R. HENAO ET AL. effectiveness for the study of biological and medical questions [Aebersold and Ma... more R. HENAO ET AL. effectiveness for the study of biological and medical questions [Aebersold and Mann (2003), Service (2008), Ping (2009)]. While early work in this field met with a number of notorious failures [Petricoin et al. (2002), Baggerly et al. (2004), Zhang and Chan (2005)] due to overlapping peaks, batch effects and systematic noise, high accuracy spectrometers along with multiple fractionation techniques such as liquid chromatography and ion mobility have led to increased robustness as well as improved qualitative and quantitative results. After summarization, data generated by this technology is typically presented as a p × n dimensional matrix of real-valued intensities where the number of measured features p is typically orders of magnitude larger than n, as in microarray gene expression data. However, there are a number of important characteristics that distinguish mass spectrometry proteomics from gene expression data. First, each feature is a short peptide that has been enzymatically cut out of a parent protein, and parent proteins typically give rise to many such peptides. Second, only the more abundant of these features are typically identified (meaning that the peptide sequence and originating protein are known). Third, features that are present at lower abundances will typically have numerous missing values across the samples. Finally, while the error rate for assigning identifications to features is low, it is not zero, and this leads to some peptides with incorrect identifications. Analysis approaches for these data can be performed at the feature level or at the protein level. The obvious consequence of performing analysis at the feature level is a significant loss of power due to the highly dependent nature of subsets of the features-particularly those that originate from the same protein. We prefer a dimension reduction approach in which groups of features are collected and summarized prior to analysis of associations between features and biological phenotypes. There are a number of approaches to this in the literature, almost all of which rely entirely on the identified features in the data set. The simplest of these approaches involves direct summarization of all or some features that are identified for each protein either through averaging or robust summarization based on quantiles [Polpitiya et al. (2008)]. There are also a number of regression approaches which include fixed effects for protein, peptide and experimental group [Karpievitch et al. (2009)], include an additional random effect for situations in which subjects are measured in replicate [Daly et al. (2008)], or add additional interaction effects between treatment and features [Clough et al. (2009)]. These may assume constant or varying noise levels across isotope groups and have been shown in some cases to exhibit better performance than naive summarization approaches that do not adjust for confounding factors [Clough et al. (2009)]. We are aware of only one approach to the analysis of these data that examines correlation structure between data features [Lucas et al. (2012)].
A Situated Conversational Agent (SCA) is an agent that engages in dialog about the context within... more A Situated Conversational Agent (SCA) is an agent that engages in dialog about the context within which it is embedded. An SCA is distinguished from non-situated conversational agents by an intimate connection of the agent's dialog to its embedding context, and by intricate dependencies between its linguistic and physical actions. Constructing an SCA that can interact naturally with users while engaged in collaborative physical tasks requires the agent to interleave decision making under uncertainty, action execution, and observation while maximizing expected utility over a sequence of interactions. These requirements can be fulfilled by modeling an SCA as a partially observable Markov decision process (POMDP). We show how POMDPs can be used to formalize and implement psycholinguistic proposals on how situated dialog participants collaborate in order to make and ground dialog contributions.
The Manufacture and Characterisation of Bagasse Composites
Australia is around the eighth largest producer of sugarcane in the world. Bagasse is the by-prod... more Australia is around the eighth largest producer of sugarcane in the world. Bagasse is the by-product fibre of the sugar production process; making it very inexpensive and readily available. If bagasse can be consolidated into a solid by incorporating it in a relatively cheap matrix in order to produce a composite material, it may have many potential uses. The main objective of this project is to investigate ways to manufacture bagasse composites with a high fibre volume fraction and to determine the mechanical properties of the resultant composite material, in particular its impact resistance properties. In addition, this report investigates the potential use of bagasse fibres within composite material, and explores possible low-cost matrix systems. The applications for such a cost effective composite will also be explored, including examples such as impact barriers, acoustic and vibration damping and sound insulation.
An Adventure with Client-Side XSLT to an Architecture for Building Bridges with Javascript
Proceedings of Balisage: The Markup Conference 2018
This paper describes the development process we undertook to extend the capabilities of an XML-ba... more This paper describes the development process we undertook to extend the capabilities of an XML-based authoring and publishing system. Originally designed to deliver content for print and the web, we transformed it into one that delivers fully interactive web-based wizards whose steps are generated automatically based on logic encoded into the source documents. To meet our requirements for the application, we rejected conventional top-down XML or JavaScript frameworks and instead sought to unite JavaScript and XSLT to leverage the strengths of each. Despite being underutilized as a client-side technology, XSLT is still a valuable tool in the development of modern web applications. Its expressive nature, continuing support in browsers, and ability to integrate with a modern virtual DOM-based user interface framework allowed us to build a complex legal forms application that was simpler and more productive than more conventional approaches. Our application demonstrates opportunities fo...
