Papers by Adv. Wikarya F. Dirun, SH, MH, CIL
Wikarya F Dirun , 2022
Dalam membuat memori kasasi banyak yang terjebak dengan mempersoalkan fakta/pembuktian, sementara... more Dalam membuat memori kasasi banyak yang terjebak dengan mempersoalkan fakta/pembuktian, sementara hal yang dipersoalkan dalam kasası adalah benar tidaknya penerapan hukum yang dilakukan Judex Factie dalam memeriksa, mengadili dan memutuskan suatu perkara. Untuk itu diberikan contoh bagaimana membuat memori kasassi yang benar yang alasan/argumentasi hukumnya dibenarkan semua oleh Mahkamah Agung sebagaimana putusan MARI dalam lampiran contoh memori kasasi ini. Demikian dan semoga bisa bermanfaat Amin.
Putusan PTA Palangka Raya “Khilaf atau Dikhilafkan”, Persoalannya obyek tanah wakaf dinyatakan bu... more Putusan PTA Palangka Raya “Khilaf atau Dikhilafkan”, Persoalannya obyek tanah wakaf dinyatakan bukan kewenangan Pengadilan Agama. Uniknya lagi, analisisnya menggunakan hal yang berlaku di PTUN. Silahkan disimpulkan setelah membaca memori kasasi ini.
Skripsi sy ini kendati sudah usang (1990), namun tetap relevan dalan konteks UU Hak Cipta di era... more Skripsi sy ini kendati sudah usang (1990), namun tetap relevan dalan konteks UU Hak Cipta di era kini, smg bermanfaat khususnya bagi para pekerja seni
Wikarya F Dirun, 2020
Contoh Kontra Memori Banding , Terbanding tidak perlu tanggapi dalil banding yang substansinya ... more Contoh Kontra Memori Banding , Terbanding tidak perlu tanggapi dalil banding yang substansinya bukan pertimbangan Judex Factie dalam memutuskan perkara. Contoh ini diamini oleh PT sebagaimana putusannya terlampir. Dmkn smg bermanfaat.
Sengeketa Tanah Eakaf, 2020
Putusan ini terkait erat dg gugatan Onrechtmatige & kesimpulan sengketa tanah wakaf yg sdh diuplo... more Putusan ini terkait erat dg gugatan Onrechtmatige & kesimpulan sengketa tanah wakaf yg sdh diupload di link ini, kendati pertimbangannya krg cantik, setidak-tidaknya dpt jd refenrensi utk bljr menangani ks hukum dg baik. Smg bermanfaat Amin.
Kaidah Hukum; Putusan Judex Factie yang tidak cukup dipertimbangkan dan tidak dibuktikannya dalil... more Kaidah Hukum; Putusan Judex Factie yang tidak cukup dipertimbangkan dan tidak dibuktikannya dalil gugatan bahwa tanah Penggugat adalah tanah adat adalah alasan MARI untuk menolak gugatan Pengggugat (dokomen dari kasus yang ditangani)
Desain Penelitian Tesis:
SEBAGAI ... more Desain Penelitian Tesis:
Ks korupsi dalam memori kasasi ini hemat kami luar biasa lucunya, sb hanya ada satu terdakwa dan ... more Ks korupsi dalam memori kasasi ini hemat kami luar biasa lucunya, sb hanya ada satu terdakwa dan terdakwa lainnya terindikasi sengaja dilepas. Selain itu menarik pula untuk dikaji sebab secara ilmiah dapat dibuktikan adanya kekeliruan hakim namun terdakwa tetap dinyatakan bersalah.
Drafts by Adv. Wikarya F. Dirun, SH, MH, CIL
Gugatan Onrechmatige daad, 2019
Ini adalah gugatan onrechtmatige daad yg tergolong unik, sebab didalamnya ada kewenangan peradil... more Ini adalah gugatan onrechtmatige daad yg tergolong unik, sebab didalamnya ada kewenangan peradilan umum dan tata usaha negara, namun diajukan di Pengadilan Agama yang terurai lengkap dan jelas yang sangat bagus sebagai referensi utk bisa membuat gugatan perbuatan melanggar hukum dengan gugatan yang lengkap dan tuntas. Demikian dan semoga bermanfaat. Utk episode lanjutan atas kasus ini akan diposting juga kesimpulannya utk referensi bagaimana membuat kesimpulan penggugat atas semua peristiwa hukum yang terungkap dipersidangan yang baik dan benar.
