre Markos University. A mixed design approach was employed and data were collected from female students (n=463)using stratified random sampling techniques and from administrative workers of the University (n=5). Quantitative data were collected using a modified version of Sexual Harassment Experience Questionnaire (SHEQ) (Fitzgerald et al, 1988) having 35 items with three dimensions of harassment (Gender harassment, Unwanted sexual attention, and Sexual Coercion. Qualitative data were gathered through FGD and in-depth interviews. Mean, frequency percentage and Pearson’s correlation were applied to analyze quantitative data. Thematic analysis was applied for qualitative data. The result showed that more than 36% of the participants had experienced at least one form of sexual harassment either on campus or off campus. A strong positive correlation was found between sexual harassment experience and unwanted sexual attention (r=.69, P<0.001); sexual harassment experience and sexual coercion (r=.54, P<0.001) and unwanted sexual attention and sexual coercion(r=.691).Female students who are non-café were mainly the victims of sexual harassment and the perpetrators were male students, instructors, taxi drivers and businessmen in the town. The findings suggest that female students face different forms of sexual harassment and the university has to make intervention to stop the problem. The finding has the implication that similar studies need to be conducted in other higher education institutions of Ethiopia. Keywords: Debre Markos University, prevalence, types, sexual harassment
This study investigated the perception of couple teachers of Dega Damot District, northwest Ethio... more This study investigated the perception of couple teachers of Dega Damot District, northwest Ethiopia, towards cohabitation and relationship quality. A mixed methods design was employed. Qualitative data were collected using purposive and snowball sampling and cluster sampling was used for quantitative data. Quantitative data were collected from 262(Male=130, Female= 132) legally married couples and cohabiters using questionnaire measuring relationship quality. Qualitative data were gathered through in depth interview and focus group discussion. Quantitative data were analyzed using percentage, frequency, one way ANOVA and independent sample t-test. The study found that couples have positive attitude towards it. A statistically significant mean difference t (2.211), p=0.28 was found between men and women in quality of happiness. Significant mean difference was found in happiness t(7.540),p=.000,df=260 agreement/disagreement in couples' daily relationship t(4.889),p=.000,df=260 and perceived fairness t(3.034),p=.003,df=260) across marital status at 95% confidence interval. The qualitative data analysis identified the advantages of cohabitation to be testing compatibility, economic, and psychosocial advantages.
Developmentally appropriate curriculum is a component for quality early childhood care and educat... more Developmentally appropriate curriculum is a component for quality early childhood care and education. This study was conducted in Debre Markos town, East Gojjam Zone, Ethiopia. The study aimed to evaluate if the textbooks implemented by private preschools are developmentally appropriate or not. Qualitative case study approach was employed and Mathematics and Environmental Science textbooks for upper kindergarten class of one private preschool were purposefully selected. The textbooks were analyzed using a checklist focusing on the extent to which contents in the textbooks are appealing, play-based, employ concrete/realistic contexts; contain activities of counting, simple addition and subtraction; contain activities of seriation and conservation, and concepts about shapes and colors. The study found that the Environmental Science textbook pictorially represents parts of the body along with corresponding names, personal hygiene and children's daily routines, concepts of time, pictures of different sizes of animals and objects and domestic and wild animals and colors. Besides, it introduces children about the sources and uses of water and air. Likewise, the Mathematics textbook comprises pictures of different animals and objects and activities related to ascending and descending orders. Counting from 0 to 10 and counting forwards and backwards, names and pictures of simple geometric figures and basic colors, and lines and shapes are also emphasized. Both textbooks contain contents related to size, color and classification. Despite these qualities, these textbooks are less appealing to children and do not provide concrete examples; they are poor in containing play, songs and rhymes and fail to suggest the use of environmentally available, concrete and realistic teaching materials to enhance understanding of idealistic concepts. The two textbooks lack several developmentally appropriate contents and fail to relate contents with naturalistic and environmentally available materials. This implies that the textbooks need to be revised to fit with preschool children's level of cognitive development. The findings of this study have implication for designing developmentally preschool curriculum.