In this study, we used a bioinformatic approach to identify genes whose expression is dysregulate... more In this study, we used a bioinformatic approach to identify genes whose expression is dysregulated in human prostate cancers. One of the most dramatically downregulated genes identified encodes CYP27A1, an enzyme involved in regulating cellular cholesterol homeostasis. Importantly, lower CYP27A1 transcript levels were associated with shorter disease-free survival and higher tumor grade. Loss of CYP27A1 in prostate cancer was confirmed at the protein level by immunostaining for CYP27A1 in annotated tissue microarrays. Restoration of CYP27A1 expression in cells where its gene was silenced attenuated their growth in vitro and in tumor xenografts. Studies performed in vitro revealed that treatment of prostate cancer cells with 27-hydroxycholesterol (27HC), an enzymatic product of CYP27A1, reduced cellular cholesterol content in prostate cancer cell lines by inhibiting the activation of sterol regulatory-element binding protein 2 (SREBP2) and downregulating low-density lipoprotein recept...
Abstract 21518: Ischemic Human Heart Failure is Associated With Decreased Phosphorylation of Pyruvate Dehydrogenase and Triosephosphate Isomerase: Proteomic Evidence Supporting Carbohydrate Utilization Preference in the End-Stage Failing Ischemic Heart
The obligate intracellular bacterium Chlamydia trachomatisis a major human pathogen and a main ca... more The obligate intracellular bacterium Chlamydia trachomatisis a major human pathogen and a main cause of genital and ocular diseases. During its intracellular cycle, C. trachomatisreplicates inside a membrane-bound vacuole termed an "inclusion". Acquisition of lipids (and other nutrients) from the host cell is a critical step in chlamydial replication. Lipid droplets (LD) are ubiquitous, ER-derived neutral lipid-rich storage organelles surrounded by a phospholipids monolayer and associated proteins. Previous studies have shown that LDs accumulate at the periphery of, and eventually translocate into, the chlamydial inclusion. These observations point out to Chlamydia-mediated manipulation of LDs in infected cells, which may impact the function and thereby the protein composition of these organelles. By means of a label-free quantitative mass spectrometry approach we found that the LD proteome is modified in the context of C. trachomatis infection. We determined that LDs isolated from C. trachomatis-infected cells were enriched in proteins related to lipid metabolism, biosynthesis and LD-specific functions. Interestingly, consistent with the observation that LDs intimately associate with the inclusion, a subset of inclusion membrane proteins co-purified with LD protein extracts. Finally, genetic ablation of LDs negatively affected generation of C. trachomatis infectious progeny, consistent with a role for LD biogenesis in optimal chlamydial growth.
Besides being building blocks for protein synthesis, amino acids serve a wide variety of cellular... more Besides being building blocks for protein synthesis, amino acids serve a wide variety of cellular functions, including acting as metabolic intermediates for ATP generation and for redox homeostasis. Upon amino acid deprivation, free uncharged tRNAs trigger GCN2-ATF4 to mediate the well-characterized transcriptional amino acid response (AAR). However, it is not clear whether the deprivation of different individual amino acids triggers identical or distinct AARs. Here, we characterized the global transcriptional response upon deprivation of one amino acid at a time. With the exception of glycine, which was not required for the proliferation of MCF7 cells, we found that the deprivation of most amino acids triggered a shared transcriptional response that included the activation of ATF4, p53 and TXNIP. However, there was also significant heterogeneity among different individual AARs. The most dramatic transcriptional response was triggered by methionine deprivation, which activated an ex...
Introduction: Polymorphisms near the IL28B gene (e.g. rs12979860) encoding interferon l3 have rec... more Introduction: Polymorphisms near the IL28B gene (e.g. rs12979860) encoding interferon l3 have recently been associated with both spontaneous clearance and treatment response to pegIFN/RBV in chronic hepatitis C (CHC) patients. The molecular consequences of this genetic variation are unknown. To gain further insight into IL28B function we assessed the association of rs12979860 with expression of protein quantitative traits (pQTL analysis) generated using open-platform proteomics in serum from patients. Methods: 41 patients with genotype 1 chronic hepatitis C infection from the Duke Liver Clinic were genotyped for rs12979860. Proteomic profiles were generated by LC-MS/MS analysis following immunodepletion of serum with MARS14 columns and trypsin-digestion. Next, a latent factor model was used to classify peptides into metaproteins based on coexpression and using only those peptides with protein identifications. Metaproteins were then analyzed for association with IL28B genotype using one-way analysis of variance. Results: There were a total of 4,186 peptides in the data set with positive identifications. These were matched with 253 proteins of which 110 had two or more associated, identified peptides. The IL28B treatment response genotype (rs12979860_CC) was significantly associated with lower serum levels of corticosteroid binding globulin (CBG; p = 9.2610 26), a major transport protein for glucocorticoids and progestins. Moreover, the CBG metaprotein was associated with treatment response (p = 0.0148), but this association was attenuated when both IL28B genotype and CBG were included in the model, suggesting that the CBG association may be independent of treatment response. Conclusions: In this cohort of chronic hepatitis C patients, IL28B polymorphism was associated with serum levels of corticosteroid binding globulin, a major transporter of cortisol, however, CBG does not appear to mediate the association of IL28B with treatment response. Further investigation of this pathway is warranted to determine if it plays a role in other comorbidities of HCV-infection.
