Papers by Wimonrart Issarathumnoon
Asian Alleyways, 2020
Asian Alleyways: An Urban Vernacular in Times of Globalization critically explores "Global A... more Asian Alleyways: An Urban Vernacular in Times of Globalization critically explores "Global Asia" and the metropolization process, specifically from its alleyways, which are understood as ordinary neighbourhood landscapes providing the setting for everyday urban life and place-based identities being shaped by varied everyday practices, collective experiences and forces. Beyond the mainstream, standardising vision of the metropolization process, Asian Alleyways offers a nuanced overview of urban production in Asia at a time of great changes, and will be welcomed by an array of scholars, students, and all those interested in the modern transformation of Asian cities and their urban cultures.

Nakhara : Journal of Environmental Design and Planning, Dec 6, 2022
This article examines changes along Phra Athit Road in Rattanakosin's historic center. With the s... more This article examines changes along Phra Athit Road in Rattanakosin's historic center. With the support of the state, a former commercial street became a "cultural quarter" and eventually a "culturalcreative cluster," with creative activities infiltrating the neighborhoods. For this study, the researcher conducted a field survey and interviewed creative entrepreneurs in four sub-districts. The Phra Athit Road social and cultural resources reflect the qualities or potential resources of traditional neighbourhoods that have fostered the development of creative clusters. "Urban culture" is one of the district's key cultural resources that is properly understood and utilized, and its complex network of creative people is a crucial social resource. These creative people are "outsiders" with strong relationships to "insiders"; some of them advocate a new way of living, while others comprise groups of intellectuals with creative economy talents and tasks. Cultural-creative clusters comprise more than people; they are typified by cafés and bars, exhibition spaces, and the production of creative products. These clusters may vary from one another in function and location, and newer clusters, less dense than the original, are less harmful to traditional communities and businesses. What they have in common is that they have enabled participants to gain real-life experiences and join distinctive activities customized by entrepreneurs. Still, those who use external resources to create goods and develop a creative cluster may endanger the very neighbourhoods where they take root. The Phra Athit Road area provides a deep understanding of "creative clustering," which refers to a dynamic process that has taken place in some traditional neighbourhoods, based on the positive exploitation of their rich traditional, artistic, and cultural resources. Entrepreneurs are producing unique products that fit into complex systems, which is good for the area, but may also disrupt established patterns in the community. Transforming the historic area gradually could help locals adjust to the change. This study proposes the following approaches to promote both the protection of traditional structures and the acceptance of change: (1) The design or planning of the area should allow for development that is consistent with the rhythm of life in the area. Proper pacing of changes and the growth of well-sized creative clusters create an ecosystem that is good for both the residents and creative entrepreneurs. (2) The neighbourhood's values should be enhanced by integrating local and external resources. The wide range of creative production and consumption activities that are created from these resources will be unique and endlessly adaptable. (3) The adaptability of cultural-creative clusters should be optimized through programs provide good services and offer support to the urban regeneration. However, such programs and support should not limit the creativity and flexibility of these clusters.

Asian Alleyways, 2020
Traditional alleyway (trok, ตรอก) neighbourhoods in Bangkok are ideal examples of Asian ‘urban or... more Traditional alleyway (trok, ตรอก) neighbourhoods in Bangkok are ideal examples of Asian ‘urban ordinaries’ that have been converted into cultural and creative sites. This chapter explores the transformation of a local shopping street, the Phra Athit-Phra Sumen (พระอาทิ ตย์-พระสุ เมรุ) corridor in Bangkok’s Old Town, a part of the Banglamphu (บางลำ�พู) and Baan Phanthom (บ้ านพานถม) neighbourhoods in the northern precinct of Bangkok’s heritage core. It provides insights into the process of spontaneous regeneration through the organic expansion of shops with new creative uses. This dynamic can reduce controversy among potentially competing agendas – the daily needs of residents and shopkeepers, heritage conservation, and creative placemaking. The study highlights how the negative consequences of urban change can be mitigated by promoting venues for creative exchange and learning.

This study aims at illustrating complex processes of cultural landscape transformation in a paral... more This study aims at illustrating complex processes of cultural landscape transformation in a parallel with holistic pictures of community resilience to the impacts from global changes, and the statement of sustainable development. Three communities in Asian countries that were chosen to be the case studies include Mukugawa, an upland Village in Japan, Khiriwong, a mountain village in the Southern part of Thailand, and Diura, a small fisherman village in the Batanes Islands, the Philippines. The three case studies show that management of cultural landscapes has been based on sets of local knowledge. Cultural landscapes are not static. They have been transformed through times. Affected by changes in local, national, regional and global level, communities have played important roles in managing spatial structures and other resources. Grounded on cultural and social capital, various kinds of community groups have worked for adapting local knowledge, combined with other set of knowledge,...
European Journal of Public Health, 2017
not show clear changes over time. Dutch case showed that use of knowledge on target group initial... more not show clear changes over time. Dutch case showed that use of knowledge on target group initially decreased but after 12 months it increased to the pre-intervention level. Conclusions Stewardship interventions seem promising in increasing EIPM; however, sustainability of interventions is a challenge. In addition, the results suggest that the post-intervention changes are not necessarily linear. More in-depth data analysis within intervention settings, research with larger data sets and methods for maintaining sustainability are needed.
of Dissertation Traditional Urban Community and Its Roles in Heritage Planning, A Case of Bangkok... more of Dissertation Traditional Urban Community and Its Roles in Heritage Planning, A Case of Bangkok Heritage Core 文化遺産保全計画における伝統的都市コミュニティの役割に関する研究

Heritage Planning is the most modern concept of conservation, which has transformed from preserva... more Heritage Planning is the most modern concept of conservation, which has transformed from preservation planning, to conservation planning and to heritage planning in the 1990s. Recently, the concept of heritage planning, which is composed of heritage conservation and heritage commodification, is widened to be heritage planning with community involvement. Although community involvement in heritage planning is accepted to be a significant aspect, linked to the idea of sustainable tourism development, the assessment of the extent and success of community involvement in heritage planning have not been specified. Almost all of literatures provide frameworks of assessment of community involvement in tourism planning. Hence, this study aims to propose a framework of assessment of heritage planning and an example of using the framework in the Bangkok heritage core. In this study, four aspects are explored: (1) an emergence of concepts and practices of heritage planning with community involve...
Nakhara : Journal of Environmental Design and Planning
This article focuses on the study of the Historic Urban Landscape (HUL) approach from current int... more This article focuses on the study of the Historic Urban Landscape (HUL) approach from current international doctrines and analyses along with urban heritage conservation in Bangkok historic area. The results indicate that the HUL approach helps develop conservation in Thailand from conserving tangible elements as separate objects to conserving and managing tangible and intangible attributes of the entire area by considering holistic values. The approach also helps identify the elements that characterize the area, particularly the character-defining elements of traditional communities, and, furthermore, it offers appropriate means for designing new elements in the area and supports collaborative works among various sectors.
Power, Purpose, Process, and Practice in …, 2004
With its authentic historic monuments, the Rattanakosin area plays an important role in the ident... more With its authentic historic monuments, the Rattanakosin area plays an important role in the identity of the old town of Bangkok. The conservation of the Rattanakosin area started in 1982, the year of Bangkok's bicentenary anniversary. In that year itself, many studies ...
Papers by Wimonrart Issarathumnoon