The International Journal of Humanities and Social sciences, 2019
Sexual harassment is one of the biggest challenges of female students in higher institut... more Abstract Sexual harassment is one of the biggest challenges of female students in higher institutions of Ethiopia. The objective of this study was to investigate the types, prevalence and predictors of sexual harassment on female students of Debre Markos University. A mixed design approach was employed and data were collected from female students (n=463)using stratified random sampling techniques and from administrative workers of the University (n=5). Quantitative data were collected using a modified version of Sexual Harassment Experience Questionnaire (SHEQ) (Fitzgerald et al, 1988) having 35 items with three dimensions of harassment (Gender harassment, Unwanted sexual attention, and Sexual Coercion. Qualitative data were gathered through FGD and in-depth interviews. Mean, frequency percentage and Pearson’s correlation were applied to analyze quantitative data. Thematic analysis was applied for qualitative data. The result showed that more than 36% of the participants had experienced at least one form of sexual harassment either on campus or off campus. A strong positive correlation was found between sexual harassment experience and unwanted sexual attention (r=.69, P<0.001); sexual harassment experience and sexual coercion (r=.54, P<0.001) and unwanted sexual attention and sexual coercion(r=.691).Female students who are non-café were mainly the victims of sexual harassment and the perpetrators were male students, instructors, taxi drivers and businessmen in the town. The findings suggest that female students face different forms of sexual harassment and the university has to make intervention to stop the problem. The finding has the implication that similar studies need to be conducted in other higher education institutions of Ethiopia. Keywords: Debre Markos University, prevalence, types, sexual harassment
The International Journal of Humanities and Social studies, 2019
Sexual harassment is one of the biggest challenges of female students in higher institut... more Abstract Sexual harassment is one of the biggest challenges of female students in higher institutions of Ethiopia. The objective of this study was to investigate the types, prevalence and predictors of sexual harassment on female students of Debre Markos University. A mixed design approach was employed and data were collected from female students (n=463)using stratified random sampling techniques and from administrative workers of the University (n=5). Quantitative data were collected using a modified version of Sexual Harassment Experience Questionnaire (SHEQ) (Fitzgerald et al, 1988) having 35 items with three dimensions of harassment (Gender harassment, Unwanted sexual attention, and Sexual Coercion. Qualitative data were gathered through FGD and in-depth interviews. Mean, frequency percentage and Pearson’s correlation were applied to analyze quantitative data. Thematic analysis was applied for qualitative data. The result showed that more than 36% of the participants had experienced at least one form of sexual harassment either on campus or off campus. A strong positive correlation was found between sexual harassment experience and unwanted sexual attention (r=.69, P<0.001); sexual harassment experience and sexual coercion (r=.54, P<0.001) and unwanted sexual attention and sexual coercion(r=.691).Female students who are non-café were mainly the victims of sexual harassment and the perpetrators were male students, instructors, taxi drivers and businessmen in the town. The findings suggest that female students face different forms of sexual harassment and the university has to make intervention to stop the problem. The finding has the implication that similar studies need to be conducted in other higher education institutions of Ethiopia. Keywords: Debre Markos University, prevalence, types, sexual harassment
This study investigated the perception of couple teachers of Dega Damot District, northwest Ethio... more This study investigated the perception of couple teachers of Dega Damot District, northwest Ethiopia, towards cohabitation and relationship quality. A mixed methods design was employed. Qualitative data were collected using purposive and snowball sampling and cluster sampling was used for quantitative data. Quantitative data were collected from 262(Male=130, Female= 132) legally married couples and cohabiters using questionnaire measuring relationship quality. Qualitative data were gathered through in depth interview and focus group discussion. Quantitative data were analyzed using percentage, frequency, one way ANOVA and independent sample t-test. The study found that couples have positive attitude towards it. A statistically significant mean difference t (2.211), p=0.28 was found between men and women in quality of happiness. Significant mean difference was found in happiness t(7.540),p=.000,df=260 agreement/disagreement in couples' daily relationship t(4.889),p=.000,df=260 and perceived fairness t(3.034),p=.003,df=260) across marital status at 95% confidence interval. The qualitative data analysis identified the advantages of cohabitation to be testing compatibility, economic, and psychosocial advantages.
Papers by Wohabie Birhan
Sexual harassment is one of the biggest challenges of female students in higher institutions of Ethiopia. The objective of
this study was to investigate the types, prevalence and predictors of sexual harassment on female students of Debre
Markos University. A mixed design approach was employed and data were collected from female students (n=463)using
stratified random sampling techniques and from administrative workers of the University (n=5). Quantitative data were
collected using a modified version of Sexual Harassment Experience Questionnaire (SHEQ) (Fitzgerald et al, 1988)
having 35 items with three dimensions of harassment (Gender harassment, Unwanted sexual attention, and Sexual
Coercion. Qualitative data were gathered through FGD and in-depth interviews. Mean, frequency percentage and
Pearson’s correlation were applied to analyze quantitative data. Thematic analysis was applied for qualitative data. The
result showed that more than 36% of the participants had experienced at least one form of sexual harassment either on
campus or off campus. A strong positive correlation was found between sexual harassment experience and unwanted
sexual attention (r=.69, P<0.001); sexual harassment experience and sexual coercion (r=.54, P<0.001) and unwanted
sexual attention and sexual coercion(r=.691).Female students who are non-café were mainly the victims of sexual
harassment and the perpetrators were male students, instructors, taxi drivers and businessmen in the town. The findings
suggest that female students face different forms of sexual harassment and the university has to make intervention to
stop the problem. The finding has the implication that similar studies need to be conducted in other higher education
institutions of Ethiopia.