The development of Electronic Health Record (EHR)-based phenotype selection algorithms is a non-t... more The development of Electronic Health Record (EHR)-based phenotype selection algorithms is a non-trivial and highly iterative process involving domain experts and informaticians. To make it easier to port algorithms across institutions, it is desirable to represent them using an unambiguous formal specification language. For this purpose we evaluated the recently developed National Quality Forum (NQF) information model designed for EHR-based quality measures: the Quality Data Model (QDM). We selected 9 phenotyping algorithms that had been previously developed as part of the eMERGE consortium and translated them into QDM format. Our study concluded that the QDM contains several core elements that make it a promising format for EHR-driven phenotyping algorithms for clinical research. However, we also found areas in which the QDM could be usefully extended, such as representing information extracted from clinical text, and the ability to handle algorithms that do not consist of Boolean ...
Identification of Deacetylase Substrates with the Biotin Switch Approach
Methods in Molecular Biology, 2013
The identification of lysine-acetylated proteins and deacetylase substrates has primarily relied ... more The identification of lysine-acetylated proteins and deacetylase substrates has primarily relied on protein immune-affinity techniques with antibodies that recognize acetylated lysine residues (Kac antibodies). While these antibody-based techniques are continuously improving, they can be limited by the narrow and many times unknown epitope specificity of Kac antibodies. An alternative approach is the biotin switch capture of deacetylated proteins. Similar in part to other biotin switch methodologies, this technique relies on the blocking of native lysine residues and removal of the modification of interest in vitro, after which the newly deacetylated proteins can be captured and identified by mass spectrometry (MS). In this chapter, we cover the essential steps of the procedure, highlight key points in the assay to reduce false positive protein identification, and discuss the quantitative MS methods useful for identifying the captured deacetylase substrates. We also discuss potential strategies and future improvements to overcome current limitations of the assay.
We have modified the biotin switch assay for protein S-nitrosothiols (SNOs), using resin-assisted... more We have modified the biotin switch assay for protein S-nitrosothiols (SNOs), using resin-assisted capture (SNO-RAC). Compared with existing methodologies, SNO-RAC requires fewer steps, detects high-mass S-nitrosylated proteins more efficiently, and facilitates identification and quantification of S-nitrosylated sites by mass spectrometry. When combined with iTRAQ labeling, SNO-RAC revealed that intracellular proteins may undergo rapid denitrosylation on a global scale. This methodology is readily adapted to analyzing diverse cysteine-based protein modifications, including S-acylation. Nitric oxide exerts a ubiquitous influence on cellular signaling, in large part by means of Snitrosylation/denitrosylation of protein cysteine residues 1. It is also increasingly apparent that dysregulated S-nitrosylation may play a causal role in a spectrum of human diseases 2, 3, 4. The biotin switch technique (BST) 5 is the most commonly used method to detect cellular Snitrosylation and has greatly advanced the field 5, 6, 7, 8. It comprises three principal steps: blocking free thiols on cysteines by S-methylthiolation with a reactive thiosulfonate, converting SNOs to thiols with ascorbate, and labeling nascent thiols with biotin-HPDP (N-(6-(Biotinamido)hexyl)-3′-(2′-pyridyldithio)-propionamide). The degree of biotinylation (and hence S-nitrosylation) is determined by either anti-biotin immunoblotting or streptavidin pulldown followed by immunoblotting for the protein(s) of interest. The BST is, however, labor intensive and has relatively low throughput. Our simpler assay, SNO-RAC (Fig. 1a and Supplementary Methods online) uses a thiol-reactive resin instead of thiol-reactive biotin, thus combining the obligatory 'labeling' and 'pulldown' steps in the BST. As SNO-RAC results in a covalent disulfide linkage between the SNO site and resin, it is amenable to 'on-resin' trypsinization and peptide labeling, which subserve mass spectrometric methodologies. Side-by-side comparison of the BST and SNO-RAC approaches using human embryonic kidney (HEK293) cells treated with S-nitrosocysteine (CysNO) and performed on individual (Fig. 1b) and total (Fig. 1c) SNO-proteins suggests superior sensitivity of SNO-RAC relative to the BST for proteins larger than ~100 kDa (Fig. 1c), perhaps due to the fewer precipitation