Contoh membuat kontra memori kasasi terjadap memori kasasi yang mengajukan keberatan terhadap pen... more Contoh membuat kontra memori kasasi terjadap memori kasasi yang mengajukan keberatan terhadap penilaian atas pembuktian yg tidak tunduk dalam pemerilsaan kasasi di Mahkamah Agung Republik Indonesia.
Teaching Documents by Adv. Wikarya F. Dirun, SH, MH, CIL
Contoh membuat kesimpulan perkara perdata, 2020
Kesimpulan adalah analisis terhadap semua fakta yang terungkap di Persidangan. Kesimpulan ini ad... more Kesimpulan adalah analisis terhadap semua fakta yang terungkap di Persidangan. Kesimpulan ini ada kaitannya dengan gugatan Onrechtmatig yang saya posting kemarin. Semoga bermanfaat sebagai referensi untuk bisa membuat kesimpulan yang benar dalam perkara perdata.
Thesis Chapters by Adv. Wikarya F. Dirun, SH, MH, CIL

Wikarya F. Dirun, 2017. ACCOUNTABILITY REPORT AS BPKP investigative audit DECISION BY TH... more ABSTRACT
Wikarya F. Dirun, 2017. ACCOUNTABILITY REPORT AS BPKP investigative audit DECISION BY THE ADMINISTRATION (STUDY OF COURT ADMINISTRATION DECISION Palangkaraya STATE NUMBER: 10 / G / 2015 / PTUN-PLK DATED 07 OCTOBER 2015). Thesis Master of Law Science, Graduate Program University of Palangka Raya. Under the guidance of Dr. Marsel Selamat, SH., MH and Dr. Heriamariaty, SH., M.Hum
Report the results of an investigative audit (RRIA) BPKP in many ruling State Administrative Court (AC) on the one hand there are the states as an administrative decision (SAD) and on the other hand there are states not SAD or SAD are excluded, and the administrative court ruling Palangka Raya Otherwise excluded SAD. Therefore, in this research, the issue of law is raised: The existence of RRIA BPKP as the object of dispute in AC Palangka Raya and its legal considerations which decide the Plaintiff's claim is unacceptable, in order to know and understand the existence of RRIA as the object of the dispute and to understand and analyze the judge's consideration Deciding the lawsuit is unacceptable
This research was conducted with contrasting normative legal research on equity theory, the theory of legal norms, the authority theory, theory and legal purposes to approach the problem through approach to the concept, legislation and legal norms as well as with the approach of the case.
The results can be described as follows:
1. RRIA BPKP issued on the basis of the authority of attribution and in the framework of official assistance so that it exists as a dispute object in the AC. But it does not exist in defining the element of state financial loss in the criminal act of corruption for violating procedural audit. The RRIA should be revoked as a consequence of liability of authority, but this is not done under the pretext of responsibility charged to those in need of official assistance. In the end, the Investigator issued a Termination of Inquiry Letter on the case. Thus the blurring of the legal norms on what is meant by the SAD and its Accountability in the Administrative Law and Government Administration Law needs to be revised soon.
2. The legal considerations in the Decision of the State Administrative Court of Palangkaraya are erroneous as causa mistakenly constatir between facts with the law. In the future, it is expected that judges who try a case must be extra careful in conjuncing a legal fact / event with applied law, so that the legal purpose to achieve justice, certainty and benefit for the nation and state can be realized.
