Papers by Wahyu Kartika Wienanda

Eralingua: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Asing dan Sastra
Students nowadays are accustomed to vast yet short information coming from various digital platfo... more Students nowadays are accustomed to vast yet short information coming from various digital platforms. This affects their concentration span in a negative way and causes a difficulty in focus, including reading a longer text. This study aims to investigate how extensive reading practice improves students' motivation in reading. Specifically, this study aims to elaborate students' experience in English for General Reading subject, how far the extensive reading practice can increase students' reading efficacy, and what impact the practice gives to students' curiosity on specific topics. The finding is expected to uncover new possible ways, which educators can implement to match varied learning needs by optimizing the effectiveness of the activity. Data of this phenomenology study was taken through observation during the class and online questionnaire as the class evaluation after the class has finished. A number of semi-structured interviews were also conducted to a number of students to gain a deeper understanding of the phenomena. The interviews are transcribed, coded, and analysed using thematic analysis. This study found that extensive reading practice helps students improving their reading motivation in general, through enjoyment on familiar subjects, reading efficacy, as well as engagement on new topics.

Jurnal Gama Societa
Guna menarik konsumer untuk membeli sebuah produk, produsen harus menerapkan strategi promosi, sa... more Guna menarik konsumer untuk membeli sebuah produk, produsen harus menerapkan strategi promosi, salah satunya dengan membuat iklan yang unik dan berbeda dari lini produk serupa. Brand ambassador dapat menjadi salah satu faktor penentu sebuah iklan dianggap menarik perhatian khalayak yang dituju. Bukan hanya itu, visual dan pemilihan kata yang tepat juga diperlukan untuk menyampaikan pesan dari sebuah produk yang diiklankan. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis representasi semiotika dari iklan Mie Sedaap Korean Spicy Chicken pada kanal YouTube milik Mie Sedaap. Teori analisis semiotika milik Peirce (1955) digunakan sebagai acuan dalam membedakan ikon, indeks, dan simbol yang terdapat pada iklan Mie Sedaap untuk memahami pesan yang disampaikan dalam mempromosikan varian terbarunya. Selain itu, analisis juga dilakukan untuk melihat keaslian (authenticity) yang ditunjukkan melalui tiga tanda semiotika yang ada. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ikon video iklan ini adalah Choi Siwon s...

Some concepts in English grammar usually confuse students such as the use of articles and tenses.... more Some concepts in English grammar usually confuse students such as the use of articles and tenses. More interesting learning methods such as flipped class and e-learning using video are needed to improve students’ understanding about English grammar. The purpose of this paper is to convey the making process of instructional video for students of Basic Grammar Classes of the English Program, Vocational College, Universitas Gadjah Mada. There are two instructional videos made consisting of two topics; quantifiers and forms of others. The making process was from June to September 2018. The results show that the making process of instructional videos includes video content preparation, shooting process and editing. Video content making includes compiling materials, writing script and arranging storyboard. Meanwhile the shooting and editing processes were handled by a professional video maker. The constraints faced during the shooting process were the difficulty to act naturally and to ...