Background: Patient absenteeism for scheduled gastrointestinal (GI) procedures occurs frequently ... more Background: Patient absenteeism for scheduled gastrointestinal (GI) procedures occurs frequently in the U.S. healthcare system. When patients do not arrive for procedure appointments ("no-show"), resources allocated to that appointment are not utilized, resulting in a financial loss. Further, the no-show patient occupies space in the patient queue and delays access to diagnostic and screening procedures. We sought to demonstrate how a predictive model can accurately identify patients at high risk for no-show. Methods: As part of a two-year prospective study that addresses high rates of patient no-show in the Veterans Administration (VA) healthcare network, we identified predictors of absenteeism and developed an algorithm that identifies patients at risk for no-show. Determinants of absenteeism were obtained from the VA's Computerized Patient Record System (CPRS), and these predictors were entered in a forward stepwise logistic regression model to measure the adjusted independent contribution of each clinical variable. From this empirical analysis, each patient was assigned a composite risk score representing the probability that the patient will noshow for a procedure. Results: Data collected on 1397 VA patients indicated that the following variables independently predicted patient no-show for a GI procedure: previous absenteeism for GI appointments; ratio of cancelled appointments to all appointments scheduled for any medical procedure; low socioeconomic status; comorbid medical conditions, as measured by the Charlson Comorbidity Index; and diagnoses of mood, anxiety, conduct, personality, or substance use disorders during the last three years. History of completed GI procedures was a positive predictor of attendance for subsequent GI appointments. Using a predicted probability of missing an appointment of 0.40 as a cutoff, the model predicted missing or making appointments with 85% accuracy. The predictive model had a sensitivity of 40%, a specificity of 96%, a positive predictive value of 67%, and a negative predictive value of 86%. Although the model was not highly sensitive, our goal was to minimize the number of patients predicted to no-show who successfully attend their appointments. Conclusion: A predictive model that uses information from electronic health records can predict whether a patient will attend a GI appointment with a high degree of accuracy. We are currently applying this model prospectively to identify patients at high risk for no-show. The no-show appointment slots are made available to patients waiting in the scheduling queue, allowing them to be seen more quickly than with standard booking. We will test whether this system can reduce the financial losses created by GI procedure absenteeism by improving resource utilization and the efficiency of patient care.
With 8 Figures and one Map. noch sichtbare morphologische Auswirkungen im Kaskaden Gebirge hinter... more With 8 Figures and one Map. noch sichtbare morphologische Auswirkungen im Kaskaden Gebirge hinterlassen hatte.
Viscosity measurements of methanol-water and acetonitrile-water mixtures at pressures up to 3500 bar using a novel capillary time-of-flight viscometer
Journal of Chromatography A, 2006
A new type of viscometer based on the Poiseuille flow principle has been developed that is capabl... more A new type of viscometer based on the Poiseuille flow principle has been developed that is capable of measuring solution viscosities at ultrahigh pressures. The capillary time-of-flight (CTOF) viscometer has been used to measure the viscosity of ...
Nature Biotechnology journal featuring biotechnology articles and science research papers of comm... more Nature Biotechnology journal featuring biotechnology articles and science research papers of commercial interest in pharmaceutical, medical, and environmental sciences.
Background: The goal of many proteomics experiments is to determine the abundance of proteins in ... more Background: The goal of many proteomics experiments is to determine the abundance of proteins in biological samples, and the variation thereof in various physiological conditions. High-throughput quantitative proteomics, specifically label-free LC-MS/MS, allows rapid measurement of thousands of proteins, enabling large-scale studies of various biological systems. Prior to analyzing these information-rich datasets, raw data must undergo several computational processing steps. We present a method to address one of the essential steps in proteomics data processing-the matching of peptide measurements across samples. Results: We describe a novel method for label-free proteomics data alignment with the ability to incorporate previously unused aspects of the data, particularly ion mobility drift times and product ion information. We compare the results of our alignment method to PEPPeR and OpenMS, and compare alignment accuracy achieved by different versions of our method utilizing various data characteristics. Our method results in increased match recall rates and similar or improved mismatch rates compared to PEPPeR and OpenMS feature-based alignment. We also show that the inclusion of drift time and product ion information results in higher recall rates and more confident matches, without increases in error rates. Conclusions: Based on the results presented here, we argue that the incorporation of ion mobility drift time and product ion information are worthy pursuits. Alignment methods should be flexible enough to utilize all available data, particularly with recent advancements in experimental separation methods.
Quantitative Proteomics Of The Cytokine-Modulated Nos2 Interactome In Airway Epithelium
American Journal of …, 2011
Page 1. / Thematic Poster Session / Wednesday, May 18/8:15 AM-4:30 PM / Area L, Hall B (Upper D35... more Page 1. / Thematic Poster Session / Wednesday, May 18/8:15 AM-4:30 PM / Area L, Hall B (Upper D35 OXIDANTS AND ANTIOXIDANTS Level), Colorado Convention Center Quantitative Proteomics Of The Cytokine-Modulated Nos2 Interactome In Airway Epithelium ...
