Papers by William K . Nantwi, Ph.D.

Job satisfaction of teachers and educational administrators are vital to effective implementation... more Job satisfaction of teachers and educational administrators are vital to effective implementation of inclusive Creative Arts curriculum. Teachers' performance could be influenced by their level of Job satisfaction. However, Creative arts Teachers do not have adequate financial and material supports for inclusive education. This study examined teachers' job satisfaction and how it affects the implementation of inclusive Creative Arts curriculum. In this study, the descriptive research method with a 5-point Likert scale questionnaire consisting 20 items was used. Census with disproportionate stratified sampling technique was employed to sample 226 teachers in Offinso Municipality, Ghana. The study was underpinned by Maslow's theory of human needs and Herzberg's Motivation-Hygiene theory which posits that motivation factors in an organization have the potential to generate job satisfaction. The study found that 71.7% of teachers are dissatisfied with their job compensation and 73% are dissatisfied with the available teaching logistics needed for the effective implementation of inclusive Creative Arts curriculum. Teachers' job satisfaction has an impact on inclusive education for all children. Therefore, the Ministry of Education and Government must provide teachers with improved working conditions, logistics, attractive compensations and work incentives.

Teachers' competence and effective class management skills play a key role in the implementation ... more Teachers' competence and effective class management skills play a key role in the implementation of inclusive education. Students with special educational needs may find the classroom environment unfriendly and hostile particularly when teachers do not adopt the right inclusive classroom strategies. This study aimed at assessing creative arts teachers' competence in the implementation of inclusive creative arts using Universal Design for learning framework. The study adopted convergent parallel mixed research method with purposive and stratified sampling techniques to select 10 Head teachers and 226 creative arts teachers to respond to semi-structure interview and questionnaire. The study revealed that, teachers' pedagogical competence has an impact on inclusive education for all children. Again, it was found that, most of the teachers use inclusive strategies that are disability friendly but there are no opportunities for them to improve their skills in inclusive and creative arts education through in-service training and workshops. The studied further revealed that, there is no adequate financial support for schools. The study recommended that, the Ministry of Education should make effort to sensitize teachers on the need to adapt effective inclusive strategies in creative arts curriculum delivery through workshops and seminars. Again, school financial support through Capitation grant and GALOP must be disbursed on time for schools to organize regular school-based in-service training for teachers. Lastly, the Universal Design for Learning framework must be integrated into the teacher education curriculum to enable prospective teachers acquire the requisite skills needed for effective classroom management.
The study adopted a qualitative approach with the case study to ascertain the pedagogical environ... more The study adopted a qualitative approach with the case study to ascertain the pedagogical environment and infographics format(s) used by Visual Art teachers in the teaching and learning of Visual Art subjects in Senior High Schools. Respondents for the study were sampled purposively and conveniently from KNUST Senior High School, Kumasi, Ghana. Findings from the study indicated the non-availability of animated infographics as an instructional tool in the Visual Art classroom and the inefficiency of instructional delivery with only textbooks. For better comprehension and achievement of instructional objectives, the study recommended animated infographics as an alternative pedagogical strategy to the conventional way of instruction in the Visual Art classroom.

European Journal of Education Studies, 2020
The study employed qualitative paradigm with descriptive research design. A sample size of thirty... more The study employed qualitative paradigm with descriptive research design. A sample size of thirty-one (31) participants were selected from three schools using purposive sampling techniques. It included Visual Arts Students, Teachers, Heads of department and an official from the municipal education directorate in the study area. The study adopted interview, observation and review of documents as data collection instruments. Data collected were analyzed using simple illustrative examples. It was found that studio facilities and teaching methodologies have some influence on students’ learning. It is recommended that the identified academic inadequacies in the schools have to be resolved through adequate resourcing, infrastructure, teacher competency, good BECE entry grades, allowing students to choose their preferred subject base on their interests and also making available the National Teaching Standard for Ghana book for the teachers. Article visualizations:

Every sector of the world’s economy has been affected by the novel corona virus and the world is ... more Every sector of the world’s economy has been affected by the novel corona virus and the world is yet to realize the full length of the damage of the pandemic according to a report by World Health Organization (WHO). Education in Ghana and many other countries in the world is in limbo. The COVID-19 pandemic now threatens to make education outcomes even worse. The pandemic has already had profound impacts on education by closing schools almost everywhere on the planet, in the largest simultaneous shock to all education systems in our lifetime. This article reviews the effects of COVID-19 on the various levels of Education in Ghana and suggest ways to minimizing the impact. It takes a look at the extent to which the pandemic has run life aground and measures set up by the government to curtail the spread. It critically discusses the emergency remote teaching and learning which has been adopted by the affected countries in place of the traditional face-to-face. It concludes that setting...

The purpose of this descriptive survey was to assess and analyse the challenges and suggestions f... more The purpose of this descriptive survey was to assess and analyse the challenges and suggestions for improving the Out-segment supervision of colleges of education in the Ashanti region of Ghana. The study used 207 link tutors and 334 mentees with a semistructured questionnaire as primary data collection instrument. Results of the items were analysed using content analysis approach. The study revealed that the Out-segment supervision was being carried out effectively however, there were some challenges that needed to be addressed. Generally, some of the findings were poor vetting of teaching notes, inadequate teaching and learning materials, lack of transportation from college to schools of practice, inadequate advanced preparation by mentees before teaching, poor remuneration, supervisors not arriving on time at mentees' schools of practice. Management of colleges of education are advised to address these perennial problems until they are no longer teething challenges in the supervision of Out-segment programme.

