Best Practice yang berjudul “Meningkatkan Kemampuan
Membaca Peserta Didik Materi Narrative Text M... more Best Practice yang berjudul “Meningkatkan Kemampuan Membaca Peserta Didik Materi Narrative Text Menggunakan Model Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning Berbantuan Story Mapping Pada Kelas XI IPS 1 Di SMA Negeri 1 Wangon."
Christian vocational school 5 located in Tegalyoso the village of Southern Klaten District of Kla... more Christian vocational school 5 located in Tegalyoso the village of Southern Klaten District of Klaten, Central Java province. Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) Klaten have instructional materials guide books disaster in which there are materials on disaster. The strategies used influence on student learning outcomes. This study uses a sort card strategy aims to test the effectiveness of the instructional materials, as an active strategy can affect students in receiving knowledge appropriate to the learning objectives. This type of research is quantitative experimental method. The population in this study amounted to 62 students by using samples of two classes, extracurricular school disaster preparedness as an experimental class and extracurricular type the ten fingers as the control class. Grading seen from the average value of students in a repeat of mid semester of the academic year 2015/2016. Learning in the classroom lecture control using conventional methods while the ...
The aims of the research were: (1) to know how good the students‟ mastery the word formation of v... more The aims of the research were: (1) to know how good the students‟ mastery the word formation of verb. (2) to know what kinds of error that were made by the students in using word formation of verb. The sample of this research was 34 students, the researcher took 25% from the population. The data was collected through the test. Test was sequence of questions which were used to measure students‟ verb transformation mastery. The data were analyzed by using descriptive study. The writer took the data on June 17th 2014 at the Fourth Semester Students of English Department University of Muhammadiyah Purwokerto. After the data had been analyzed, there were three categories of individual students‟ mastery for very good, good and fair. The first category was very good for 81% - 100%, 3 students (8.82%) got very good. Second category was good for 61% - 80%, for this category there were 20 students (58.82%). The last category was fair for 41% - 60%, there were 11 students (32.36%). In conclusi...
Best Practice yang berjudul “Meningkatkan Kemampuan
Membaca Peserta Didik Materi Narrative Text M... more Best Practice yang berjudul “Meningkatkan Kemampuan Membaca Peserta Didik Materi Narrative Text Menggunakan Model Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning Berbantuan Story Mapping Pada Kelas XI IPS 1 Di SMA Negeri 1 Wangon."
Christian vocational school 5 located in Tegalyoso the village of Southern Klaten District of Kla... more Christian vocational school 5 located in Tegalyoso the village of Southern Klaten District of Klaten, Central Java province. Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) Klaten have instructional materials guide books disaster in which there are materials on disaster. The strategies used influence on student learning outcomes. This study uses a sort card strategy aims to test the effectiveness of the instructional materials, as an active strategy can affect students in receiving knowledge appropriate to the learning objectives. This type of research is quantitative experimental method. The population in this study amounted to 62 students by using samples of two classes, extracurricular school disaster preparedness as an experimental class and extracurricular type the ten fingers as the control class. Grading seen from the average value of students in a repeat of mid semester of the academic year 2015/2016. Learning in the classroom lecture control using conventional methods while the ...
The aims of the research were: (1) to know how good the students‟ mastery the word formation of v... more The aims of the research were: (1) to know how good the students‟ mastery the word formation of verb. (2) to know what kinds of error that were made by the students in using word formation of verb. The sample of this research was 34 students, the researcher took 25% from the population. The data was collected through the test. Test was sequence of questions which were used to measure students‟ verb transformation mastery. The data were analyzed by using descriptive study. The writer took the data on June 17th 2014 at the Fourth Semester Students of English Department University of Muhammadiyah Purwokerto. After the data had been analyzed, there were three categories of individual students‟ mastery for very good, good and fair. The first category was very good for 81% - 100%, 3 students (8.82%) got very good. Second category was good for 61% - 80%, for this category there were 20 students (58.82%). The last category was fair for 41% - 60%, there were 11 students (32.36%). In conclusi...
Papers by Wahid Rahmadi
Membaca Peserta Didik Materi Narrative Text Menggunakan Model Pembelajaran Problem Based
Learning Berbantuan Story Mapping Pada Kelas XI IPS 1 Di SMA Negeri 1 Wangon."
Membaca Peserta Didik Materi Narrative Text Menggunakan Model Pembelajaran Problem Based
Learning Berbantuan Story Mapping Pada Kelas XI IPS 1 Di SMA Negeri 1 Wangon."