R. HENAO ET AL. effectiveness for the study of biological and medical questions [Aebersold and Ma... more R. HENAO ET AL. effectiveness for the study of biological and medical questions [Aebersold and Mann (2003), Service (2008), Ping (2009)]. While early work in this field met with a number of notorious failures [Petricoin et al. (2002), Baggerly et al. (2004), Zhang and Chan (2005)] due to overlapping peaks, batch effects and systematic noise, high accuracy spectrometers along with multiple fractionation techniques such as liquid chromatography and ion mobility have led to increased robustness as well as improved qualitative and quantitative results. After summarization, data generated by this technology is typically presented as a p × n dimensional matrix of real-valued intensities where the number of measured features p is typically orders of magnitude larger than n, as in microarray gene expression data. However, there are a number of important characteristics that distinguish mass spectrometry proteomics from gene expression data. First, each feature is a short peptide that has been enzymatically cut out of a parent protein, and parent proteins typically give rise to many such peptides. Second, only the more abundant of these features are typically identified (meaning that the peptide sequence and originating protein are known). Third, features that are present at lower abundances will typically have numerous missing values across the samples. Finally, while the error rate for assigning identifications to features is low, it is not zero, and this leads to some peptides with incorrect identifications. Analysis approaches for these data can be performed at the feature level or at the protein level. The obvious consequence of performing analysis at the feature level is a significant loss of power due to the highly dependent nature of subsets of the features-particularly those that originate from the same protein. We prefer a dimension reduction approach in which groups of features are collected and summarized prior to analysis of associations between features and biological phenotypes. There are a number of approaches to this in the literature, almost all of which rely entirely on the identified features in the data set. The simplest of these approaches involves direct summarization of all or some features that are identified for each protein either through averaging or robust summarization based on quantiles [Polpitiya et al. (2008)]. There are also a number of regression approaches which include fixed effects for protein, peptide and experimental group [Karpievitch et al. (2009)], include an additional random effect for situations in which subjects are measured in replicate [Daly et al. (2008)], or add additional interaction effects between treatment and features [Clough et al. (2009)]. These may assume constant or varying noise levels across isotope groups and have been shown in some cases to exhibit better performance than naive summarization approaches that do not adjust for confounding factors [Clough et al. (2009)]. We are aware of only one approach to the analysis of these data that examines correlation structure between data features [Lucas et al. (2012)].
A Situated Conversational Agent (SCA) is an agent that engages in dialog about the context within... more A Situated Conversational Agent (SCA) is an agent that engages in dialog about the context within which it is embedded. An SCA is distinguished from non-situated conversational agents by an intimate connection of the agent's dialog to its embedding context, and by intricate dependencies between its linguistic and physical actions. Constructing an SCA that can interact naturally with users while engaged in collaborative physical tasks requires the agent to interleave decision making under uncertainty, action execution, and observation while maximizing expected utility over a sequence of interactions. These requirements can be fulfilled by modeling an SCA as a partially observable Markov decision process (POMDP). We show how POMDPs can be used to formalize and implement psycholinguistic proposals on how situated dialog participants collaborate in order to make and ground dialog contributions.
The Manufacture and Characterisation of Bagasse Composites
Australia is around the eighth largest producer of sugarcane in the world. Bagasse is the by-prod... more Australia is around the eighth largest producer of sugarcane in the world. Bagasse is the by-product fibre of the sugar production process; making it very inexpensive and readily available. If bagasse can be consolidated into a solid by incorporating it in a relatively cheap matrix in order to produce a composite material, it may have many potential uses. The main objective of this project is to investigate ways to manufacture bagasse composites with a high fibre volume fraction and to determine the mechanical properties of the resultant composite material, in particular its impact resistance properties. In addition, this report investigates the potential use of bagasse fibres within composite material, and explores possible low-cost matrix systems. The applications for such a cost effective composite will also be explored, including examples such as impact barriers, acoustic and vibration damping and sound insulation.
An Adventure with Client-Side XSLT to an Architecture for Building Bridges with Javascript
Proceedings of Balisage: The Markup Conference 2018
This paper describes the development process we undertook to extend the capabilities of an XML-ba... more This paper describes the development process we undertook to extend the capabilities of an XML-based authoring and publishing system. Originally designed to deliver content for print and the web, we transformed it into one that delivers fully interactive web-based wizards whose steps are generated automatically based on logic encoded into the source documents. To meet our requirements for the application, we rejected conventional top-down XML or JavaScript frameworks and instead sought to unite JavaScript and XSLT to leverage the strengths of each. Despite being underutilized as a client-side technology, XSLT is still a valuable tool in the development of modern web applications. Its expressive nature, continuing support in browsers, and ability to integrate with a modern virtual DOM-based user interface framework allowed us to build a complex legal forms application that was simpler and more productive than more conventional approaches. Our application demonstrates opportunities fo...
