Royce Wiles
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Papers by Royce Wiles
1 Tattvārthasūtra (TattvāSū.)
2 Praśamaratiprakaraṇa (PraRaPra.)
3 Śrāvakācāra
4 Jambūdvīpasamāsa
5 Pūjāprakaraṇa = Pūjāvidhiprakaraṇa
canon, the primary scriptures of Theravāda Buddhism. This is the story of a recent project to preserve and record the stones.
Śvetāmbara Jains, with introduction and notes by Jozef Deleu
(1925-1994), was published in Dutch in 1969.1 We
translated it into English and reproduced Deleu’s edition of
the Ārdha-Māgadhī text, hoping to make this contribution to
Jain studies available to a wider audience.
A number of changes were made to improve the readability
of the text. Deleu used many abbreviations in his introduction
and in the edition of the text, these have for the
most part been given here in full and a list of those abbreviations retained has been added. Similarly Deleu’s style is
sometimes rather brief and in a few places an explanatory
word or two has been inserted for the sake of clarity, all such
translators’ additions are within square brackets accompanied
by an asterisk, [*]. A few footnotes have also been
added, these are also clearly identified. Other minor changes
and corrections, with the exception of obvious misprints,
have been given in the list of alterations. The variants
printed at the end of Deleu’s original text have been given
here beneath the relevant paragraphs, a few additions have
been made to the variants.
Bulletin d’études indiennes (Paris) 16:161–77.
Books by Royce Wiles
1 Tattvārthasūtra (TattvāSū.)
2 Praśamaratiprakaraṇa (PraRaPra.)
3 Śrāvakācāra
4 Jambūdvīpasamāsa
5 Pūjāprakaraṇa = Pūjāvidhiprakaraṇa
canon, the primary scriptures of Theravāda Buddhism. This is the story of a recent project to preserve and record the stones.
Śvetāmbara Jains, with introduction and notes by Jozef Deleu
(1925-1994), was published in Dutch in 1969.1 We
translated it into English and reproduced Deleu’s edition of
the Ārdha-Māgadhī text, hoping to make this contribution to
Jain studies available to a wider audience.
A number of changes were made to improve the readability
of the text. Deleu used many abbreviations in his introduction
and in the edition of the text, these have for the
most part been given here in full and a list of those abbreviations retained has been added. Similarly Deleu’s style is
sometimes rather brief and in a few places an explanatory
word or two has been inserted for the sake of clarity, all such
translators’ additions are within square brackets accompanied
by an asterisk, [*]. A few footnotes have also been
added, these are also clearly identified. Other minor changes
and corrections, with the exception of obvious misprints,
have been given in the list of alterations. The variants
printed at the end of Deleu’s original text have been given
here beneath the relevant paragraphs, a few additions have
been made to the variants.
Bulletin d’études indiennes (Paris) 16:161–77.