The study looked at modifying Ghanaian Traditional AbatoƆ Game into an Educational Game to suppor... more The study looked at modifying Ghanaian Traditional AbatoƆ Game into an Educational Game to support formal education in Ghana. It focused on using the modified game as a pedagogical tool for teaching contents in different subject areas in Basic Schools. The study was Qualitative in nature and used the ‘Game-Based Learning’ (GBL) approach. To achieve this aim, artistic techniques such as drawing, painting, printing, and computer Graphics were employed to modify the Ghanaian Traditional AbatoƆ game for learners. The modified AbatoƆ game was executed and tested at Amakom S.D.A. Preparatory School, Amakom-Kumasi Ghana, using Lower and Upper Primary Pupils as Population for the study. Purposive and Convenience Sampling Techniques were used to select the sample for the study. Interview, Observation, Tests, Feedback cards, and Opinionnaire were used to collect data at the modification stage and testing stage. The study revealed that it is possible to modify traditional games into educationa...

European Journal of Education Studies, 2019
This study examined the possibility of improving the teaching and learning of Creative Arts among... more This study examined the possibility of improving the teaching and learning of Creative Arts among Pupils of Akom D/A Primary School. The study aimed at using demonstration and activity methods to enhance the quality of teaching and learning of Creative arts and also to develop pupil’s interest in the subject. The study used Qualitative and quantitative methods with Observation and Questionnaire as research instruments to collect data from fifty (50) Pupils in Primary three (3). The data collected was analyzed using tables, charts, figures and percentages. Demonstrations followed by series of practical lessons aroused pupil’s interest and improves upon the teaching and learning of Visual arts aspects of the Creative Arts syllabus. It was noted from the students that discussion alone doesn’t help them in learning creative Arts. Creative arts subject is practical oriented; therefore any discussion must be followed with demonstration and practical lessons for better appreciation and und...

The study used basically a survey design which employed the quantitative approach to investigate ... more The study used basically a survey design which employed the quantitative approach to investigate how children with special learning needs (SENs) are supported to learn together in the inclusive classroom with the focus on finding the level of support for children in five (5) inclusive schools in the Cape Coast Metropolis, Ghana. The sample size involved 86 teachers, 6 administrators (Head teachers) and 40 parents. In all, a total of 132 participants were involved in the study. Questionnaire was designed in close-ended format for the teachers, administrators and parents. The basic structure of the instrument was based on four Point Likert-type scales. The Likert-scale items questionnaire was analysed using frequencies, percentages, means and standard deviation. A tally sheet was used to generate frequency counts out of which percentages were calculated based on the scores assigned to each rating. These data were then analysed using the SPSS computer system. It was found from the stud...

Customary Marriage ceremonies among the Krobos of Somanya in the Eastern Region of Ghana involve ... more Customary Marriage ceremonies among the Krobos of Somanya in the Eastern Region of Ghana involve a lot of display of both visual and performing art forms. The purpose of this study was, therefore, to investigate the role of arts in the marriage ceremonies of the Krobos of Somanya by identifying the art forms and symbols exhibited at such marriage ceremonies, and then evaluating the significance of each art form or symbol in the entire ceremony. Qualitative research method with Semi structured interviews and Focus Group Discussions were used to gather information that addresses the research objectives and questions. The sampling frame for the study included traditional elders within the Somanya community, chiefs, queen mothers, and family heads. The purposive sampling was used to select two (2) traditional leaders, as well as five (5) other persons who are well informed of the traditions and customs of Somanya to serve as respondents for the study. The data gathered were subsequently...
Conference Presentations by William K . Nantwi, Ph.D.

The fundamental requirements for the teaching profession are the traits of teamwork, confidence a... more The fundamental requirements for the teaching profession are the traits of teamwork, confidence and coordination since teachers are supposed to mirror these traits to their students. However, among many student-teachers in Offinso Municipality in Ghana, there may not be many opportunities during their training to achieve these skills hence most of them are shy and have difficulty functioning within social situations. Using a qualitative approach, the study sought to put the theory that the therapeutic use of art provides opportunities for individuals to develop self-confidence and social skills among forty-five (45) student-teachers in Offinso College of Education. The focus group interview, participatory observation of classroom activities and art based assessments were the main data collection tools. Art’s use was found to improve student-teachers’ social skills and enhance understanding of subject matter hence it was recommended to be incorporated in the teaching strategies used in the classroom.
Keywords: Student-teacher, social skills, learning, teacher education, art therapy, Ghana
Papers by William K . Nantwi, Ph.D.
Conference Presentations by William K . Nantwi, Ph.D.
Keywords: Student-teacher, social skills, learning, teacher education, art therapy, Ghana
Keywords: Student-teacher, social skills, learning, teacher education, art therapy, Ghana