In this study, we used a bioinformatic approach to identify genes whose expression is dysregulate... more In this study, we used a bioinformatic approach to identify genes whose expression is dysregulated in human prostate cancers. One of the most dramatically downregulated genes identified encodes CYP27A1, an enzyme involved in regulating cellular cholesterol homeostasis. Importantly, lower CYP27A1 transcript levels were associated with shorter disease-free survival and higher tumor grade. Loss of CYP27A1 in prostate cancer was confirmed at the protein level by immunostaining for CYP27A1 in annotated tissue microarrays. Restoration of CYP27A1 expression in cells where its gene was silenced attenuated their growth in vitro and in tumor xenografts. Studies performed in vitro revealed that treatment of prostate cancer cells with 27-hydroxycholesterol (27HC), an enzymatic product of CYP27A1, reduced cellular cholesterol content in prostate cancer cell lines by inhibiting the activation of sterol regulatory-element binding protein 2 (SREBP2) and downregulating low-density lipoprotein recept...
Abstract 21518: Ischemic Human Heart Failure is Associated With Decreased Phosphorylation of Pyruvate Dehydrogenase and Triosephosphate Isomerase: Proteomic Evidence Supporting Carbohydrate Utilization Preference in the End-Stage Failing Ischemic Heart
The obligate intracellular bacterium Chlamydia trachomatisis a major human pathogen and a main ca... more The obligate intracellular bacterium Chlamydia trachomatisis a major human pathogen and a main cause of genital and ocular diseases. During its intracellular cycle, C. trachomatisreplicates inside a membrane-bound vacuole termed an "inclusion". Acquisition of lipids (and other nutrients) from the host cell is a critical step in chlamydial replication. Lipid droplets (LD) are ubiquitous, ER-derived neutral lipid-rich storage organelles surrounded by a phospholipids monolayer and associated proteins. Previous studies have shown that LDs accumulate at the periphery of, and eventually translocate into, the chlamydial inclusion. These observations point out to Chlamydia-mediated manipulation of LDs in infected cells, which may impact the function and thereby the protein composition of these organelles. By means of a label-free quantitative mass spectrometry approach we found that the LD proteome is modified in the context of C. trachomatis infection. We determined that LDs isolated from C. trachomatis-infected cells were enriched in proteins related to lipid metabolism, biosynthesis and LD-specific functions. Interestingly, consistent with the observation that LDs intimately associate with the inclusion, a subset of inclusion membrane proteins co-purified with LD protein extracts. Finally, genetic ablation of LDs negatively affected generation of C. trachomatis infectious progeny, consistent with a role for LD biogenesis in optimal chlamydial growth.
Besides being building blocks for protein synthesis, amino acids serve a wide variety of cellular... more Besides being building blocks for protein synthesis, amino acids serve a wide variety of cellular functions, including acting as metabolic intermediates for ATP generation and for redox homeostasis. Upon amino acid deprivation, free uncharged tRNAs trigger GCN2-ATF4 to mediate the well-characterized transcriptional amino acid response (AAR). However, it is not clear whether the deprivation of different individual amino acids triggers identical or distinct AARs. Here, we characterized the global transcriptional response upon deprivation of one amino acid at a time. With the exception of glycine, which was not required for the proliferation of MCF7 cells, we found that the deprivation of most amino acids triggered a shared transcriptional response that included the activation of ATF4, p53 and TXNIP. However, there was also significant heterogeneity among different individual AARs. The most dramatic transcriptional response was triggered by methionine deprivation, which activated an ex...
Introduction: Polymorphisms near the IL28B gene (e.g. rs12979860) encoding interferon l3 have rec... more Introduction: Polymorphisms near the IL28B gene (e.g. rs12979860) encoding interferon l3 have recently been associated with both spontaneous clearance and treatment response to pegIFN/RBV in chronic hepatitis C (CHC) patients. The molecular consequences of this genetic variation are unknown. To gain further insight into IL28B function we assessed the association of rs12979860 with expression of protein quantitative traits (pQTL analysis) generated using open-platform proteomics in serum from patients. Methods: 41 patients with genotype 1 chronic hepatitis C infection from the Duke Liver Clinic were genotyped for rs12979860. Proteomic profiles were generated by LC-MS/MS analysis following immunodepletion of serum with MARS14 columns and trypsin-digestion. Next, a latent factor model was used to classify peptides into metaproteins based on coexpression and using only those peptides with protein identifications. Metaproteins were then analyzed for association with IL28B genotype using one-way analysis of variance. Results: There were a total of 4,186 peptides in the data set with positive identifications. These were matched with 253 proteins of which 110 had two or more associated, identified peptides. The IL28B treatment response genotype (rs12979860_CC) was significantly associated with lower serum levels of corticosteroid binding globulin (CBG; p = 9.2610 26), a major transport protein for glucocorticoids and progestins. Moreover, the CBG metaprotein was associated with treatment response (p = 0.0148), but this association was attenuated when both IL28B genotype and CBG were included in the model, suggesting that the CBG association may be independent of treatment response. Conclusions: In this cohort of chronic hepatitis C patients, IL28B polymorphism was associated with serum levels of corticosteroid binding globulin, a major transporter of cortisol, however, CBG does not appear to mediate the association of IL28B with treatment response. Further investigation of this pathway is warranted to determine if it plays a role in other comorbidities of HCV-infection.