Skripsi Jurusan Sastra Inggris Fakultas Sastra Um, Dec 2, 2013
ABSTRAK Wienanda, Wahyu Kartika. 2012. Gender Balance as Represented in English Coursebook Enti... more ABSTRAK Wienanda, Wahyu Kartika. 2012. Gender Balance as Represented in English Coursebook Entitled ‘English On Sky 1’. Skripsi. Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Negeri Malang. Pembimbing: Dr. Mirjam Anugerahwati, M.A. Kata Kunci: buku teks Bahasa Inggris, English On Sky 1, kesetaraan jender, evaluasi Kesetaraan jender menjadi salah satu aspek yang perlu dievaluasi dalam proses evaluasi buku teks, terutama buku teks Bahasa Inggris. Hal ini dikarenakan representasi jender yang tidak berimbang dapat menimbulkan persepsi stereotip pada peserta didik. Untuk itulah, skripsi in mengkaji representasi jender pada buku teks Bahasa Inggris berjudul English On Sky 1. Tujuan dari studi ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi apakanh buku teks tersebut telah menggambarkan kedua jender secara setara. Beberapa aspek yang diteliti antara lain: (1) jumlah kemunculan pada ilustrasi dan jumlah orang terkenal yang disebutkan, (2) jumlah pekerjaan dan jenisnya, (3) jumlah kemunculan pada dialog, (4) ke’pertamaan’, (5) jenis kata sifat (adjectives) untuk jender yang berbeda, (6) jenis tugas rumah tangga dan hobi, (7) istilah general dan penamaan, serta (8) topik dialog dan panjangnya ungkapan. Studi ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dan kualitatif dalam mengumpulkan data. Data kuantitatif meliputi data nomor (1) hingga (4), sedangkan data kualitatif meliputi nomor (5) hingga (8). Penulis juga menggunakan ceklis yang dikermbangkan kriteria yang diajukan oleh Porreca (1984) dan Sadker dan Sadker (2001) sebagaimena dikutip oleh Chafiaa (2011). Data yang terkumpul akan dideskripsikan secara kualitatif. Jumlah kemunculan pada ilustrasi untuk kedua jender sudah setara dengan selisih 8.60%, selisih untuk penyebutan orang terkenal mencapai 13.64%, dan selisih untuk jumlah pekerjaan mencapai 11.68%. Hasil tersebut dianggap setara. Sedangkan untuk jumlah kemunculan pada dialog dan ke-’pertamaan’, selisihnya mencapai 33.88% dan 49% masing-masing, termasuk agak bias. Untuk data kualitatif, English On Sky 1 memberikan gambaran yang tidak berimbang untuk laki-laki dan perempuan pada materi yang ada. Dikarenakan studi ini hanya menganalisa sebuah buku, butuh adanya perubahan dan pengembangan untuk peneliti yang akan melakukan studi dengan topik yang sama. Tidak lupa, studi ini diharapkan bisa menjadi salah satu referensi untuk mengevaluasi buku teks dalam hal representasi jender

JLA (Jurnal Lingua Applicata)
Several studies have identified women's image in beverage advertisements, but there has been ... more Several studies have identified women's image in beverage advertisements, but there has been not much research into the women’s image presented in vitamin drink commercials along with their slogans. This study focuses on an analysis of verbal and non-verbal signs of 2 vitamin drink commercials, namely YOU C1000 and Hemaviton C1000, from YouTube. Qualitative content analysis based on Peirce’s (1940) semiotics theory was used to analyse the verbal and non-verbal signs presented in the commercials, while the image of women proposed by Hung & Li (2006) was used to identify women’s image in the commercials. The findings suggest that in general, the commercials have tried to break the common traditional stereotypes of women’s image, even though some parts were still a bit stereotypical. The most common women’s image shown in the video is ‘a strong woman’. Moreover, the slogans of YOU C1000 and Hemaviton C1000 are trying to show that women can also do outdoor activities. The finding in...

: Students’ Gender, Anxiety, and Speaking Performance in the Indonesian EFL Context . This study ... more : Students’ Gender, Anxiety, and Speaking Performance in the Indonesian EFL Context . This study aimed at revealing the relationship between gender, anxiety, and speaking performance in the Indonesian EFL context. The data for this correlational study were collected through a modified Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale (FLCAS) questionnaire consisting of 43 six-Likert-scale items and an informal teacher-made oral test, which were administered to 40 freshmen, 20 males and 20 females, of English Department. The result indicated that students experienced a moderate level of anx- iety, which negatively correlated to their speaking performance. However, the correlation was more significant in the male group, indicating the debilitative impact of Foreign Language Anxiety (FLA) to speaking performance. FLA also contributed quite significantly to the speaking performance of the male group than the female one. When included in the computation process, gender was found to not significan...