Keywords: Debre Markos University, prevalence, types, sexual harassment
Sexual harassment is one of the biggest challenges of female students in higher institutions of Ethiopia. The objective of
this study was to investigate the types, prevalence and predictors of sexual harassment on female students of Debre
Markos University. A mixed design approach was employed and data were collected from female students (n=463)using
stratified random sampling techniques and from administrative workers of the University (n=5). Quantitative data were
collected using a modified version of Sexual Harassment Experience Questionnaire (SHEQ) (Fitzgerald et al, 1988)
having 35 items with three dimensions of harassment (Gender harassment, Unwanted sexual attention, and Sexual
Coercion. Qualitative data were gathered through FGD and in-depth interviews. Mean, frequency percentage and
Pearson’s correlation were applied to analyze quantitative data. Thematic analysis was applied for qualitative data. The
result showed that more than 36% of the participants had experienced at least one form of sexual harassment either on
campus or off campus. A strong positive correlation was found between sexual harassment experience and unwanted
sexual attention (r=.69, P<0.001); sexual harassment experience and sexual coercion (r=.54, P<0.001) and unwanted
sexual attention and sexual coercion(r=.691).Female students who are non-café were mainly the victims of sexual
harassment and the perpetrators were male students, instructors, taxi drivers and businessmen in the town. The findings
suggest that female students face different forms of sexual harassment and the university has to make intervention to
stop the problem. The finding has the implication that similar studies need to be conducted in other higher education
institutions of Ethiopia.
Keywords: Debre Markos University, prevalence, types, sexual harassment
Sexual harassment is one of the biggest challenges of female students in higher institutions of Ethiopia. The objective of
this study was to investigate the types, prevalence and predictors of sexual harassment on female students of Debre
Markos University. A mixed design approach was employed and data were collected from female students (n=463)using
stratified random sampling techniques and from administrative workers of the University (n=5). Quantitative data were
collected using a modified version of Sexual Harassment Experience Questionnaire (SHEQ) (Fitzgerald et al, 1988)
having 35 items with three dimensions of harassment (Gender harassment, Unwanted sexual attention, and Sexual
Coercion. Qualitative data were gathered through FGD and in-depth interviews. Mean, frequency percentage and
Pearson’s correlation were applied to analyze quantitative data. Thematic analysis was applied for qualitative data. The
result showed that more than 36% of the participants had experienced at least one form of sexual harassment either on
campus or off campus. A strong positive correlation was found between sexual harassment experience and unwanted
sexual attention (r=.69, P<0.001); sexual harassment experience and sexual coercion (r=.54, P<0.001) and unwanted
sexual attention and sexual coercion(r=.691).Female students who are non-café were mainly the victims of sexual
harassment and the perpetrators were male students, instructors, taxi drivers and businessmen in the town. The findings
suggest that female students face different forms of sexual harassment and the university has to make intervention to
stop the problem. The finding has the implication that similar studies need to be conducted in other higher education
institutions of Ethiopia.
Keywords: Debre Markos University, prevalence, types, sexual harassment
Sexual harassment is one of the biggest challenges of female students in higher institutions of Ethiopia. The objective of
this study was to investigate the types, prevalence and predictors of sexual harassment on female students of Debre
Markos University. A mixed design approach was employed and data were collected from female students (n=463)using
stratified random sampling techniques and from administrative workers of the University (n=5). Quantitative data were
collected using a modified version of Sexual Harassment Experience Questionnaire (SHEQ) (Fitzgerald et al, 1988)
having 35 items with three dimensions of harassment (Gender harassment, Unwanted sexual attention, and Sexual
Coercion. Qualitative data were gathered through FGD and in-depth interviews. Mean, frequency percentage and
Pearson’s correlation were applied to analyze quantitative data. Thematic analysis was applied for qualitative data. The
result showed that more than 36% of the participants had experienced at least one form of sexual harassment either on
campus or off campus. A strong positive correlation was found between sexual harassment experience and unwanted
sexual attention (r=.69, P<0.001); sexual harassment experience and sexual coercion (r=.54, P<0.001) and unwanted
sexual attention and sexual coercion(r=.691).Female students who are non-café were mainly the victims of sexual
harassment and the perpetrators were male students, instructors, taxi drivers and businessmen in the town. The findings
suggest that female students face different forms of sexual harassment and the university has to make intervention to
stop the problem. The finding has the implication that similar studies need to be conducted in other higher education
institutions of Ethiopia.
Keywords: Debre Markos University, prevalence, types, sexual harassment