The development of Electronic Health Record (EHR)-based phenotype selection algorithms is a non-t... more The development of Electronic Health Record (EHR)-based phenotype selection algorithms is a non-trivial and highly iterative process involving domain experts and informaticians. To make it easier to port algorithms across institutions, it is desirable to represent them using an unambiguous formal specification language. For this purpose we evaluated the recently developed National Quality Forum (NQF) information model designed for EHR-based quality measures: the Quality Data Model (QDM). We selected 9 phenotyping algorithms that had been previously developed as part of the eMERGE consortium and translated them into QDM format. Our study concluded that the QDM contains several core elements that make it a promising format for EHR-driven phenotyping algorithms for clinical research. However, we also found areas in which the QDM could be usefully extended, such as representing information extracted from clinical text, and the ability to handle algorithms that do not consist of Boolean ...
Identification of Deacetylase Substrates with the Biotin Switch Approach
Methods in Molecular Biology, 2013
The identification of lysine-acetylated proteins and deacetylase substrates has primarily relied ... more The identification of lysine-acetylated proteins and deacetylase substrates has primarily relied on protein immune-affinity techniques with antibodies that recognize acetylated lysine residues (Kac antibodies). While these antibody-based techniques are continuously improving, they can be limited by the narrow and many times unknown epitope specificity of Kac antibodies. An alternative approach is the biotin switch capture of deacetylated proteins. Similar in part to other biotin switch methodologies, this technique relies on the blocking of native lysine residues and removal of the modification of interest in vitro, after which the newly deacetylated proteins can be captured and identified by mass spectrometry (MS). In this chapter, we cover the essential steps of the procedure, highlight key points in the assay to reduce false positive protein identification, and discuss the quantitative MS methods useful for identifying the captured deacetylase substrates. We also discuss potential strategies and future improvements to overcome current limitations of the assay.
We have modified the biotin switch assay for protein S-nitrosothiols (SNOs), using resin-assisted... more We have modified the biotin switch assay for protein S-nitrosothiols (SNOs), using resin-assisted capture (SNO-RAC). Compared with existing methodologies, SNO-RAC requires fewer steps, detects high-mass S-nitrosylated proteins more efficiently, and facilitates identification and quantification of S-nitrosylated sites by mass spectrometry. When combined with iTRAQ labeling, SNO-RAC revealed that intracellular proteins may undergo rapid denitrosylation on a global scale. This methodology is readily adapted to analyzing diverse cysteine-based protein modifications, including S-acylation. Nitric oxide exerts a ubiquitous influence on cellular signaling, in large part by means of Snitrosylation/denitrosylation of protein cysteine residues 1. It is also increasingly apparent that dysregulated S-nitrosylation may play a causal role in a spectrum of human diseases 2, 3, 4. The biotin switch technique (BST) 5 is the most commonly used method to detect cellular Snitrosylation and has greatly advanced the field 5, 6, 7, 8. It comprises three principal steps: blocking free thiols on cysteines by S-methylthiolation with a reactive thiosulfonate, converting SNOs to thiols with ascorbate, and labeling nascent thiols with biotin-HPDP (N-(6-(Biotinamido)hexyl)-3′-(2′-pyridyldithio)-propionamide). The degree of biotinylation (and hence S-nitrosylation) is determined by either anti-biotin immunoblotting or streptavidin pulldown followed by immunoblotting for the protein(s) of interest. The BST is, however, labor intensive and has relatively low throughput. Our simpler assay, SNO-RAC (Fig. 1a and Supplementary Methods online) uses a thiol-reactive resin instead of thiol-reactive biotin, thus combining the obligatory 'labeling' and 'pulldown' steps in the BST. As SNO-RAC results in a covalent disulfide linkage between the SNO site and resin, it is amenable to 'on-resin' trypsinization and peptide labeling, which subserve mass spectrometric methodologies. Side-by-side comparison of the BST and SNO-RAC approaches using human embryonic kidney (HEK293) cells treated with S-nitrosocysteine (CysNO) and performed on individual (Fig. 1b) and total (Fig. 1c) SNO-proteins suggests superior sensitivity of SNO-RAC relative to the BST for proteins larger than ~100 kDa (Fig. 1c), perhaps due to the fewer precipitation