Keywords: RRIA BPKP As State Administration Decision
Papers by Adv. Wikarya F. Dirun, SH, MH, CIL
Drafts by Adv. Wikarya F. Dirun, SH, MH, CIL
Teaching Documents by Adv. Wikarya F. Dirun, SH, MH, CIL
Thesis Chapters by Adv. Wikarya F. Dirun, SH, MH, CIL
Wikarya F. Dirun, 2017. ACCOUNTABILITY REPORT AS BPKP investigative audit DECISION BY THE ADMINISTRATION (STUDY OF COURT ADMINISTRATION DECISION Palangkaraya STATE NUMBER: 10 / G / 2015 / PTUN-PLK DATED 07 OCTOBER 2015). Thesis Master of Law Science, Graduate Program University of Palangka Raya. Under the guidance of Dr. Marsel Selamat, SH., MH and Dr. Heriamariaty, SH., M.Hum
Report the results of an investigative audit (RRIA) BPKP in many ruling State Administrative Court (AC) on the one hand there are the states as an administrative decision (SAD) and on the other hand there are states not SAD or SAD are excluded, and the administrative court ruling Palangka Raya Otherwise excluded SAD. Therefore, in this research, the issue of law is raised: The existence of RRIA BPKP as the object of dispute in AC Palangka Raya and its legal considerations which decide the Plaintiff's claim is unacceptable, in order to know and understand the existence of RRIA as the object of the dispute and to understand and analyze the judge's consideration Deciding the lawsuit is unacceptable
This research was conducted with contrasting normative legal research on equity theory, the theory of legal norms, the authority theory, theory and legal purposes to approach the problem through approach to the concept, legislation and legal norms as well as with the approach of the case.
The results can be described as follows:
1. RRIA BPKP issued on the basis of the authority of attribution and in the framework of official assistance so that it exists as a dispute object in the AC. But it does not exist in defining the element of state financial loss in the criminal act of corruption for violating procedural audit. The RRIA should be revoked as a consequence of liability of authority, but this is not done under the pretext of responsibility charged to those in need of official assistance. In the end, the Investigator issued a Termination of Inquiry Letter on the case. Thus the blurring of the legal norms on what is meant by the SAD and its Accountability in the Administrative Law and Government Administration Law needs to be revised soon.
2. The legal considerations in the Decision of the State Administrative Court of Palangkaraya are erroneous as causa mistakenly constatir between facts with the law. In the future, it is expected that judges who try a case must be extra careful in conjuncing a legal fact / event with applied law, so that the legal purpose to achieve justice, certainty and benefit for the nation and state can be realized.
Keywords: RRIA BPKP As State Administration Decision
Wikarya F. Dirun, 2017. ACCOUNTABILITY REPORT AS BPKP investigative audit DECISION BY THE ADMINISTRATION (STUDY OF COURT ADMINISTRATION DECISION Palangkaraya STATE NUMBER: 10 / G / 2015 / PTUN-PLK DATED 07 OCTOBER 2015). Thesis Master of Law Science, Graduate Program University of Palangka Raya. Under the guidance of Dr. Marsel Selamat, SH., MH and Dr. Heriamariaty, SH., M.Hum
Report the results of an investigative audit (RRIA) BPKP in many ruling State Administrative Court (AC) on the one hand there are the states as an administrative decision (SAD) and on the other hand there are states not SAD or SAD are excluded, and the administrative court ruling Palangka Raya Otherwise excluded SAD. Therefore, in this research, the issue of law is raised: The existence of RRIA BPKP as the object of dispute in AC Palangka Raya and its legal considerations which decide the Plaintiff's claim is unacceptable, in order to know and understand the existence of RRIA as the object of the dispute and to understand and analyze the judge's consideration Deciding the lawsuit is unacceptable
This research was conducted with contrasting normative legal research on equity theory, the theory of legal norms, the authority theory, theory and legal purposes to approach the problem through approach to the concept, legislation and legal norms as well as with the approach of the case.
The results can be described as follows:
1. RRIA BPKP issued on the basis of the authority of attribution and in the framework of official assistance so that it exists as a dispute object in the AC. But it does not exist in defining the element of state financial loss in the criminal act of corruption for violating procedural audit. The RRIA should be revoked as a consequence of liability of authority, but this is not done under the pretext of responsibility charged to those in need of official assistance. In the end, the Investigator issued a Termination of Inquiry Letter on the case. Thus the blurring of the legal norms on what is meant by the SAD and its Accountability in the Administrative Law and Government Administration Law needs to be revised soon.
2. The legal considerations in the Decision of the State Administrative Court of Palangkaraya are erroneous as causa mistakenly constatir between facts with the law. In the future, it is expected that judges who try a case must be extra careful in conjuncing a legal fact / event with applied law, so that the legal purpose to achieve justice, certainty and benefit for the nation and state can be realized.
Keywords: RRIA BPKP As State Administration Decision