Penulisan artikel penelitian merupakan kebutuhan para dosen dan mahasiswa. Sayangnya, publikasi j... more Penulisan artikel penelitian merupakan kebutuhan para dosen dan mahasiswa. Sayangnya, publikasi jurnal yang dihasilkan oleh mahasiswa, khususnya pada program studi Bahasa Inggris Terapan (Prodi S.Tr. BI), Sekolah Vokasi UGM belum optimal. Untuk itu, Prodi S.Tr. BI menyediakan mata kuliah academic writing untuk melatih kemampuan menulis mahasiswa guna menghasilkan manuskrip hasil penelitian yang layak terbit. Penelitian ini bertujuan mencari tahu kebutuhan mahasiswa dalam mata kuliah academic writing dengan luaran pembelajaran berupa manuskrip hasil penelitian. Metode pengumpulan data mencakup wawancara pada 20 mahasiswa alih program yang telah mengambil mata kuliah metode penelitian dan academic writing , dan wawancara pada 3 editor jurnal . Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: 1) pada bagian Introduction mahasiswa perlu menuliskan gap penelitian; 2) pada bagian Methods mahasiswa perlu menjelaskan metode dengan cukup rinci termasuk alasan pemilihan partisipan penelitian; 3) pada bag...

Journal of Education and Learning (EduLearn)
In the workplace, hard skills and soft skills are equally taken into account, especially in this ... more In the workplace, hard skills and soft skills are equally taken into account, especially in this 21st century, where people are required to have ‘global employability skills’ to secure a good job. This study aims to determine the benefits of international mobility programs have on the ability of soft skills, especially in the aspects of communication, social skills and flexibility—as parts of ‘global employability skills’--of students and alumni of a Vocational College within three years from 2017 to 2019. The research method used is by distributing questionnaires Google Form with Likert Scale format from strongly disagree to strongly agree scale 1-5. Research subjects were active students and graduates of Vocational College (Sekolah Vokasi) UGM who had participated in international mobility programs, both incoming and outgoing programs, organized by the OIA SV-UGM, in 2017-2019. The respondents were 60 people. The results showed that the developed soft skills were language and comm...

Jurnal Pendidikan Vokasi
Bahasa Inggris I is a compulsory subject for all study programs at Vocational College, Universita... more Bahasa Inggris I is a compulsory subject for all study programs at Vocational College, Universitas Gadjah Mada. In its implementation, the teaching materials used have not been completely tailored to the needs of the stakeholders in relation to the competence and skills of the English language. Therefore, this research aims to analyze the English competence and skills needed by the stakeholders and also students’ perception of good teaching materials from various study programs at Vocational College UGM. The methods used in collecting data are questionnaire and interview. The questionnaire is distributed to the first semester students from all applied bachelor programs in Vocational College UGM using stratified random sampling method. In addition, the interview is done with all heads of applied bachelor programs in Vocational College UGM for triangulation. The results show that the students are in the beginner level or basic users (A2 level in Common European Framework of Reference ...

JLA (Jurnal Lingua Applicata)
Concrete and practical competencies matching the workforce needs have an essential role in constr... more Concrete and practical competencies matching the workforce needs have an essential role in constructing the employability of the graduates, especially during MEA era where the graduates are expected to compete internationally. To accommodate this purpose, D-III English SV-UGM provides a number of professional concentrations for the students, including Business Administration (BA) and Public Relation (PR) to give them practical skills that are applicable in the workforce. In light of this circumstance, the present research aims at remapping the graduate competencies to be mastered by the students of D-III English concentrating on BA and PR and revealing the intersections of the competencies. Library study, questionnaire administration, and interview were conducted to obtain the data from the stakeholders. The results show that the graduates concentrating in BA are highly expected to give excellent service to the clients and customers, to maintain documents and letters, and have a goo...

BRIGHT - A Journal of English Language Teaching, Linguistics and Literature, 2019
Some concepts in English grammar usually confuse students such as the use of articles and tenses.... more Some concepts in English grammar usually confuse students such as the use of articles and tenses. More interesting learning methods such as flipped class and e-learning using video are needed to improve students' understanding about English grammar. The purpose of this paper is to convey the making process of instructional video for students of Basic Grammar Classes of the English Program, Vocational College, Universitas Gadjah Mada. There are two instructional videos made consisting of two topics; quantifiers and forms of others. The making process was from June to September 2018. The results show that the making process of instructional videos includes video content preparation, shooting process and editing. Video content making includes compiling materials, writing script and arranging storyboard. Meanwhile the shooting and editing processes were handled by a professional video maker. The constraints faced during the shooting process were the difficulty to act naturally and to remember the lines also problem of sound noise. The use of animation also becomes constraint in editing process since more time and energy were consumed to finish the video.
Papers by Wahyu Kartika Wienanda