Background: Patient absenteeism for scheduled gastrointestinal (GI) procedures occurs frequently ... more Background: Patient absenteeism for scheduled gastrointestinal (GI) procedures occurs frequently in the U.S. healthcare system. When patients do not arrive for procedure appointments ("no-show"), resources allocated to that appointment are not utilized, resulting in a financial loss. Further, the no-show patient occupies space in the patient queue and delays access to diagnostic and screening procedures. We sought to demonstrate how a predictive model can accurately identify patients at high risk for no-show. Methods: As part of a two-year prospective study that addresses high rates of patient no-show in the Veterans Administration (VA) healthcare network, we identified predictors of absenteeism and developed an algorithm that identifies patients at risk for no-show. Determinants of absenteeism were obtained from the VA's Computerized Patient Record System (CPRS), and these predictors were entered in a forward stepwise logistic regression model to measure the adjusted independent contribution of each clinical variable. From this empirical analysis, each patient was assigned a composite risk score representing the probability that the patient will noshow for a procedure. Results: Data collected on 1397 VA patients indicated that the following variables independently predicted patient no-show for a GI procedure: previous absenteeism for GI appointments; ratio of cancelled appointments to all appointments scheduled for any medical procedure; low socioeconomic status; comorbid medical conditions, as measured by the Charlson Comorbidity Index; and diagnoses of mood, anxiety, conduct, personality, or substance use disorders during the last three years. History of completed GI procedures was a positive predictor of attendance for subsequent GI appointments. Using a predicted probability of missing an appointment of 0.40 as a cutoff, the model predicted missing or making appointments with 85% accuracy. The predictive model had a sensitivity of 40%, a specificity of 96%, a positive predictive value of 67%, and a negative predictive value of 86%. Although the model was not highly sensitive, our goal was to minimize the number of patients predicted to no-show who successfully attend their appointments. Conclusion: A predictive model that uses information from electronic health records can predict whether a patient will attend a GI appointment with a high degree of accuracy. We are currently applying this model prospectively to identify patients at high risk for no-show. The no-show appointment slots are made available to patients waiting in the scheduling queue, allowing them to be seen more quickly than with standard booking. We will test whether this system can reduce the financial losses created by GI procedure absenteeism by improving resource utilization and the efficiency of patient care.
With 8 Figures and one Map. noch sichtbare morphologische Auswirkungen im Kaskaden Gebirge hinter... more With 8 Figures and one Map. noch sichtbare morphologische Auswirkungen im Kaskaden Gebirge hinterlassen hatte.
Viscosity measurements of methanol-water and acetonitrile-water mixtures at pressures up to 3500 bar using a novel capillary time-of-flight viscometer
Journal of Chromatography A, 2006
A new type of viscometer based on the Poiseuille flow principle has been developed that is capabl... more A new type of viscometer based on the Poiseuille flow principle has been developed that is capable of measuring solution viscosities at ultrahigh pressures. The capillary time-of-flight (CTOF) viscometer has been used to measure the viscosity of ...
Nature Biotechnology journal featuring biotechnology articles and science research papers of comm... more Nature Biotechnology journal featuring biotechnology articles and science research papers of commercial interest in pharmaceutical, medical, and environmental sciences.
Background: The goal of many proteomics experiments is to determine the abundance of proteins in ... more Background: The goal of many proteomics experiments is to determine the abundance of proteins in biological samples, and the variation thereof in various physiological conditions. High-throughput quantitative proteomics, specifically label-free LC-MS/MS, allows rapid measurement of thousands of proteins, enabling large-scale studies of various biological systems. Prior to analyzing these information-rich datasets, raw data must undergo several computational processing steps. We present a method to address one of the essential steps in proteomics data processing-the matching of peptide measurements across samples. Results: We describe a novel method for label-free proteomics data alignment with the ability to incorporate previously unused aspects of the data, particularly ion mobility drift times and product ion information. We compare the results of our alignment method to PEPPeR and OpenMS, and compare alignment accuracy achieved by different versions of our method utilizing various data characteristics. Our method results in increased match recall rates and similar or improved mismatch rates compared to PEPPeR and OpenMS feature-based alignment. We also show that the inclusion of drift time and product ion information results in higher recall rates and more confident matches, without increases in error rates. Conclusions: Based on the results presented here, we argue that the incorporation of ion mobility drift time and product ion information are worthy pursuits. Alignment methods should be flexible enough to utilize all available data, particularly with recent advancements in experimental separation methods.
Quantitative Proteomics Of The Cytokine-Modulated Nos2 Interactome In Airway Epithelium
American Journal of …, 2011
Page 1. / Thematic Poster Session / Wednesday, May 18/8:15 AM-4:30 PM / Area L, Hall B (Upper D35... more Page 1. / Thematic Poster Session / Wednesday, May 18/8:15 AM-4:30 PM / Area L, Hall B (Upper D35 OXIDANTS AND ANTIOXIDANTS Level), Colorado Convention Center Quantitative Proteomics Of The Cytokine-Modulated Nos2 Interactome In Airway Epithelium ...
Papers by Will Thompson